blob: 9196dd64dc8ca0daadcf269e3380d191b7403a8e [file] [log] [blame]
// +build linux darwin
// Package roaming provides a network-aware Profile that provides appropriate
// options and configuration for a variety of network configurations, including
// being behind 1-1 NATs, using dhcp and auto-configuration for being on
// Google Compute Engine.
// The config.Publisher mechanism is used for communicating networking
// settings to the ipc.Server implementation of the runtime and publishes
// the Settings it expects.
package roaming
import (
const (
SettingsStreamName = "dhcp"
var (
listenProtocolFlag = config.TCPProtocolFlag{"tcp"}
listenSpecFlag = config.IPHostPortFlag{Port: "0"}
func init() {
flag.Var(&listenProtocolFlag, "veyron.tcp.protocol", "protocol to listen with")
flag.Var(&listenSpecFlag, "veyron.tcp.address", "address to listen on")
type profile struct {
addrChooser veyron2.AddressChooser
gce string
func preferredIPAddress(network string, addrs []net.Addr) (net.Addr, error) {
if !netstate.IsIPProtocol(network) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't support network protocol %q", network)
al := netstate.AddrList(addrs).Map(netstate.ConvertToIPHost)
for _, predicate := range []netstate.Predicate{netstate.IsPublicUnicastIPv4,
netstate.IsUnicastIPv4, netstate.IsPublicUnicastIPv6} {
if a := al.First(predicate); a != nil {
return a, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find any usable address for %q", network)
func New() veyron2.Profile {
return &profile{addrChooser: preferredIPAddress}
func (p *profile) Platform() *veyron2.Platform {
platform, _ := profiles.Platform()
return platform
func (p *profile) Name() string {
return "dhcp" + p.gce
func (p *profile) Runtime() string {
return ""
func (p *profile) String() string {
return p.Name() + " " + p.Platform().String()
func (p *profile) Init(rt veyron2.Runtime, publisher *config.Publisher) {
log := rt.Logger()
state, err := netstate.GetAccessibleIPs()
if err != nil {
log.Infof("failed to determine network state")
// TODO(cnicolaou): in a subsequent CL, change Init to return an error.
//return err
first := state.First(netstate.IsUnicastIP)
if first == nil {
log.Infof("failed to find any usable IP addresses at startup")
public := netstate.IsPublicUnicastIPv4(first)
// We now know that there is an IP address to listen on, and whether
// it's public or private.
// Our address is private, so we test for running on GCE and for its
// 1:1 NAT configuration. handleGCE returns a non-nil addr
// if we are indeed running on GCE.
if !public {
if addr := handleGCE(rt, publisher); addr != nil {
p.addrChooser = func(string, []net.Addr) (net.Addr, error) {
return addr, nil
p.gce = "+gce"
// Create stream in Init function to avoid a race between any
// goroutines started here and consumers started after Init returns.
ch := make(chan config.Setting)
stop, err := publisher.CreateStream(SettingsStreamName, "dhcp", ch)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to create publisher: %s", err)
protocol := listenProtocolFlag.Protocol
log.VI(2).Infof("Initial Network Settings: %s %s available: %s", protocol, listenSpecFlag, state)
publishInitialSettings(ch, protocol, listenSpecFlag.String(), state)
go monitorNetworkSettings(rt, stop, ch, state, protocol, p.addrChooser)
func (p *profile) AddressChooser() veyron2.AddressChooser {
return p.addrChooser
func publishInitialSettings(ch chan<- config.Setting, protocol, listenSpec string, addrs []net.Addr) {
// TODO(cnicolaou): consider applying the address chooser here and not in
// the server, or better yet not sending the InitialAddrsSetting.
for _, setting := range []config.Setting{
} {
ch <- setting
// monitorNetworkSettings will monitor network configuration changes and
// publish subsequent Settings to reflect any changes detected.
func monitorNetworkSettings(rt veyron2.Runtime, stop <-chan struct{},
ch chan<- config.Setting, prev netstate.AddrList, protocol string, chooser veyron2.AddressChooser) {
defer close(ch)
log := rt.Logger()
// Start the dhcp watcher.
watcher, err := netconfig.NewNetConfigWatcher()
if err != nil {
log.VI(2).Infof("Failed to get new config watcher: %s", err)
// TODO(cnicolaou): add support for shutting down profiles
for {
select {
case <-watcher.Channel():
cur, err := netstate.GetAccessibleIPs()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to read network state: %s", err)
removed := netstate.FindRemoved(prev, cur)
added := netstate.FindAdded(prev, cur)
log.VI(2).Infof("Previous: %d: %s", len(prev), prev)
log.VI(2).Infof("Current : %d: %s", len(cur), cur)
log.VI(2).Infof("Added : %d: %s", len(added), added)
log.VI(2).Infof("Removed : %d: %s", len(removed), removed)
if len(removed) == 0 && len(added) == 0 {
log.VI(2).Infof("Network event that lead to no address changes since our last 'baseline'")
if len(removed) > 0 {
log.VI(2).Infof("Sending removed: %s", removed)
ch <- ipc.NewRmAddrsSetting(removed)
// We will always send the best currently available address
if chosen, err := chooser(protocol, cur); err == nil && chosen != nil {
ch <- ipc.NewAddAddrsSetting([]net.Addr{chosen})
prev = cur
// TODO(cnicolaou): add support for shutting down profiles.
//case <-stop:
// return