| package main_test |
| |
| import ( |
| "bytes" |
| "fmt" |
| "io/ioutil" |
| "net/http" |
| "os" |
| "os/exec" |
| "strings" |
| |
| "v.io/v23/naming" |
| "v.io/x/ref/lib/testutil" |
| "v.io/x/ref/lib/testutil/security" |
| "v.io/x/ref/lib/testutil/v23tests" |
| ) |
| |
| //go:generate v23 test generate |
| |
| func checkFileType(i *v23tests.T, file, typeString string) { |
| var catOut bytes.Buffer |
| catCmd := exec.Command("cat", file+".__info") |
| catCmd.Stdout = &catOut |
| catCmd.Stderr = &catOut |
| if err := catCmd.Run(); err != nil { |
| i.Fatalf("%q failed: %v\n%v", strings.Join(catCmd.Args, " "), err, catOut.String()) |
| } |
| if got, want := strings.TrimSpace(catOut.String()), typeString; got != want { |
| i.Fatalf("unexpect file type: got %v, want %v", got, want) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func readFileOrDie(i *v23tests.T, path string) []byte { |
| result, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) |
| if err != nil { |
| i.Fatalf("ReadFile(%q) failed: %v", path, err) |
| } |
| return result |
| } |
| |
| func compareFiles(i *v23tests.T, f1, f2 string) { |
| if !bytes.Equal(readFileOrDie(i, f1), readFileOrDie(i, f2)) { |
| i.Fatalf("the contents of %s and %s differ when they should not", f1, f2) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func deleteFile(i *v23tests.T, clientBin *v23tests.Binary, credentials, name, suffix string) { |
| deleteArgs := []string{ |
| "-veyron.credentials=" + credentials, |
| "delete", naming.Join(name, suffix), |
| } |
| clientBin.Start(deleteArgs...).WaitOrDie(nil, nil) |
| } |
| |
| func downloadFile(i *v23tests.T, clientBin *v23tests.Binary, expectError bool, credentials, name, path, suffix string) { |
| downloadArgs := []string{ |
| "-veyron.credentials=" + credentials, |
| "download", naming.Join(name, suffix), path, |
| } |
| err := clientBin.Start(downloadArgs...).Wait(os.Stdout, os.Stderr) |
| if expectError && err == nil { |
| i.Fatalf("%s %q did not fail when it should", clientBin.Path(), strings.Join(downloadArgs, " ")) |
| } |
| if !expectError && err != nil { |
| i.Fatalf("%s %q failed: %v", clientBin.Path(), strings.Join(downloadArgs, " "), err) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func downloadURL(i *v23tests.T, path, rootURL, suffix string) { |
| url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v/%v", rootURL, suffix) |
| resp, err := http.Get(url) |
| if err != nil { |
| i.Fatalf("Get(%q) failed: %v", url, err) |
| } |
| output, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) |
| resp.Body.Close() |
| if err != nil { |
| i.Fatalf("ReadAll() failed: %v", err) |
| } |
| if err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, output, 0600); err != nil { |
| i.Fatalf("WriteFile() failed: %v", err) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func rootURL(i *v23tests.T, clientBin *v23tests.Binary, credentials, name string) string { |
| rootArgs := []string{ |
| "-veyron.credentials=" + credentials, |
| "url", name, |
| } |
| return strings.TrimSpace(clientBin.Start(rootArgs...).Output()) |
| } |
| |
| func uploadFile(i *v23tests.T, clientBin *v23tests.Binary, credentials, name, path, suffix string) { |
| uploadArgs := []string{ |
| "-veyron.credentials=" + credentials, |
| "upload", naming.Join(name, suffix), path, |
| } |
| clientBin.Start(uploadArgs...).WaitOrDie(os.Stdout, os.Stderr) |
| } |
| |
| func V23TestBinaryRepositoryIntegration(i *v23tests.T) { |
| v23tests.RunRootMT(i, "--veyron.tcp.address=") |
| |
| // Build the required binaries. |
| binaryRepoBin := i.BuildGoPkg("v.io/x/ref/services/mgmt/binary/binaryd") |
| clientBin := i.BuildGoPkg("v.io/x/ref/cmd/binary") |
| |
| // Generate credentials. |
| serverCred, serverPrin := security.NewCredentials("server") |
| defer os.RemoveAll(serverCred) |
| clientCred, _ := security.ForkCredentials(serverPrin, "client") |
| defer os.RemoveAll(clientCred) |
| |
| // Start the build server. |
| binaryRepoName := "test-binary-repository" |
| args := []string{ |
| "-name=" + binaryRepoName, |
| "-http=", |
| "-veyron.tcp.address=", |
| "-veyron.credentials=" + serverCred, |
| } |
| |
| binaryRepoBin.Start(args...) |
| |
| // Upload a random binary file. |
| binFile := i.NewTempFile() |
| if _, err := binFile.Write(testutil.RandomBytes(16 * 1000 * 1000)); err != nil { |
| i.Fatalf("Write() failed: %v", err) |
| } |
| binSuffix := "test-binary" |
| uploadFile(i, clientBin, clientCred, binaryRepoName, binFile.Name(), binSuffix) |
| |
| // Upload a compressed version of the binary file. |
| tarFile := binFile.Name() + ".tar.gz" |
| var tarOut bytes.Buffer |
| tarCmd := exec.Command("tar", "zcvf", tarFile, binFile.Name()) |
| tarCmd.Stdout = &tarOut |
| tarCmd.Stderr = &tarOut |
| if err := tarCmd.Run(); err != nil { |
| i.Fatalf("%q failed: %v\n%v", strings.Join(tarCmd.Args, " "), err, tarOut.String()) |
| } |
| defer os.Remove(tarFile) |
| tarSuffix := "test-compressed-file" |
| uploadFile(i, clientBin, clientCred, binaryRepoName, tarFile, tarSuffix) |
| |
| // Download the binary file and check that it matches the |
| // original one and that it has the right file type. |
| downloadedBinFile := binFile.Name() + "-downloaded" |
| defer os.Remove(downloadedBinFile) |
| downloadFile(i, clientBin, false, clientCred, binaryRepoName, downloadedBinFile, binSuffix) |
| compareFiles(i, binFile.Name(), downloadedBinFile) |
| checkFileType(i, downloadedBinFile, `{"Type":"application/octet-stream","Encoding":""}`) |
| |
| // Download the compressed version of the binary file and |
| // check that it matches the original one and that it has the |
| // right file type. |
| downloadedTarFile := binFile.Name() + "-downloaded.tar.gz" |
| defer os.Remove(downloadedTarFile) |
| downloadFile(i, clientBin, false, clientCred, binaryRepoName, downloadedTarFile, tarSuffix) |
| compareFiles(i, tarFile, downloadedTarFile) |
| checkFileType(i, downloadedTarFile, `{"Type":"application/x-tar","Encoding":"gzip"}`) |
| |
| // Fetch the root URL of the HTTP server used by the binary |
| // repository to serve URLs. |
| root := rootURL(i, clientBin, clientCred, binaryRepoName) |
| |
| // Download the binary file using the HTTP protocol and check |
| // that it matches the original one. |
| downloadedBinFileURL := binFile.Name() + "-downloaded-url" |
| defer os.Remove(downloadedBinFileURL) |
| downloadURL(i, downloadedBinFileURL, root, binSuffix) |
| compareFiles(i, downloadedBinFile, downloadedBinFileURL) |
| |
| // Download the compressed version of the binary file using |
| // the HTTP protocol and check that it matches the original |
| // one. |
| downloadedTarFileURL := binFile.Name() + "-downloaded-url.tar.gz" |
| defer os.Remove(downloadedTarFileURL) |
| downloadURL(i, downloadedTarFileURL, root, tarSuffix) |
| compareFiles(i, downloadedTarFile, downloadedTarFileURL) |
| |
| // Delete the files. |
| deleteFile(i, clientBin, clientCred, binaryRepoName, binSuffix) |
| deleteFile(i, clientBin, clientCred, binaryRepoName, tarSuffix) |
| |
| // Check the files no longer exist. |
| downloadFile(i, clientBin, true, clientCred, binaryRepoName, downloadedBinFile, binSuffix) |
| downloadFile(i, clientBin, true, clientCred, binaryRepoName, downloadedTarFile, tarSuffix) |
| } |