| // Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| package templates |
| |
| import "html/template" |
| |
| var SelectCaveats = template.Must(selectCaveats.Parse(headPartial)) |
| |
| var selectCaveats = template.Must(template.New("bless").Parse(`<!doctype html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <title>Add Blessing - Vanadium Identity Provider</title> |
| |
| {{template "head" .}} |
| |
| </head> |
| |
| <body class="identityprovider-layout"> |
| |
| <header> |
| <nav class="left"> |
| <a href="#" class="logo">Vanadium</a> |
| <span class="service-name">Identity Provider</span> |
| </nav> |
| <nav class="right"> |
| <a href="#">{{.Email}}</a> |
| </nav> |
| </header> |
| |
| <main class="add-blessing"> |
| |
| <form method="POST" id="caveats-form" name="input" |
| action="{{.MacaroonURL}}" role="form" novalidate> |
| <input type="text" class="hidden" name="macaroon" value="{{.Macaroon}}"> |
| |
| <h1 class="page-head">Add blessing</h1> |
| <p> |
| This blessing allows the Vanadium Identity Provider to authorize your |
| application's credentials and provides your application access to the |
| data associated with your Google Account. Blessing names contain the |
| email address associated with your Google Account, and will be visible |
| to peers you connect to. |
| </p> |
| |
| <div class="note"> |
| <p> |
| <strong> |
| Using Vanadium in production applications is discouraged at this |
| time.</strong><br> |
| During this preview, the |
| <a href="https://v.io/glossary.html#blessing-root" target="_"> |
| blessing root |
| </a> |
| may change without notice. |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| |
| <label for="blessingExtension">Blessing name</label> |
| <div class="value"> |
| {{.BlessingName}}/{{.Email}}/ |
| <input name="blessingExtension" type="text" placeholder="extension"> |
| <input type="hidden" id="timezoneOffset" name="timezoneOffset"> |
| </div> |
| |
| <label>Caveats</label> |
| <div class="caveatRow"> |
| <div class="define-caveat"> |
| <span class="selected value RevocationCaveatSelected"> |
| Active until revoked |
| </span> |
| <span class="selected value ExpiryCaveatSelected hidden"> |
| Expires on |
| </span> |
| <span class="selected value MethodCaveatSelected hidden"> |
| Allowed methods are |
| </span> |
| <span class="selected value PeerBlessingsCaveatSelected hidden"> |
| Allowed peers are |
| </span> |
| |
| <select name="caveat" class="caveats hidden"> |
| <option name="RevocationCaveat" value="RevocationCaveat" |
| class="cavOption">Active until revoked</option> |
| <option name="ExpiryCaveat" value="ExpiryCaveat" |
| class="cavOption">Expires on</option> |
| <option name="MethodCaveat" value="MethodCaveat" |
| class="cavOption">Allowed methods are</option> |
| <option name="PeerBlessingsCaveat" value="PeerBlessingsCaveat" |
| class="cavOption">Allowed peers are</option> |
| </select> |
| |
| <input type="text" class="caveatInput hidden" |
| id="RevocationCaveat" name="RevocationCaveat"> |
| <input type="datetime-local" class="caveatInput expiry hidden" |
| id="ExpiryCaveat" name="ExpiryCaveat"> |
| <input type="text" class="caveatInput hidden" |
| id="MethodCaveat" name="MethodCaveat" |
| placeholder="comma-separated method list"> |
| <input type="text" class="caveatInput hidden" |
| id="PeerBlessingsCaveat" name="PeerBlessingsCaveat" |
| placeholder="comma-separated blessing list"> |
| </div> |
| <div class="add-caveat"> |
| <a href="#" class="addMore">Add more caveats</a> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| |
| <div class="action-buttons"> |
| <button class="button-tertiary" id="cancel" type="button">Cancel</button> |
| <button class="button-primary" type="submit">Bless</button> |
| </div> |
| |
| <p class="disclaimer-text"> |
| By clicking "Bless", you agree to the Google |
| <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/">General Terms of Service</a>, |
| <a href="https://developers.google.com/terms/">APIs Terms of Service</a>, |
| and <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">Privacy Policy</a> |
| </p> |
| </form> |
| </main> |
| |
| <script src="{{.AssetsPrefix}}/identity/moment.js"></script> |
| <script src="{{.AssetsPrefix}}/identity/jquery.js"></script> |
| |
| <script> |
| $(document).ready(function() { |
| var numCaveats = 1; |
| // When a caveat selector changes show the corresponding input box. |
| $('body').on('change', '.caveats', function (){ |
| var caveatSelector = $(this).parents('.caveatRow'); |
| |
| // Hide the visible inputs and show the selected one. |
| caveatSelector.find('.caveatInput').hide(); |
| var caveatName = $(this).val(); |
| if (caveatName !== 'RevocationCaveat') { |
| caveatSelector.find('#'+caveatName).show(); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| var updateNewSelector = function(newSelector, caveatName) { |
| // disable the option from being selected again and make the next caveat the |
| // default for the next selector. |
| var selectedOption = newSelector.find('option[name="' + caveatName + '"]'); |
| selectedOption.prop('disabled', true); |
| var newCaveat = newSelector.find('option:enabled').first(); |
| newCaveat.prop('selected', true); |
| newSelector.find('.caveatInput').hide(); |
| newSelector.find('#'+newCaveat.attr('name')).show(); |
| } |
| |
| // Upon clicking the 'Add Caveat' button a new caveat selector should appear. |
| $('body').on('click', '.addCaveat', function() { |
| var selector = $(this).parents('.caveatRow'); |
| var newSelector = selector.clone(); |
| var caveatName = selector.find('.caveats').val(); |
| |
| updateNewSelector(newSelector, caveatName); |
| |
| // Change the selector's select to a fixed label and fix the inputs. |
| selector.find('.caveats').hide(); |
| selector.find('.'+caveatName+'Selected').show(); |
| selector.find('.caveatInput').prop('readonly', true); |
| |
| selector.after(newSelector); |
| $(this).replaceWith('<button type="button" class="button-passive right removeCaveat hidden">Remove</button>'); |
| |
| numCaveats += 1; |
| if (numCaveats > 1) { |
| $('.removeCaveat').show(); |
| } |
| if (numCaveats >= 4) { |
| $('.addCaveat').hide(); |
| $('.caveats').hide(); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| // If add more is selected, remove the button and show the caveats selector. |
| $('body').on('click', '.addMore', function() { |
| var selector = $(this).parents('.caveatRow'); |
| var newSelector = selector.clone(); |
| var caveatName = selector.find('.caveats').val(); |
| |
| updateNewSelector(newSelector, caveatName); |
| |
| newSelector.find('.caveats').show(); |
| // Change the 'Add more' button in the copied selector to an 'Add caveats' button. |
| newSelector.find('.addMore').replaceWith('<button type="button" class="button-primary right addCaveat">Add</button>'); |
| // Hide the default selected caveat for the copied selector. |
| newSelector.find('.selected').hide(); |
| |
| selector.after(newSelector); |
| $(this).replaceWith('<button type="button" class="button-passive right removeCaveat hidden">Remove</button>'); |
| }); |
| |
| // Upon clicking submit, caveats that have not been added yet should be removed, |
| // before they are sent to the server. |
| $('#caveats-form').submit(function(){ |
| $('.addCaveat').parents('.caveatRow').remove(); |
| return true; |
| }); |
| |
| // Upon clicking the 'Remove Caveat' button, the caveat row should be removed. |
| $('body').on('click', '.removeCaveat', function() { |
| var selector = $(this).parents('.caveatRow') |
| var caveatName = selector.find('.caveats').val(); |
| |
| // Enable choosing this caveat again. |
| $('option[name="' + caveatName + '"]').last().prop('disabled', false); |
| |
| selector.remove(); |
| |
| numCaveats -= 1; |
| if (numCaveats == 1) { |
| $('.removeCaveat').hide(); |
| } |
| $('.addCaveat').show(); |
| $('.caveats').last().show(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Get the timezoneOffset for the server to create a correct expiry caveat. |
| // The offset is the minutes between UTC and local time. |
| var d = new Date(); |
| $('#timezoneOffset').val(d.getTimezoneOffset()); |
| |
| // Set the datetime picker to have a default value of one day from now. |
| $('.expiry').val(moment().add(1, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm')); |
| // Remove the clear button from the date input. |
| $('.expiry').attr('required', 'required'); |
| |
| // Activate the cancel button. |
| $('#cancel').click(function(){ |
| window.close(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html>`)) |