blob: 2b980b07393df75d938f5b17dbb9cb0452d4af5e [file] [log] [blame]
package blackbox
import (
func init() {
// Dir is a "directory" containg a dictionaries of entries.
type Dir struct{}
// User represents a "user", with a username and a "home" directory.
// The name of the user is part of the path to the object.
type User struct {
SSN int
// Photo represents an image. It contains the Veyron name for the data,
// stored elsewhere on some content server.
type Photo struct {
Comment string
Content string // Veyron name
Edits []Edit
// Edit is an edit to a Photo.
type Edit struct {
// ...
// Album is a photoalbum.
type Album struct {
Title string
Photos map[string]storage.ID
func newDir() *Dir {
return &Dir{}
func newUser(ssn int) *User {
return &User{SSN: ssn}
func newAlbum(title string) *Album {
return &Album{Title: title}
func newPhoto(content, comment string, edits ...Edit) *Photo {
return &Photo{Content: content, Comment: comment}
func getPhoto(t *testing.T, st *memstore.Store, tr storage.Transaction, path string) *Photo {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
v := Get(t, st, tr, path).Value
p, ok := v.(*Photo)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("%s(%d): %s: not a Photo: %#v", file, line, path, v)
return p
func TestPhotoAlbum(t *testing.T) {
st, err := memstore.New(rootPublicID, "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("memstore.New() failed: %v", err)
// Create directories.
tr := memstore.NewTransaction()
Put(t, st, tr, "/", newDir())
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users", newDir())
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh", newUser(1234567890))
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate", newDir())
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01", newDir())
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/Albums", newDir())
Commit(t, tr)
// Add some photos by date.
p1 := newPhoto("/global/contentd/DSC1000.jpg", "Half Dome")
p2 := newPhoto("/global/contentd/DSC1001.jpg", "I don't want to hike")
p3 := newPhoto("/global/contentd/DSC1002.jpg", "Crying kids")
p4 := newPhoto("/global/contentd/DSC1003.jpg", "Ice cream")
p5 := newPhoto("/global/contentd/DSC1004.jpg", "Let's go home")
tr := memstore.NewTransaction()
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/09:00", p1)
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/09:15", p2)
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/09:16", p3)
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/10:00", p4)
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/10:05", p5)
Commit(t, tr)
// Add an Album with some of the photos.
tr := memstore.NewTransaction()
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/Albums/Yosemite", newAlbum("Yosemite selected photos"))
e5 := Get(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/10:05")
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/Albums/Yosemite/Photos/1", e5.Stat.ID)
e3 := Get(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/09:16")
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/Albums/Yosemite/Photos/2", e3.Stat.ID)
Commit(t, tr)
// Verify some of the photos.
p1 := getPhoto(t, st, nil, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/09:00")
if p1.Comment != "Half Dome" {
t.Errorf("Expected %q, got %q", "Half Dome", p1.Comment)
p3 := getPhoto(t, st, nil, "/Users/jyh/Albums/Yosemite/Photos/2")
if p3.Comment != "Crying kids" {
t.Errorf("Expected %q, got %q", "Crying kids", p3.Comment)
// Update p3.Comment = "Happy"
tr := memstore.NewTransaction()
p3 := getPhoto(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/09:16")
p3.Comment = "Happy"
Put(t, st, tr, "/Users/jyh/ByDate/2014_01_01/09:16", p3)
Commit(t, tr)
// Verify that the photo in the album has also changed.
p3 := getPhoto(t, st, nil, "/Users/jyh/Albums/Yosemite/Photos/2")
if p3.Comment != "Happy" {
t.Errorf("Expected %q, got %q", "Happy", p3.Comment)