blob: 85f993d45228fd3d1521432f8785328c2b56b63a [file] [log] [blame]
package wspr
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
// The type of message sent by the JS client to the wspr.
type websocketMessageType int
const (
// Making a veyron client request, streaming or otherwise
websocketVeyronRequest websocketMessageType = 0
// Serving this websocket under an object name
websocketServe = 1
// A response from a service in javascript to a request
// from the proxy.
websocketServerResponse = 2
// Sending streaming data, either from a JS client or JS service.
websocketStreamingValue = 3
// A response that means the stream is closed by the client.
websocketStreamClose = 4
// A request to get signature of a remote server
websocketSignatureRequest = 5
// A request to stop a server
websocketStopServer = 6
// A request to associate an identity with an origin
websocketAssocIdentity = 7
// A request to bless an identity
websocketBlessIdentity = 8
// A request to unlink an identity. This request means that
// we can remove the given handle from the handle store.
websocketUnlinkIdentity = 9
// A request to create a new random identity
websocketCreateIdentity = 10
// A request to run the lookup function on a dispatcher.
websocketLookupResponse = 11
// A request to run the authorizer for an rpc.
websocketAuthResponse = 12
type websocketMessage struct {
Id int64
// This contains the json encoded payload.
Data string
// Whether it is an rpc request or a serve request.
Type websocketMessageType
// wsMessage is the struct that is put on the write queue.
type wsMessage struct {
buf []byte
messageType int
type pipe struct {
// The struct that handles the translation of javascript request to veyron requests.
controller *app.Controller
ws *websocket.Conn
logger vlog.Logger
wspr *WSPR
// Creates a client writer for a given flow. This is a member so that tests can override
// the default implementation.
writerCreator func(id int64) lib.ClientWriter
// There is a single write goroutine because ws.NewWriter() creates a new writer that
// writes to a shared buffer in the websocket, so it is not safe to have multiple go
// routines writing to different websocket writers.
writeQueue chan wsMessage
// This request is used to tell WSPR which pipe to remove when we shutdown.
req *http.Request
func newPipe(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, wspr *WSPR, creator func(id int64) lib.ClientWriter) *pipe {
pipe := &pipe{logger: wspr.rt.Logger(), wspr: wspr, req: req}
if creator == nil {
creator = func(id int64) lib.ClientWriter {
return &websocketWriter{p: pipe, id: id, logger: pipe.logger}
pipe.writerCreator = creator
origin := req.Header.Get("Origin")
if origin == "" {
wspr.rt.Logger().Errorf("Could not read origin from the request")
http.Error(w, "Could not read origin from the request", http.StatusBadRequest)
return nil
id, err := wspr.idManager.Identity(origin)
if err != nil {
id = wspr.rt.Identity()
wspr.rt.Logger().Errorf("no identity associated with origin %s: %v", origin, err)
// TODO(bjornick): Send an error to the client when all of the identity stuff is set up.
pipe.controller, err = app.NewController(creator, &wspr.listenSpec, veyron2.RuntimeID(id))
if err != nil {
wspr.rt.Logger().Errorf("Could not create controller: %v", err)
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create controller: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError)
return nil
pipe.start(w, req)
return pipe
// cleans up any outstanding rpcs.
func (p *pipe) cleanup() {
p.logger.VI(0).Info("Cleaning up websocket")
func (p *pipe) setup() {
p.writeQueue = make(chan wsMessage, 50)
go p.writeLoop()
func (p *pipe) writeLoop() {
for {
msg, ok := <-p.writeQueue
if !ok {
p.logger.Errorf("write queue was closed")
if msg.messageType == websocket.PingMessage {
p.logger.Infof("sending ping")
if err :=, msg.buf); err != nil {
p.logger.Errorf("failed to write bytes: %s", err)
func (p *pipe) start(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
ws, err := websocket.Upgrade(w, req, nil, 1024, 1024)
if _, ok := err.(websocket.HandshakeError); ok {
http.Error(w, "Not a websocket handshake", 400)
} else if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Internal Error", 500)
p.logger.Errorf("websocket upgrade failed: %s", err)
} = ws
go p.readLoop()
go p.pingLoop()
// Upon first connect, we send a message with the wsprConfig.
func (p *pipe) sendInitialMessage() {
mounttableRoots := strings.Split(os.Getenv("NAMESPACE_ROOT"), ",")
if len(mounttableRoots) == 1 && mounttableRoots[0] == "" {
mounttableRoots = []string{}
msg := wsprConfig{
MounttableRoot: mounttableRoots,
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := vom.ObjToJSON(&buf, vom.ValueOf(msg)); err != nil {
p.logger.Errorf("failed to convert wspr config to json: %s", err)
p.writeQueue <- wsMessage{messageType: websocket.TextMessage, buf: buf.Bytes()}
func (p *pipe) pingLoop() {
for {
p.logger.VI(2).Info("ws: ping")
p.writeQueue <- wsMessage{messageType: websocket.PingMessage, buf: []byte{}}
func (p *pipe) pongHandler(msg string) error {
p.logger.VI(2).Infof("ws: pong")
return nil
func (p *pipe) readLoop() {
for {
op, r, err :=
if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF { // websocket disconnected
if err != nil {
p.logger.VI(1).Infof("websocket receive: %s", err)
if op != websocket.TextMessage {
p.logger.Errorf("unexpected websocket op: %v", op)
var msg websocketMessage
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r)
if err := decoder.Decode(&msg); err != nil {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("can't unmarshall JSONMessage: %v", err)
p.writeQueue <- wsMessage{messageType: websocket.TextMessage, buf: []byte(errMsg)}
ww := p.writerCreator(msg.Id)
switch msg.Type {
case websocketVeyronRequest:
// TODO(mattr): Get the proper context information
// from javascript.
ctx := p.wspr.rt.NewContext()
p.controller.HandleVeyronRequest(ctx, msg.Id, msg.Data, ww)
case websocketStreamingValue:
// SendOnStream queues up the message to be sent, but doesn't do the send
// on this goroutine. We need to queue the messages synchronously so that
// the order is preserved.
p.controller.SendOnStream(msg.Id, msg.Data, ww)
case websocketStreamClose:
case websocketServe:
go p.controller.HandleServeRequest(msg.Data, ww)
case websocketStopServer:
go p.controller.HandleStopRequest(msg.Data, ww)
case websocketServerResponse:
go p.controller.HandleServerResponse(msg.Id, msg.Data)
case websocketSignatureRequest:
// TODO(mattr): Get the proper context information
// from javascript.
ctx := p.wspr.rt.NewContext()
go p.controller.HandleSignatureRequest(ctx, msg.Data, ww)
case websocketLookupResponse:
go p.controller.HandleLookupResponse(msg.Id, msg.Data)
case websocketBlessIdentity:
go p.controller.HandleBlessing(msg.Data, ww)
case websocketCreateIdentity:
go p.controller.HandleCreateIdentity(msg.Data, ww)
case websocketUnlinkIdentity:
go p.controller.HandleUnlinkJSIdentity(msg.Data, ww)
case websocketAuthResponse:
go p.controller.HandleAuthResponse(msg.Id, msg.Data)
ww.Error(verror.Unknownf("unknown message type: %v", msg.Type))