blob: 593b6e63e8123bb7094639ccfee983b79917fc9d [file] [log] [blame]
package impl_test
import (
_ ""
const (
// TODO(caprita): Set the timeout in a more principled manner.
stopTimeout = 20 // In seconds.
func envelopeFromShell(sh *modules.Shell, env []string, cmd, title string, args ...string) application.Envelope {
args, nenv := sh.CommandEnvelope(cmd, env, args...)
return application.Envelope{
Title: title,
Args: args[1:],
// TODO(caprita): revisit how the environment is sanitized for arbirary
// apps.
Env: impl.VeyronEnvironment(nenv),
Binary: mockBinaryRepoName,
// resolveExpectNotFound verifies that the given name is not in the mounttable.
func resolveExpectNotFound(t *testing.T, name string) {
if results, err := globalRT.Namespace().Resolve(globalRT.NewContext(), name); err == nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Resolve(%v) succeeded with results %v when it was expected to fail", name, results))
} else if expectErr := naming.ErrNoSuchName.ID; !verror2.Is(err, expectErr) {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Resolve(%v) failed with error %v, expected error ID %v", name, err, expectErr))
// resolve looks up the given name in the mounttable.
func resolve(t *testing.T, name string, replicas int) []string {
results, err := globalRT.Namespace().Resolve(globalRT.NewContext(), name)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Resolve(%v) failed: %v", name, err)
filteredResults := []string{}
for _, r := range results {
if strings.Index(r, "@tcp") != -1 {
filteredResults = append(filteredResults, r)
// We are going to get a websocket and a tcp endpoint for each replica.
if want, got := replicas, len(filteredResults); want != got {
t.Fatalf("Resolve(%v) expected %d result(s), got %d instead", name, want, got)
return filteredResults
// The following set of functions are convenience wrappers around Update and
// Revert for device manager.
func deviceStub(name string) device.DeviceClientMethods {
deviceName := naming.Join(name, "device")
return device.DeviceClient(deviceName)
func updateDeviceExpectError(t *testing.T, name string, errID verror.ID) {
if err := deviceStub(name).Update(globalRT.NewContext()); !verror2.Is(err, errID) {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Update(%v) expected to fail with %v, got %v instead", name, errID, err))
func updateDevice(t *testing.T, name string) {
if err := deviceStub(name).Update(globalRT.NewContext()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Update(%v) failed: %v", name, err))
func revertDeviceExpectError(t *testing.T, name string, errID verror.ID) {
if err := deviceStub(name).Revert(globalRT.NewContext()); !verror2.Is(err, errID) {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Revert(%v) expected to fail with %v, got %v instead", name, errID, err))
func revertDevice(t *testing.T, name string) {
if err := deviceStub(name).Revert(globalRT.NewContext()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Revert(%v) failed: %v", name, err))
func stopDevice(t *testing.T, name string) {
if err := deviceStub(name).Stop(globalRT.NewContext(), stopTimeout); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(1+1, "%s: Stop(%v) failed: %v", name, err))
func suspendDevice(t *testing.T, name string) {
if err := deviceStub(name).Suspend(globalRT.NewContext()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(1+1, "%s: Suspend(%v) failed: %v", name, err))
// The following set of functions are convenience wrappers around various app
// management methods.
func ort(opt []veyron2.Runtime) veyron2.Runtime {
if len(opt) > 0 {
return opt[0]
} else {
return globalRT
func appStub(nameComponents ...string) device.ApplicationClientMethods {
appsName := "dm//apps"
appName := naming.Join(append([]string{appsName}, nameComponents...)...)
return device.ApplicationClient(appName)
func installApp(t *testing.T, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) string {
appID, err := appStub().Install(ort(opt).NewContext(), mockApplicationRepoName)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Install failed: %v", err))
return appID
type granter struct {
p security.Principal
extension string
func (g *granter) Grant(other security.Blessings) (security.Blessings, error) {
return g.p.Bless(other.PublicKey(), g.p.BlessingStore().Default(), g.extension, security.UnconstrainedUse())
func startAppImpl(t *testing.T, appID, grant string, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) (string, error) {
var opts []ipc.CallOpt
if grant != "" {
opts = append(opts, &granter{p: ort(opt).Principal(), extension: grant})
if instanceIDs, err := appStub(appID).Start(ort(opt).NewContext(), opts...); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
if want, got := 1, len(instanceIDs); want != got {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Start(%v): expected %v instance ids, got %v instead", appID, want, got))
return instanceIDs[0], nil
func startApp(t *testing.T, appID string, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) string {
instanceID, err := startAppImpl(t, appID, "forapp", opt...)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Start(%v) failed: %v", appID, err))
return instanceID
func startAppExpectError(t *testing.T, appID string, expectedError verror.ID, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) {
if _, err := startAppImpl(t, appID, "forapp", opt...); err == nil || !verror2.Is(err, expectedError) {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Start(%v) expected to fail with %v, got %v instead", appID, expectedError, err))
func stopApp(t *testing.T, appID, instanceID string, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) {
if err := appStub(appID, instanceID).Stop(ort(opt).NewContext(), stopTimeout); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Stop(%v/%v) failed: %v", appID, instanceID, err))
func suspendApp(t *testing.T, appID, instanceID string, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) {
if err := appStub(appID, instanceID).Suspend(ort(opt).NewContext()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Suspend(%v/%v) failed: %v", appID, instanceID, err))
func resumeApp(t *testing.T, appID, instanceID string, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) {
if err := appStub(appID, instanceID).Resume(ort(opt).NewContext()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Resume(%v/%v) failed: %v", appID, instanceID, err))
func resumeAppExpectError(t *testing.T, appID, instanceID string, expectedError verror.ID, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) {
if err := appStub(appID, instanceID).Resume(ort(opt).NewContext()); err == nil || !verror2.Is(err, expectedError) {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Resume(%v/%v) expected to fail with %v, got %v instead", appID, instanceID, expectedError, err))
func updateApp(t *testing.T, appID string, opt ...veyron2.Runtime) {
if err := appStub(appID).Update(ort(opt).NewContext()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Update(%v) failed: %v", appID, err))
func updateAppExpectError(t *testing.T, appID string, expectedError verror.ID) {
if err := appStub(appID).Update(globalRT.NewContext()); err == nil || !verror2.Is(err, expectedError) {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Update(%v) expected to fail with %v, got %v instead", appID, expectedError, err))
func revertApp(t *testing.T, appID string) {
if err := appStub(appID).Revert(globalRT.NewContext()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Revert(%v) failed: %v", appID, err))
func revertAppExpectError(t *testing.T, appID string, expectedError verror.ID) {
if err := appStub(appID).Revert(globalRT.NewContext()); err == nil || !verror2.Is(err, expectedError) {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Revert(%v) expected to fail with %v, got %v instead", appID, expectedError, err))
func uninstallApp(t *testing.T, appID string) {
if err := appStub(appID).Uninstall(globalRT.NewContext()); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(testutil.FormatLogLine(2, "Uninstall(%v) failed: %v", appID, err))
// Code to make Association lists sortable.
type byIdentity []device.Association
func (a byIdentity) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byIdentity) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byIdentity) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].IdentityName < a[j].IdentityName }
func compareAssociations(t *testing.T, got, expected []device.Association) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, expected) {
t.Fatalf("ListAssociations() got %v, expected %v", got, expected)
// generateSuidHelperScript builds a script to execute the test target as
// a suidhelper instance and returns the path to the script.
func generateSuidHelperScript(t *testing.T, root string) string {
output := "#!/bin/bash\n"
output += " "
output += "exec " + os.Args[0] + " -minuid=1 $*"
output += "\n"
vlog.VI(1).Infof("script\n%s", output)
if err := os.MkdirAll(root, 0755); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("MkdirAll failed: %v", err)
path := filepath.Join(root, "")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(output), 0755); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile(%v) failed: %v", path, err)
return path
// generateAgentScript creates a simple script that acts as the security agent
// for tests. It blackholes arguments meant for the agent.
func generateAgentScript(t *testing.T, root string) string {
output := `
for ARG in ${ARGS[@]}; do
if [[ ${ARG} = -- ]]; then
elif [[ ${ARG} == --* ]]; then
exec ${ARGS[@]}
if err := os.MkdirAll(root, 0755); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("MkdirAll failed: %v", err)
path := filepath.Join(root, "")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(output), 0755); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile(%v) failed: %v", path, err)
return path