| // +build linux |
| |
| // Package bluetooth provides methods for interacting with attached bluetooth |
| // devices. |
| package bluetooth |
| |
| import ( |
| "fmt" |
| "math" |
| "net" |
| "syscall" |
| "time" |
| "unsafe" |
| |
| "veyron/lib/unit" |
| "veyron2/vlog" |
| ) |
| |
| // // Explicitly link libbluetooth and other libraries as "go build" cannot |
| // // figure out these dependencies.. |
| // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lbluetooth |
| // #include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h> |
| // #include <bluetooth/hci.h> |
| // #include <bluetooth/hci_lib.h> |
| // #include <stdlib.h> |
| // #include <unistd.h> |
| // #include "bt.h" |
| import "C" |
| |
| var ( |
| // MaxLEAdvertisingPayloadSize denotes the maximum size for the |
| // LE advertising payload. |
| // See the Bluetooth 4.0 spec for more info on Bluetooth LE payload |
| // structure: |
| // https://www.bluetooth.org/en-us/specification/adopted-specifications |
| MaxLEAdvertisingPayloadSize = int(C.kMaxLEPayloadSize) |
| |
| // MaxPort represents the highest bluetooth port that can be used |
| // for establishing RFCOMM connections. |
| MaxPort = int(C.kMaxPort) |
| |
| // maxDevices denotes a maximum number of local devices to scan over |
| // when a particular device isn't explicitly specified (e.g., |
| // OpenFirstAvailableDevice). |
| maxDevices = int(C.kMaxDevices) |
| ) |
| |
| // OpenDevice opens the Bluetooth device with a specified id, returning an |
| // error if the device couldn't be opened, or nil otherwise. |
| func OpenDevice(deviceID int) (*Device, error) { |
| if deviceID < 0 { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("negative device id, use OpenFirstAvailableDevice() instead") |
| } |
| var descriptor C.int |
| var name *C.char |
| var localMAC *C.char |
| if es := C.bt_open_device(C.int(deviceID), &descriptor, &name, &localMAC); es != nil { |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("error opening device %d: %s", deviceID, C.GoString(es)) |
| } |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(name)) |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(localMAC)) |
| mac, err := net.ParseMAC(C.GoString(localMAC)) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal hardware address %q for device %d: %s", C.GoString(localMAC), deviceID, err) |
| } |
| return &Device{ |
| Name: C.GoString(name), |
| MAC: mac, |
| id: deviceID, |
| descriptor: descriptor, |
| }, nil |
| } |
| |
| // OpenFirstAvailableDevice() opens the first available bluetooth device, |
| // returning an error if no device could be opened, or nil otherwise. |
| func OpenFirstAvailableDevice() (*Device, error) { |
| for devID := 0; devID < maxDevices; devID++ { |
| if d, err := OpenDevice(devID); err == nil { |
| return d, nil |
| } |
| } |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't find an available bluetooth device") |
| } |
| |
| // Listen creates a new listener for RFCOMM connections on the provided |
| // local address, specified in the <MAC/Port> format (e.g., |
| // "01:23:45:67:89:AB/1"). Port number 0 means pick the first available |
| // port. Empty MAC address means pick the first available bluetooth device. |
| // Error is returned if a listener cannot be created. |
| // Note that the returned net.Listener won't use the runtime network poller |
| // and hence a new OS thread will be created for every outstanding connection. |
| func Listen(localAddr string) (net.Listener, error) { |
| local, err := parseAddress(localAddr) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("listen error: invalid local address format %s, error: %s", localAddr, err) |
| } |
| if local.port > MaxPort { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("listen error: port %d too large - max: %d", local.port, MaxPort) |
| } |
| |
| // Open a new local bluetooth socket. |
| if socket < 0 { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("listen error: can't open new RFCOMM socket") |
| } |
| |
| // Bind to the local socket. |
| var localMAC *C.char |
| if !local.isAnyMAC() { |
| localMAC = C.CString(local.mac.String()) |
| } |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(localMAC)) |
| localPort := C.int(local.port) |
| if es := C.bt_bind(socket, &localMAC, &localPort); es != nil { |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| syscall.Close(int(socket)) |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("listen error: %v", C.GoString(es)) |
| } |
| // Re-parse the address as it may have changed. |
| if local.mac, err = net.ParseMAC(C.GoString(localMAC)); err != nil { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("listen error: invalid local MAC address: %s, err: %v", C.GoString(localMAC), err) |
| } |
| local.port = int(localPort) |
| |
| // Create a listener for incoming connections. |
| const maxPendingConnections = 100 |
| if err = syscall.Listen(int(socket), maxPendingConnections); err != nil { |
| syscall.Close(int(socket)) |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("listen error: %v", err) |
| } |
| |
| return &listener{ |
| localAddr: local, |
| socket: int(socket), |
| }, nil |
| } |
| |
| // Dial creates a new RFCOMM connection with the remote address, specified in |
| // the <MAC/Port> format (e.g., "01:23:45:67:89:AB/1"). It returns an error |
| // if the connection cannot be established. |
| // Note that the returned net.Conn won't use the runtime network poller and |
| // hence a new OS thread will be created for every outstanding connection. |
| func Dial(remoteAddr string) (net.Conn, error) { |
| remote, err := parseAddress(remoteAddr) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("dial error: invalid remote address format %s, error %s", remoteAddr, err) |
| } |
| if remote.isAnyMAC() { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("dial error: must specify remote MAC address: %s", remoteAddr) |
| } |
| if remote.port > MaxPort { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("dial error: port %d too large - max: %d", remote.port, MaxPort) |
| } |
| |
| // Open a new local bluetooth socket. |
| if socket < 0 { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("dial error: can't open new RFCOMM socket") |
| } |
| |
| // Bind to the local socket. |
| var localMAC *C.char // bind to first available device |
| localPort := C.int(0) // bind to first available port |
| if es := C.bt_bind(socket, &localMAC, &localPort); es != nil { |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| syscall.Close(int(socket)) |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("dial error: %v", C.GoString(es)) |
| } |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(localMAC)) |
| // Parse the local address. |
| var local addr |
| if local.mac, err = net.ParseMAC(C.GoString(localMAC)); err != nil { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("dial error: invalid local MAC address: %s, err: %s", C.GoString(localMAC), err) |
| } |
| local.port = int(localPort) |
| |
| // Connect to the remote address. |
| remoteMAC := C.CString(remote.mac.String()) |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(remoteMAC)) |
| remotePort := C.int(remote.port) |
| if es := C.bt_connect(socket, remoteMAC, remotePort); es != nil { |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("dial error: error connecting to remote address: %s, error: %s", remoteAddr, C.GoString(es)) |
| } |
| return &conn{ |
| fd: int(socket), |
| localAddr: &local, |
| remoteAddr: remote, |
| }, nil |
| } |
| |
| // Device is a struct representing an opened Bluetooth device. It consists of |
| // a device name, MAC address, id (e.g., 0 for hci0, 1 for hci1 etc.) and a |
| // device descriptor. |
| // It is not safe to invoke this type's methods concurrently from multiple |
| // goroutines. |
| type Device struct { |
| Name string |
| MAC net.HardwareAddr |
| id int |
| descriptor C.int |
| leScanChan chan ScanReading |
| } |
| |
| func (d *Device) String() string { |
| return fmt.Sprintf("BT_DEVICE(%s, %v)", d.Name, d.MAC) |
| } |
| |
| // StartAdvertising starts LE advertising on the Bluetooth device, sending |
| // one advertising packet after every tick of the provided time interval. |
| // The payload sent with each advertising packet can be specified via the |
| // SetAdvertisingPayload method. |
| // This method may be called again even if advertising is currently enabled, |
| // in order to adjust the advertising interval. |
| func (d *Device) StartAdvertising(interval time.Duration) error { |
| if es := C.bt_start_le_advertising(d.descriptor, C.int(int64(interval/time.Millisecond))); es != nil { |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| return fmt.Errorf("error starting LE advertising on device: %v, error: %s", d, C.GoString(es)) |
| } |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| // SetAdvertisingPayload sets the advertising payload that is sent with each |
| // advertising packet. This function may be called at any time to adjust the |
| // payload that is currently being advertised. |
| func (d *Device) SetAdvertisingPayload(payload string) error { |
| if es := C.bt_set_le_advertising_payload(d.descriptor, C.CString(payload)); es != nil { |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| return fmt.Errorf("error setting advertising payload on device: %v, error: %s", d, C.GoString(es)) |
| } |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| // StopAdvertising stops LE advertising on the Bluetooth device. If the |
| // device is not advertising, this function will be a noop. |
| func (d *Device) StopAdvertising() error { |
| if es := C.bt_stop_le_advertising(d.descriptor); es != nil { |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| return fmt.Errorf("error stopping LE advertising on device: %v, error: %s", d, C.GoString(es)) |
| } |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| // ScanReading holds a single reading of a Low-Energy scan on the Bluetooth device. |
| type ScanReading struct { |
| // Name represents a local name of the remote device. It can also store |
| // arbitrary application-specific data. |
| Name string |
| // MAC is the hardware address of the remote device. |
| MAC net.HardwareAddr |
| // Distance represents the (power-estimated) distance to the remote device. |
| Distance unit.Distance |
| // Time is the time the advertisement packed was received/scanned. |
| Time time.Time |
| } |
| |
| // StartScan initiates a Low-Energy scan on the Bluetooth device. The scan |
| // will proceed over many duration intervals; within each interval, scan will |
| // be ON only for a given duration window. All scan readings encountered |
| // during scan-ON periods are pushed onto the returned channel. If the scan |
| // cannot be started, an error is returned. |
| func (d *Device) StartScan(scanInterval, scanWindow time.Duration) (<-chan ScanReading, error) { |
| if scanInterval < scanWindow { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid scan settings: scan interval %d must be greater or equal to scan window %d", scanInterval, scanWindow) |
| } |
| // Set scan params. |
| const ( |
| passiveScan = 0x00 |
| publicAddress = 0x00 |
| acceptAllPackets = 0x00 |
| timeoutMS = 1000 |
| ) |
| if ret, err := C.hci_le_set_scan_parameters(d.descriptor, passiveScan, C.uint16_t(scanInterval/time.Millisecond), C.uint16_t(scanWindow/time.Millisecond), publicAddress, acceptAllPackets, timeoutMS); ret < 0 { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("error setting LE scan parameters: %v", err) |
| } |
| // Enable scan. |
| const ( |
| scanEnabled = 0x01 |
| disableDuplicateFiltering = 0x00 |
| ) |
| if ret, err := C.hci_le_set_scan_enable(d.descriptor, scanEnabled, disableDuplicateFiltering, timeoutMS); ret < 0 { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("error enabling LE scan: %v", err) |
| } |
| // Set the event filter options. We're only interested in LE meta |
| // events. |
| var fopts C.struct_hci_filter |
| C.hci_filter_clear(&fopts) |
| C.hci_filter_set_ptype(C.HCI_EVENT_PKT, &fopts) |
| C.hci_filter_set_event(C.EVT_LE_META_EVENT, &fopts) |
| if ret, err := C.setsockopt(d.descriptor, C.SOL_HCI, C.HCI_FILTER, unsafe.Pointer(&fopts), C.socklen_t(unsafe.Sizeof(fopts))); ret < 0 { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't set filter options on socket: %v", err) |
| } |
| |
| // Start the reading go-routine. |
| d.leScanChan = make(chan ScanReading, 10) |
| go d.leScanLoop() |
| return d.leScanChan, nil |
| } |
| |
| func (d *Device) leScanLoop() { |
| defer vlog.Info("LE scan reading goroutine exiting") |
| buf := make([]byte, C.HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE) |
| for { |
| // Read one advertising meta event. |
| n, err := syscall.Read(int(d.descriptor), buf) |
| if err != nil || n < 0 { |
| vlog.Errorf("error getting scan readings: %v", err) |
| return |
| } |
| // Get data of interest to us. |
| var remoteMAC, remoteName *C.char |
| var rssi, done C.int |
| if es := C.bt_parse_le_meta_event(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]), &remoteMAC, &remoteName, &rssi, &done); es != nil { |
| vlog.Errorf("couldn't parse LE meta event: %s", C.GoString(es)) |
| C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| continue |
| } |
| if done != 0 { // Scan stopped. |
| return |
| } |
| name := C.GoString(remoteName) |
| C.free(unsafe.Pointer(remoteName)) |
| mac, err := net.ParseMAC(C.GoString(remoteMAC)) |
| C.free(unsafe.Pointer(remoteMAC)) |
| if err != nil { |
| vlog.Errorf("invalid MAC address: %v", mac) |
| continue |
| } |
| d.leScanChan <- ScanReading{ |
| Name: name, |
| MAC: mac, |
| Distance: distanceFromRSSI(int(rssi)), |
| Time: time.Now(), |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // StopScan stops any Low-Energy scan in progress on the Bluetooth device. |
| // If the device is not scanning, this function will be a noop. |
| func (d *Device) StopScan() error { |
| // Disable scan. This will also stop the reading goroutine. |
| const ( |
| scanDisabled = 0x00 |
| disableDuplicateFiltering = 0x00 |
| timeoutMS = 1000 |
| ) |
| if ret, err := C.hci_le_set_scan_enable(d.descriptor, scanDisabled, disableDuplicateFiltering, timeoutMS); ret < 0 { |
| return fmt.Errorf("error disabling LE scan: %v", err) |
| } |
| |
| close(d.leScanChan) |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| // Close closes our handle on the Bluetooth device. Note that this call doesn't |
| // stop any operations in progress on the device (e.g., LE advertising) - it |
| // simply closes the handle to it. |
| func (d *Device) Close() error { |
| if es := C.bt_close_device(d.descriptor); es != nil { |
| defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(es)) |
| return fmt.Errorf("error closing device %v, error: %s", d, C.GoString(es)) |
| } |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| // distanceFromRSSI computes the distance to the neighboring device using |
| // the RSSI of that device's advertising packet. |
| func distanceFromRSSI(rssi int) unit.Distance { |
| // We're using the formula (and observed constants) from the following |
| // paper: |
| // "Outdoor Localization System Using RSSI Measurement of Wireless |
| // Sensor Network" |
| // by: Oguejiofor O.S., Okorogu V.N., Adewale Abe, and Osuesu B.O |
| // link: http://www.ijitee.org/attachments/File/v2i2/A0359112112.pdf |
| // |
| // Formula: |
| // |
| // RSSI [dBm] = -10n log10(d [m]) + A [dBm] |
| // |
| //, where: |
| // |
| // A = received signal strength at 1m (observed to be -44.8dBm) |
| // n = propagation pathloss exponent (observed to be 2.2) |
| // d = distance (in meters) |
| // |
| // The final formula for distance (in meters) therefore comes down to: |
| // |
| // d = 10^((RSSI / -22) - 2.036) |
| // |
| return unit.Distance(math.Pow(10.0, (float64(rssi)/-22.0)-2.036)) * unit.Meter |
| } |