blob: fa23b05a927b767a20d85bbc3993fc10ff78cf79 [file] [log] [blame]
package service
import (
// Transaction is like storage.Transaction, but doesn't include extra client-side
// parameters.
type Transaction interface {
// Commit commits the changes (the Set and Delete operations) in the
// transaction to the store. The operation is atomic, so all Set/Delete
// operations are performed, or none. Returns an error if the transaction
// aborted.
// The Transaction should be discarded once Commit is called. It can no
// longer be used.
Commit() error
// Abort discards a transaction. This is an optimization; transactions
// eventually time out and get discarded. However, live transactions
// consume resources, so it is good practice to clean up.
Abort() error
// Object is like storage.Object, but it include extra server-side parameters.
// In perticular, each method takes the identity of the client.
type Object interface {
// Exists returns true iff the Entry has a value.
Exists(clientID security.PublicID, t Transaction) (bool, error)
// Get returns the value for the Object. The value returned is from the
// most recent mutation of the entry in the Transaction, or from the
// Transaction's snapshot if there is no mutation.
Get(clientID security.PublicID, t Transaction) (*storage.Entry, error)
// Put adds or modifies the Object. If there is no current value, the
// object is created with default attributes. It is legal to update a
// subfield of a value. Returns the updated *Stat of the store value. If
// putting a subfield, the *Stat is for the enclosing store value.
Put(clientID security.PublicID, t Transaction, v interface{}) (*storage.Stat, error)
// Remove removes the Object.
Remove(clientID security.PublicID, t Transaction) error
// SetAttr changes the attributes of the entry, such as permissions and
// replication groups. Attributes are associated with the value, not the
// path.
SetAttr(clientID security.PublicID, t Transaction, attrs error
// Stat returns entry info.
Stat(clientID security.PublicID, t Transaction) (*storage.Stat, error)
// Query returns entries matching the given query.
Query(clientID security.PublicID, t Transaction, q query.Query) (QueryStream, error)
// Glob returns the sequence of names that match the given pattern.
Glob(clientID security.PublicID, t Transaction, pattern string) (GlobStream, error)
// Store is the server-side interface to the storage system. It is expected to
// sit directly behind the rpc handlers defined by
// veyron2/services/store/service.idl.
type Store interface {
// Bind returns the Object associated with a path.
Bind(path string) Object
// PutMutations atomically commits a stream of Mutations when the stream is
// closed. Mutations are not committed if the request is cancelled before
// the stream has been closed.
PutMutations(ctx ipc.ServerContext, stream raw.StoreServicePutMutationsStream) error
// SetConflictResolver specifies a function to perform conflict resolution.
// The <ty> represents the IDL name for the type.
SetConflictResolver(ty string, r storage.ConflictResolver)
// Close closes the Store.
Close() error
// GlobStream represents a sequence of results from a glob call.
type GlobStream interface {
// IsValid returns true iff the iterator refers to an element.
IsValid() bool
// Return one possible name for this entry.
Name() string
// Next advances to the next element.
// QueryStream yields the results of a query. Usage:
// qs, _ := obj.Query
// for qs.Next() {
// result := qs.Get()
// ...
// if enough_results {
// qs.Abort()
// }
// }
// if err := qs.Err(); err != nil {
// ...
// }
// Iterator is thread-safe.
type QueryStream interface {
// Next advances the iterator. It must be called before calling Get.
// Returns true if there is a value to be retrieved with Get. Returns
// false when iteration is finished.
Next() bool
// Get retrieves a query result. It is idempotent.
Get() *store.QueryResult
// Err returns the first error encountered during query evaluation. It is
// idempotent.
Err() error
// Abort stops query evaluation early. The client must call Abort unless
// iteration goes to completion (i.e. Next returns false). It is
// idempotent and can be called from any thread.
// Watcher is the interface for watching store updates that match a query.
type Watcher interface {
// Watch returns a stream of changes that match a query.
Watch(ctx ipc.ServerContext, req watch.Request, stream watch.WatcherServiceWatchStream) error
// Close closes the Watcher, blocking until all Watch invocations complete.
Close() error