blob: 9de1a90ab18dfbab18ac970f6d6de8d836e17302 [file] [log] [blame]
package blackbox
import (
vexec "veyron/lib/exec"
type mainFunc func(argv []string)
type commandMap map[string]mainFunc
var (
CommandTable = make(commandMap)
subcommand string
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&subcommand, "subcommand", "", "the subcommand to run")
// Child represents a child process.
type Child struct {
Name string
Cmd *exec.Cmd
ioLock sync.Mutex
Stdout *bufio.Reader // GUARDED_BY(ioLock)
Stdin io.WriteCloser
stderr *os.File
closer *os.File
t *testing.T
hasFailed bool
func testTimeout() string {
if timeout := flag.Lookup("test.timeout"); timeout != nil {
val := timeout.Value.(flag.Getter).Get().(time.Duration)
if val.String() != timeout.DefValue {
return "--test.timeout=" + timeout.Value.String()
return "--test.timeout=1m"
func initBlackboxParent(cmd *exec.Cmd) (*os.File, error) {
// We create a pipe that the child will read from, so that when the
// parent dies, it will receive an EOF and then immediately exit.
// This should hopefully ensure that all subprocesses die when the
// parent does.
reader, writer, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd.Env = append([]string{"VEYRON_BLACKBOX_TEST=1"}, os.Environ()...)
cmd.ExtraFiles = []*os.File{reader}
return writer, nil
// HelperCommand() takes an argument list and starts a helper subprocess.
// t maybe nil to allow use from outside of tests.
func HelperCommand(t *testing.T, command string, args ...string) *Child {
cs := []string{"--subcommand=" + command}
if t != nil {
cs = append(cs, "")
// If timeout is not specified on the command line set a
// default value.
cs = append(cs, testTimeout())
for fname, fval := range vlog.Log.ExplicitlySetFlags() {
cs = append(cs, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", fname, fval))
cs = append(cs, args...)
vlog.VI(2).Infof("running: %s %s", os.Args[0], cs)
cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], cs...)
stderr, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "__test__"+strings.TrimLeft(command, "-\n\t "))
if err != nil {
vlog.Errorf("Failed to open temp file, using stderr instead: err %s", err)
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
stderr = nil
} else {
cmd.Stderr = stderr
failed := false
writer, err := initBlackboxParent(cmd)
if err != nil {
if t != nil {
t.Logf("Failed to create pipe: %v", err)
failed = true
stdout, _ := cmd.StdoutPipe()
stdin, _ := cmd.StdinPipe()
return &Child{
Cmd: cmd,
Name: command,
Stdout: bufio.NewReader(stdout),
Stdin: stdin,
stderr: stderr,
// Keep the writer around to prevent GC from closing it!
closer: writer,
t: t,
hasFailed: failed,
// HelperProcess is the entry point for helper subprocesses.
// Children should Write errors to stderr and test output to stdout since
// the parent process will read from stdout a line at a time to monitor
// the progress of the child.
// t maybe nil to allow use from outside of tests.
func HelperProcess(t *testing.T) {
// Return immediately if this is not run as the child helper
// for the other tests.
if os.Getenv("VEYRON_BLACKBOX_TEST") != "1" {
if len(subcommand) == 0 {
vlog.Fatalf("No command found in: %s", os.Args)
mainFunc, ok := CommandTable[subcommand]
if !ok {
vlog.Fatalf("Unknown cmd: '%s'", subcommand)
// This is the closer pipe set up in HelperCommand above.
// The child spawns a go routine to read from it and exit on EOF.
var closer *os.File
if os.Getenv("VEYRON_EXEC_VERSION") != "" {
// If this process was started using the veyron exec library
// we have to use NewExtraFile below to get at the correct
// offset for the fd.
ch, err := vexec.GetChildHandle()
if err != nil {
vlog.Fatalf("Failed to init child handle: %v", err)
closer = ch.NewExtraFile(0, "closer")
} else {
closer = os.NewFile(3, "closer")
if _, err := closer.Stat(); err == nil {
go func(r io.Reader) {
buf := make([]byte, 10)
n, err := r.Read(buf)
vlog.Fatalf("Looks like our parent exited: closer pipe read done: %d bytes (%s): err %v\n", n, string(buf), err)
type Reader func(r *bufio.Reader) (string, error)
// ReadAll will read up to 16K of data from a buffered I/O reader, it is
// intended to be used with ReadWithTimeout.
func ReadAll(r *bufio.Reader) (string, error) {
buf := make([]byte, 4096*4)
n, err := r.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(buf[:n]), nil
// ReadLine will read a single line from a buffered I/O reader, it is
// intended to be used with ReadWithTimeout.
func ReadLine(r *bufio.Reader) (string, error) {
return r.ReadString('\n')
func (c *Child) failed() bool {
if c.t != nil {
return c.t.Failed()
return c.hasFailed
func (c *Child) error(m string) {
c.hasFailed = true
if c.t != nil {
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, m)
// ReadWithTimeout reads data from bufio.Reader instance using a function
// of type Reader such as ReadAll or ReadLine. It will return true if it
// times out, false otherwise. It will terminate the Child if it encounters
// a timeout.
func (c *Child) ReadWithTimeout(f Reader, r *bufio.Reader, timeout time.Duration) (string, bool, error) {
ch := make(chan string, 1)
ech := make(chan error, 1)
go func(c *Child) {
s, err := f(r)
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("failed to read message: error %s: '%s'", err, s))
ech <- err
ch <- s
select {
case err := <-ech:
return "", false, err
case m := <-ch:
return strings.TrimRight(m, "\n"), false, nil
case <-time.After(timeout):
// Kill the sub process to get the read calls running
// in the goroutine above to return an err.
return "", true, nil
func (c *Child) readRemaining(stream string, r *bufio.Reader) {
text, timedout, err := c.ReadWithTimeout(ReadAll, r, waitSeconds)
switch {
case timedout:
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: timedout reading %s: err '%v'", c.Name, stream, err))
case err != nil:
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: err reading %s", c.Name, stream))
vlog.Info(formatLogLine("%s: %s: '%s'", c.Name, stream, text))
func (c *Child) expectLine(expected string) bool {
actual, timedout, err := c.ReadWithTimeout(ReadLine, c.Stdout, waitSeconds)
switch {
case timedout:
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: timedout reading from stdout, expecting '%s'", c.Name, expected))
return false
case err != nil && err != io.EOF:
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: unexpected error: %s, expecting '%s'", c.Name, err, expected))
return false
case actual == expected:
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("%s: got: '%s'", c.Name, strings.TrimRight(actual, "")))
return err == io.EOF
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: expected '%s': got '%s'", c.Name, expected, actual))
return err == io.EOF
// removeIfFound removes the give item from the given list, if present
// (returning if the item was present). If several copies of the item exist,
// removeIfFound only removes the first occurrence.
func removeIfFound(item string, list *[]string) bool {
for i, e := range *list {
if e == item {
*list = append((*list)[0:i], (*list)[i+1:len(*list)]...)
return true
return false
func (c *Child) expectSetEventually(expected []string, timeout time.Duration) bool {
for {
actual, timedout, err := c.ReadWithTimeout(ReadLine, c.Stdout, timeout)
switch {
case timedout:
m := formatLogLine("%s: timedout reading from stdout", c.Name)
return false
case err != nil && err != io.EOF:
m := formatLogLine("%s: unexpected error: %s", c.Name, err)
return false
case removeIfFound(actual, &expected):
if len(expected) == 0 {
return err == io.EOF
case err == io.EOF:
m := formatLogLine("%s: eof", c.Name)
return true
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("%s: got: '%s'", c.Name, strings.TrimRight(actual, "\n")))
// Expect the specified string to be read from the Child's stdout pipe.
// Trailing \n's are stripped from the Child's output and hence should not
// be included in the "expected" parameter.
func (c *Child) Expect(expected string) {
if c.failed() {
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("Already failed"))
eof := c.expectLine(expected)
if eof {
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: unexpected EOF when expecting '%s'", c.Name, strings.TrimRight(expected, "\n")))
// ExpectSet verifies whether the given set of strings (expressed as a list,
// though order is irrelevant) matches the next len(expected) lines in stdout.
// The set is allowed to contain repetitions if the same line is expected
// multiple times.
func (c *Child) ExpectSet(expected []string) {
if c.failed() {
actual := make([]string, 0, len(expected))
for i := 0; i < len(expected); i++ {
str, err := c.ReadLineFromChild()
if err != nil {
c.error(formatLogLine("ReadLineFromChild: failed %v", err))
actual = append(actual, str)
for i, exp := range expected {
if exp != actual[i] {
c.error(formatLogLine("expected %v, actual %v", expected, actual))
// Expect the specified string to be read from the Child's stdout pipe
// eventually. There may be additional output beforehand.
func (c *Child) ExpectEventually(expected string, timeout time.Duration) {
if c.failed() {
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("Already failed"))
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("Waiting for client, timeout %s", timeout))
eof := c.expectSetEventually([]string{expected}, timeout)
if eof {
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: unexpected EOF when expecting %q", c.Name, strings.TrimRight(expected, "\n")))
// ExpectSetEventually verifies whether the given set of strings (expressed as a
// list, though order is irrelevant) appear in the stdout pipe of the child
// eventually. The set is allowed to contain repetitions if the same line is
// expected multiple times.
func (c *Child) ExpectSetEventually(expected []string, timeout time.Duration) {
if c.failed() {
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("Already failed"))
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("Waiting for client, timeout %s", timeout))
eof := c.expectSetEventually(expected, timeout)
if eof {
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: unexpected EOF when expecting %q", c.Name, expected))
// Expect EOF to be read from the Child's stdout pipe and wait for the child
// if it is still running to clean up process state.
func (c *Child) ExpectEOFAndWait() {
// ExpectEOFAndWaitForExitCode is the same as ExpectEOFAndWait except that it
// allows for a non-nil error to be returned by the child.
func (c *Child) ExpectEOFAndWaitForExitCode(exit error) {
if c.failed() {
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: cleanup", c.Name))
c.readRemaining("stdout", c.Stdout)
if c.Cmd.Process != nil {
} else {
eof := c.expectLine("")
if !eof {
c.error(formatLogLine("%s: failed to exit (failed to read EOF)", c.Name))
c.readRemaining("stdout", c.Stdout)
if c.Cmd.Process != nil {
defer c.ioLock.Unlock()
err := c.Cmd.Wait()
if exit == nil {
if err != nil {
c.error(formatLogLine("Client exited with error: %s", err))
if err == nil {
c.error(formatLogLine("Client exited without error: expecting %s", exit))
if err.Error() != exit.Error() {
c.error(formatLogLine("Client exited with unexpected error: %q and not %q", err, exit))
// The WaitForXXX() functions are similar to expectations, but they do less
// checking and for use in benchmarking.
// WaitForLine reads the input until the expected line is read,
// returning an error if EOF is reached or there is a timeout.
func (c *Child) WaitForLine(expected string, timeout time.Duration) error {
if c.failed() {
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("Already failed"))
return fmt.Errorf("Already failed")
deadline := time.Now().Add(timeout)
for {
actual, _, err := c.ReadWithTimeout(ReadLine, c.Stdout, deadline.Sub(time.Now()))
if err != nil {
return err
if actual == expected {
return nil
// WaitForEOF reads the input until an EOF is reached, returning an
// error if there is a timeout.
func (c *Child) WaitForEOF(timeout time.Duration) error {
deadline := time.Now().Add(timeout)
for {
_, _, err := c.ReadWithTimeout(ReadLine, c.Stdout, deadline.Sub(time.Now()))
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// WaitForPortFromChild waits for a line in the format "port %d" and returns the
// port number, or an error if there is a timeout or EOF is reached.
func (c *Child) WaitForPortFromChild() (string, error) {
actual, _, err := c.ReadWithTimeout(ReadLine, c.Stdout, waitSeconds)
if err != nil {
return "", err
last := strings.LastIndex(actual, ":")
if last == -1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", formatLogLine("%s: failed to parse port from %q - missing ':'", c.Name, actual))
port := actual[last+1:]
port = strings.TrimSuffix(port, "'\n")
// Check that the port is a number.
_, err = strconv.Atoi(port)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", formatLogLine("%s: failed to parse port from %q: err %s", c.Name, actual, err))
return port, nil
// ReadPortFromChild reads a port number written to the child's stdout,
// returning an error if it fails to do so and not calling t.Error internal.
func (c *Child) ReadPortFromChild() (string, error) {
if c.failed() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", "Already failed")
actual, timedout, err := c.ReadWithTimeout(ReadLine, c.Stdout, waitSeconds)
if timedout {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", formatLogLine("%s: timeout reading port", c.Name))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", formatLogLine("%s: error reading port: %s", c.Name, err))
last := strings.LastIndex(actual, ":")
if last == -1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", formatLogLine("%s: failed to parse port from '%s' - missing ':'", c.Name, actual))
port := actual[last+1:]
port = strings.TrimRight(port, "'\n")
_, err = strconv.Atoi(port)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", formatLogLine("%s: failed to parse port from '%s': err %s", c.Name, actual, err))
return port, nil
// ReadLineFromChild reads a single line from the child's stdout,
// returning an error if it fails to do so and not calling t.Error internal.
func (c *Child) ReadLineFromChild() (string, error) {
if c.failed() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Already failed")
actual, timedout, err := c.ReadWithTimeout(ReadLine, c.Stdout, waitSeconds)
if timedout {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", formatLogLine("%s: timeout reading line", c.Name))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s", formatLogLine("%s: error reading line: %s", c.Name, err))
return strings.TrimRight(actual, "\n"), nil
// WriteLine writes the given line to the child's stdin, and appends a \n.
func (c *Child) WriteLine(line string) {
if c.failed() {
vlog.VI(2).Info(formatLogLine("Already failed"))
// CloseStding closes the stdin pipe the child is likely blocked on.
func (c *Child) CloseStdin() {
// Child should exit now.
// Cleanup sends a kill signal to the child, prints any stderr logs from
// the child and deletes the log files generated by the child.
func (c *Child) Cleanup() {
defer c.closer.Close()
if c.Cmd.Process != nil {
if c.stderr != nil {
defer func() {
if _, err := c.stderr.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(c.stderr)
for scanner.Scan() {
// Avoid printing two sets of line headers
vlog.Info(c.Name + ": " + scanner.Text())