blob: 22edff30190ef791733108d49c1a7e059a3fc114 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package model defines functions for generating random sets of model
// databases, devices, and users that will be simulated in a syncbase longevity
// test.
package model
import (
wire ""
func init() {
func randomName(prefix string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%08x", prefix, rand.Int31())
// ===========
// Permissions
// ===========
// Permissions maps tags to Users who are included on that tag.
// TODO(nlacasse): Consider allowing blacklisted users with "NotIn" lists.
type Permissions map[string]UserSet
func (perms Permissions) ToWire(rootBlessing string) access.Permissions {
p := access.Permissions{}
for tag, users := range perms {
for _, user := range users {
userBlessing := user.Name
if rootBlessing != "" {
userBlessing = rootBlessing + security.ChainSeparator + user.Name
p.Add(security.BlessingPattern(userBlessing), tag)
return p
// ===========
// Collections
// ===========
// Collection represents a syncbase collection.
// TODO(nlacasse): Put syncgroups in here? It's a bit tricky because they need
// to have a host device name in their name, and the spec depends on the
// mounttable.
type Collection struct {
// Name of the collection.
Name string
// Blessing of the collection.
Blessing string
// Permissions of the collection.
Permissions Permissions
func (c *Collection) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{collection %v blessing=%v}", c.Name, c.Blessing)
func (c *Collection) Id() wire.Id {
return wire.Id{
Name: c.Name,
Blessing: c.Blessing,
type CollectionSet []Collection
func (cols CollectionSet) String() string {
strs := []string{}
for _, col := range cols {
strs = append(strs, col.String())
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(strs, ", "))
// ==========
// Syncgroups
// ==========
// Syncgroup represents a syncgroup.
type Syncgroup struct {
HostDevice *Device
NameSuffix string
Description string
Collections []Collection
Permissions Permissions
IsPrivate bool
// Devices which will attempt to create the syncgroup.
CreatorDevices DeviceSet
// Devices which will attempt to join the syncgroup.
JoinerDevices DeviceSet
func (sg *Syncgroup) Name() string {
return naming.Join(sg.HostDevice.Name, common.SyncbaseSuffix, sg.NameSuffix)
func (sg *Syncgroup) Spec(rootBlessing string) wire.SyncgroupSpec {
collections := make([]wire.Id, len(sg.Collections))
for i, col := range sg.Collections {
collections[i] = col.Id()
return wire.SyncgroupSpec{
Description: sg.Description,
Collections: collections,
Perms: sg.Permissions.ToWire(rootBlessing),
IsPrivate: sg.IsPrivate,
type SyncgroupSet []Syncgroup
func (sgs SyncgroupSet) String() string {
strs := []string{}
for _, sg := range sgs {
strs = append(strs, sg.Name())
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(strs, ", "))
// =========
// Databases
// =========
// Database represents a syncbase database. Each database corresponds to a
// single app.
type Database struct {
// Name of the database.
Name string
// Blessing of the database.
Blessing string
// Collections.
Collections CollectionSet
// Syncgroups.
Syncgroups SyncgroupSet
// Permissions.
Permissions Permissions
func (db *Database) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{database %v blessing=%v collections=%v syncgroups=%v perms=%v}", db.Name, db.Blessing, db.Collections, db.Syncgroups, db.Permissions.ToWire(""))
func (db *Database) Id() wire.Id {
return wire.Id{
Name: db.Name,
Blessing: db.Blessing,
// DatabaseSet represents a set of Databases.
// TODO(nlacasse): Consider using a map here if uniqueness becomes an issue.
type DatabaseSet []*Database
// unique removes all duplicate entries from the DatabaseSet.
// TODO(nlacasse): Uniqueness is becoming an issue. Make all Sets into maps.
func (dbs DatabaseSet) unique() DatabaseSet {
found := map[*Database]struct{}{}
udbs := DatabaseSet{}
for _, db := range dbs {
if _, ok := found[db]; !ok {
udbs = append(udbs, db)
found[db] = struct{}{}
return udbs
// GenerateDatabaseSet generates a DatabaseSet with n databases.
// TODO(nlacasse): Generate collections and syncgroups.
// TODO(nlacasse): Generate clients.
func GenerateDatabaseSet(n int) DatabaseSet {
dbs := DatabaseSet{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
db := &Database{
Name: randomName("db"),
dbs = append(dbs, db)
return dbs
// RandomSubset returns a random subset of the DatabaseSet with at least min
// and at most max databases.
func (dbs DatabaseSet) RandomSubset(min, max int) DatabaseSet {
if min < 0 || min > len(dbs) || min > max {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid arguments to RandomSubset: min=%v max=%v len(dbs)=%v", min, max, len(dbs)))
if max > len(dbs) {
max = len(dbs)
n := min + rand.Intn(max-min+1)
subset := make(DatabaseSet, n)
for i, j := range rand.Perm(len(dbs))[:n] {
subset[i] = dbs[j]
return subset
func (dbs DatabaseSet) String() string {
r := make([]string, len(dbs))
for i, j := range dbs {
r[i] = j.Name
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(r, ", "))
// =======
// Devices
// =======
// ConnectivitySpec specifies the network connectivity of the device.
type ConnectivitySpec string
const (
Online ConnectivitySpec = "online"
Offline ConnectivitySpec = "offline"
// TODO(nlacasse): Add specs for latency, bandwidth, etc.
// DeviceSpec specifies the possible types of devices.
type DeviceSpec struct {
// Maximum number of databases allowed on the device.
MaxDatabases int
// Types of connectivity allowed for the database.
ConnectivitySpecs []ConnectivitySpec
// Some common DeviceSpecs. It would be nice if these were consts, but go won't allow that.
var (
LaptopSpec = DeviceSpec{
MaxDatabases: 10,
ConnectivitySpecs: []ConnectivitySpec{"online", "offline"},
PhoneSpec = DeviceSpec{
MaxDatabases: 5,
ConnectivitySpecs: []ConnectivitySpec{"online", "offline"},
CloudSpec = DeviceSpec{
MaxDatabases: 100,
ConnectivitySpecs: []ConnectivitySpec{"online"},
// TODO(nlacasse): Add more DeviceSpecs for tablet, desktop, camera,
// wearable, etc.
// Device represents a device.
type Device struct {
// Name of the device.
Name string
// Databases inluded on the device.
Databases DatabaseSet
// The device's spec.
Spec DeviceSpec
// Current connectivity spec for the device. This value must be included
// in Spec.ConnectivitySpecs.
CurrentConnectivity ConnectivitySpec
// Associated clients that will operate on this syncbase instance. Clients
// must be registered with control.RegisterClient.
Clients []string
func (d Device) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{device %v databases=%v clients=%v}", d.Name, d.Databases, d.Clients)
// DeviceSet is a set of devices.
// TODO(nlacasse): Consider using a map here if uniqueness becomes an issue.
type DeviceSet []*Device
// GenerateDeviceSet generates a device set of size n. The device spec for
// each device is chosen randomly from specs, and each device is given a
// non-empty set of databases taken from databases argument, obeying the maxium
// for the device spec.
func GenerateDeviceSet(n int, databases DatabaseSet, specs []DeviceSpec) DeviceSet {
ds := DeviceSet{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// Pick a random spec.
idx := rand.Intn(len(specs))
spec := specs[idx]
databases := databases.RandomSubset(1, spec.MaxDatabases)
d := &Device{
Name: randomName("device"),
Databases: databases,
Spec: spec,
// Pick a random ConnectivitySpec from those allowed by the
// DeviceSpec.
CurrentConnectivity: spec.ConnectivitySpecs[rand.Intn(len(spec.ConnectivitySpecs))],
ds = append(ds, d)
return ds
func (ds DeviceSet) String() string {
r := make([]string, len(ds))
for i, j := range ds {
r[i] = j.Name
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(r, ", "))
// Lookup returns the first Device in the DeviceSet with the given name, or nil
// if none exists.
func (ds DeviceSet) Lookup(name string) *Device {
for _, d := range ds {
if d.Name == name {
return d
return nil
// Topology is an adjacency matrix specifying the connection type between
// devices.
// TODO(nlacasse): For now we only specify which devices are reachable by each
// device.
type Topology map[*Device]DeviceSet
func (top Topology) String() string {
str := ""
for d, ds := range top {
str += fmt.Sprintf("%v can send to %v\n", d.Name, ds)
return str
// GenerateTopology generates a Topology on the given DeviceSet. The affinity
// argument specifies the probability that any two devices are connected. We
// ensure that the generated topology is symmetric, but we do *not* guarantee
// that it is connected.
// TODO(nlacasse): Have more fine-grained affinity taking into account the
// DeviceSpec of each device. E.g. Desktop is likely to be connected to the
// cloud, but less likely to be connected to a watch.
func GenerateTopology(devices DeviceSet, affinity float64) Topology {
top := Topology{}
for i, d1 := range devices {
// All devices are connected to themselves.
top[d1] = append(top[d1], d1)
for _, d2 := range devices[i+1:] {
connected := rand.Float64() <= affinity
if connected {
top[d1] = append(top[d1], d2)
top[d2] = append(top[d2], d1)
return top
// =====
// Users
// =====
// User represents a user.
type User struct {
// The user's name.
Name string
// The user's devices. All databases in the user's devices will be
// included in the user's Databases.
Devices DeviceSet
// Databases returns all databases contained on the user's devices.
func (user *User) Databases() DatabaseSet {
dbs := DatabaseSet{}
for _, dev := range user.Devices {
dbs = append(dbs, dev.Databases...)
return dbs.unique()
func (user *User) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`{user %v devices=%v}`, user.Name, user.Devices)
// UserSet is a set of users.
type UserSet []*User
// UserOpts specifies the options to use when creating a random user.
type UserOpts struct {
MaxDatabases int
MaxDevices int
MinDevices int
// GenerateUser generates a random user with nonempty set of databases from the
// given database set and n devices.
// TODO(nlacasse): Should DatabaseSet be in UserOpts?
func GenerateUser(dbs DatabaseSet, opts UserOpts) *User {
// TODO(nlacasse): Make this a parameter?
specs := []DeviceSpec{
databases := dbs.RandomSubset(1, opts.MaxDatabases)
numDevices := opts.MinDevices
if opts.MaxDevices > opts.MinDevices {
numDevices += rand.Intn(opts.MaxDevices - opts.MinDevices)
devices := GenerateDeviceSet(numDevices, databases, specs)
return &User{
Name: randomName("user"),
Devices: devices,
// ========
// Universe
// ========
type Universe struct {
// All users in the universe.
Users UserSet
// Description of device connectivity.
Topology Topology
// Databases returns all databases contained in the universe.
func (u *Universe) Databases() DatabaseSet {
dbs := DatabaseSet{}
for _, user := range u.Users {
dbs = append(dbs, user.Databases()...)
return dbs.unique()
func (u *Universe) String() string {
// Collect all device and user descriptions with a newline in between each.
devStrings := []string{}
userStrings := []string{}
for _, user := range u.Users {
userStrings = append(userStrings, user.String())
for _, dev := range user.Devices {
devStrings = append(devStrings, dev.String())
devString := strings.Join(devStrings, "\n")
userString := strings.Join(userStrings, "\n")
dbStrings := []string{}
for _, db := range u.Databases() {
dbStrings = append(dbStrings, db.String())
dbString := strings.Join(dbStrings, "\n")
return fmt.Sprintf(`Databases:
%v`, dbString, devString, userString, u.Topology)
// UniverseOpts specifies the options to use when creating a random universe.
type UniverseOpts struct {
// Probability that any two devices are connected
DeviceAffinity float64
// Maximum number of databases in the universe.
MaxDatabases int
// Number of users in the universe.
NumUsers int
// Maximum number of databases for any user.
MaxDatabasesPerUser int
// Maximum number of devices for any user.
MaxDevicesPerUser int
// Minimum number of devices for any user.
MinDevicesPerUser int
func GenerateUniverse(opts UniverseOpts) Universe {
dbs := GenerateDatabaseSet(opts.MaxDatabases)
userOpts := UserOpts{
MaxDatabases: opts.MaxDatabasesPerUser,
MaxDevices: opts.MaxDevicesPerUser,
MinDevices: opts.MinDevicesPerUser,
users := UserSet{}
devices := DeviceSet{}
for i := 0; i < opts.NumUsers; i++ {
user := GenerateUser(dbs, userOpts)
users = append(users, user)
devices = append(devices, user.Devices...)
return Universe{
Users: users,
Topology: GenerateTopology(devices, opts.DeviceAffinity),