blob: 910dd07b0606530b2296cd8875b99a2d1f9e092a [file] [log] [blame]
package vtrace
import (
var nextid = uint64(1)
func id() uniqueid.ID {
var out uniqueid.ID
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(out[8:], nextid)
return out
func makeTraces(n int, st *Store) []vtrace.Trace {
traces := make([]vtrace.Trace, n)
for i := range traces {
traces[i] = newCollector(id(), st)
return traces
func recordids(records ...vtrace.TraceRecord) map[uniqueid.ID]bool {
out := make(map[uniqueid.ID]bool)
for _, trace := range records {
out[trace.ID] = true
return out
func traceids(traces ...vtrace.Trace) map[uniqueid.ID]bool {
out := make(map[uniqueid.ID]bool)
for _, trace := range traces {
out[trace.ID()] = true
return out
func TestConsiderAndTrim(t *testing.T) {
st := NewStore(5)
traces := makeTraces(10, st)
records := st.TraceRecords()
if want, got := traceids(traces[5:]...), recordids(records...); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Got wrong traces. Want %#v, got %#v", want, got)
// Starting a new span on one of the traces should bring it back into the stored set.
traces[2].(*collector).start(&span{id: id()})
records = st.TraceRecords()
if want, got := traceids(traces[2], traces[6], traces[7], traces[8], traces[9]), recordids(records...); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Got wrong traces. Want %#v, got %#v", want, got)
// Starting a new span on one of the traces should bring it back into the stored set.
traces[2].(*collector).start(&span{id: id()})
records = st.TraceRecords()
if want, got := traceids(traces[2], traces[6], traces[7], traces[8], traces[9]), recordids(records...); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Got wrong traces. Want %#v, got %#v", want, got)
// Finishing a span on one of the traces should bring it back into the stored set.
traces[3].(*collector).finish(&span{id: id()})
records = st.TraceRecords()
if want, got := traceids(traces[3], traces[2], traces[7], traces[8], traces[9]), recordids(records...); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Got wrong traces. Want %#v, got %#v", want, got)
// Annotating a span on one of the traces should bring it back into the stored set.
traces[4].(*collector).annotate(&span{id: id()}, "hello")
records = st.TraceRecords()
if want, got := traceids(traces[4], traces[3], traces[2], traces[8], traces[9]), recordids(records...); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
t.Errorf("Got wrong traces. Want %#v, got %#v", want, got)