blob: 17573c3e8534e282c677e22c2dff40cbd04bb2d2 [file] [log] [blame]
package security
import (
type authMap map[security.PublicID]security.LabelSet
// context implements Context.
type context struct {
localID, remoteID security.PublicID
discharges map[string]security.Discharge
method, name, suffix string
label security.Label
func (c *context) Method() string { return c.method }
func (c *context) Name() string { return }
func (c *context) Suffix() string { return c.suffix }
func (c *context) Label() security.Label { return c.label }
func (c *context) Discharges() map[string]security.Discharge { return c.discharges }
func (c *context) LocalID() security.PublicID { return c.localID }
func (c *context) RemoteID() security.PublicID { return c.remoteID }
func (c *context) LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint { return nil }
func (c *context) RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint { return nil }
func saveACLToTempFile(acl security.ACL) string {
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "saved_acl")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
if err := SaveACL(f, acl); err != nil {
defer os.Remove(f.Name())
return f.Name()
func updateACLInFile(fileName string, acl security.ACL) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
if err := SaveACL(f, acl); err != nil {
func bless(blessee security.PublicID, blesser security.PrivateID, name string) security.PublicID {
blessed, err := blesser.Bless(blessee, name, 5*time.Minute, nil)
if err != nil {
return blessed
func derive(pub security.PublicID, priv security.PrivateID) security.PrivateID {
d, err := priv.Derive(pub)
if err != nil {
return d
func testSelfRPCs(t *testing.T, authorizer security.Authorizer) {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
var (
veyron = security.FakePrivateID("veyron")
alice = security.FakePrivateID("alice")
veyronAlice = bless(alice.PublicID(), veyron, "alice")
testData := []struct {
localID, remoteID security.PublicID
isAuthorized bool
{alice.PublicID(), alice.PublicID(), true},
{veyron.PublicID(), veyron.PublicID(), true},
{veyron.PublicID(), alice.PublicID(), false},
{veyronAlice, veyronAlice, true},
{veyronAlice, alice.PublicID(), false},
{veyronAlice, veyron.PublicID(), false},
for _, d := range testData {
ctx := &context{localID: d.localID, remoteID: d.remoteID}
if got, want := authorizer.Authorize(ctx), d.isAuthorized; (got == nil) != want {
t.Errorf("%s:%d: %+v.Authorize(&context{localID: %v, remoteID: %v}) returned error: %v, want error: %v", file, line, authorizer, d.localID, d.remoteID, got, !want)
func testAuthorizations(t *testing.T, authorizer security.Authorizer, authorizations authMap) {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
for user, labels := range authorizations {
for _, l := range security.ValidLabels {
ctx := &context{remoteID: user, label: l}
if got, want := authorizer.Authorize(ctx), labels.HasLabel(l); (got == nil) != want {
t.Errorf("%s:%d: %+v.Authorize(&context{remoteID: %v, label: %v}) returned error: %v, want error: %v", file, line, authorizer, user, l, got, !want)
func testNothingPermitted(t *testing.T, authorizer security.Authorizer) {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
var (
veyronPrivateID = security.FakePrivateID("veyron")
alicePrivateID = security.FakePrivateID("alice")
randomPrivateID = security.FakePrivateID("random")
veyron = veyronPrivateID.PublicID()
alice = alicePrivateID.PublicID()
random = randomPrivateID.PublicID()
veyronAlice = bless(alice, veyronPrivateID, "alice")
veyronAliceFriend = bless(random, derive(veyronAlice, alicePrivateID), "friend")
veyronBob = bless(random, veyronPrivateID, "bob")
users := []security.PublicID{
// Blessed principals
// No principal (whether the identity provider is trusted or not)
// should have access to any valid or invalid label.
for _, u := range users {
for _, l := range security.ValidLabels {
ctx := &context{remoteID: u, label: l}
if got := authorizer.Authorize(ctx); got == nil {
t.Errorf("%s:%d: %+v.Authorize(%v) returns nil, want error", file, line, authorizer, ctx)
invalidLabel := security.Label(3)
ctx := &context{remoteID: u, label: invalidLabel}
if got := authorizer.Authorize(ctx); got == nil {
t.Errorf("%s:%d: %+v.Authorize(%v) returns nil, want error", file, line, authorizer, ctx)
func TestACLAuthorizer(t *testing.T) {
const (
// Shorthands
R = security.ReadLabel
W = security.WriteLabel
A = security.AdminLabel
D = security.DebugLabel
M = security.MonitoringLabel
// Principals to test
var (
veyronPrivateID = security.FakePrivateID("veyron")
alicePrivateID = security.FakePrivateID("alice")
bobPrivateID = security.FakePrivateID("bob")
chePrivateID = security.FakePrivateID("che")
veyron = veyronPrivateID.PublicID()
alice = alicePrivateID.PublicID()
bob = bobPrivateID.PublicID()
che = chePrivateID.PublicID()
// Blessed principals
veyronAlice = bless(alice, veyronPrivateID, "alice")
veyronBob = bless(bob, veyronPrivateID, "bob")
veyronChe = bless(che, veyronPrivateID, "che")
veyronAliceFriend = bless(bob, derive(veyronAlice, alicePrivateID), "friend")
veyronCheFriend = bless(che, derive(veyronChe, chePrivateID), "friend")
// Convenience function for combining Labels into a LabelSet.
LS := func(labels security.LabelSet {
var ret security.LabelSet
for _, l := range labels {
ret = ret | security.LabelSet(l)
return ret
// ACL for testing
acl := security.ACL{}
acl.In = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
"...": LS(R),
"fake/veyron/alice/...": LS(W, R),
"fake/veyron/alice": LS(A, D, M),
"fake/veyron/bob": LS(D, M),
"fake/veyron/che/...": LS(W, R),
"fake/veyron/che": LS(W, R),
acl.NotIn = map[string]security.LabelSet{
"fake/veyron/che/friend": LS(W),
// Authorizations for the above ACL.
authorizations := authMap{
// alice and bob have only what "..." has.
alice: LS(R),
bob: LS(R),
che: LS(R),
// veyron and veyronAlice have R, W, A, D, M from the "veyron/alice" and
// "veyron/alice/..." ACL entries.
veyron: LS(R, W, A, D, M),
veyronAlice: LS(R, W, A, D, M),
// veyronBob has R, D, M from "..." and "veyron/bob" ACL entries.
veyronBob: LS(R, D, M),
// veyronAliceFriend has W, R from the "veyron/alice/..." ACL entry.
veyronAliceFriend: LS(W, R),
// veyronChe has W, R from the "veyron/che" entry.
veyronChe: LS(W, R),
// veyronCheFriend has W, R from the "veyron/che/..." entry, but loses W
// from the blacklist entry "veyron/che/friend".
veyronCheFriend: LS(R),
// nil PublicIDs are not authorized.
nil: LS(),
// Create an aclAuthorizer based on the ACL and verify the authorizations.
authorizer := NewACLAuthorizer(acl)
testAuthorizations(t, authorizer, authorizations)
testSelfRPCs(t, authorizer)
// Create a fileACLAuthorizer by saving the ACL in a file, and verify the
// authorizations.
fileName := saveACLToTempFile(acl)
defer os.Remove(fileName)
fileAuthorizer := NewFileACLAuthorizer(fileName)
testAuthorizations(t, fileAuthorizer, authorizations)
testSelfRPCs(t, fileAuthorizer)
// Modify the ACL stored in the file and verify that the authorizations appropriately
// change for the fileACLAuthorizer.
acl.In["fake/veyron/bob"] = LS(R, W, A, D, M)
updateACLInFile(fileName, acl)
authorizations[veyronBob] = LS(R, W, A, D, M)
testAuthorizations(t, fileAuthorizer, authorizations)
testSelfRPCs(t, fileAuthorizer)
// Update the ACL file with invalid contents and verify that no requests are
// authorized.
f, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
if err != nil {
f.Write([]byte("invalid ACL"))
testNothingPermitted(t, fileAuthorizer)
// Verify that a fileACLAuthorizer based on a nonexistent file does not authorize any
// requests.
fileAuthorizer = NewFileACLAuthorizer("fileDoesNotExist")
testNothingPermitted(t, fileAuthorizer)
func TestNilACLAuthorizer(t *testing.T) {
authorizer := NewACLAuthorizer(nullACL)
testNothingPermitted(t, authorizer)
testSelfRPCs(t, authorizer)