blob: 0844c4f1ebe785509ef379408de9e62a64dfc19f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package namespace_test
import (
_ ""
inamespace ""
//go:generate v23 test generate
func resolveWithRetry(ctx *context.T, name string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) *naming.MountEntry {
ns := v23.GetNamespace(ctx)
for {
mp, err := ns.Resolve(ctx, name, opts...)
if err == nil {
return mp
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
func createContexts(t *testing.T) (sc, c *context.T, cleanup func()) {
ctx, shutdown := test.V23Init()
var (
err error
psc = testutil.NewPrincipal("sc")
pc = testutil.NewPrincipal("c")
// Setup the principals so that they recognize each other.
if err := psc.AddToRoots(pc.BlessingStore().Default()); err != nil {
if err := pc.AddToRoots(psc.BlessingStore().Default()); err != nil {
if sc, err = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, psc); err != nil {
if c, err = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, pc); err != nil {
return sc, c, shutdown
func boom(t *testing.T, f string, v ...interface{}) {
t.Logf(f, v...)
// N squared but who cares, this is a little test.
// Ignores dups.
func contains(container, contained []string) (string, bool) {
for _, d := range contained {
for _, r := range container {
if r == d {
continue L
return d, false
return "", true
func compare(t *testing.T, caller, name string, got, want []string) {
// Compare ignoring dups.
a, foundA := contains(got, want)
b, foundB := contains(want, got)
if !foundA {
t.Logf("%s: %q: failed to find %q: got %v, want %v", caller, name, a, got, want)
boom(t, "%s: %q: failed to find %q: got %v, want %v", caller, name, a, got, want)
if !foundB {
t.Logf("%s: %q: failed to find %q: got %v, want %v", caller, name, a, got, want)
boom(t, "%s: %q: failed to find %q: got %v, want %v", caller, name, b, got, want)
func doGlob(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ns namespace.T, pattern string, limit int) []string {
var replies []string
sctx, done := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 2*time.Minute)
defer done()
rc, err := ns.Glob(sctx, pattern)
if err != nil {
boom(t, "Glob(%s): %s", pattern, err)
for s := range rc {
switch v := s.(type) {
case *naming.GlobReplyEntry:
replies = append(replies, v.Value.Name)
if limit > 0 && len(replies) > limit {
boom(t, "Glob returns too many results, perhaps not limiting recursion")
case *naming.GlobReplyError:
boom(t, "Glob failed at %q: %v", v.Value.Name, v.Value.Error)
return replies
type testServer struct {
suffix string
func (testServer) KnockKnock(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (string, error) {
return "Who's there?", nil
// testServer has the following namespace:
// "" -> {level1} -> {level2}
func (t *testServer) GlobChildren__(_ *context.T, call rpc.GlobChildrenServerCall, m *glob.Element) error {
switch t.suffix {
case "":
if n := "level1"; m.Match(n) {
case "level1":
if n := "level2"; m.Match(n) {
return nil
return nil
type dispatcher struct{}
func (d *dispatcher) Lookup(_ *context.T, suffix string) (interface{}, security.Authorizer, error) {
return &testServer{suffix}, security.AllowEveryone(), nil
func knockKnock(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, name string) {
client := v23.GetClient(ctx)
var result string
if err := client.Call(ctx, name, "KnockKnock", nil, []interface{}{&result}); err != nil {
boom(t, "Call failed: %s", err)
if result != "Who's there?" {
boom(t, "Wrong result: %v", result)
func doResolveTest(t *testing.T, fname string, f func(*context.T, string, ...naming.NamespaceOpt) (*naming.MountEntry, error), ctx *context.T, name string, want []string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) {
maxretries := 5
var lastErr error
for i := 0; i < maxretries; i++ {
me, err := f(ctx, name, opts...)
if err == nil {
if i > 0 {
t.Logf("doResolveTest: retried %d times", i)
compare(t, fname, name, me.Names(), want)
if err != nil && verror.Action(err).RetryAction() != 0 {
boom(t, "Failed to %s %s: %s, attempt %d", fname, name, err, i)
lastErr = err
boom(t, "Failed to %s %s: %s after %d attempts", fname, name, lastErr, maxretries)
func testResolveToMountTable(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ns namespace.T, name string, want ...string) {
doResolveTest(t, "ResolveToMountTable", ns.ResolveToMountTable, ctx, name, want)
func testResolveToMountTableWithPattern(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ns namespace.T, name string, pattern naming.NamespaceOpt, want ...string) {
doResolveTest(t, "ResolveToMountTable", ns.ResolveToMountTable, ctx, name, want, pattern)
func testResolve(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ns namespace.T, name string, want ...string) {
doResolveTest(t, "Resolve", ns.Resolve, ctx, name, want)
func testResolveWithPattern(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, ns namespace.T, name string, pattern naming.NamespaceOpt, want ...string) {
doResolveTest(t, "Resolve", ns.Resolve, ctx, name, want, pattern)
type serverEntry struct {
mountPoint string
stop func() error
endpoint naming.Endpoint
name string
func runServer(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, disp rpc.Dispatcher, mountPoint string) *serverEntry {
return run(t, ctx, disp, mountPoint, false)
func runMT(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, mountPoint string) *serverEntry {
mtd, err := mounttablelib.NewMountTableDispatcher(ctx, "", "", "mounttable")
if err != nil {
boom(t, "NewMountTableDispatcher returned error: %v", err)
return run(t, ctx, mtd, mountPoint, true)
func run(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, disp rpc.Dispatcher, mountPoint string, mt bool) *serverEntry {
s, err := xrpc.NewDispatchingServer(ctx, mountPoint, disp, options.ServesMountTable(mt))
if err != nil {
boom(t, "r.NewServer: %s", err)
eps := s.Status().Endpoints
t.Logf("server %q -> %s", eps[0].Name(), mountPoint)
// Wait until the mount point appears in the mount table.
resolveWithRetry(ctx, mountPoint)
return &serverEntry{mountPoint: mountPoint, stop: s.Stop, endpoint: eps[0], name: eps[0].Name()}
const (
mt1MP = "mt1"
mt2MP = "mt2"
mt3MP = "mt3"
mt4MP = "mt4"
mt5MP = "mt5"
j1MP = "joke1"
j2MP = "joke2"
j3MP = "joke3"
ttl = 5 * time.Minute
// runMountTables creates a root mountable with some mount tables mounted
// in it: mt{1,2,3,4,5}
func runMountTables(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T) (*serverEntry, map[string]*serverEntry) {
root := runMT(t, ctx, "")
t.Logf("mountTable %q -> %s", root.mountPoint, root.endpoint)
mps := make(map[string]*serverEntry)
for _, mp := range []string{mt1MP, mt2MP, mt3MP, mt4MP, mt5MP} {
m := runMT(t, ctx, mp)
t.Logf("mountTable %q -> %s", mp, m.endpoint)
mps[mp] = m
return root, mps
// createNamespace creates a hierarchy of mounttables and servers
// as follows:
// /mt1, /mt2, /mt3, /mt4, /mt5, /joke1, /joke2, /joke3.
// That is, mt1 is a mount table mounted in the root mount table,
// joke1 is a server mounted in the root mount table.
func createNamespace(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T) (*serverEntry, map[string]*serverEntry, map[string]*serverEntry, func()) {
root, mts := runMountTables(t, ctx)
jokes := make(map[string]*serverEntry)
// Let's run some non-mount table services.
for _, j := range []string{j1MP, j2MP, j3MP} {
disp := &dispatcher{}
jokes[j] = runServer(t, ctx, disp, j)
return root, mts, jokes, func() {
for _, s := range jokes {
for _, s := range mts {
// runNestedMountTables creates some nested mount tables in the hierarchy
// created by createNamespace as follows:
// /mt4/foo, /mt4/foo/bar and /mt4/baz where foo, bar and baz are mount tables.
func runNestedMountTables(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, mts map[string]*serverEntry) {
ns := v23.GetNamespace(ctx)
// Set up some nested mounts and verify resolution.
for _, m := range []string{"mt4/foo", "mt4/foo/bar"} {
mts[m] = runMT(t, ctx, m)
// Use a global name for a mount, rather than a relative one.
// We directly mount baz into the mt4/foo mount table.
globalMP := naming.JoinAddressName(mts["mt4/foo"].name, "baz")
mts["baz"] = runMT(t, ctx, "baz")
sctx, done := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 2*time.Minute)
defer done()
if err := ns.Mount(sctx, globalMP, mts["baz"].name, ttl); err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s: %s", globalMP, err)
// TestNamespaceCommon tests common use of the Namespace library
// against a root mount table and some mount tables mounted on it.
func TestNamespaceCommon(t *testing.T) {
_, c, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
root, mts, jokes, stopper := createNamespace(t, c)
defer stopper()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(c)
// All of the initial mounts are served by the root mounttable
// and hence ResolveToMountTable should return the root mountable
// as the address portion of the terminal name for those mounttables.
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, "",
for _, m := range []string{mt2MP, mt3MP, mt5MP} {
rootMT := naming.Join(, m)
// All of these mount tables are hosted by the root mount table
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, m, rootMT)
// The server registered for each mount point is a mount table
testResolve(t, c, ns, m, mts[m].name)
// ResolveToMountTable will walk through to the sub MountTables
mtbar := naming.Join(m, "bar")
subMT := naming.Join(mts[m].name, "bar")
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, mtbar, subMT)
for _, j := range []string{j1MP, j2MP, j3MP} {
testResolve(t, c, ns, j, jokes[j].name)
// TestNamespaceDetails tests more detailed use of the Namespace library.
func TestNamespaceDetails(t *testing.T) {
sc, c, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
root, mts, _, stopper := createNamespace(t, sc)
defer stopper()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(c)
// /mt2 is not an endpoint. Thus, the example below will fail.
mt3Server := mts[mt3MP].name
mt2a := "/mt2/a"
if err := ns.Mount(c, mt2a, mt3Server, ttl); verror.ErrorID(err) == naming.ErrNoSuchName.ID {
boom(t, "Successfully mounted %s - expected an err %v, not %v", mt2a, naming.ErrNoSuchName, err)
// Mount using the relative name.
// This means walk through mt2 if it already exists and mount within
// the lower level mount table, if the name doesn't exist we'll create
// a new name for it.
mt2a = "mt2/a"
if err := ns.Mount(c, mt2a, mt3Server, ttl); err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s: %s", mt2a, err)
mt2mt := naming.Join(mts[mt2MP].name, "a")
// The mt2/a is served by the mt2 mount table
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, mt2a, mt2mt)
// The server for mt2a is mt3server from the second mount above.
testResolve(t, c, ns, mt2a, mt3Server)
// Add two more mounts. The // should be stripped off of the
// second.
for _, mp := range []struct{ name, server string }{
{"mt2", mts[mt4MP].name},
{"mt2//", mts[mt5MP].name},
} {
if err := ns.Mount(c,, mp.server, ttl, naming.ServesMountTable(true)); err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s: %s",, err)
names := []string{naming.JoinAddressName(mts[mt4MP].name, "a"),
naming.JoinAddressName(mts[mt5MP].name, "a")}
names = append(names, naming.JoinAddressName(mts[mt2MP].name, "a"))
// We now have 3 mount tables prepared to serve mt2/a
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, "mt2/a", names...)
names = []string{mts[mt4MP].name, mts[mt5MP].name}
names = append(names, mts[mt2MP].name)
testResolve(t, c, ns, "mt2", names...)
// TestNestedMounts tests some more deeply nested mounts
func TestNestedMounts(t *testing.T) {
sc, c, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
root, mts, _, stopper := createNamespace(t, sc)
runNestedMountTables(t, sc, mts)
defer stopper()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(c)
// Set up some nested mounts and verify resolution.
for _, m := range []string{"mt4/foo", "mt4/foo/bar"} {
testResolve(t, c, ns, m, mts[m].name)
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, "mt4/foo",
naming.JoinAddressName(mts[mt4MP].name, "foo"))
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, "mt4/foo/bar",
naming.JoinAddressName(mts["mt4/foo"].name, "bar"))
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, "mt4/foo/baz",
naming.JoinAddressName(mts["mt4/foo"].name, "baz"))
// TestServers tests invoking RPCs on simple servers
func TestServers(t *testing.T) {
sc, c, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
root, mts, jokes, stopper := createNamespace(t, sc)
defer stopper()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(c)
// Let's run some non-mount table services
for _, j := range []string{j1MP, j2MP, j3MP} {
testResolve(t, c, ns, j, jokes[j].name)
knockKnock(t, c, j)
globalName := naming.JoinAddressName(mts["mt4"].name, j)
disp := &dispatcher{}
gj := "g_" + j
jokes[gj] = runServer(t, c, disp, globalName)
testResolve(t, c, ns, "mt4/"+j, jokes[gj].name)
knockKnock(t, c, "mt4/"+j)
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, "mt4/"+j, globalName)
testResolveToMountTable(t, c, ns, "mt4/"+j+"/garbage", globalName+"/garbage")
// TestGlob tests some glob patterns.
func TestGlob(t *testing.T) {
sc, c, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
root, mts, _, stopper := createNamespace(t, sc)
runNestedMountTables(t, sc, mts)
defer stopper()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(c)
tln := []string{"baz", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4", "mt5", "joke1", "joke2", "joke3"}
barbaz := []string{"mt4/foo/bar", "mt4/foo/baz"}
level12 := []string{"joke1/level1", "joke1/level1/level2", "joke2/level1", "joke2/level1/level2", "joke3/level1", "joke3/level1/level2"}
foo := append([]string{"mt4/foo"}, barbaz...)
foo = append(foo, level12...)
// Try various globs.
globTests := []struct {
pattern string
expected []string
{"*", tln},
{"x", []string{}},
{"m*", []string{"mt1", "mt2", "mt3", "mt4", "mt5"}},
{"mt[2,3]", []string{"mt2", "mt3"}},
{"*z", []string{"baz"}},
{"joke1/*", []string{"joke1/level1"}},
{"j?ke1/level1/*", []string{"joke1/level1/level2"}},
{"joke1/level1/*", []string{"joke1/level1/level2"}},
{"joke1/level1/level2/...", []string{"joke1/level1/level2"}},
{"...", append(append(tln, foo...), "")},
{"*/...", append(tln, foo...)},
{"*/foo/*", barbaz},
{"*/*/*z", []string{"mt4/foo/baz"}},
{"*/f??/*z", []string{"mt4/foo/baz"}},
{"mt4/foo/baz", []string{"mt4/foo/baz"}},
for _, test := range globTests {
out := doGlob(t, c, ns, test.pattern, 0)
compare(t, "Glob", test.pattern, out, test.expected)
// Do the same with a full rooted name.
out = doGlob(t, c, ns, naming.JoinAddressName(, test.pattern), 0)
var expectedWithRoot []string
for _, s := range test.expected {
expectedWithRoot = append(expectedWithRoot, naming.JoinAddressName(, s))
compare(t, "Glob", test.pattern, out, expectedWithRoot)
type GlobbableServer struct {
callCount int
mu sync.Mutex
func (g *GlobbableServer) Glob__(*context.T, rpc.GlobServerCall, *glob.Glob) error {
return nil
func (g *GlobbableServer) GetAndResetCount() int {
cnt := g.callCount
g.callCount = 0
return cnt
// TestGlobEarlyStop tests that Glob doesn't query terminal servers with finished patterns.
func TestGlobEarlyStop(t *testing.T) {
sc, c, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
root, mts, _, stopper := createNamespace(t, sc)
runNestedMountTables(t, sc, mts)
defer stopper()
globServer := &GlobbableServer{}
name := naming.JoinAddressName(mts["mt4/foo/bar"].name, "glob")
runningGlobServer := runServer(t, c, testutil.LeafDispatcher(globServer, nil), name)
defer runningGlobServer.stop()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(c)
tests := []struct {
pattern string
expectedCalls int
expected []string
{"mt4/foo/bar/glob", 0, []string{"mt4/foo/bar/glob"}},
{"mt4/foo/bar/glob/...", 1, []string{"mt4/foo/bar/glob"}},
{"mt4/foo/bar/glob/*", 1, nil},
{"mt4/foo/bar/***", 0, []string{"mt4/foo/bar", "mt4/foo/bar/glob"}},
{"mt4/foo/bar/...", 1, []string{"mt4/foo/bar", "mt4/foo/bar/glob"}},
{"mt4/foo/bar/*", 0, []string{"mt4/foo/bar/glob"}},
{"mt4/***/bar/***", 0, []string{"mt4/foo/bar", "mt4/foo/bar/glob"}},
{"mt4/*/bar/***", 0, []string{"mt4/foo/bar", "mt4/foo/bar/glob"}},
// Test allowing the tests to descend into leaves.
for _, test := range tests {
out := doGlob(t, c, ns, test.pattern, 0)
compare(t, "Glob", test.pattern, out, test.expected)
if calls := globServer.GetAndResetCount(); calls != test.expectedCalls {
boom(t, "Wrong number of Glob calls to terminal server got: %d want: %d.", calls, test.expectedCalls)
func TestCycles(t *testing.T) {
sc, c, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
root, _, _, stopper := createNamespace(t, sc)
defer stopper()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(c)
c1 := runMT(t, c, "c1")
c2 := runMT(t, c, "c2")
c3 := runMT(t, c, "c3")
defer c1.stop()
defer c2.stop()
defer c3.stop()
m := "c1/c2"
if err := ns.Mount(c, m,, ttl, naming.ServesMountTable(true)); err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s: %s", "c1/c2", err)
m = "c1/c2/c3"
if err := ns.Mount(c, m,, ttl, naming.ServesMountTable(true)); err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s: %s", m, err)
m = "c1/c3/c4"
if err := ns.Mount(c, m,, ttl, naming.ServesMountTable(true)); err != nil {
boom(t, "Failed to Mount %s: %s", m, err)
// Since c1 was mounted with the Serve call, it will have both the tcp and ws endpoints.
testResolve(t, c, ns, "c1",
testResolve(t, c, ns, "c1/c2",
testResolve(t, c, ns, "c1/c3",
testResolve(t, c, ns, "c1/c3/c4",
testResolve(t, c, ns, "c1/c3/c4/c3/c4",
cycle := "c3/c4"
for i := 0; i < 40; i++ {
cycle += "/c3/c4"
if _, err := ns.Resolve(c, "c1/"+cycle); verror.ErrorID(err) != naming.ErrResolutionDepthExceeded.ID {
boom(t, "Failed to detect cycle")
// Perform the glob with a response length limit and dup suppression. The dup supression
// should win.
r := doGlob(t, c, ns, "c1/...", 1000)
if len(r) != 6 {
t.Fatalf("expected 6 replies, got %v", r)
// TestGoroutineLeaks tests for leaking goroutines - we have many:-(
func TestGoroutineLeaks(t *testing.T) {
sc, _, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
_, _, _, stopper := createNamespace(t, sc)
defer func() {
sc.Infof("%d goroutines:", runtime.NumGoroutine())
defer stopper()
defer func() {
sc.Infof("%d goroutines:", runtime.NumGoroutine())
//panic("this will show up lots of goroutine+channel leaks!!!!")
func TestBadRoots(t *testing.T) {
if _, err := inamespace.New(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("namespace.New should not have failed with no roots")
if _, err := inamespace.New("not a rooted name"); err == nil {
t.Errorf("namespace.New should have failed with an unrooted name")
func bless(blesser, delegate security.Principal, extension string) {
b, err := blesser.Bless(delegate.PublicKey(), blesser.BlessingStore().Default(), extension, security.UnconstrainedUse())
if err != nil {
func TestAuthorizationDuringResolve(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := v23.Init()
defer shutdown()
var (
rootMtCtx, _ = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, testutil.NewPrincipal()) // root mounttable
mtCtx, _ = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, testutil.NewPrincipal()) // intermediate mounttable
serverCtx, _ = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, testutil.NewPrincipal()) // end server
clientCtx, _ = v23.WithPrincipal(ctx, testutil.NewPrincipal()) // client process (doing Resolves).
clientNs = v23.GetNamespace(clientCtx)
serverNs = v23.GetNamespace(serverCtx)
idp = testutil.NewIDProvider("idp") // identity provider
serverEndpoint = naming.FormatEndpoint("tcp", "")
// Setup default blessings for the processes.
idp.Bless(v23.GetPrincipal(rootMtCtx), "rootmt")
idp.Bless(v23.GetPrincipal(serverCtx), "server")
idp.Bless(v23.GetPrincipal(mtCtx), "childmt")
idp.Bless(v23.GetPrincipal(clientCtx), "client")
// Setup the namespace root for all the "processes".
rootmt := runMT(t, rootMtCtx, "")
for _, ctx := range []*context.T{mtCtx, serverCtx, clientCtx} {
// Disable caching in the client so that any Mount calls by the server
// are noticed immediately.
// Intermediate mounttables should be authenticated.
mt := runMT(t, mtCtx, "mt")
defer func() {
// Mount a server on "mt".
if err := serverNs.Mount(serverCtx, "mt/server", serverEndpoint, time.Minute, naming.ReplaceMount(true)); err != nil {
// The namespace root should be authenticated too
resolveWithRetry(clientCtx, "mt/server")
// Host:Port and Endpoint versions of the other namespace root
// (which has different blessings)
hproot := fmt.Sprintf("(otherroot)@%v", rootmt.endpoint.Addr())
eproot := naming.FormatEndpoint(rootmt.endpoint.Addr().Network(), rootmt.endpoint.Addr().String(), rootmt.endpoint.RoutingID(), naming.BlessingOpt("otherroot"), naming.ServesMountTable(rootmt.endpoint.ServesMountTable()))
for _, root := range []string{hproot, eproot} {
name := naming.JoinAddressName(root, "mt")
// Rooted name resolutions should fail authorization because of the "otherrot"
if e, err := clientNs.Resolve(clientCtx, name); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNotTrusted.ID {
t.Errorf("resolve(%q) returned (%v, errorid=%v %v), wanted errorid=%v", name, e, verror.ErrorID(err), err, verror.ErrNotTrusted.ID)
// But not fail if the skip-authorization option is provided
if e, err := clientNs.Resolve(clientCtx, name, options.SkipServerEndpointAuthorization{}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("resolve(%q): Got (%v, %v), expected resolution to succeed", name, e, err)
// The namespace root from the context should be authorized as well.
ctx, ns, _ := v23.WithNewNamespace(clientCtx, naming.JoinAddressName(root, ""))
if e, err := ns.Resolve(ctx, "mt/server"); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNotTrusted.ID {
t.Errorf("resolve with root=%q returned (%v, errorid=%v %v), wanted errorid=%v: %s", root, e, verror.ErrorID(err), err, verror.ErrNotTrusted.ID, verror.DebugString(err))
if _, err := ns.Resolve(ctx, "mt/server", options.SkipServerEndpointAuthorization{}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("resolve with root=%q should have succeeded when authorization checks are skipped. Got %v: %s", root, err, verror.DebugString(err))
// Imagine that the network address of "mt" has been taken over by an
// attacker. However, this attacker cannot mess with the mount entry
// for "mt". This would result in "mt" and its mount entry (in the
// global mounttable) having inconsistent blessings. Simulate this by
// explicitly changing the mount entry for "mt".
goodChildMTEndpoint := naming.FormatEndpoint(mt.endpoint.Addr().Network(), mt.endpoint.Addr().String(), naming.BlessingOpt("idp/goodchildmt"), mt.endpoint.RoutingID())
if err := v23.GetNamespace(mtCtx).Mount(mtCtx, "mt", goodChildMTEndpoint, time.Minute, naming.ServesMountTable(true), naming.ReplaceMount(true)); err != nil {
if e, err := clientNs.Resolve(serverCtx, "mt/server", options.SkipServerEndpointAuthorization{}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Resolve should succeed when skipping server authorization. Got (%v, %v) %s", e, err, verror.DebugString(err))
} else if e, err := clientNs.Resolve(serverCtx, "mt/server"); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNotTrusted.ID {
t.Errorf("Resolve should have failed with %q because an attacker has taken over the intermediate mounttable. Got (%+v, errorid=%q:%v)", verror.ErrNotTrusted.ID, e, verror.ErrorID(err), err)
// TestDelete tests deleting some parts of the name space.
func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
_, c, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(c)
// Create a root mount table with mount tables mounted at mt1, mt1, ...
root, _, _, stopper := createNamespace(t, c)
defer stopper()
// We should be able to remove servers below the root.
if err := ns.Delete(c, "mt1", false); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Delete failed: %s", err)
// Create a server below one level down.
if err := ns.Mount(c, "mt2/b/c", "/madeup:1111/server", time.Minute); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Mount mt2/b/c failed: %s", err)
// We should not be able to delete mt2/b...
if err := ns.Delete(c, "mt2/b", false); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Delete mt2/b should have failed")
// ...unless we include its children.
if err := ns.Delete(c, "mt2/b", true); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Delete failed: %s", err)
type leafObject struct{}
func (leafObject) Foo(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) error {
return nil
func TestLeaf(t *testing.T) {
_, ctx, cleanup := createContexts(t)
defer cleanup()
root := runMT(t, ctx, "")
defer func() { root.stop() }()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(ctx)
server, err := xrpc.NewServer(ctx, "leaf", &leafObject{}, nil)
if err != nil {
boom(t, "xrpc.NewServer: %s", err)
defer server.Stop()
mountEntry := resolveWithRetry(ctx, "leaf")
if expected := true; mountEntry.IsLeaf != expected {
boom(t, "unexpected mountEntry.IsLeaf value. Got %v, expected %v", mountEntry.IsLeaf, expected)
c, err := ns.Glob(ctx, "leaf")
if err != nil {
boom(t, "ns.Glob failed: %v", err)
count := 0
for result := range c {
if me, ok := result.(*naming.GlobReplyEntry); ok {
if expected := true; me.Value.IsLeaf != expected {
boom(t, "unexpected me.IsLeaf value. Got %v, expected %v", me.Value.IsLeaf, expected)
if count == 0 {
boom(t, "Glob did not return any results. Expected 1")