blob: fa6b27970dd2a885fc33c940eef7449010fa8fa8 [file] [log] [blame]
// An implementation of a server for WSPR
package server
import (
type Flow struct {
ID int32
Writer lib.ClientWriter
// A request from the proxy to javascript to handle an RPC
type ServerRPCRequest struct {
ServerId uint32
Handle int32
Method string
Args []interface{}
Context ServerRPCRequestContext
type ServerRPCRequestContext struct {
SecurityContext SecurityContext
Timeout int64 // The time period (in ns) between now and the deadline.
type FlowHandler interface {
CreateNewFlow(server *Server, sender ipc.Stream) *Flow
CleanupFlow(id int32)
type HandleStore interface {
// Adds blessings to the store and returns handle to the blessings
AddBlessings(blessings security.Blessings) int32
type ServerHelper interface {
Context() *context.T
type authReply struct {
Err *verror.Standard
// AuthRequest is a request for a javascript authorizer to run
// This is exported to make the app test easier.
type AuthRequest struct {
ServerID uint32 `json:"serverID"`
Handle int32 `json:"handle"`
Context SecurityContext `json:"context"`
type Server struct {
// serverStateLock should be aquired when starting or stopping the server.
// This should be locked before outstandingRequestLock.
serverStateLock sync.Mutex
// The ipc.ListenSpec to use with server.Listen
listenSpec *ipc.ListenSpec
// The server that handles the ipc layer. Listen on this server is
// lazily started.
server ipc.Server
// The saved dispatcher to reuse when serve is called multiple times.
dispatcher *dispatcher
// Whether the server is listening.
isListening bool
// The server id.
id uint32
helper ServerHelper
// outstandingRequestLock should be acquired only to update the
// outstanding request maps below.
outstandingRequestLock sync.Mutex
// The set of outstanding server requests.
outstandingServerRequests map[int32]chan *lib.ServerRPCReply
outstandingAuthRequests map[int32]chan error
outstandingValidationRequests map[int32]chan []error
func NewServer(id uint32, listenSpec *ipc.ListenSpec, helper ServerHelper) (*Server, error) {
server := &Server{
id: id,
helper: helper,
listenSpec: listenSpec,
outstandingServerRequests: make(map[int32]chan *lib.ServerRPCReply),
outstandingAuthRequests: make(map[int32]chan error),
outstandingValidationRequests: make(map[int32]chan []error),
var err error
ctx := helper.Context()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "customChainValidator", server.wsprCaveatValidator)
if server.server, err = v23.NewServer(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return server, nil
// remoteInvokeFunc is a type of function that can invoke a remote method and
// communicate the result back via a channel to the caller
type remoteInvokeFunc func(methodName string, args []interface{}, call ipc.ServerCall) <-chan *lib.ServerRPCReply
func (s *Server) createRemoteInvokerFunc(handle int32) remoteInvokeFunc {
return func(methodName string, args []interface{}, call ipc.ServerCall) <-chan *lib.ServerRPCReply {
securityContext := s.convertSecurityContext(call, true)
flow := s.helper.CreateNewFlow(s, call)
replyChan := make(chan *lib.ServerRPCReply, 1)
s.outstandingServerRequests[flow.ID] = replyChan
timeout := lib.JSIPCNoTimeout
if deadline, ok := call.Context().Deadline(); ok {
timeout = lib.GoToJSDuration(deadline.Sub(time.Now()))
errHandler := func(err error) <-chan *lib.ServerRPCReply {
if ch := s.popServerRequest(flow.ID); ch != nil {
stdErr := verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, call.Context(), err).(verror.Standard)
ch <- &lib.ServerRPCReply{nil, &stdErr}
return replyChan
context := ServerRPCRequestContext{
SecurityContext: securityContext,
Timeout: timeout,
// Send a invocation request to JavaScript
message := ServerRPCRequest{
Handle: handle,
Method: lib.LowercaseFirstCharacter(methodName),
Args: args,
Context: context,
vomMessage, err := lib.VomEncode(message)
if err != nil {
return errHandler(err)
if err := flow.Writer.Send(lib.ResponseServerRequest, vomMessage); err != nil {
return errHandler(err)
vlog.VI(3).Infof("calling method %q with args %v, MessageID %d assigned\n", methodName, args, flow.ID)
// Watch for cancellation.
go func() {
ch := s.popServerRequest(flow.ID)
if ch == nil {
// Send a cancel message to the JS server.
flow.Writer.Send(lib.ResponseCancel, nil)
err := verror.Convert(verror.ErrAborted, call.Context(), call.Context().Err()).(verror.Standard)
ch <- &lib.ServerRPCReply{nil, &err}
go proxyStream(call, flow.Writer)
return replyChan
type globStream struct {
ch chan naming.VDLGlobReply
ctx *context.T
func (g *globStream) Send(item interface{}) error {
if v, ok := item.(naming.VDLGlobReply); ok { <- v
return nil
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, g.ctx, item)
func (g *globStream) Recv(itemptr interface{}) error {
return verror.New(verror.ErrNoExist, g.ctx, "Can't call recieve on glob stream")
func (g *globStream) CloseSend() error {
return nil
// remoteGlobFunc is a type of function that can invoke a remote glob and
// communicate the result back via the channel returned
type remoteGlobFunc func(pattern string, call ipc.ServerContext) (<-chan naming.VDLGlobReply, error)
func (s *Server) createRemoteGlobFunc(handle int32) remoteGlobFunc {
return func(pattern string, call ipc.ServerContext) (<-chan naming.VDLGlobReply, error) {
// Until the tests get fixed, we need to create a security context before creating the flow
// because creating the security context creates a flow and flow ids will be off.
// See
securityContext := s.convertSecurityContext(call, true)
globChan := make(chan naming.VDLGlobReply, 1)
flow := s.helper.CreateNewFlow(s, &globStream{
ch: globChan,
ctx: call.Context(),
replyChan := make(chan *lib.ServerRPCReply, 1)
s.outstandingServerRequests[flow.ID] = replyChan
timeout := lib.JSIPCNoTimeout
if deadline, ok := call.Context().Deadline(); ok {
timeout = lib.GoToJSDuration(deadline.Sub(time.Now()))
errHandler := func(err error) (<-chan naming.VDLGlobReply, error) {
if ch := s.popServerRequest(flow.ID); ch != nil {
return nil, verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, call.Context(), err).(verror.Standard)
context := ServerRPCRequestContext{
SecurityContext: securityContext,
Timeout: timeout,
// Send a invocation request to JavaScript
message := ServerRPCRequest{
Handle: handle,
Method: "Glob__",
Args: []interface{}{pattern},
Context: context,
vomMessage, err := lib.VomEncode(message)
if err != nil {
return errHandler(err)
if err := flow.Writer.Send(lib.ResponseServerRequest, vomMessage); err != nil {
return errHandler(err)
vlog.VI(3).Infof("calling method 'Glob__' with args %v, MessageID %d assigned\n", []interface{}{pattern}, flow.ID)
// Watch for cancellation.
go func() {
ch := s.popServerRequest(flow.ID)
if ch == nil {
// Send a cancel message to the JS server.
flow.Writer.Send(lib.ResponseCancel, nil)
err := verror.Convert(verror.ErrAborted, call.Context(), call.Context().Err()).(verror.Standard)
ch <- &lib.ServerRPCReply{nil, &err}
return globChan, nil
func proxyStream(stream ipc.Stream, w lib.ClientWriter) {
var item interface{}
for err := stream.Recv(&item); err == nil; err = stream.Recv(&item) {
vomItem, err := lib.VomEncode(item)
if err != nil {
w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err))
if err := w.Send(lib.ResponseStream, vomItem); err != nil {
w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err))
if err := w.Send(lib.ResponseStreamClose, nil); err != nil {
w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err))
func (s *Server) convertBlessingsToHandle(blessings security.Blessings) principal.BlessingsHandle {
return *principal.ConvertBlessingsToHandle(blessings, s.helper.AddBlessings(blessings))
func makeListOfErrors(numErrors int, err error) []error {
errs := make([]error, numErrors)
for i := 0; i < numErrors; i++ {
errs[i] = err
return errs
// wsprCaveatValidator validates caveats in javascript.
// It resolves each []security.Caveat in cavs to an error (or nil) and collects them in a slice.
func (s *Server) wsprCaveatValidator(ctx security.Context, cavs [][]security.Caveat) []error {
flow := s.helper.CreateNewFlow(s, nil)
req := CaveatValidationRequest{
Ctx: s.convertSecurityContext(ctx, false),
Cavs: cavs,
replyChan := make(chan []error, 1)
s.outstandingValidationRequests[flow.ID] = replyChan
defer func() {
delete(s.outstandingValidationRequests, flow.ID)
if err := flow.Writer.Send(lib.ResponseValidate, req); err != nil {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Failed to send validate response: %v", err)
replyChan <- makeListOfErrors(len(cavs), err)
// TODO(bprosnitz) Consider using a different timeout than the standard ipc timeout.
delay := time.Duration(ipc.NoTimeout)
if dl, ok := ctx.Context().Deadline(); ok {
delay = dl.Sub(time.Now())
timeoutChan := time.After(delay)
select {
case <-timeoutChan:
return makeListOfErrors(len(cavs), NewErrCaveatValidationTimeout(ctx.Context()))
case reply := <-replyChan:
if len(reply) != len(cavs) {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Wspr caveat validator received %d results from javascript but expected %d", len(reply), len(cavs))
return makeListOfErrors(len(cavs), NewErrInvalidValidationResponseFromJavascript(ctx.Context()))
return reply
func (s *Server) convertSecurityContext(ctx security.Context, includeBlessingStrings bool) SecurityContext {
// TODO(bprosnitz) Local/Remote Endpoint should always be non-nil, but isn't
// due to a TODO in vc/auth.go
var localEndpoint string
if ctx.LocalEndpoint() != nil {
localEndpoint = ctx.LocalEndpoint().String()
var remoteEndpoint string
if ctx.RemoteEndpoint() != nil {
remoteEndpoint = ctx.RemoteEndpoint().String()
var localBlessings principal.BlessingsHandle
if ctx.LocalBlessings() != nil {
localBlessings = s.convertBlessingsToHandle(ctx.LocalBlessings())
anymtags := make([]*vdl.Value, len(ctx.MethodTags()))
for i, mtag := range ctx.MethodTags() {
anymtags[i] = mtag
secCtx := SecurityContext{
Method: lib.LowercaseFirstCharacter(ctx.Method()),
Suffix: ctx.Suffix(),
MethodTags: anymtags,
LocalEndpoint: localEndpoint,
RemoteEndpoint: remoteEndpoint,
LocalBlessings: localBlessings,
RemoteBlessings: s.convertBlessingsToHandle(ctx.RemoteBlessings()),
if includeBlessingStrings {
secCtx.LocalBlessingStrings, _ = ctx.LocalBlessings().ForContext(ctx)
secCtx.RemoteBlessingStrings, _ = ctx.RemoteBlessings().ForContext(ctx)
return secCtx
type remoteAuthFunc func(ctx security.Context) error
func (s *Server) createRemoteAuthFunc(handle int32) remoteAuthFunc {
return func(ctx security.Context) error {
// Until the tests get fixed, we need to create a security context before creating the flow
// because creating the security context creates a flow and flow ids will be off.
securityContext := s.convertSecurityContext(ctx, true)
flow := s.helper.CreateNewFlow(s, nil)
replyChan := make(chan error, 1)
s.outstandingAuthRequests[flow.ID] = replyChan
message := AuthRequest{
Handle: handle,
Context: securityContext,
vlog.VI(0).Infof("Sending out auth request for %v, %v", flow.ID, message)
vomMessage, err := lib.VomEncode(message)
if err != nil {
replyChan <- verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err)
} else if err := flow.Writer.Send(lib.ResponseAuthRequest, vomMessage); err != nil {
replyChan <- verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err)
err = <-replyChan
vlog.VI(0).Infof("going to respond with %v", err)
delete(s.outstandingAuthRequests, flow.ID)
return err
func (s *Server) Serve(name string) error {
defer s.serverStateLock.Unlock()
if s.dispatcher == nil {
s.dispatcher = newDispatcher(, s, s, s)
if !s.isListening {
_, err := s.server.Listen(*s.listenSpec)
if err != nil {
return err
s.isListening = true
if err := s.server.ServeDispatcher(name, s.dispatcher); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) popServerRequest(id int32) chan *lib.ServerRPCReply {
defer s.outstandingRequestLock.Unlock()
ch := s.outstandingServerRequests[id]
delete(s.outstandingServerRequests, id)
return ch
func (s *Server) HandleServerResponse(id int32, data string) {
ch := s.popServerRequest(id)
if ch == nil {
vlog.Errorf("unexpected result from JavaScript. No channel "+
"for MessageId: %d exists. Ignoring the results.", id)
// Ignore unknown responses that don't belong to any channel
// Decode the result and send it through the channel
var reply lib.ServerRPCReply
if err := lib.VomDecode(data, &reply); err != nil {
reply.Err = err
vlog.VI(0).Infof("response received from JavaScript server for "+
"MessageId %d with result %v", id, reply)
ch <- &reply
func (s *Server) HandleLookupResponse(id int32, data string) {
s.dispatcher.handleLookupResponse(id, data)
func (s *Server) HandleAuthResponse(id int32, data string) {
ch := s.outstandingAuthRequests[id]
if ch == nil {
vlog.Errorf("unexpected result from JavaScript. No channel "+
"for MessageId: %d exists. Ignoring the results(%s)", id, data)
//Ignore unknown responses that don't belong to any channel
// Decode the result and send it through the channel
var reply authReply
if decoderErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &reply); decoderErr != nil {
err := verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, decoderErr).(verror.Standard)
reply = authReply{Err: &err}
vlog.VI(0).Infof("response received from JavaScript server for "+
"MessageId %d with result %v", id, reply)
// A nil verror.Standard does not result in an nil error. Instead, we have create
// a variable for the error interface and only set it's value if the struct is non-
// nil.
var err error
if reply.Err != nil {
err = reply.Err
ch <- err
func (s *Server) HandleCaveatValidationResponse(id int32, data string) {
ch := s.outstandingValidationRequests[id]
if ch == nil {
vlog.Errorf("unexpected result from JavaScript. No channel "+
"for validation response with MessageId: %d exists. Ignoring the results(%s)", id, data)
//Ignore unknown responses that don't belong to any channel
var reply CaveatValidationResponse
if err := lib.VomDecode(data, &reply); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("failed to decode validation response %q: error %v", data, err)
ch <- []error{}
ch <- reply.Results
func (s *Server) createFlow() *Flow {
return s.helper.CreateNewFlow(s, nil)
func (s *Server) cleanupFlow(id int32) {
func (s *Server) createInvoker(handle int32, sig []signature.Interface, hasGlobber bool) (ipc.Invoker, error) {
remoteInvokeFunc := s.createRemoteInvokerFunc(handle)
var globFunc remoteGlobFunc
if hasGlobber {
globFunc = s.createRemoteGlobFunc(handle)
return newInvoker(sig, remoteInvokeFunc, globFunc), nil
func (s *Server) createAuthorizer(handle int32, hasAuthorizer bool) (security.Authorizer, error) {
if hasAuthorizer {
return &authorizer{authFunc: s.createRemoteAuthFunc(handle)}, nil
return nil, nil
func (s *Server) Stop() {
stdErr := verror.New(verror.ErrTimeout, nil).(verror.Standard)
result := lib.ServerRPCReply{
Results: nil,
Err: &stdErr,
if s.dispatcher != nil {
for _, ch := range s.outstandingAuthRequests {
ch <- fmt.Errorf("Cleaning up server")
s.outstandingAuthRequests = make(map[int32]chan error)
for _, ch := range s.outstandingServerRequests {
select {
case ch <- &result:
s.outstandingAuthRequests = make(map[int32]chan error)
s.outstandingServerRequests = make(map[int32]chan *lib.ServerRPCReply)
s.outstandingValidationRequests = make(map[int32]chan []error)
func (s *Server) AddName(name string) error {
return s.server.AddName(name)
func (s *Server) RemoveName(name string) {