blob: fcba30277fef87c3ae985078c289e95f1271efd6 [file] [log] [blame]
package proximity
import (
prox "veyron2/services/proximity"
const (
// maxRegisteredNames denotes the maximum number of names that can be
// actively registered for this device.
maxRegisteredNames = 10
// advInterval specifies the frequency at which the advertising packets
// are sent.
advInterval = 32 * time.Millisecond
// advCycleInterval specifies the frequency at which we change the
// currently advertised name (out of at most maxRegisteredNames names).
advCycleInterval = 4 * advInterval
// scanInterval splits the entire scan duration into intervals of
// provided length.
scanInterval = 32 * time.Millisecond
// scanWindow specifies, for each scanInterval, the duration during
// which the scan will be ON. (For the remainder of scanInterval,
// scan will be OFF.)
scanWindow = 16 * time.Millisecond
// minHistoryWindow denotes the minimum time window into the past
// beyond which proximity readings should be ignored. In order to
// catch all unique remote names (i.e., at most maxRegisteredNames of
// them), we set this to double the interval at which the advertiser
// can cycle through all the names.
minHistoryWindow = 2 * maxRegisteredNames * advCycleInterval
// New returns a new instance of proximity service, given the provided
// advertiser and scanner (e.g., Bluetooth). historyWindow denotes the time
// window into the past beyond which proximity readings should be ignored.
// refreshFrequency specifies how often the list of nearby devices should be
// refreshed - shorter time duration means that the list will be more
// up-to-date but more resources will be consumed. If the service cannot be
// created, an error is returned.
func New(a Advertiser, s Scanner, historyWindow, refreshFrequency time.Duration) (*service, error) {
// Start advertising.
if err := a.StartAdvertising(advInterval); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Start scanning.
r, err := s.StartScan(scanInterval, scanWindow)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the history window is too small, update it.
if historyWindow < minHistoryWindow {
historyWindow = minHistoryWindow
srv := &service{
devices: make(map[string]*device),
names: make(map[string]int),
advertiser: a,
scanner: s,
window: historyWindow,
freq: refreshFrequency,
readChan: r,
updateChan: make(chan bool),
updateTickerChan: time.Tick(refreshFrequency),
advDoneChan: make(chan bool),
go srv.readLoop()
go srv.updateLoop()
go srv.advLoop()
return srv, nil
// device represents one neighborhood device. It contains that device's MAC
// address, average distance, list of recent scan readings, and a list of all
// unique names stored in those scan readings.
type device struct {
lock sync.Mutex
mac net.HardwareAddr
distance unit.Distance
names []string
readings []ScanReading
// service maintains a list of devices in our close proximity, using scan
// readings returned by the Scanner. It implements the ProximityService
// interface, generated from proximity.idl file.
type service struct {
deviceLock sync.RWMutex
nameLock sync.RWMutex
devices map[string]*device
nearby []prox.Device
names map[string]int
advertiser Advertiser
scanner Scanner
window time.Duration
freq time.Duration
readChan <-chan ScanReading
updateChan chan bool
updateTickerChan <-chan time.Time
advDoneChan chan bool
func (s *service) RegisterName(_ ipc.ServerContext, name string) error {
defer s.nameLock.Unlock()
if v, ok := s.names[name]; ok {
s.names[name] = v + 1
return nil
if len(s.names) >= maxRegisteredNames {
return fmt.Errorf("too many unique registered names, max allowed is %d", maxRegisteredNames)
s.names[name] = 1
return nil
func (s *service) UnregisterName(_ ipc.ServerContext, name string) error {
defer s.nameLock.Unlock()
v, ok := s.names[name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("name %q not registered", name)
if v <= 1 {
delete(s.names, name)
} else {
s.names[name] = v - 1
return nil
// NearbyDevices returns the list of nearby devices, sorted in increasing
// distance order.
func (s *service) NearbyDevices(_ ipc.ServerContext) ([]prox.Device, error) {
defer s.deviceLock.RUnlock()
return s.nearby, nil
// Stop terminates the process of gathering proximity information, returning
// any error encountered.
func (s *service) Stop() {
vlog.VI(1).Info("stopping proximity service")
// Stop the scanner. This action will cause the following cascading
// effect: readChan closed -> readLoop terminated -> updateChan closed
// -> updateLoop terminated.
// Stop the advertiser.
// Close advDoneChan, which will terminate advLoop.
// readLoop extracts readings from readChan and writes notifications to
// updateChan.
func (s *service) readLoop() {
for r := range s.readChan {
d := s.devices[r.MAC.String()]
if d == nil {
d = &device{
mac: r.MAC,
s.devices[d.mac.String()] = d
d.readings = append(d.readings, r)
// Notify. We want at most one outstanding notification but
// don't want to block.
select {
case s.updateChan <- true:
vlog.VI(1).Info("proximity service's read goroutine exiting")
// updateLoop periodically updates the state of nearby devices.
func (s *service) updateLoop() {
defer vlog.VI(1).Info("proximity service's update goroutine exiting")
for {
// Wait for a ticker. The ticker helps us avoid wasting
// resources by doing too-frequent updates. If either the ticker
// or the update channel gets closed in the meantime, we exit
// this goroutine.
var exit bool
for !exit {
select {
case _, ok := <-s.updateTickerChan:
if !ok {
exit = true
case _, ok := <-s.updateChan:
if !ok {
// advLoop cycles through all registered names and advertises each one
// for a specified time interval (advCycleInterval). It listens on advDoneChan
// and terminates when something is sent on it or when it gets closed.
func (s *service) advLoop() {
tickerChan := time.Tick(advCycleInterval)
var ns []string
var idx int
defer vlog.VI(1).Info("proximity service's advertising goroutine exiting")
for {
select {
case <-s.advDoneChan:
case <-tickerChan:
if idx >= len(ns) {
// Cycled once through all copied names - create a
// new copy of registered names.
ns = nil
for key := range s.names {
ns = append(ns, key)
idx = 0
if len(ns) == 0 {
// No names to advertise: advertise an empty
// string so that neighbors will at least
// know this device exists.
ns = append(ns, "")
name := ns[idx]
if err := s.advertiser.SetAdvertisingPayload(name); err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("couldn't set advertising payload %s: %v", name, err)
// updateNearbyStates re-computes the neighborhood list using the most recent
// scan readings and updates it in-place.
func (s *service) updateNearbyState() {
// Reject all readings with timestamps before this barrier.
barrier := time.Now().Add(-1 * s.window)
// Get devices with recent readings and purge the rest.
var recent []*device
for _, d := range s.devices {
if len(d.readings) == 0 || d.readings[len(d.readings)-1].Time.Before(barrier) { // no recent readings.
delete(s.devices, d.mac.String())
} else {
recent = append(recent, d)
// Purge stale readings from remaining devices and compute average
// proximity.
devices := make([]device, 0, len(recent))
for _, d := range recent {
// Find the index at which readings become stale.
var idx int
for idx = len(d.readings) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- {
if r := d.readings[idx]; r.Time.Before(barrier) {
// Remove stale readings.
d.readings = d.readings[idx+1:]
// If we have a non-infinite distance, add the device to our
// list.
if dist := avgDistance(d.readings); dist != unit.MaxDistance {
devices = append(devices, device{
names: uniqueNames(d.readings),
mac: d.mac,
distance: dist,
// Sort all devices by proximity.
incDistance := func(d1, d2 device) bool {
return d1.distance < d2.distance
devices: devices,
by: incDistance,
// Update device list.
newDevs := make([]prox.Device, len(devices))
for i, d := range devices {
// Sort names just for stability.
newDevs[i] = prox.Device{
Names: d.names,
MAC: d.mac.String(),
Distance: d.distance.String(),
vlog.VI(1).Info("Nearby devices:", newDevs)
s.nearby = newDevs
func avgDistance(readings []ScanReading) unit.Distance {
if len(readings) == 0 {
return unit.MaxDistance
// Ignore the smallest and largest 33% of the readings.
decRSSI := func(r1, r2 ScanReading) bool {
return r1.Distance < r2.Distance
readings: readings,
by: decRSSI,
trim := len(readings) / 3
readings = readings[trim : len(readings)-trim]
// Prune all readings with unit.MaxDistance distance.
idx := len(readings) - 1
for ; idx >= 0 && readings[idx].Distance == unit.MaxDistance; idx-- {
readings = readings[:idx+1]
if len(readings) == 0 {
return unit.MaxDistance
// Compute average distance.
var totalDistance unit.Distance
for _, r := range readings {
totalDistance += r.Distance
return totalDistance / unit.Distance(len(readings))
func uniqueNames(readings []ScanReading) []string {
ns := make(map[string]bool)
for _, r := range readings {
ns[r.Name] = true
var names []string
for name := range ns {
names = append(names, name)
return names