blob: 726868c6db868d20565f154bded7ba83d94203ab [file] [log] [blame]
package vsync
// Garbage collection (GC) in sync reclaims space occupied by sync's
// data structures when possible. For its operation, sync keeps every
// version of every object produced locally and remotely in its dag
// and log data structures. Keeping these versions indefinitely is not
// feasible given space constraints on any device. Thus to reclaim
// space, a GC thread periodically checks to see if any state can be
// deleted. GC looks for generations that every device in the system
// already knows about and deletes state belonging to those
// generations. Since every device in the system already knows about
// these generations, it is safe to delete them. Newly added devices
// will only get state starting from the generations not yet
// reclaimed. Policies are needed to handle devices that were part of
// the system, but are no longer available. Such devices will prevent
// GC from moving forward since they will not request new generations.
// GC in sync happens in 3 stages:
// ** reclamation phase
// ** object pruning phase
// ** online consistency check phase
// Reclamation phase: GC learns of the state of the other devices when
// it talks to those devices to obtain missing updates
// (initiator). The generation vectors of these devices are stored in
// the device table. In the reclamation phase, we go through the
// generation vectors of all the devices and compute the maximum
// generation of each device known to every other device. This maximum
// generation for each device is stored in the reclaim generation
// vector. We then iterate through each generation between the old
// reclaim vector to the new reclaim vector, and create for each
// object belonging to those generations, the history of versions that
// will be reclaimed and the most recent version that can be
// reclaimed.
// Object pruning phase: In this phase, for an object marked for
// reclamation, we prune its dag starting from the most recent version
// that is being reclaimed and delete all the versions that are
// older. As we prune the dag, we also delete the corresponding log
// records and update the generation metadata. Note that since the
// actual deletes proceed object by object, the generations will start
// to have missing log records, and we use the generation metadata to
// ensure that the generation deletes are tracked accurately. Thus,
// the decision of what to prune happens top down using generation
// information, while the actual pruning happens bottom up from the
// dag. Pruning bottom up ensures that the object dags are consistent.
// Online consistency check phase: GC stages need write access to the
// sync data structures since they perform delete operations. Hence,
// GC is executed under a write lock and excludes other goroutines in
// syncd. In order to control the impact of GC on foreground
// operations, GC is designed to be incremental in its execution. Once
// objects are marked for deletion, only a small batch of objects are
// pruned and persisted and the lock is released. Thus objects are
// incrementally deleted, a small batch every
// garbageCollectInterval. To persist the changes from a round of GC,
// we immediately persist the new reclaim vector. For the batch of
// objects gc'ed in a round, we also persist their deletions. However,
// if the system restarts or crashes when all the dirty objects from a
// round of GC are not processed, there will be state from generations
// older than the reclaim vector still persisted in kvdb. Since the
// reclaim vector has already been advanced, this state cannot be
// detected, resulting in leakage of space. To prevent this, we could
// have persisted the GC state to support restartability. However, to
// keep GC light weight, we went with the approach of not persisting
// the transient GC state but lazily performing a consistency check on
// kvdb to detect dangling records. Online consistency check phase
// performs this checking. It checks every generation older than the
// reclaim vector snapshotted at bootstrap to see if it has any state
// left over in kvdb. If it finds dangling state, it marks the
// corresponding objects as dirty for pruning. This consistency check
// happens only once upon reboot. Once all generations lower than the
// reclaim vector snapshot are verified, this phase is a noop. Once
// again, to limit the overhead of this phase, it processes only a
// small batch of generations in each round of GC invocation.
// Finally, the underlying kvdb store persists state by writing to a
// log file upon flush. Thus, as we continue to flush to kvdb, the log
// file will keep growing. In addition, upon restart, this log file
// must be processed to reconstruct the kvdb state. To keep this log
// file from becoming large, we need to periodically compact kvdb.
import (
var (
// garbage collection (space reclamation) is invoked every
// garbageCollectInterval.
garbageCollectInterval = 3600 * time.Second
// strictCheck when enabled performs strict checking of every
// log record being deleted to confirm that it should be in
// fact deleted.
strictCheck = true
// Every compactCount iterations of garbage collection, kvdb
// is compacted. This value has performance implications as
// kvdb compaction is expensive.
compactCount = 100
// Batch size for the number of objects that are garbage
// collected every gc iteration. This value impacts the
// amount of time gc is running. GC holds a write lock on the
// data structures, blocking out all other operations in the
// system while it is running.
objBatchSize = 20
// Batch size for the number of generations that are verified
// every gc iteration.
genBatchSize = 100
// Errors.
errBadMetadata = errors.New("bad metadata")
// objGCState tracks the per-object GC state.
// "version" is the most recent version of the object that can be
// pruned (and hence all older versions can be pruned as well).
// "pos" is used to compute the most recent version of the object
// among all the versions that can be pruned (version with the highest
// pos is the most recent). "version" of the object belongs to a
// generation. "pos" is the position of that generation in the local
// log.
type objGCState struct {
version storage.Version
pos uint32
// objVersHist tracks all the versions of the object that need to be
// gc'ed when strictCheck is enabled.
type objVersHist struct {
versions map[storage.Version]struct{}
// syncGC contains the metadata and state for the Sync GC thread.
type syncGC struct {
// syncd is a pointer to the Syncd instance owning this GC.
syncd *syncd
// checkConsistency controls whether online consistency checks are run.
checkConsistency bool
// reclaimSnap is the snapshot of the reclaim vector at startup.
reclaimSnap GenVector
// pruneObjects holds the per-object state for garbage collection.
pruneObjects map[storage.ID]*objGCState
// verifyPruneMap holds the per-object version history to verify GC operations
// on an object. It is used when strictCheck is enabled.
verifyPruneMap map[storage.ID]*objVersHist
// newGC creates a new syncGC instance attached to the given Syncd instance.
func newGC(syncd *syncd) *syncGC {
g := &syncGC{
syncd: syncd,
checkConsistency: true,
reclaimSnap: GenVector{},
pruneObjects: make(map[storage.ID]*objGCState),
if strictCheck {
g.verifyPruneMap = make(map[storage.ID]*objVersHist)
// Take a snapshot (copy) of the reclaim vector at startup.
for dev, gnum := range syncd.devtab.head.ReclaimVec {
g.reclaimSnap[dev] = gnum
return g
// garbageCollect wakes up every garbageCollectInterval to check if it
// can reclaim space.
func (g *syncGC) garbageCollect() {
gcIters := 0
ticker := time.NewTicker(garbageCollectInterval)
for {
select {
case <-g.syncd.closed:
case <-ticker.C:
if gcIters == compactCount {
gcIters = 0
} else {
// doGC performs the actual garbage collection steps.
// If "compact" is true, also compact the Sync DBs.
func (g *syncGC) doGC(compact bool) {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("doGC:: Started at %v", time.Now().UTC())
defer g.syncd.lock.Unlock()
if err := g.onlineConsistencyCheck(); err != nil {
vlog.Fatalf("onlineConsistencyCheck:: failed with err %v", err)
if err := g.reclaimSpace(); err != nil {
vlog.Fatalf("reclaimSpace:: failed with err %v", err)
// TODO(hpucha): flush devtable state.
if err := g.pruneObjectBatch(); err != nil {
vlog.Fatalf("pruneObjectBatch:: failed with err %v", err)
// TODO(hpucha): flush log and dag state.
if compact {
if err := g.compactDB(); err != nil {
vlog.Fatalf("compactDB:: failed with err %v", err)
// onlineConsistencyCheck checks if generations lower than the
// ReclaimVec (snapshotted at startup) are deleted from the log and
// dag data structures. It is needed to prevent space leaks when the
// system crashes while pruning a batch of objects. GC state is not
// aggressively persisted to make it efficient. Instead, upon reboot,
// onlineConsistencyCheck executes incrementally checking all the
// generations lower than the ReclaimVec snap to ensure that they are
// deleted. Each iteration of onlineConsistencyCheck checks a small
// batch of generations. Once all generations below the ReclaimVec
// snap are verified once, onlineConsistencyCheck is a noop.
func (g *syncGC) onlineConsistencyCheck() error {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("onlineConsistencyCheck:: called with %v", g.checkConsistency)
if !g.checkConsistency {
return nil
vlog.VI(2).Infof("onlineConsistencyCheck:: reclaimSnap is %v", g.reclaimSnap)
genCount := 0
for dev, gen := range g.reclaimSnap {
if gen == 0 {
for i := gen; i > 0; i-- {
if genCount == genBatchSize {
g.reclaimSnap[dev] = i
return nil
if g.syncd.log.hasGenMetadata(dev, i) {
if err := g.garbageCollectGeneration(dev, i); err != nil {
return err
g.reclaimSnap[dev] = 0
// Done with all the generations of all devices. Consistency
// check is no longer needed.
g.checkConsistency = false
vlog.VI(1).Infof("onlineConsistencyCheck:: exited with %v", g.checkConsistency)
return nil
// garbageCollectGeneration garbage collects any existing log records
// for a particular generation.
func (g *syncGC) garbageCollectGeneration(devid DeviceID, gnum GenID) error {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("garbageCollectGeneration:: processing generation %s:%d", devid, gnum)
// Bootstrap generation for a device. Nothing to GC.
if gnum == 0 {
return nil
gen, err := g.syncd.log.getGenMetadata(devid, gnum)
if err != nil {
return err
if gen.Count <= 0 {
return errBadMetadata
var count uint64
// Check for log records for this generation.
for l := LSN(0); l <= gen.MaxLSN; l++ {
if !g.syncd.log.hasLogRec(devid, gnum, l) {
rec, err := g.syncd.log.getLogRec(devid, gnum, l)
if err != nil {
return err
// Insert the object in this log record to the prune
// map if needed.
// If this object does not exist, create it.
// If the object exists, update the object version to
// prune at if the current gen is greater than the gen
// in the prune map or if the gen is the same but the
// current lsn is greater than the previous lsn.
gcState, ok := g.pruneObjects[rec.ObjID]
if !ok || gcState.pos <= gen.Pos {
if !ok {
gcState = &objGCState{}
g.pruneObjects[rec.ObjID] = gcState
gcState.pos = gen.Pos
gcState.version = rec.CurVers
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Replacing for obj %v pos %d version %d",
rec.ObjID, gcState.pos, gcState.version)
// When strictCheck is enabled, track object's version
// history so that we can check against the versions
// being deleted.
if strictCheck {
objHist, ok := g.verifyPruneMap[rec.ObjID]
if !ok {
objHist = &objVersHist{
versions: make(map[storage.Version]struct{}),
g.verifyPruneMap[rec.ObjID] = objHist
// Add this version to the versions that need to be pruned.
objHist.versions[rec.CurVers] = struct{}{}
if count != gen.Count {
return errors.New("incorrect number of log records")
return nil
// reclaimSpace performs periodic space reclamation by deleting
// generations known to all devices.
// Approach: For each device in the system, we compute its maximum
// generation known to all the other devices in the system. We then
// delete all log and dag records below this generation. This is a
// O(N^2) algorithm where N is the number of devices in the system.
func (g *syncGC) reclaimSpace() error {
newReclaimVec, err := g.syncd.devtab.computeReclaimVector()
if err != nil {
return err
vlog.VI(1).Infof("reclaimSpace:: reclaimVectors: new %v old %v",
newReclaimVec, g.syncd.devtab.head.ReclaimVec)
// Clean up generations from reclaimVec+1 to newReclaimVec.
for dev, high := range newReclaimVec {
low := g.syncd.devtab.getOldestGen(dev)
// Garbage collect from low+1 to high.
for i := GenID(low + 1); i <= high; i++ {
if err := g.garbageCollectGeneration(dev, i); err != nil {
return err
// Update reclaimVec.
g.syncd.devtab.head.ReclaimVec = newReclaimVec
return nil
// pruneObjectBatch processes a batch of objects to be pruned from log
// and dag.
func (g *syncGC) pruneObjectBatch() error {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("pruneObjectBatch:: Called at %v", time.Now().UTC())
count := 0
for obj, gcState := range g.pruneObjects {
if count == objBatchSize {
return nil
vlog.VI(1).Infof("pruneObjectBatch:: Pruning obj %v at version %v", obj, gcState.version)
// Call dag prune on this object.
if err := g.syncd.dag.prune(obj, gcState.version, g.dagPruneCallBack); err != nil {
return err
if strictCheck {
// Ensure that all but one version in the object version history are gc'ed.
objHist, ok := g.verifyPruneMap[obj]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("missing object in verification map %v", obj)
if len(objHist.versions) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("leftover/no versions %d", len(objHist.versions))
for v, _ := range objHist.versions {
if v != gcState.version {
return fmt.Errorf("leftover version %d %v", v, obj)
delete(g.pruneObjects, obj)
return nil
// dagPruneCallBack deletes the log record associated with the dag
// node being pruned and updates the generation metadata for the
// generation that this log record belongs to.
func (g *syncGC) dagPruneCallBack(logKey string) error {
dev, gnum, lsn, err := splitLogRecKey(logKey)
if err != nil {
return err
vlog.VI(2).Infof("dagPruneCallBack:: called for key %s (%s %d %d)", logKey, dev, gnum, lsn)
// Check if the log record being deleted is correct as per GC state.
oldestGen := g.syncd.devtab.getOldestGen(dev)
if gnum > oldestGen {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("gnum is %d oldest is %d", gnum, oldestGen)
return errors.New("deleting incorrect log record")
if !g.syncd.log.hasLogRec(dev, gnum, lsn) {
return errors.New("missing log record")
if strictCheck {
rec, err := g.syncd.log.getLogRec(dev, gnum, lsn)
if err != nil {
return err
objHist, ok := g.verifyPruneMap[rec.ObjID]
if !ok {
return errors.New("obj not found in verifyMap")
_, found := objHist.versions[rec.CurVers]
// If online consistency check is in progress, we
// cannot strictly verify all the versions to be
// deleted, and we ignore the failure to find a
// version.
if found {
delete(objHist.versions, rec.CurVers)
} else if !g.checkConsistency {
return errors.New("verification failed")
if err := g.syncd.log.delLogRec(dev, gnum, lsn); err != nil {
return err
// Update generation metadata.
gen, err := g.syncd.log.getGenMetadata(dev, gnum)
if err != nil {
return err
if gen.Count <= 0 {
return errBadMetadata
if gen.Count == 0 {
if err := g.syncd.log.delGenMetadata(dev, gnum); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := g.syncd.log.putGenMetadata(dev, gnum, gen); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// compactDB compacts the underlying kvdb store for all data structures.
func (g *syncGC) compactDB() error {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("compactDB:: Compacting DBs")
if err := g.syncd.log.compact(); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.syncd.devtab.compact(); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.syncd.dag.compact(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// deleteDevice takes care of permanently deleting a device from its sync peers.
// TODO(hpucha): to be implemented.
func (g *syncGC) deleteDevice() {