blob: 600028da8e5a7d058bd2726bfcafb76f75ee7f6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package namespace
import (
// mountIntoMountTable mounts a single server into a single mount table.
func mountIntoMountTable(ctx *context.T, client rpc.Client, name, server string, ttl time.Duration, flags naming.MountFlag, id string, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (s status) { = id
ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctx, callTimeout)
s.err = client.Call(ctx, name, "Mount", []interface{}{server, uint32(ttl.Seconds()), flags}, nil, append(opts, options.NoResolve{})...)
// Mount implements Namespace.Mount.
func (ns *namespace) Mount(ctx *context.T, name, server string, ttl time.Duration, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) error {
defer vlog.LogCallf("ctx=,name=%.10s...,server=%.10s...,ttl=%v,opts...=%v", name, server, ttl, opts)("") // AUTO-GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
var flags naming.MountFlag
for _, o := range opts {
// NB: used a switch since we'll be adding more options.
switch v := o.(type) {
case naming.ReplaceMount:
if v {
flags |= naming.MountFlag(naming.Replace)
case naming.ServesMountTable:
if v {
flags |= naming.MountFlag(naming.MT)
case naming.IsLeaf:
if v {
flags |= naming.MountFlag(naming.Leaf)
client := v23.GetClient(ctx)
// Mount the server in all the returned mount tables.
f := func(ctx *context.T, mt, id string) status {
return mountIntoMountTable(ctx, client, mt, server, ttl, flags, id, getCallOpts(opts)...)
err := ns.dispatch(ctx, name, f, opts)
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Mount(%s, %q) -> %v", name, server, err)
return err
// unmountFromMountTable removes a single mounted server from a single mount table.
func unmountFromMountTable(ctx *context.T, client rpc.Client, name, server string, id string, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (s status) { = id
ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctx, callTimeout)
s.err = client.Call(ctx, name, "Unmount", []interface{}{server}, nil, append(opts, options.NoResolve{})...)
// Unmount implements Namespace.Unmount.
func (ns *namespace) Unmount(ctx *context.T, name, server string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) error {
defer vlog.LogCallf("ctx=,name=%.10s...,server=%.10s...,opts...=%v", name, server, opts)("") // AUTO-GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
// Unmount the server from all the mount tables.
client := v23.GetClient(ctx)
f := func(ctx *context.T, mt, id string) status {
return unmountFromMountTable(ctx, client, mt, server, id, getCallOpts(opts)...)
err := ns.dispatch(ctx, name, f, opts)
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Unmount(%s, %s) -> %v", name, server, err)
return err
// deleteFromMountTable deletes a name from a single mount table. If there are any children
// and deleteSubtree isn't true, nothing is deleted.
func deleteFromMountTable(ctx *context.T, client rpc.Client, name string, deleteSubtree bool, id string, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (s status) { = id
ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctx, callTimeout)
s.err = client.Call(ctx, name, "Delete", []interface{}{deleteSubtree}, nil, append(opts, options.NoResolve{})...)
// RDeleteemove implements Namespace.Delete.
func (ns *namespace) Delete(ctx *context.T, name string, deleteSubtree bool, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) error {
defer vlog.LogCallf("ctx=,name=%.10s...,deleteSubtree=%v,opts...=%v", name, deleteSubtree, opts)("") // AUTO-GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
// Remove from all the mount tables.
client := v23.GetClient(ctx)
f := func(ctx *context.T, mt, id string) status {
return deleteFromMountTable(ctx, client, mt, deleteSubtree, id, getCallOpts(opts)...)
err := ns.dispatch(ctx, name, f, opts)
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Remove(%s, %v) -> %v", name, deleteSubtree, err)
return err
func str2pattern(strs []string) (ret []security.BlessingPattern) {
ret = make([]security.BlessingPattern, len(strs))
for i, s := range strs {
ret[i] = security.BlessingPattern(s)