blob: b5189e571e50edbfe0e13e8d7cecb5a8ad7ce2ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package client
import (
wire ""
// CreateDbsAndCollections creates databases and collections according to the
// given models. It does not fail if any of the databases or collections
// already exist. If the model contains syncgroups, it will also create or
// join those as well.
func CreateDbsAndCollections(ctx *context.T, sbName string, dbModels model.DatabaseSet) (map[syncbase.Database][]syncbase.Collection, []syncbase.Syncgroup, error) {
nsRoots := v23.GetNamespace(ctx).Roots()
service := syncbase.NewService(sbName)
syncgroups := []syncbase.Syncgroup{}
dbColsMap := map[syncbase.Database][]syncbase.Collection{}
for _, dbModel := range dbModels {
dbPerms := defaultPerms(ctx)
if dbModel.Permissions != nil {
dbPerms = dbModel.Permissions.ToWire("root")
// Create Database.
// TODO(nlacasse): Don't create the database unless its blessings match
// ours.
db := service.DatabaseForId(dbModel.Id(), nil)
if err := db.Create(ctx, dbPerms); err != nil && verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrExist.ID {
return nil, nil, err
dbColsMap[db] = []syncbase.Collection{}
// Create collections for database.
for _, colModel := range dbModel.Collections {
colPerms := defaultPerms(ctx)
if colModel.Permissions != nil {
colPerms = colModel.Permissions.ToWire("root")
// TODO(nlacasse): Don't create the collection unless its blessings
// match ours.
col := db.CollectionForId(colModel.Id())
if err := col.Create(ctx, colPerms); err != nil && verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrExist.ID {
return nil, nil, err
dbColsMap[db] = append(dbColsMap[db], col)
// Create or join syncgroups for database.
for _, sgModel := range dbModel.Syncgroups {
sg := db.SyncgroupForId(wire.Id{Name: sgModel.NameSuffix, Blessing: "blessing"})
if sgModel.CreatorDevices.Lookup(sbName) != nil {
// Create the syncgroup.
spec := sgModel.Spec("root")
spec.MountTables = nsRoots
if len(spec.Perms) == 0 {
// Syncgroup permissions default to allow anybody.
spec.Perms = testutil.DefaultPerms("root")
if err := sg.Create(ctx, spec, wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{}); err != nil && verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrExist.ID {
return nil, nil, err
syncgroups = append(syncgroups, sg)
if sgModel.JoinerDevices.Lookup(sbName) != nil {
// Join the syncgroup. It might not exist at first, so we loop.
// TODO(nlacasse): Parameterize number of retries. Exponential
// backoff?
var joinErr error
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
_, joinErr = sg.Join(ctx, sgModel.HostDevice.Name, nil, wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo{})
if joinErr == nil {
syncgroups = append(syncgroups, sg)
} else {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
if joinErr != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not join syncgroup %q: %v", sgModel.Name(), joinErr)
return dbColsMap, syncgroups, nil
// allowChecker gives the checker access to all tags on the Permissions object.
func allowChecker(perms access.Permissions) {
checkerPattern := security.BlessingPattern("root:checker")
for _, tag := range access.AllTypicalTags() {
perms.Add(checkerPattern, string(tag))
// defaultPerms returns a Permissions object that allows the context's default
// blessings.
func defaultPerms(ctx *context.T) access.Permissions {
blessing, _ := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx).BlessingStore().Default()
return testutil.DefaultPerms(blessing.String())