blob: 37bb62da81f7b060720b5b6de7d92c0b73be8de4 [file] [log] [blame]
package ipc
import (
ivtrace ""
// discharger implements vc.DischargeClient.
type dischargeClient struct {
c ipc.Client
defaultCtx context.T
cache dischargeCache
// InternalNewDischargeClient creates a vc.DischargeClient that will be used to
// fetch discharges to support blessings presented to a remote process.
// defaultCtx is the context used when none (nil) is explicitly provided to the
// PrepareDischarges call. This typically happens when fetching discharges on
// behalf of a server accepting connections, i.e., before any notion of the
// "context" of an API call has been established.
func InternalNewDischargeClient(streamMgr stream.Manager, ns naming.Namespace, defaultCtx context.T, opts ...ipc.ClientOpt) (vc.DischargeClient, error) {
if defaultCtx == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide a non-nil context to InternalNewDischargeClient")
c, err := InternalNewClient(streamMgr, ns, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &dischargeClient{
c: c,
defaultCtx: defaultCtx,
cache: dischargeCache{cache: make(map[string]security.Discharge)},
}, nil
func (*dischargeClient) IPCClientOpt() {}
func (*dischargeClient) IPCServerOpt() {}
func (*dischargeClient) IPCStreamListenerOpt() {}
func (*dischargeClient) IPCStreamVCOpt() {}
// PrepareDischarges retrieves the caveat discharges required for using blessings
// at server. The discharges are either found in the dischargeCache, in the call
// options, or requested from the discharge issuer indicated on the caveat.
// Note that requesting a discharge is an ipc call, so one copy of this
// function must be able to successfully terminate while another is blocked.
func (d *dischargeClient) PrepareDischarges(ctx context.T, forcaveats []security.ThirdPartyCaveat, impetus security.DischargeImpetus) (ret []security.Discharge) {
if len(forcaveats) == 0 {
// Make a copy since this copy will be mutated.
var caveats []security.ThirdPartyCaveat
for _, cav := range forcaveats {
caveats = append(caveats, cav)
// Gather discharges from cache.
discharges := make([]security.Discharge, len(caveats))
d.cache.Discharges(caveats, discharges)
// Fetch discharges for caveats for which no discharges were found
// in the cache.
if ctx == nil {
ctx = d.defaultCtx
if ctx != nil {
var span vtrace.Span
ctx, span = ivtrace.WithNewSpan(ctx, "Fetching Discharges")
defer span.Finish()
d.fetchDischarges(ctx, caveats, impetus, discharges)
for _, d := range discharges {
if d != nil {
ret = append(ret, d)
func (d *dischargeClient) Invalidate(discharges {
// fetchDischarges fills in out by fetching discharges for caveats from the
// appropriate discharge service. Since there may be dependencies in the
// caveats, fetchDischarges keeps retrying until either all discharges can be
// fetched or no new discharges are fetched.
// REQUIRES: len(caveats) == len(out)
func (d *dischargeClient) fetchDischarges(ctx context.T, caveats []security.ThirdPartyCaveat, impetus security.DischargeImpetus, out []security.Discharge) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for {
type fetched struct {
idx int
discharge security.Discharge
discharges := make(chan fetched, len(caveats))
for i := range caveats {
if out[i] != nil {
go func(i int, ctx context.T, cav security.ThirdPartyCaveat) {
defer wg.Done()
vlog.VI(3).Infof("Fetching discharge for %v", cav)
call, err := d.c.StartCall(ctx, cav.Location(), "Discharge", []interface{}{cav, filteredImpetus(cav.Requirements(), impetus)}, vc.NoDischarges{})
if err != nil {
vlog.VI(3).Infof("Discharge fetch for %v failed: %v", cav, err)
var dAny vdlutil.Any
if ierr := call.Finish(&dAny, &err); ierr != nil || err != nil {
vlog.VI(3).Infof("Discharge fetch for %v failed: (%v, %v)", cav, err, ierr)
d, ok := dAny.(security.Discharge)
if !ok {
vlog.Errorf("fetchDischarges: server at %s sent a %T (%v) instead of a Discharge", cav.Location(), dAny, dAny)
discharges <- fetched{i, d}
}(i, ctx, caveats[i])
var got int
for fetched := range discharges {
out[fetched.idx] = fetched.discharge
vlog.VI(2).Infof("fetchDischarges: got %d discharges", got)
if got == 0 {
// dischargeCache is a concurrency-safe cache for third party caveat discharges.
type dischargeCache struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
cache map[string]security.Discharge // GUARDED_BY(RWMutex)
// Add inserts the argument to the cache, possibly overwriting previous
// discharges for the same caveat.
func (dcc *dischargeCache) Add(discharges {
for _, d := range discharges {
dcc.cache[d.ID()] = d
// Discharges takes a slice of caveats and a slice of discharges of the same
// length and fills in nil entries in the discharges slice with discharges
// from the cache (if there are any).
// REQUIRES: len(caveats) == len(out)
func (dcc *dischargeCache) Discharges(caveats []security.ThirdPartyCaveat, out []security.Discharge) {
for i, d := range out {
if d != nil {
out[i] = dcc.cache[caveats[i].ID()]
func (dcc *dischargeCache) invalidate(discharges {
for _, d := range discharges {
if dcc.cache[d.ID()] == d {
delete(dcc.cache, d.ID())
// filteredImpetus returns a copy of 'before' after removing any values that are not required as per 'r'.
func filteredImpetus(r security.ThirdPartyRequirements, before security.DischargeImpetus) (after security.DischargeImpetus) {
if r.ReportServer && len(before.Server) > 0 {
after.Server = make([]security.BlessingPattern, len(before.Server))
for i := range before.Server {
after.Server[i] = before.Server[i]
if r.ReportMethod {
after.Method = before.Method
if r.ReportArguments && len(before.Arguments) > 0 {
after.Arguments = make([]vdlutil.Any, len(before.Arguments))
for i := range before.Arguments {
after.Arguments[i] = before.Arguments[i]