blob: 3bc9da3c36d56af0cf748af99e484099892f57eb [file] [log] [blame]
package ipc
import (
inaming ""
ivtrace ""
var (
errServerStopped = verror.Abortedf("ipc: server is stopped")
type server struct {
ctx context.T // context used by the server to make internal RPCs.
streamMgr stream.Manager // stream manager to listen for new flows.
publisher publisher.Publisher // publisher to publish mounttable mounts.
listenerOpts []stream.ListenerOpt // listener opts passed to Listen.
listeners map[stream.Listener]*dhcpListener // listeners created by Listen.
disp ipc.Dispatcher // dispatcher to serve RPCs
active sync.WaitGroup // active goroutines we've spawned.
stopped bool // whether the server has been stopped.
stoppedChan chan struct{} // closed when the server has been stopped.
ns naming.Namespace
servesMountTable bool
// TODO(cnicolaou): remove this when the publisher tracks published names
// and can return an appropriate error for RemoveName on a name that
// wasn't 'Added' for this server.
names map[string]struct{}
reservedOpt options.ReservedNameDispatcher
// TODO(cnicolaou): add roaming stats to ipcStats
stats *ipcStats // stats for this server.
traceStore *ivtrace.Store // store for vtrace traces.
var _ ipc.Server = (*server)(nil)
type dhcpListener struct {
publisher *config.Publisher // publisher used to fork the stream
name string // name of the publisher stream
ep *inaming.Endpoint // endpoint returned after listening
pubAddrs []ipc.Address // addresses to publish
pubPort string // port to use with the publish addresses
ch chan config.Setting // channel to receive settings over
func InternalNewServer(ctx context.T, streamMgr stream.Manager, ns naming.Namespace, store *ivtrace.Store, opts ...ipc.ServerOpt) (ipc.Server, error) {
ctx, _ = ivtrace.WithNewSpan(ctx, "NewServer")
statsPrefix := naming.Join("ipc", "server", "routing-id", streamMgr.RoutingID().String())
s := &server{
ctx: ctx,
streamMgr: streamMgr,
publisher: publisher.New(ctx, ns, publishPeriod),
listeners: make(map[stream.Listener]*dhcpListener),
stoppedChan: make(chan struct{}),
ns: ns,
stats: newIPCStats(statsPrefix),
traceStore: store,
var (
principal security.Principal
blessings security.Blessings
for _, opt := range opts {
switch opt := opt.(type) {
case stream.ListenerOpt:
// Collect all ServerOpts that are also ListenerOpts.
s.listenerOpts = append(s.listenerOpts, opt)
switch opt := opt.(type) {
case vc.LocalPrincipal:
principal = opt.Principal
case options.ServerBlessings:
blessings = opt.Blessings
case options.ServesMountTable:
s.servesMountTable = bool(opt)
case options.ReservedNameDispatcher:
s.reservedOpt = opt
blessingsStatsName := naming.Join(statsPrefix, "security", "blessings")
if blessings != nil {
// TODO(caprita): revist printing the blessings with %s, and
// instead expose them as a list.
stats.NewString(blessingsStatsName).Set(fmt.Sprintf("%s", blessings))
} else if principal != nil { // principal should have been passed in, but just in case.
stats.NewStringFunc(blessingsStatsName, func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (default)", principal.BlessingStore().Default())
return s, nil
func (s *server) Published() ([]string, error) {
defer vlog.LogCall()()
defer s.Unlock()
if s.stopped {
return nil, errServerStopped
return s.publisher.Published(), nil
// resolveToAddress will try to resolve the input to an address using the
// mount table, if the input is not already an address.
func (s *server) resolveToAddress(address string) (string, error) {
if _, err := inaming.NewEndpoint(address); err == nil {
return address, nil
var names []string
if s.ns != nil {
var err error
if names, err = s.ns.Resolve(s.ctx, address); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
names = append(names, address)
for _, n := range names {
address, suffix := naming.SplitAddressName(n)
if suffix != "" && suffix != "//" {
if _, err := inaming.NewEndpoint(address); err == nil {
return address, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve %q to an endpoint", address)
func addrFromIP(ip net.IP) ipc.Address {
return &netstate.AddrIfc{
Addr: &net.IPAddr{IP: ip},
// getIPRoamingAddrs finds an appropriate set of addresss to publish
// externally and also determines if it's sensible to allow roaming.
// It returns the host address of the first suitable address that
// can be used and the port number that can be used with all addresses.
// The host is required to allow the caller to construct an endpoint
// that can be returned to the caller of Listen.
func (s *server) getIPRoamingAddrs(chooser ipc.AddressChooser, iep *inaming.Endpoint) (addresses []ipc.Address, host string, port string, roaming bool, err error) {
host, port, err = net.SplitHostPort(iep.Address)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", false, err
ip := net.ParseIP(host)
if ip == nil {
return nil, "", "", false, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse %q as an IP host", host)
if ip.IsUnspecified() && chooser != nil {
// Need to find a usable IP address since the call to listen
// didn't specify one.
if addrs, err := netstate.GetAccessibleIPs(); err == nil {
if a, err := chooser(iep.Protocol, addrs); err == nil && len(a) > 0 {
phost := a[0].Address().String()
iep.Address = net.JoinHostPort(phost, port)
return a, phost, port, true, nil
return []ipc.Address{addrFromIP(ip)}, host, port, true, nil
// Listen used a fixed IP address, which we take to mean that
// roaming is not desired.
return []ipc.Address{addrFromIP(ip)}, host, port, false, nil
// configureEPAndRoaming configures the endpoint and roaming. In particular,
// it fills in the Address portion of the endpoint with the appropriately
// selected network address and creates a dhcpListener struct if roaming
// is enabled.
func (s *server) configureEPAndRoaming(spec ipc.ListenSpec, ep naming.Endpoint) (*dhcpListener, *inaming.Endpoint, error) {
iep, ok := ep.(*inaming.Endpoint)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("internal type conversion error for %T", ep)
if !strings.HasPrefix(spec.Protocol, "tcp") {
return nil, iep, nil
pubAddrs, pubHost, pubPort, roaming, err := s.getIPRoamingAddrs(spec.AddressChooser, iep)
if err != nil {
return nil, iep, err
iep.Address = net.JoinHostPort(pubHost, pubPort)
if !roaming {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("the address %q requested for listening contained a fixed IP address which disables roaming, use :0 instead", spec.Address)
publisher := spec.StreamPublisher
if roaming && publisher != nil {
streamName := spec.StreamName
ch := make(chan config.Setting)
if _, err := publisher.ForkStream(streamName, ch); err != nil {
return nil, iep, fmt.Errorf("failed to fork stream %q: %s", streamName, err)
return &dhcpListener{ep: iep, pubAddrs: pubAddrs, pubPort: pubPort, ch: ch, name: streamName, publisher: publisher}, iep, nil
return nil, iep, nil
func (s *server) Listen(listenSpec ipc.ListenSpec) (naming.Endpoint, error) {
defer vlog.LogCall()()
// Shortcut if the server is stopped, to avoid needlessly creating a
// listener.
if s.stopped {
return nil, errServerStopped
var iep *inaming.Endpoint
var dhcpl *dhcpListener
var ln stream.Listener
if len(listenSpec.Address) > 0 {
// Listen if we have a local address to listen on. Some situations
// just need a proxy (e.g. a browser extension).
tmpln, lep, err := s.streamMgr.Listen(listenSpec.Protocol, listenSpec.Address, s.listenerOpts...)
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("ipc: Listen on %s failed: %s", listenSpec, err)
return nil, err
ln = tmpln
if tmpdhcpl, tmpiep, err := s.configureEPAndRoaming(listenSpec, lep); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
dhcpl = tmpdhcpl
iep = tmpiep
defer s.Unlock()
if s.stopped {
return nil, errServerStopped
if dhcpl != nil {
// We have a goroutine to listen for dhcp changes.
go func() {
s.listeners[ln] = dhcpl
} else if ln != nil {
s.listeners[ln] = nil
if iep != nil {
// We have a goroutine per listener to accept new flows.
// Each flow is served from its own goroutine.
go func() {
s.listenLoop(ln, iep)
s.publisher.AddServer(s.publishEP(iep, s.servesMountTable), s.servesMountTable)
if len(listenSpec.Proxy) > 0 {
// We have a goroutine for listening on proxy connections.
go func() {
return iep, nil
// TODO(cnicolaou): Take this out or make the ServesMountTable bit work in the endpoint.
func (s *server) publishEP(ep *inaming.Endpoint, servesMountTable bool) string {
var name string
ep.IsMountTable = servesMountTable
return naming.JoinAddressName(ep.String(), name)
func (s *server) reconnectAndPublishProxy(proxy string) (*inaming.Endpoint, stream.Listener, error) {
resolved, err := s.resolveToAddress(proxy)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to resolve proxy %q (%v)", proxy, err)
ln, ep, err := s.streamMgr.Listen(inaming.Network, resolved, s.listenerOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to listen on %q: %s", resolved, err)
iep, ok := ep.(*inaming.Endpoint)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("internal type conversion error for %T", ep)
s.listeners[ln] = nil
s.publisher.AddServer(s.publishEP(iep, s.servesMountTable), s.servesMountTable)
return iep, ln, nil
func (s *server) proxyListenLoop(proxy string) {
const (
min = 5 * time.Millisecond
max = 5 * time.Minute
iep, ln, err := s.reconnectAndPublishProxy(proxy)
if err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Failed to connect to proxy: %s", err)
// the initial connection maybe have failed, but we enter the retry
// loop anyway so that we will continue to try and connect to the
// proxy.
if s.stopped {
for {
if ln != nil && iep != nil {
s.listenLoop(ln, iep)
// The listener is done, so:
// (1) Unpublish its name
s.publisher.RemoveServer(s.publishEP(iep, s.servesMountTable))
if s.stopped {
// (2) Reconnect to the proxy unless the server has been stopped
backoff := min
ln = nil
for {
select {
case <-time.After(backoff):
if backoff = backoff * 2; backoff > max {
backoff = max
case <-s.stoppedChan:
// (3) reconnect, publish new address
if iep, ln, err = s.reconnectAndPublishProxy(proxy); err != nil {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Failed to reconnect to proxy %q: %s", proxy, err)
} else {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Reconnected to proxy %q, %s", proxy, iep)
func (s *server) listenLoop(ln stream.Listener, ep naming.Endpoint) {
defer vlog.VI(1).Infof("ipc: Stopped listening on %v", ep)
var calls sync.WaitGroup
defer func() {
delete(s.listeners, ln)
for {
flow, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
vlog.VI(10).Infof("ipc: Accept on %v failed: %v", ln, err)
go func(flow stream.Flow) {
if err := newFlowServer(flow, s).serve(); err != nil {
// TODO(caprita): Logging errors here is
// too spammy. For example, "not
// authorized" errors shouldn't be
// logged as server errors.
vlog.Errorf("Flow serve on %v failed: %v", ln, err)
func (s *server) applyChange(dhcpl *dhcpListener, addrs []net.Addr, fn func(string)) {
defer dhcpl.Unlock()
for _, a := range addrs {
if ip := netstate.AsIP(a); ip != nil {
dhcpl.ep.Address = net.JoinHostPort(ip.String(), dhcpl.pubPort)
fn(s.publishEP(dhcpl.ep, s.servesMountTable))
func (s *server) dhcpLoop(dhcpl *dhcpListener) {
defer vlog.VI(1).Infof("ipc: Stopped listen for dhcp changes on %v", dhcpl.ep)
vlog.VI(2).Infof("ipc: dhcp loop")
ep := *dhcpl.ep
// Publish all of the addresses
for _, pubAddr := range dhcpl.pubAddrs {
ep.Address = net.JoinHostPort(pubAddr.Address().String(), dhcpl.pubPort)
s.publisher.AddServer(s.publishEP(&ep, s.servesMountTable), s.servesMountTable)
for setting := range {
if setting == nil {
switch v := setting.Value().(type) {
case bool:
case []net.Addr:
if s.stopped {
publisher := s.publisher
switch setting.Name() {
case ipc.NewAddrsSetting:
vlog.Infof("Added some addresses: %q", v)
s.applyChange(dhcpl, v, func(name string) { publisher.AddServer(name, s.servesMountTable) })
case ipc.RmAddrsSetting:
vlog.Infof("Removed some addresses: %q", v)
s.applyChange(dhcpl, v, publisher.RemoveServer)
func (s *server) Serve(name string, obj interface{}, authorizer security.Authorizer) error {
if obj == nil {
// The ReflectInvoker inside the LeafDispatcher will panic
// if called for a nil value.
return fmt.Errorf("A nil object is not allowed")
return s.ServeDispatcher(name, ipc.LeafDispatcher(obj, authorizer))
func (s *server) ServeDispatcher(name string, disp ipc.Dispatcher) error {
defer s.Unlock()
ivtrace.FromContext(s.ctx).Annotate("Serving under name: " + name)
if s.stopped {
return errServerStopped
if disp == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("A nil dispacther is not allowed")
if s.disp != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Serve or ServeDispatcher has already been called")
s.disp = disp
s.names = make(map[string]struct{})
if len(name) > 0 {
s.names[name] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (s *server) AddName(name string) error {
defer s.Unlock()
ivtrace.FromContext(s.ctx).Annotate("Serving under name: " + name)
if len(name) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("empty name")
if s.stopped {
return errServerStopped
if s.disp == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Adding name before calling Serve or ServeDispatcher is not allowed")
// TODO(cnicolaou): remove this map when the publisher's RemoveName
// method returns an error.
s.names[name] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (s *server) RemoveName(name string) error {
defer s.Unlock()
ivtrace.FromContext(s.ctx).Annotate("Removed name: " + name)
if s.stopped {
return errServerStopped
if s.disp == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Removing name before calling Serve or ServeDispatcher is not allowed")
if _, present := s.names[name]; !present {
return fmt.Errorf("%q has not been previously used for this server", name)
delete(s.names, name)
return nil
func (s *server) Stop() error {
defer vlog.LogCall()()
if s.stopped {
return nil
s.stopped = true
// Delete the stats object.
// Note, It's safe to Stop/WaitForStop on the publisher outside of the
// server lock, since publisher is safe for concurrent access.
// Stop the publisher, which triggers unmounting of published names.
// Wait for the publisher to be done unmounting before we can proceed to
// close the listeners (to minimize the number of mounted names pointing
// to endpoint that are no longer serving).
// TODO(caprita): See if make sense to fail fast on rejecting
// connections once listeners are closed, and parallelize the publisher
// and listener shutdown.
// Close all listeners. No new flows will be accepted, while in-flight
// flows will continue until they terminate naturally.
nListeners := len(s.listeners)
errCh := make(chan error, nListeners)
for ln, dhcpl := range s.listeners {
go func(ln stream.Listener) {
errCh <- ln.Close()
if dhcpl != nil {
dhcpl.publisher.CloseFork(, <- config.NewBool("EOF", "stop", true)
var firstErr error
for i := 0; i < nListeners; i++ {
if err := <-errCh; err != nil && firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
// At this point, we are guaranteed that no new requests are going to be
// accepted.
// Wait for the publisher and active listener + flows to finish.
s.disp = nil
return firstErr
// flowServer implements the RPC server-side protocol for a single RPC, over a
// flow that's already connected to the client.
type flowServer struct {
server *server // ipc.Server that this flow server belongs to
disp ipc.Dispatcher // ipc.Dispatcher that will serve RPCs on this flow
dec *vom.Decoder // to decode requests and args from the client
enc *vom.Encoder // to encode responses and results to the client
flow stream.Flow // underlying flow
reservedOpt options.ReservedNameDispatcher
// Fields filled in during the server invocation.
blessings security.Blessings
method, suffix string
tags []interface{}
discharges map[string]security.Discharge
starttime time.Time
endStreamArgs bool // are the stream args at EOF?
allowDebug bool // true if the caller is permitted to view debug information.
var _ ipc.Stream = (*flowServer)(nil)
func newFlowServer(flow stream.Flow, server *server) *flowServer {
disp := server.disp
return &flowServer{
T: server.ctx,
server: server,
disp: disp,
// TODO(toddw): Support different codecs
dec: vom.NewDecoder(flow),
enc: vom.NewEncoder(flow),
flow: flow,
reservedOpt: server.reservedOpt,
discharges: make(map[string]security.Discharge),
// Vom does not encode untyped nils.
// Consequently, the ipc system does not allow nil results with an interface
// type from server methods. The one exception being errors.
// For now, the following hacky assumptions are made, which will be revisited when
// a decision is made on how untyped nils should be encoded/decoded in
// vom/vom2:
// - Server methods return 0 or more results
// - Any values returned by the server that have an interface type are either
// non-nil or of type error.
func result2vom(res interface{}) vom.Value {
v := vom.ValueOf(res)
if !v.IsValid() {
// Untyped nils are assumed to be nil-errors.
var boxed verror.E
return vom.ValueOf(&boxed).Elem()
if err, iserr := res.(error); iserr {
// Convert errors to verror since errors are often not
// serializable via vom/gob (errors.New and fmt.Errorf return a
// type with no exported fields).
return vom.ValueOf(verror.Convert(err))
return v
func (fs *flowServer) serve() error {
defer fs.flow.Close()
results, err := fs.processRequest()
var traceResponse vtrace.Response
if fs.allowDebug {
traceResponse = ivtrace.Response(fs)
// Respond to the client with the response header and positional results.
response := ipc.Response{
Error: err,
EndStreamResults: true,
NumPosResults: uint64(len(results)),
TraceResponse: traceResponse,
if err := fs.enc.Encode(response); err != nil {
return verror.BadProtocolf("ipc: response encoding failed: %v", err)
if response.Error != nil {
return response.Error
for ix, res := range results {
if err := fs.enc.EncodeValue(result2vom(res)); err != nil {
return verror.BadProtocolf("ipc: result #%d [%T=%v] encoding failed: %v", ix, res, res, err)
// TODO(ashankar): Should unread data from the flow be drained?
// Reason to do so:
// The common stream.Flow implementation (veyron/runtimes/google/ipc/stream/vc/reader.go)
// uses iobuf.Slices backed by an iobuf.Pool. If the stream is not drained, these
// slices will not be returned to the pool leading to possibly increased memory usage.
// Reason to not do so:
// Draining here will conflict with any Reads on the flow in a separate goroutine
// (for example, see TestStreamReadTerminatedByServer in full_test.go).
// For now, go with the reason to not do so as having unread data in the stream
// should be a rare case.
return nil
func (fs *flowServer) readIPCRequest() (*ipc.Request, verror.E) {
// Set a default timeout before reading from the flow. Without this timeout,
// a client that sends no request or a partial request will retain the flow
// indefinitely (and lock up server resources).
initTimer := newTimer(defaultCallTimeout)
defer initTimer.Stop()
// Decode the initial request.
var req ipc.Request
if err := fs.dec.Decode(&req); err != nil {
return nil, verror.BadProtocolf("ipc: request decoding failed: %v", err)
return &req, nil
func lookupInvoker(d ipc.Dispatcher, name, method string) (ipc.Invoker, security.Authorizer, error) {
obj, auth, err := d.Lookup(name, method)
switch {
case err != nil:
return nil, nil, err
case obj == nil:
return nil, auth, nil
if invoker, ok := obj.(ipc.Invoker); ok {
return invoker, auth, nil
return ipc.ReflectInvoker(obj), auth, nil
func (fs *flowServer) processRequest() ([]interface{}, verror.E) {
fs.starttime = time.Now()
req, verr := fs.readIPCRequest()
if verr != nil {
// We don't know what the ipc call was supposed to be, but we'll create
// a placeholder span so we can capture annotations.
fs.T, _ = ivtrace.WithNewSpan(fs, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\".UNKNOWN", fs.Name()))
return nil, verr
fs.method = req.Method
fs.suffix = req.Suffix
// TODO(mattr): Currently this allows users to trigger trace collection
// on the server even if they will not be allowed to collect the
// results later. This might be considered a DOS vector.
spanName := fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\".%s", fs.Name(), fs.Method())
fs.T, _ = ivtrace.WithContinuedSpan(fs, spanName, req.TraceRequest, fs.server.traceStore)
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if req.Timeout != ipc.NoTimeout {
fs.T, cancel = fs.WithDeadline(fs.starttime.Add(time.Duration(req.Timeout)))
} else {
fs.T, cancel = fs.WithCancel()
// Ensure that the context gets cancelled if the flow is closed
// due to a network error, or client cancellation.
go func() {
select {
case <-fs.flow.Closed():
// Here we remove the contexts channel as a deadline to the flow.
// We do this to ensure clients get a consistent error when they read/write
// after the flow is closed. Since the flow is already closed, it doesn't
// matter that the context is also cancelled.
case <-fs.Done():
// If additional credentials are provided, make them available in the context
var err error
if fs.blessings, err = security.NewBlessings(req.GrantedBlessings); err != nil {
return nil, verror.BadProtocolf("ipc: failed to decode granted blessings: %v", err)
// Detect unusable blessings now, rather then discovering they are unusable on first use.
// TODO(ashankar,ataly): Potential confused deputy attack: The client provides the
// server's identity as the blessing. Figure out what we want to do about this -
// should servers be able to assume that a blessing is something that does not
// have the authorizations that the server's own identity has?
if fs.blessings != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(fs.blessings.PublicKey(), fs.flow.LocalPrincipal().PublicKey()) {
return nil, verror.BadProtocolf("ipc: blessing granted not bound to this server(%v vs %v)", fs.blessings.PublicKey(), fs.flow.LocalPrincipal().PublicKey())
// Receive third party caveat discharges the client sent
for i := uint64(0); i < req.NumDischarges; i++ {
var d security.Discharge
if err := fs.dec.Decode(&d); err != nil {
return nil, verror.BadProtocolf("ipc: decoding discharge %d of %d failed: %v", i, req.NumDischarges, err)
fs.discharges[d.ID()] = d
// Lookup the invoker.
invoker, auth, verr := fs.lookup(&fs.suffix, &fs.method)
if verr != nil {
return nil, verr
// Prepare invoker and decode args.
numArgs := int(req.NumPosArgs)
argptrs, tags, err := invoker.Prepare(fs.method, numArgs)
fs.tags = tags
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.Makef(verror.ErrorID(err), "%s: name: %q", err, req.Suffix)
if len(argptrs) != numArgs {
return nil, verror.BadProtocolf(fmt.Sprintf("ipc: wrong number of input arguments for method %q, name %q (called with %d args, expected %d)", req.Method, req.Suffix, numArgs, len(argptrs)))
for ix, argptr := range argptrs {
if err := fs.dec.Decode(argptr); err != nil {
return nil, verror.BadProtocolf("ipc: arg %d decoding failed: %v", ix, err)
fs.allowDebug = fs.LocalPrincipal() == nil
// Check application's authorization policy and invoke the method.
// LocalPrincipal is nil means that the server wanted to avoid authentication,
// and thus wanted to skip authorization as well.
if fs.LocalPrincipal() != nil {
// Check if the caller is permitted to view debug information.
if err := fs.authorize(auth); err != nil {
return nil, err
fs.allowDebug = fs.authorizeForDebug(auth) == nil
results, err := invoker.Invoke(fs.method, fs, argptrs)
fs.server.stats.record(fs.method, time.Since(fs.starttime))
return results, verror.Convert(err)
// lookup returns the invoker and authorizer responsible for serving the given
// name and method. The name is stripped of any leading slashes. If it begins
// with ipc.DebugKeyword, we use the internal debug dispatcher to look up the
// invoker. Otherwise, and we use the server's dispatcher. The name and method
// value may be modified to match the actual name and method to use.
func (fs *flowServer) lookup(name, method *string) (ipc.Invoker, security.Authorizer, verror.E) {
*name = strings.TrimLeft(*name, "/")
if *method == ipc.GlobMethod {
*method = "Glob"
return ipc.ReflectInvoker(&globInternal{fs, *name}), &acceptAllAuthorizer{}, nil
var disp ipc.Dispatcher
if naming.IsReserved(*name) {
disp = fs.reservedOpt.Dispatcher
} else {
disp = fs.disp
if disp != nil {
invoker, auth, err := lookupInvoker(disp, *name, *method)
switch {
case err != nil:
return nil, nil, verror.Convert(err)
case invoker != nil:
return invoker, auth, nil
return nil, nil, verror.NoExistf("ipc: invoker not found for %q", *name)
type acceptAllAuthorizer struct{}
func (acceptAllAuthorizer) Authorize(security.Context) error {
return nil
func (fs *flowServer) authorize(auth security.Authorizer) verror.E {
if auth == nil {
auth = defaultAuthorizer{}
if err := auth.Authorize(fs); err != nil {
// TODO(ataly, ashankar): For privacy reasons, should we hide the authorizer error?
return verror.NoAccessf("ipc: not authorized to call %q.%q (%v)", fs.Name(), fs.Method(), err)
return nil
// debugContext is a context which wraps another context but always returns
// the debug label.
type debugContext struct {
func (debugContext) Label() security.Label { return security.DebugLabel }
// TODO(mattr): Is DebugLabel the right thing to check?
func (fs *flowServer) authorizeForDebug(auth security.Authorizer) error {
dc := debugContext{fs}
if auth == nil {
auth = defaultAuthorizer{}
return auth.Authorize(dc)
// Send implements the ipc.Stream method.
func (fs *flowServer) Send(item interface{}) error {
defer vlog.LogCall()()
// The empty response header indicates what follows is a streaming result.
if err := fs.enc.Encode(ipc.Response{}); err != nil {
return err
return fs.enc.Encode(item)
// Recv implements the ipc.Stream method.
func (fs *flowServer) Recv(itemptr interface{}) error {
defer vlog.LogCall()()
var req ipc.Request
if err := fs.dec.Decode(&req); err != nil {
return err
if req.EndStreamArgs {
fs.endStreamArgs = true
return io.EOF
return fs.dec.Decode(itemptr)
// Implementations of ipc.ServerContext methods.
func (fs *flowServer) RemoteDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge {
return fs.discharges
func (fs *flowServer) Server() ipc.Server {
return fs.server
func (fs *flowServer) Timestamp() time.Time {
return fs.starttime
func (fs *flowServer) Method() string {
return fs.method
func (fs *flowServer) MethodTags() []interface{} {
return fs.tags
// TODO(cnicolaou): remove Name from ipc.ServerContext and all of
// its implementations
func (fs *flowServer) Name() string {
return fs.suffix
func (fs *flowServer) Suffix() string {
return fs.suffix
func (fs *flowServer) Label() security.Label {
for _, t := range fs.tags {
if l, ok := t.(security.Label); ok {
return l
return security.AdminLabel
func (fs *flowServer) LocalPrincipal() security.Principal {
return fs.flow.LocalPrincipal()
func (fs *flowServer) LocalBlessings() security.Blessings {
return fs.flow.LocalBlessings()
func (fs *flowServer) RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings {
return fs.flow.RemoteBlessings()
func (fs *flowServer) Blessings() security.Blessings {
return fs.blessings
func (fs *flowServer) LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint {
return fs.flow.LocalEndpoint()
func (fs *flowServer) RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint {
return fs.flow.RemoteEndpoint()