blob: 6254a17a6b6a7064803ec2420f1b6708a018dc0a [file] [log] [blame]
package watch
import (
iquery "veyron/services/store/memstore/query"
// globProcessor processes log entries into storage entries that match a pattern.
type globProcessor struct {
// hasProcessedState is true iff the initial state has been processed.
hasProcessedState bool
// pid is the identity of the client watching for changes.
pid security.PublicID
// path on which the watch is placed. Returned names are rooted at this path.
path storage.PathName
// pattern that the returned names match.
pattern string
// st is the store state as of the last processed event.
st *state.State
// matches is a map of each matching name to the id of the object at that
// name, as of the last processed event.
matches map[string]storage.ID
func newGlobProcessor(pid security.PublicID, path storage.PathName,
pattern string) (reqProcessor, error) {
return &globProcessor{
hasProcessedState: false,
pid: pid,
path: path,
pattern: pattern,
}, nil
func (p *globProcessor) processState(st *state.State) ([]watch.Change, error) {
// Check that the initial state has not already been processed.
if p.hasProcessedState {
return nil, errInitialStateAlreadyProcessed
p.hasProcessedState = true
// Find all names that match the pattern.
sn := st.MutableSnapshot()
matches, err := glob(sn,, p.path, p.pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = st
p.matches = matches
var changes []watch.Change
// Create a change for every matching name.
for name, id := range matches {
cell := sn.Find(id)
entry := cell.GetEntry()
change := watch.Change{
Name: name,
State: watch.Exists,
Value: entry,
// TODO(tilaks): don't clone change.
changes = append(changes, change)
return changes, nil
func (p *globProcessor) processTransaction(mus *state.Mutations) ([]watch.Change, error) {
// Ensure that the initial state has been processed.
if !p.hasProcessedState {
return nil, errInitialStateNotProcessed
previousMatches := p.matches
// Apply the transaction to the state.
if err :=; err != nil {
return nil, err
// Find all names that match the pattern in the new state.
sn :=
newMatches, err := glob(sn,, p.path, p.pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.matches = newMatches
var changes []watch.Change
removed, updated := diffMatches(previousMatches, newMatches, mus.Delta)
// Create a change for every matching name that was removed.
for name := range removed {
change := watch.Change{
Name: name,
State: watch.DoesNotExist,
// TODO(tilaks): don't clone change
changes = append(changes, change)
// Create a change for every matching name that was updated.
for name := range updated {
id := newMatches[name]
cell := sn.Find(id)
entry := cell.GetEntry()
change := watch.Change{
Name: name,
State: watch.Exists,
Value: entry,
// TODO(tilaks): don't clone change.
changes = append(changes, change)
return changes, nil
// diffMatches returns the names that have been removed or updated.
// A name is removed if it can no longer be resolved, or if the object at that
// name is no longer accessible.
// A name is updated if
// 1) it is newly added.
// 2) the object at that name is now accessible.
// 3) the object at the name has a new value or new references.
// 4) the object at that name replaced a previous object.
func diffMatches(previousMatches, newMatches map[string]storage.ID,
delta map[storage.ID]*state.Mutation) (removed, updated map[string]struct{}) {
removed = make(map[string]struct{})
updated = make(map[string]struct{})
present := struct{}{}
for name, previousID := range previousMatches {
if newID, ok := newMatches[name]; !ok {
// There is no longer an object at this name.
removed[name] = present
} else if newID != previousID {
// The object at this name was replaced.
updated[name] = present
for name, newID := range newMatches {
if _, ok := previousMatches[name]; !ok {
// An object was added at this name.
updated[name] = present
if _, ok := delta[newID]; ok {
// The value or implicit directory of the object at this name was
// updated.
updated[name] = present
// glob returns all names in a snapshot that match a pattern. Each name maps to
// the id of the object in the snapshot at that name.
func glob(sn state.Snapshot, pid security.PublicID, path storage.PathName,
pattern string) (map[string]storage.ID, error) {
matches := make(map[string]storage.ID)
it, err := iquery.GlobIterator(sn, pid, path, pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for it.IsValid() {
name := it.Name()
matchName := append(path, storage.ParsePath(name)...).String()
entry := it.Get()
id := entry.Stat.ID
matches[matchName] = id
return matches, nil