blob: 3f86372d07fc6d490694d8b0161dff8e769c83dc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was auto-generated by the vanadium vdl tool.
// Source: service.vdl
// Package rps defines interfaces for playing the game Rock-Paper-Scissors. It
// is an example of a simple Vanadium service.
// There are three different roles in the game:
// 1. Judge: A judge enforces the rules of the game and decides who the winner
// is. At the end of the game, the judge reports the final score to all the
// score keepers.
// 2. Player: A player can ask a judge to start a new game, it can challenge
// another player, and it can play a game.
// 3. ScoreKeeper: A score keeper receives the final score for a game after it
// ended.
package rps
import (
// VDL system imports
// VDL user imports
_ ""
// A GameId is used to uniquely identify a game within one Judge.
type GameId struct {
Id string
func (GameId) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// GameOptions specifies the parameters of a game.
type GameOptions struct {
NumRounds int32 // The number of rounds that a player must win to win the game.
GameType GameTypeTag // The type of game to play: Classic or LizardSpock.
func (GameOptions) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
type GameTypeTag byte
func (GameTypeTag) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
type (
// PlayerAction represents any single field of the PlayerAction union type.
PlayerAction interface {
// Index returns the field index.
Index() int
// Interface returns the field value as an interface.
Interface() interface{}
// Name returns the field name.
Name() string
// __VDLReflect describes the PlayerAction union type.
// PlayerActionMove represents field Move of the PlayerAction union type.
PlayerActionMove struct{ Value string } // The move that the player wants to make.
// PlayerActionQuit represents field Quit of the PlayerAction union type.
PlayerActionQuit struct{ Value unused } // Indicates that the player is quitting the game.
// __PlayerActionReflect describes the PlayerAction union type.
__PlayerActionReflect struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
Type PlayerAction
Union struct {
Move PlayerActionMove
Quit PlayerActionQuit
func (x PlayerActionMove) Index() int { return 0 }
func (x PlayerActionMove) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x PlayerActionMove) Name() string { return "Move" }
func (x PlayerActionMove) __VDLReflect(__PlayerActionReflect) {}
func (x PlayerActionQuit) Index() int { return 1 }
func (x PlayerActionQuit) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x PlayerActionQuit) Name() string { return "Quit" }
func (x PlayerActionQuit) __VDLReflect(__PlayerActionReflect) {}
type unused struct {
func (unused) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
type (
// JudgeAction represents any single field of the JudgeAction union type.
JudgeAction interface {
// Index returns the field index.
Index() int
// Interface returns the field value as an interface.
Interface() interface{}
// Name returns the field name.
Name() string
// __VDLReflect describes the JudgeAction union type.
// JudgeActionPlayerNum represents field PlayerNum of the JudgeAction union type.
JudgeActionPlayerNum struct{ Value int32 } // The player's number.
// JudgeActionOpponentName represents field OpponentName of the JudgeAction union type.
JudgeActionOpponentName struct{ Value string } // The name of the opponent.
// JudgeActionMoveOptions represents field MoveOptions of the JudgeAction union type.
JudgeActionMoveOptions struct{ Value []string } // A list of allowed moves that the player must choose from.
// JudgeActionRoundResult represents field RoundResult of the JudgeAction union type.
JudgeActionRoundResult struct{ Value Round } // The result of the previous round.
// JudgeActionScore represents field Score of the JudgeAction union type.
JudgeActionScore struct{ Value ScoreCard } // The result of the game.
// __JudgeActionReflect describes the JudgeAction union type.
__JudgeActionReflect struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
Type JudgeAction
Union struct {
PlayerNum JudgeActionPlayerNum
OpponentName JudgeActionOpponentName
MoveOptions JudgeActionMoveOptions
RoundResult JudgeActionRoundResult
Score JudgeActionScore
func (x JudgeActionPlayerNum) Index() int { return 0 }
func (x JudgeActionPlayerNum) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x JudgeActionPlayerNum) Name() string { return "PlayerNum" }
func (x JudgeActionPlayerNum) __VDLReflect(__JudgeActionReflect) {}
func (x JudgeActionOpponentName) Index() int { return 1 }
func (x JudgeActionOpponentName) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x JudgeActionOpponentName) Name() string { return "OpponentName" }
func (x JudgeActionOpponentName) __VDLReflect(__JudgeActionReflect) {}
func (x JudgeActionMoveOptions) Index() int { return 2 }
func (x JudgeActionMoveOptions) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x JudgeActionMoveOptions) Name() string { return "MoveOptions" }
func (x JudgeActionMoveOptions) __VDLReflect(__JudgeActionReflect) {}
func (x JudgeActionRoundResult) Index() int { return 3 }
func (x JudgeActionRoundResult) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x JudgeActionRoundResult) Name() string { return "RoundResult" }
func (x JudgeActionRoundResult) __VDLReflect(__JudgeActionReflect) {}
func (x JudgeActionScore) Index() int { return 4 }
func (x JudgeActionScore) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x JudgeActionScore) Name() string { return "Score" }
func (x JudgeActionScore) __VDLReflect(__JudgeActionReflect) {}
type PlayersMoves [2]string
func (PlayersMoves) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// Round represents the state of a round.
type Round struct {
Moves PlayersMoves // Each player's move.
Comment string // A text comment from judge about the round.
Winner WinnerTag // Who won the round.
StartTime time.Time // The time at which the round started.
EndTime time.Time // The time at which the round ended.
func (Round) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// WinnerTag is a type used to indicate whether a round or a game was a draw,
// was won by player 1 or was won by player 2.
type WinnerTag byte
func (WinnerTag) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// PlayResult is the value returned by the Play method. It indicates the outcome of the game.
type PlayResult struct {
YouWon bool // True if the player receiving the result won the game.
func (PlayResult) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
type ScoreCard struct {
Opts GameOptions // The game options.
Judge string // The name of the judge.
Players []string // The name of the players.
Rounds []Round // The outcome of each round.
StartTime time.Time // The time at which the game started.
EndTime time.Time // The time at which the game ended.
Winner WinnerTag // Who won the game.
func (ScoreCard) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
func init() {
const Classic = GameTypeTag(0) // Rock-Paper-Scissors
const LizardSpock = GameTypeTag(1) // Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock
const Draw = WinnerTag(0)
const Player1 = WinnerTag(1)
const Player2 = WinnerTag(2)
// JudgeClientMethods is the client interface
// containing Judge methods.
type JudgeClientMethods interface {
// CreateGame creates a new game with the given game options and returns a game
// identifier that can be used by the players to join the game.
CreateGame(ctx *context.T, Opts GameOptions, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (GameId, error)
// Play lets a player join an existing game and play.
Play(ctx *context.T, Id GameId, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (JudgePlayClientCall, error)
// JudgeClientStub adds universal methods to JudgeClientMethods.
type JudgeClientStub interface {
// JudgeClient returns a client stub for Judge.
func JudgeClient(name string) JudgeClientStub {
return implJudgeClientStub{name}
type implJudgeClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implJudgeClientStub) CreateGame(ctx *context.T, i0 GameOptions, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 GameId, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "CreateGame", []interface{}{i0}, []interface{}{&o0}, opts...)
func (c implJudgeClientStub) Play(ctx *context.T, i0 GameId, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall JudgePlayClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "Play", []interface{}{i0}, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implJudgePlayClientCall{ClientCall: call}
// JudgePlayClientStream is the client stream for Judge.Play.
type JudgePlayClientStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Judge.Play client stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() JudgeAction
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SendStream returns the send side of the Judge.Play client stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors
// encountered while sending, or if Send is called after Close or
// the stream has been canceled. Blocks if there is no buffer
// space; will unblock when buffer space is available or after
// the stream has been canceled.
Send(item PlayerAction) error
// Close indicates to the server that no more items will be sent;
// server Recv calls will receive io.EOF after all sent items.
// This is an optional call - e.g. a client might call Close if it
// needs to continue receiving items from the server after it's
// done sending. Returns errors encountered while closing, or if
// Close is called after the stream has been canceled. Like Send,
// blocks if there is no buffer space available.
Close() error
// JudgePlayClientCall represents the call returned from Judge.Play.
type JudgePlayClientCall interface {
// Finish performs the equivalent of SendStream().Close, then blocks until
// the server is done, and returns the positional return values for the call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() (PlayResult, error)
type implJudgePlayClientCall struct {
valRecv JudgeAction
errRecv error
func (c *implJudgePlayClientCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() JudgeAction
Err() error
} {
return implJudgePlayClientCallRecv{c}
type implJudgePlayClientCallRecv struct {
c *implJudgePlayClientCall
func (c implJudgePlayClientCallRecv) Advance() bool {
c.c.errRecv = c.c.Recv(&c.c.valRecv)
return c.c.errRecv == nil
func (c implJudgePlayClientCallRecv) Value() JudgeAction {
return c.c.valRecv
func (c implJudgePlayClientCallRecv) Err() error {
if c.c.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return c.c.errRecv
func (c *implJudgePlayClientCall) SendStream() interface {
Send(item PlayerAction) error
Close() error
} {
return implJudgePlayClientCallSend{c}
type implJudgePlayClientCallSend struct {
c *implJudgePlayClientCall
func (c implJudgePlayClientCallSend) Send(item PlayerAction) error {
return c.c.Send(item)
func (c implJudgePlayClientCallSend) Close() error {
return c.c.CloseSend()
func (c *implJudgePlayClientCall) Finish() (o0 PlayResult, err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish(&o0)
// JudgeServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for Judge.
type JudgeServerMethods interface {
// CreateGame creates a new game with the given game options and returns a game
// identifier that can be used by the players to join the game.
CreateGame(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, Opts GameOptions) (GameId, error)
// Play lets a player join an existing game and play.
Play(ctx *context.T, call JudgePlayServerCall, Id GameId) (PlayResult, error)
// JudgeServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// Judge methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// The only difference between this interface and JudgeServerMethods
// is the streaming methods.
type JudgeServerStubMethods interface {
// CreateGame creates a new game with the given game options and returns a game
// identifier that can be used by the players to join the game.
CreateGame(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, Opts GameOptions) (GameId, error)
// Play lets a player join an existing game and play.
Play(ctx *context.T, call *JudgePlayServerCallStub, Id GameId) (PlayResult, error)
// JudgeServerStub adds universal methods to JudgeServerStubMethods.
type JudgeServerStub interface {
// Describe the Judge interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// JudgeServer returns a server stub for Judge.
// It converts an implementation of JudgeServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func JudgeServer(impl JudgeServerMethods) JudgeServerStub {
stub := implJudgeServerStub{
impl: impl,
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implJudgeServerStub struct {
impl JudgeServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implJudgeServerStub) CreateGame(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i0 GameOptions) (GameId, error) {
return s.impl.CreateGame(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implJudgeServerStub) Play(ctx *context.T, call *JudgePlayServerCallStub, i0 GameId) (PlayResult, error) {
return s.impl.Play(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implJudgeServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implJudgeServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{JudgeDesc}
// JudgeDesc describes the Judge interface.
var JudgeDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descJudge
// descJudge hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descJudge = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "Judge",
PkgPath: "",
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "CreateGame",
Doc: "// CreateGame creates a new game with the given game options and returns a game\n// identifier that can be used by the players to join the game.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"Opts", ``}, // GameOptions
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"", ``}, // GameId
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Write"))},
Name: "Play",
Doc: "// Play lets a player join an existing game and play.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"Id", ``}, // GameId
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"", ``}, // PlayResult
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Write"))},
// JudgePlayServerStream is the server stream for Judge.Play.
type JudgePlayServerStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Judge.Play server stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() PlayerAction
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// SendStream returns the send side of the Judge.Play server stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors encountered
// while sending. Blocks if there is no buffer space; will unblock when
// buffer space is available.
Send(item JudgeAction) error
// JudgePlayServerCall represents the context passed to Judge.Play.
type JudgePlayServerCall interface {
// JudgePlayServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements JudgePlayServerCall.
type JudgePlayServerCallStub struct {
valRecv PlayerAction
errRecv error
// Init initializes JudgePlayServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *JudgePlayServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Judge.Play server stream.
func (s *JudgePlayServerCallStub) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() PlayerAction
Err() error
} {
return implJudgePlayServerCallRecv{s}
type implJudgePlayServerCallRecv struct {
s *JudgePlayServerCallStub
func (s implJudgePlayServerCallRecv) Advance() bool {
s.s.errRecv = s.s.Recv(&s.s.valRecv)
return s.s.errRecv == nil
func (s implJudgePlayServerCallRecv) Value() PlayerAction {
return s.s.valRecv
func (s implJudgePlayServerCallRecv) Err() error {
if s.s.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return s.s.errRecv
// SendStream returns the send side of the Judge.Play server stream.
func (s *JudgePlayServerCallStub) SendStream() interface {
Send(item JudgeAction) error
} {
return implJudgePlayServerCallSend{s}
type implJudgePlayServerCallSend struct {
s *JudgePlayServerCallStub
func (s implJudgePlayServerCallSend) Send(item JudgeAction) error {
return s.s.Send(item)
// PlayerClientMethods is the client interface
// containing Player methods.
// Player can receive challenges from other players.
type PlayerClientMethods interface {
// Challenge is used by other players to challenge this player to a game. If
// the challenge is accepted, the method returns nil.
Challenge(ctx *context.T, Address string, Id GameId, Opts GameOptions, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) error
// PlayerClientStub adds universal methods to PlayerClientMethods.
type PlayerClientStub interface {
// PlayerClient returns a client stub for Player.
func PlayerClient(name string) PlayerClientStub {
return implPlayerClientStub{name}
type implPlayerClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implPlayerClientStub) Challenge(ctx *context.T, i0 string, i1 GameId, i2 GameOptions, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "Challenge", []interface{}{i0, i1, i2}, nil, opts...)
// PlayerServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for Player.
// Player can receive challenges from other players.
type PlayerServerMethods interface {
// Challenge is used by other players to challenge this player to a game. If
// the challenge is accepted, the method returns nil.
Challenge(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, Address string, Id GameId, Opts GameOptions) error
// PlayerServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// Player methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// There is no difference between this interface and PlayerServerMethods
// since there are no streaming methods.
type PlayerServerStubMethods PlayerServerMethods
// PlayerServerStub adds universal methods to PlayerServerStubMethods.
type PlayerServerStub interface {
// Describe the Player interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// PlayerServer returns a server stub for Player.
// It converts an implementation of PlayerServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func PlayerServer(impl PlayerServerMethods) PlayerServerStub {
stub := implPlayerServerStub{
impl: impl,
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implPlayerServerStub struct {
impl PlayerServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implPlayerServerStub) Challenge(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i0 string, i1 GameId, i2 GameOptions) error {
return s.impl.Challenge(ctx, call, i0, i1, i2)
func (s implPlayerServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implPlayerServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{PlayerDesc}
// PlayerDesc describes the Player interface.
var PlayerDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descPlayer
// descPlayer hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descPlayer = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "Player",
PkgPath: "",
Doc: "// Player can receive challenges from other players.",
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "Challenge",
Doc: "// Challenge is used by other players to challenge this player to a game. If\n// the challenge is accepted, the method returns nil.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"Address", ``}, // string
{"Id", ``}, // GameId
{"Opts", ``}, // GameOptions
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Write"))},
// ScoreKeeperClientMethods is the client interface
// containing ScoreKeeper methods.
// ScoreKeeper receives the outcome of games from Judges.
type ScoreKeeperClientMethods interface {
Record(ctx *context.T, Score ScoreCard, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) error
// ScoreKeeperClientStub adds universal methods to ScoreKeeperClientMethods.
type ScoreKeeperClientStub interface {
// ScoreKeeperClient returns a client stub for ScoreKeeper.
func ScoreKeeperClient(name string) ScoreKeeperClientStub {
return implScoreKeeperClientStub{name}
type implScoreKeeperClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implScoreKeeperClientStub) Record(ctx *context.T, i0 ScoreCard, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "Record", []interface{}{i0}, nil, opts...)
// ScoreKeeperServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for ScoreKeeper.
// ScoreKeeper receives the outcome of games from Judges.
type ScoreKeeperServerMethods interface {
Record(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, Score ScoreCard) error
// ScoreKeeperServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// ScoreKeeper methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// There is no difference between this interface and ScoreKeeperServerMethods
// since there are no streaming methods.
type ScoreKeeperServerStubMethods ScoreKeeperServerMethods
// ScoreKeeperServerStub adds universal methods to ScoreKeeperServerStubMethods.
type ScoreKeeperServerStub interface {
// Describe the ScoreKeeper interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// ScoreKeeperServer returns a server stub for ScoreKeeper.
// It converts an implementation of ScoreKeeperServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func ScoreKeeperServer(impl ScoreKeeperServerMethods) ScoreKeeperServerStub {
stub := implScoreKeeperServerStub{
impl: impl,
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implScoreKeeperServerStub struct {
impl ScoreKeeperServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implScoreKeeperServerStub) Record(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i0 ScoreCard) error {
return s.impl.Record(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implScoreKeeperServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implScoreKeeperServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{ScoreKeeperDesc}
// ScoreKeeperDesc describes the ScoreKeeper interface.
var ScoreKeeperDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descScoreKeeper
// descScoreKeeper hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descScoreKeeper = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "ScoreKeeper",
PkgPath: "",
Doc: "// ScoreKeeper receives the outcome of games from Judges.",
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "Record",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"Score", ``}, // ScoreCard
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Write"))},
// RockPaperScissorsClientMethods is the client interface
// containing RockPaperScissors methods.
type RockPaperScissorsClientMethods interface {
// Player can receive challenges from other players.
// ScoreKeeper receives the outcome of games from Judges.
// RockPaperScissorsClientStub adds universal methods to RockPaperScissorsClientMethods.
type RockPaperScissorsClientStub interface {
// RockPaperScissorsClient returns a client stub for RockPaperScissors.
func RockPaperScissorsClient(name string) RockPaperScissorsClientStub {
return implRockPaperScissorsClientStub{name, JudgeClient(name), PlayerClient(name), ScoreKeeperClient(name)}
type implRockPaperScissorsClientStub struct {
name string
// RockPaperScissorsServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for RockPaperScissors.
type RockPaperScissorsServerMethods interface {
// Player can receive challenges from other players.
// ScoreKeeper receives the outcome of games from Judges.
// RockPaperScissorsServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// RockPaperScissors methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// The only difference between this interface and RockPaperScissorsServerMethods
// is the streaming methods.
type RockPaperScissorsServerStubMethods interface {
// Player can receive challenges from other players.
// ScoreKeeper receives the outcome of games from Judges.
// RockPaperScissorsServerStub adds universal methods to RockPaperScissorsServerStubMethods.
type RockPaperScissorsServerStub interface {
// Describe the RockPaperScissors interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// RockPaperScissorsServer returns a server stub for RockPaperScissors.
// It converts an implementation of RockPaperScissorsServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func RockPaperScissorsServer(impl RockPaperScissorsServerMethods) RockPaperScissorsServerStub {
stub := implRockPaperScissorsServerStub{
impl: impl,
JudgeServerStub: JudgeServer(impl),
PlayerServerStub: PlayerServer(impl),
ScoreKeeperServerStub: ScoreKeeperServer(impl),
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implRockPaperScissorsServerStub struct {
impl RockPaperScissorsServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implRockPaperScissorsServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implRockPaperScissorsServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{RockPaperScissorsDesc, JudgeDesc, PlayerDesc, ScoreKeeperDesc}
// RockPaperScissorsDesc describes the RockPaperScissors interface.
var RockPaperScissorsDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descRockPaperScissors
// descRockPaperScissors hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descRockPaperScissors = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "RockPaperScissors",
PkgPath: "",
Embeds: []rpc.EmbedDesc{
{"Judge", "", ``},
{"Player", "", "// Player can receive challenges from other players."},
{"ScoreKeeper", "", "// ScoreKeeper receives the outcome of games from Judges."},