blob: baa2f6be78a9ecf95c422333852b2615d4a9ea6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Package modules provides a mechanism for running commonly used services
// as subprocesses and client functionality for accessing those services.
// Such services and functions are collectively called 'commands' and are
// registered with and executed within a context, defined by the Shell type.
// The Shell is analagous to the original UNIX shell and maintains a
// key, value store of variables that is accessible to all of the commands that
// it hosts. These variables may be referenced by the arguments passed to
// commands.
// Commands are added to a shell in two ways: one for a subprocess and another
// for an inprocess function.
// - subprocesses are added using the AddSubprocess method in the parent
// and by the modules.RegisterChild function in the child process (typically
// RegisterChild is called from an init function). modules.Dispatch must
// be called in the child process to execute the subprocess 'Main' function
// provided to RegisterChild.
// - inprocess functions are added using the AddFunction method.
// In all cases commands are started by invoking the Start method on the
// Shell with the name of the command to run. An instance of the Handle
// interface is returned which can be used to interact with the function
// or subprocess, and in particular to read/write data from/to it using io
// channels that follow the stdin, stdout, stderr convention.
// A simple protocol must be followed by all commands, namely, they
// should wait for their stdin stream to be closed before exiting. The
// caller can then coordinate with any command by writing to that stdin
// stream and reading responses from the stdout stream, and it can close
// stdin when it's ready for the command to exit using the CloseStdin method
// on the command's handle.
// The signature of the function that implements the command is the
// same for both types of command and is defined by the Main function type.
// In particular stdin, stdout and stderr are provided as parameters, as is
// a map representation of the shell's environment.
// If a Shell is created within a unit test then it will automatically
// generate a security ID, write it to a file and set the appropriate
// environment variable to refer to it.
package modules
import (
// Shell represents the context within which commands are run.
type Shell struct {
mu sync.Mutex
env map[string]string
cmds map[string]*commandDesc
handles map[Handle]struct{}
credDir string
type commandDesc struct {
factory func() command
help string
type childEntryPoint struct {
fn Main
help string
type childRegistrar struct {
mains map[string]*childEntryPoint
var child = &childRegistrar{mains: make(map[string]*childEntryPoint)}
// NewShell creates a new instance of Shell. If this new instance is
// is a test and no credentials have been configured in the environment
// via VEYRON_CREDENTIALS then CreateAndUseNewCredentials will be used to
// configure a new ID for the shell and its children.
// NewShell takes optional regexp patterns that can be used to specify
// subprocess commands that are implemented in the same binary as this shell
// (i.e. have been registered using modules.RegisterChild) to be
// automatically added to it. If the patterns fail to match any such command
// then they have no effect.
func NewShell(patterns ...string) *Shell {
// TODO(cnicolaou): should create a new identity if one doesn't
// already exist
sh := &Shell{
env: make(map[string]string),
cmds: make(map[string]*commandDesc),
handles: make(map[Handle]struct{}),
if flag.Lookup("") != nil && os.Getenv("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS") == "" {
if err := sh.CreateAndUseNewCredentials(); err != nil {
// TODO(cnicolaou): return an error rather than panic.
for _, pattern := range patterns {
child.addSubprocesses(sh, pattern)
return sh
// CreateAndUseNewCredentials setups a new credentials directory and then
// configures the shell and all of its children to use to it.
func (sh *Shell) CreateAndUseNewCredentials() error {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "veyron_credentials")
if err != nil {
return err
sh.credDir = dir
sh.SetVar("VEYRON_CREDENTIALS", sh.credDir)
return nil
type Main func(stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, env map[string]string, args ...string) error
// AddSubprocess adds a new command to the Shell that will be run
// as a subprocess. In addition, the child process must call RegisterChild
// using the same name used here and provide the function to be executed
// in the child.
func (sh *Shell) AddSubprocess(name, help string) {
if !child.hasCommand(name) {
vlog.Infof("Warning: %q is not registered with modules.Dispatcher", name)
sh.addSubprocess(name, help)
func (sh *Shell) addSubprocess(name string, help string) {
entryPoint := ShellEntryPoint + "=" + name
sh.cmds[name] = &commandDesc{func() command { return newExecHandle(entryPoint) }, help}
// AddFunction adds a new command to the Shell that will be run
// within the current process.
func (sh *Shell) AddFunction(name string, main Main, help string) {
sh.cmds[name] = &commandDesc{func() command { return newFunctionHandle(main) }, help}
// String returns a string representation of the Shell, which is a
// list of the commands currently available in the shell.
func (sh *Shell) String() string {
h := ""
for n, _ := range sh.cmds {
h += n + ", "
return strings.TrimRight(h, ", ")
// Help returns the help message for the specified command.
func (sh *Shell) Help(command string) string {
if c := sh.cmds[command]; c != nil {
return command + ": " +
return ""
// Start starts the specified command, it returns a Handle which can be used
// for interacting with that command. The Shell tracks all of the Handles
// that it creates so that it can shut them down when asked to.
// Commands may have already been registered with the Shell using AddFunction
// or AddSubprocess, but if not, they will treated as subprocess commands
// and an attempt made to run them. Such 'dynamically' started subprocess
// commands are not remembered the by Shell and do not provide a 'help'
// message etc; their handles are remembered and will be acted on by
// the Cleanup method. If the non-registered subprocess command does not
// exist then the Start command will return an error.
func (sh *Shell) Start(name string, args ...string) (Handle, error) {
cmd := sh.cmds[name]
if cmd == nil {
entryPoint := ShellEntryPoint + "=" + name
cmd = &commandDesc{func() command { return newExecHandle(entryPoint) }, ""}
expanded := append([]string{name}, sh.expand(args...)...)
h, err := cmd.factory().start(sh, expanded...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sh.handles[h] = struct{}{}
return h, nil
// forget tells the Shell to stop tracking the supplied Handle.
func (sh *Shell) forget(h Handle) {
delete(sh.handles, h)
func (sh *Shell) expand(args ...string) []string {
exp := []string{}
for _, a := range args {
if len(a) > 0 && a[0] == '$' {
if v, present := sh.env[a[1:]]; present {
exp = append(exp, v)
exp = append(exp, a)
return exp
// GetVar returns the variable associated with the specified key
// and an indication of whether it is defined or not.
func (sh *Shell) GetVar(key string) (string, bool) {
v, present := sh.env[key]
return v, present
// SetVar sets the value to be associated with key.
func (sh *Shell) SetVar(key, value string) {
// TODO(cnicolaou): expand value
sh.env[key] = value
// Env returns the entire set of environment variables associated with this
// Shell as a string slice.
func (sh *Shell) Env() []string {
vars := []string{}
for k, v := range sh.env {
vars = append(vars, k+"="+v)
return vars
// Cleanup calls Shutdown on all of the Handles currently being tracked
// by the Shell and writes to stdout and stderr as per the Shutdown
// method in the Handle interface.
func (sh *Shell) Cleanup(stdout, stderr io.Writer) {
handles := make(map[Handle]struct{})
for k, v := range sh.handles {
handles[k] = v
sh.handles = make(map[Handle]struct{})
for k, _ := range handles {
k.Shutdown(stdout, stderr)
if len(sh.credDir) > 0 {
// Handle represents a running command.
type Handle interface {
// Stdout returns a reader to the running command's stdout stream.
Stdout() io.Reader
// Stderr returns a reader to the running command's stderr
// stream.
Stderr() io.Reader
// Stdin returns a writer to the running command's stdin. The
// convention is for commands to wait for stdin to be closed before
// they exit, thus the caller should close stdin when it wants the
// command to exit cleanly.
Stdin() io.Writer
// CloseStdin closes stdin in a manner that avoids a data race
// between any current readers on it.
// Shutdown closes the Stdin for the command and then reads output
// from the command's stdout until it encounters EOF, waits for
// the command to complete and then reads all of its stderr output.
// The stdout and stderr contents are written to the corresponding
// io.Writers if they are non-nil, otherwise the content is discarded.
Shutdown(stdout, stderr io.Writer) error
// Pid returns the pid of the process running the command
Pid() int
// command is used to abstract the implementations of inprocess and subprocess
// commands.
type command interface {
start(sh *Shell, args ...string) (Handle, error)