blob: 6bede9359b31232ec6bce648dd1170fb2aef1f52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package leveldb_fsck
import "bufio"
import "encoding/binary"
import "fmt"
import "os"
import "path/filepath"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
// A chunkToLocationKey represents the parsed key in the chunk-to-location map.
type chunkToLocationKey struct {
prefix []byte
hash []byte
blobId []byte
// A chunkToLocationVal represents the parsed value in the chunk-to-location map.
type chunkToLocationVal struct {
offset int64
length int64
// parseChunkToLocationKey() attempts to parse "data" into chunkToLocationKey *o,
// and returns whether successful.
func parseChunkToLocationKey(data []byte, o *chunkToLocationKey) (ok bool) {
ok = (len(data) >= 33) && (data[0] == 0x00)
if ok {
o.prefix = data[:1]
o.hash = data[1:17]
o.blobId = data[17:33]
return ok
// parseChunkToLocationVal() attempts to parse "data" into chunkToLocationVal *o,
// and returns whether successful.
func parseChunkToLocationVal(data []byte, o *chunkToLocationVal) bool {
var n int
o.offset, n = binary.Varint(data)
if n > 0 {
o.length, n = binary.Varint(data[n:])
return n > 0
// ---
// A blobToChunkKey represents the parsed key in the blob-to-chunk map.
type blobToChunkKey struct {
prefix []byte
blobId []byte
offset int64
// A blobToChunkVal represents the parsed value in the blob-to-chunk map.
type blobToChunkVal struct {
hash []byte
length int64
// parseBlobToChunkKey() attempts to parse "data" into blobToChunkKey *o,
// and returns whether successful.
func parseBlobToChunkKey(data []byte, o *blobToChunkKey) (ok bool) {
ok = (len(data) >= 25) && (data[0] == 0x01)
if ok {
o.prefix = data[:1]
o.blobId = data[1:17]
o.offset = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[17:]))
return ok
// parseBlobToChunkVal() attempts to parse "data" into blobToChunkVal *o,
// and returns whether successful.
func parseBlobToChunkVal(data []byte, o *blobToChunkVal) bool {
var n int
if len(data) >= 17 {
o.hash = data[:16]
o.length, n = binary.Varint(data[16:])
return n > 0
// ---
// A blobToSignpostKey represents the parsed key in the blob-to-signpost map.
type blobToSignpostKey struct {
prefix []byte
blobId []byte
// parseBlobToSignpostKey() attempts to parse "data" into blobToSignpostKey *o,
// and returns whether successful.
func parseBlobToSignpostKey(data []byte, o *blobToSignpostKey) (ok bool) {
ok = (len(data) >= 17) && (data[0] == 0x02)
if ok {
o.prefix = data[:1]
o.blobId = data[1:17]
return ok
// ---
// A blobToMetadataKey represents the parsed key in the blob-to-metadata map.
type blobToMetadataKey struct {
prefix []byte
blobId []byte
// parseBlobToMetadataKey() attempts to parse "data" into blobToMetadataKey *o,
// and returns whether successful.
func parseBlobToMetadataKey(data []byte, o *blobToMetadataKey) (ok bool) {
ok = (len(data) >= 17) && (data[0] == 0x03)
if ok {
o.prefix = data[:1]
o.blobId = data[1:17]
return ok
// ---
// A perSyncGroupKey represents the parsed key in the per-syncgroup map.
type perSyncGroupKey struct {
prefix []byte
groupId []byte
// parsePerSyncgroupKey() attempts to parse "data" into perSyncGroupKey *o,
// and returns whether successful.
func parsePerSyncgroupKey(data []byte, o *perSyncGroupKey) (ok bool) {
ok = (len(data) >= 9) && (data[0] == 0x04)
if ok {
o.prefix = data[:1]
o.groupId = data[1:9]
return ok
// ---
// parseBlobEntry() attempts to parse the blobmap database entry (keyBytes,
// valBytes). If both the key and value can be parsed, each is placed in
// "result" using the Sprintf format strings keyFmt and valFmt respectively,
// and ok is set to true. If the key can be parsed, but not the value, the
// parsing of the key is placed in "result" using the Sprintf format string
// keyFmt, and ok is set to false. If the key cannot be parsed, "result" is
// left empty, and ok is set to false.
func parseBlobEntry(keyBytes []byte, valBytes []byte, keyFmt string, valFmt string) (result string, ok bool) {
var c2lk chunkToLocationKey
var b2ck blobToChunkKey
var b2sk blobToSignpostKey
var b2mk blobToMetadataKey
var psgk perSyncGroupKey
if parseChunkToLocationKey(keyBytes, &c2lk) {
result = fmt.Sprintf(keyFmt, c2lk)
var c2lv chunkToLocationVal
ok = parseChunkToLocationVal(valBytes, &c2lv)
if ok {
result += fmt.Sprintf(valFmt, c2lv)
} else if parseBlobToChunkKey(keyBytes, &b2ck) {
result = fmt.Sprintf(keyFmt, b2ck)
var b2cv blobToChunkVal
ok = parseBlobToChunkVal(valBytes, &b2cv)
if ok {
result += fmt.Sprintf(valFmt, b2cv)
} else if parseBlobToSignpostKey(keyBytes, &b2sk) {
result = fmt.Sprintf(keyFmt, b2sk)
var b2sv interfaces.Signpost
ok = (vom.Decode(valBytes, &b2sv) == nil)
if ok {
result += fmt.Sprintf(valFmt, b2sv)
} else if parseBlobToMetadataKey(keyBytes, &b2mk) {
result = fmt.Sprintf(keyFmt, b2mk)
var b2mv localblobstore.BlobMetadata
ok = (vom.Decode(valBytes, &b2mv) == nil)
if ok {
result += fmt.Sprintf(valFmt, b2mv)
} else if parsePerSyncgroupKey(keyBytes, &psgk) {
result = fmt.Sprintf(keyFmt, psgk)
var psgv localblobstore.PerSyncgroup
ok = (vom.Decode(valBytes, &psgv) == nil)
if ok {
result += fmt.Sprintf(valFmt, psgv)
return result, ok
// hashToFileName() returns the name of the binary ID with the specified
// prefix. Requires len(id)==16. An md5 hash is suitable.
func hashToFileName(prefix string, hash []byte) string {
return filepath.Join(prefix,
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", hash[0]),
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", hash[1]),
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", hash[2]),
hash[4], hash[5], hash[6], hash[7],
hash[8], hash[9], hash[10], hash[11],
hash[12], hash[13], hash[14], hash[15]))
// A blobToChunkEntry is a pair of a blobToChunkKey and a blobToChunkVal.
type blobToChunkEntry struct {
key blobToChunkKey
val blobToChunkVal
// A blobToFragmentEntry describes a part of a blob stored in a fragment.
type blobToFragmentEntry struct {
size int64
offset int64
fileName string
// A blobData respresents all the information found about a blob.
type blobData struct {
name string
isInFileSystem bool
isFinalized bool
hash string
b2Fragment []blobToFragmentEntry
b2Chunk []blobToChunkEntry
// blobMapEntry() returns a pointer to the blobData in blobMap with the
// specified name, creating the entry if needed.
func blobMapEntry(name string, blobMap map[string]*blobData) (entry *blobData) {
var ok bool
entry, ok = blobMap[name]
if !ok {
entry = &blobData{name: name}
blobMap[name] = entry
return entry
// visitFile() is called on each node visited when walking the blob directory tree.
// It adds each blob seen to blobMap.
func visitFile(dbCtx *dbContext, blobMap map[string]*blobData, root string, path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
appendError(dbCtx, err)
if err == nil && !info.IsDir() {
var relPath string
relPath, err = filepath.Rel(root, path)
if err != nil {
panic("path is not under root in filesystem tree walk")
var entry *blobData = blobMapEntry(relPath, blobMap)
entry.isInFileSystem = true
var f *os.File
f, err = os.Open(path)
if err == nil {
var scanner *bufio.Scanner = bufio.NewScanner(f)
var lineNum int
for scanner.Scan() {
var line string = scanner.Text()
var n int
var header string
if len(line) > 0 && line[0] == 'd' {
var fragment blobToFragmentEntry
n, err = fmt.Sscan(line, &header, &fragment.size, &fragment.offset, &fragment.fileName)
if err == nil && n == 4 {
entry.b2Fragment = append(entry.b2Fragment, fragment)
} else if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("blobDB: short fragment entry on line %d in blob description file %s", lineNum, path)
} else if len(line) > 0 && line[0] == 'f' {
n, err = fmt.Sscan(line, &header, &entry.hash)
if err == nil && n == 2 {
entry.isFinalized = true
} else if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("blobDB: short finalization entry on line %d in blob description file %s", lineNum, path)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("blobDB: can't parse line %d in blob description file %s", lineNum, path)
appendError(dbCtx, err)
} else {
appendError(dbCtx, err)
return nil
// CheckDBBlobs() attempts to check the blobmap store of the syncbase database *dbCtx.
func CheckDBBlobs(dbCtx *dbContext) {
keyBuf := make([]byte, 1024)
valBuf := make([]byte, 1024)
if dbCtx.blobDB != nil {
fmt.Printf("******************* blobDB\n")
cantDecode := 0
var stream store.Stream = dbCtx.blobDB.Scan(startKey, limit(startKey))
for stream.Advance() {
keyBytes := stream.Key(keyBuf)
valBytes := stream.Value(valBuf)
var output string
var ok bool
output, ok = parseBlobEntry(keyBytes, valBytes, "key: %#v", "\n\tvalue: %#v\n")
if ok {
fmt.Printf("%s", output)
} else {
if cantDecode == 0 {
var parsedAs string
if len(output) != 0 {
parsedAs = fmt.Sprintf(" (parsed as %s) ", output)
appendError(dbCtx, fmt.Errorf("blobDB: can't parse entry: key=%q (len=%d) %s value=%v",
string(keyBytes), len(keyBytes), parsedAs, valBytes))
if cantDecode > 1 {
appendError(dbCtx, fmt.Errorf("blobDB: can't parse %d entries in total", cantDecode))
appendError(dbCtx, stream.Err())
blobMap := make(map[string]*blobData)
blobTreePath := filepath.Join(dbCtx.rootPath, "blobs", "blob")
appendError(dbCtx, filepath.Walk(blobTreePath,
func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
return visitFile(dbCtx, blobMap, blobTreePath, path, info, err)
start := []byte{0x01}
stream = dbCtx.blobDB.Scan(start, limit(start))
for stream.Advance() {
keyBytes := stream.Key(keyBuf)
valBytes := stream.Value(valBuf)
var b2Chunk blobToChunkEntry
if parseBlobToChunkKey(keyBytes, &b2Chunk.key) && parseBlobToChunkVal(valBytes, &b2Chunk.val) {
name := hashToFileName("", b2Chunk.key.blobId)
var entry *blobData = blobMapEntry(name, blobMap)
entry.b2Chunk = append(entry.b2Chunk, b2Chunk)
appendError(dbCtx, stream.Err())
for blobName, entry := range blobMap {
fmt.Printf("blob %q\n", blobName)
fmt.Printf("\tisInFileSystem %v\n", entry.isInFileSystem)
fmt.Printf("\tisInFileSystem %v\n", entry.isFinalized)
fmt.Printf("\tchunks %d\n", len(entry.b2Chunk))
for i := 0; i != len(entry.b2Chunk); i++ {
fmt.Printf("\t\t%v\n", entry.b2Chunk[i])
fmt.Printf("******************* END blobDB\n\n\n")