blob: 8dd7143ab523a49296b13836a20f31fd124c89ad [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rpc
import (
vtime ""
slib ""
inaming ""
const (
dataFlow = 'd'
typeFlow = 't'
dischargeBuffer = time.Minute
type clientFlowManagerOpt struct {
mgr flow.Manager
func (clientFlowManagerOpt) RPCClientOpt() {}
type xclient struct {
flowMgr flow.Manager
ns namespace.T
preferredProtocols []string
ctx *context.T
// stop is kept for backward compatibilty to implement Close().
// TODO(mattr): deprecate Close.
stop func()
// typeCache maintains a cache of type encoders and decoders.
typeCache *typeCache
wg sync.WaitGroup
mu sync.Mutex
closing bool
closed chan struct{}
var _ rpc.Client = (*xclient)(nil)
func NewXClient(ctx *context.T, ns namespace.T, opts ...rpc.ClientOpt) rpc.Client {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
c := &xclient{
ctx: ctx,
ns: ns,
typeCache: newTypeCache(),
stop: cancel,
closed: make(chan struct{}),
for _, opt := range opts {
switch v := opt.(type) {
case PreferredProtocols:
c.preferredProtocols = v
case clientFlowManagerOpt:
c.flowMgr = v.mgr
if c.flowMgr == nil {
c.flowMgr = manager.New(ctx, naming.NullRoutingID, nil)
go func() {
c.closing = true
return c
func (c *xclient) StartCall(ctx *context.T, name, method string, args []interface{}, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (rpc.ClientCall, error) {
defer apilog.LogCallf(ctx, "name=%.10s...,method=%.10s...,args=,opts...=%v", name, method, opts)(ctx, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
if !ctx.Initialized() {
return nil, verror.ExplicitNew(verror.ErrBadArg, i18n.LangID("en-us"), "<rpc.Client>", "StartCall", "context not initialized")
deadline := getDeadline(ctx, opts)
return c.startCall(ctx, name, method, args, deadline, opts)
func (c *xclient) startCall(ctx *context.T, name, method string, args []interface{}, deadline time.Time, opts []rpc.CallOpt) (rpc.ClientCall, error) {
ctx, span := vtrace.WithNewSpan(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("<rpc.Client>%q.%s", name, method))
for retries := uint(0); ; retries++ {
call, action, requireResolve, err := c.tryCall(ctx, name, method, args, opts)
switch {
case err == nil:
return call, nil
case !shouldRetry(action, requireResolve, deadline, opts):
span.Annotatef("Cannot retry after error: %s", err)
return nil, err
case !backoff(retries, deadline):
return nil, err
span.Annotatef("Retrying due to error: %s", err)
ctx.VI(2).Infof("Retrying due to error: %s", err)
func (c *xclient) Call(ctx *context.T, name, method string, inArgs, outArgs []interface{}, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(ctx, "name=%.10s...,method=%.10s...,inArgs=,outArgs=,opts...=%v", name, method, opts)(ctx, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
deadline := getDeadline(ctx, opts)
for retries := uint(0); ; retries++ {
call, err := c.startCall(ctx, name, method, inArgs, deadline, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
switch err := call.Finish(outArgs...); {
case err == nil:
return nil
case !shouldRetryBackoff(verror.Action(err), deadline, opts):
ctx.VI(4).Infof("Cannot retry after error: %s", err)
return err
case !backoff(retries, deadline):
return err
ctx.VI(4).Infof("Retrying due to error: %s", err)
type xserverStatus struct {
index int
server, suffix string
flow flow.Flow
serverErr *verror.SubErr
typeEnc *vom.TypeEncoder
typeDec *vom.TypeDecoder
// tryCreateFlow attempts to establish a Flow to "server" (which must be a
// rooted name), over which a method invocation request could be sent.
// The server at the remote end of the flow is authorized using the provided
// authorizer, both during creation of the VC underlying the flow and the
// flow itself.
// TODO(cnicolaou): implement real, configurable load balancing.
func (c *xclient) tryCreateFlow(ctx *context.T, index int, name, server, method string, args []interface{}, auth security.Authorizer, ch chan<- *xserverStatus) {
defer c.wg.Done()
status := &xserverStatus{index: index, server: server}
var span vtrace.Span
ctx, span = vtrace.WithNewSpan(ctx, "<client>tryCreateFlow "+server)
defer func() {
ch <- status
suberr := func(err error) *verror.SubErr {
return &verror.SubErr{
Name: suberrName(server, name, method),
Err: err,
Options: verror.Print,
address, suffix := naming.SplitAddressName(server)
if len(address) == 0 {
status.serverErr = suberr(verror.New(errNonRootedName, ctx, server))
status.suffix = suffix
ep, err := inaming.NewEndpoint(address)
if err != nil {
status.serverErr = suberr(verror.New(errInvalidEndpoint, ctx))
peerAuth := peerAuthorizer{auth, method, suffix, args}
flow, err := c.flowMgr.Dial(ctx, ep, peerAuth)
if err != nil {
ctx.VI(2).Infof("rpc: failed to create Flow with %v: %v", server, err)
status.serverErr = suberr(err)
if write := c.typeCache.writer(flow.Conn()); write != nil {
// Create the type flow with a root-cancellable context.
// This flow must outlive the flow we're currently creating.
// It lives as long as the connection to which it is bound.
tctx, tcancel := context.WithRootCancel(ctx)
tflow, err := c.flowMgr.Dial(tctx, ep, typeFlowAuthorizer{})
if err != nil {
status.serverErr = suberr(newErrTypeFlowFailure(tctx, err))
if tflow.Conn() != flow.Conn() {
status.serverErr = suberr(newErrTypeFlowFailure(ctx, nil))
if _, err = tflow.Write([]byte{typeFlow}); err != nil {
status.serverErr = suberr(newErrTypeFlowFailure(tctx, err))
write(tflow, tcancel)
status.typeEnc, status.typeDec, err = c.typeCache.get(ctx, flow.Conn())
if err != nil {
status.serverErr = suberr(newErrTypeFlowFailure(ctx, err))
status.flow = flow
type typeFlowAuthorizer struct{}
func (a typeFlowAuthorizer) AuthorizePeer(
ctx *context.T,
localEP, remoteEP naming.Endpoint,
remoteBlessings security.Blessings,
remoteDischarges map[string]security.Discharge) ([]string, []security.RejectedBlessing, error) {
return nil, nil, nil
func (a typeFlowAuthorizer) BlessingsForPeer(ctx *context.T, peerNames []string) (
security.Blessings, map[string]security.Discharge, error) {
return security.Blessings{}, nil, nil
type peerAuthorizer struct {
auth security.Authorizer
method string
suffix string
args []interface{}
func (x peerAuthorizer) AuthorizePeer(
ctx *context.T,
localEP, remoteEP naming.Endpoint,
remoteBlessings security.Blessings,
remoteDischarges map[string]security.Discharge) ([]string, []security.RejectedBlessing, error) {
localPrincipal := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
call := security.NewCall(&security.CallParams{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
Method: x.method,
Suffix: x.suffix,
LocalPrincipal: localPrincipal,
LocalEndpoint: localEP,
RemoteBlessings: remoteBlessings,
RemoteDischarges: remoteDischarges,
RemoteEndpoint: remoteEP,
if err := x.auth.Authorize(ctx, call); err != nil {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errPeerAuthorizeFailed, ctx, call.RemoteBlessings(), err)
peerNames, rejectedPeerNames := security.RemoteBlessingNames(ctx, call)
return peerNames, rejectedPeerNames, nil
func (x peerAuthorizer) BlessingsForPeer(ctx *context.T, peerNames []string) (
security.Blessings, map[string]security.Discharge, error) {
localPrincipal := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
clientB := localPrincipal.BlessingStore().ForPeer(peerNames...)
impetus, err := mkDischargeImpetus(peerNames, x.method, x.args)
if err != nil {
return security.Blessings{}, nil, err
return clientB, slib.PrepareDischarges(ctx, clientB, impetus, dischargeBuffer), nil
// tryCall makes a single attempt at a call. It may connect to multiple servers
// (all that serve "name"), but will invoke the method on at most one of them
// (the server running on the most preferred protcol and network amongst all
// the servers that were successfully connected to and authorized).
// if requireResolve is true on return, then we shouldn't bother retrying unless
// you can re-resolve.
// TODO(toddw): Remove action from out-args, the error should tell us the action.
func (c *xclient) tryCall(ctx *context.T, name, method string, args []interface{}, opts []rpc.CallOpt) (call rpc.ClientCall, action verror.ActionCode, requireResolve bool, err error) {
blessingPattern, name := security.SplitPatternName(name)
resolved, err := c.ns.Resolve(ctx, name, getNamespaceOpts(opts)...)
switch {
case verror.ErrorID(err) == naming.ErrNoSuchName.ID:
return nil, verror.RetryRefetch, false, verror.New(verror.ErrNoServers, ctx, name)
case verror.ErrorID(err) == verror.ErrNoServers.ID:
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, err // avoid unnecessary wrapping
case verror.ErrorID(err) == verror.ErrTimeout.ID:
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, err // return timeout without wrapping
case err != nil:
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, verror.New(verror.ErrNoServers, ctx, name, err)
case len(resolved.Servers) == 0:
// This should never happen.
return nil, verror.NoRetry, true, verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, name)
if resolved.Servers, err = filterAndOrderServers(resolved.Servers, c.preferredProtocols); err != nil {
return nil, verror.RetryRefetch, true, verror.New(verror.ErrNoServers, ctx, name, err)
// servers is now ordered by the priority heurestic implemented in
// filterAndOrderServers.
// Try to connect to all servers in parallel. Provide sufficient
// buffering for all of the connections to finish instantaneously. This
// is important because we want to process the responses in priority
// order; that order is indicated by the order of entries in servers.
// So, if two respones come in at the same 'instant', we prefer the
// first in the resolved.Servers)
// TODO(toddw): Refactor the parallel dials so that the policy can be changed,
// and so that the goroutines for each Call are tracked separately.
responses := make([]*xserverStatus, len(resolved.Servers))
ch := make(chan *xserverStatus, len(resolved.Servers))
authorizer := newServerAuthorizer(blessingPattern, opts...)
for i, server := range resolved.Names() {
if c.closing {
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, verror.New(errClientCloseAlreadyCalled, ctx)
go c.tryCreateFlow(ctx, i, name, server, method, args, authorizer, ch)
for {
// Block for at least one new response from the server, or the timeout.
select {
case r := <-ch:
responses[r.index] = r
// Read as many more responses as we can without blocking.
for {
select {
break LoopNonBlocking
case r := <-ch:
responses[r.index] = r
case <-ctx.Done():
_, _, _, err := c.failedTryCall(ctx, name, method, responses, ch)
if verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrTimeout.ID {
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, verror.New(verror.ErrTimeout, ctx, err)
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, err
// Process new responses, in priority order.
numResponses := 0
for _, r := range responses {
if r != nil {
if r.serverErr != nil && verror.ErrorID(r.serverErr.Err) == message.ErrWrongProtocol.ID {
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, r.serverErr.Err
if r == nil || r.flow == nil {
fc, err := newFlowXClient(ctx, r.flow, r.typeEnc, r.typeDec)
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, err
// This is the 'point of no return'; once the RPC is started (fc.start
// below) we can't be sure if it makes it to the server or not so, this
// code will never call fc.start more than once to ensure that we provide
// 'at-most-once' rpc semantics at this level. Retrying the network
// connections (i.e. creating flows) is fine since we can cleanup that
// state if we abort a call (i.e. close the flow).
// We must ensure that all flows other than r.flow are closed.
// TODO(cnicolaou): all errors below are marked as NoRetry
// because we want to provide at-most-once rpc semantics so
// we only ever attempt an RPC once. In the future, we'll cache
// responses on the server and then we can retry in-flight
// RPCs.
go xcleanupTryCall(r, responses, ch)
// TODO(toddw): It's wasteful to create this goroutine just for a vtrace
// annotation. Refactor this when we refactor the parallel dial logic.
if ctx.Done() != nil {
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-fc.flow.Closed():
deadline, _ := ctx.Deadline()
if verr := fc.start(r.suffix, method, args, deadline, opts); verr != nil {
return nil, verror.NoRetry, false, verr
return fc, verror.NoRetry, false, nil
if numResponses == len(responses) {
return c.failedTryCall(ctx, name, method, responses, ch)
// xcleanupTryCall ensures we've waited for every response from the tryCreateFlow
// goroutines, and have closed the flow from each one except skip. This is a
// blocking function; it should be called in its own goroutine.
func xcleanupTryCall(skip *xserverStatus, responses []*xserverStatus, ch chan *xserverStatus) {
numPending := 0
for _, r := range responses {
switch {
case r == nil:
// The response hasn't arrived yet.
case r == skip || r.flow == nil:
// Either we should skip this flow, or we've closed the flow for this
// response already; nothing more to do.
// We received the response, but haven't closed the flow yet.
// TODO(toddw): Currently we only notice cancellation when we read or
// write the flow. Decide how to handle this.
r.flow.WriteMsgAndClose() // TODO(toddw): cancel context instead?
// Now we just need to wait for the pending responses and close their flows.
for i := 0; i < numPending; i++ {
if r := <-ch; r.flow != nil {
r.flow.WriteMsgAndClose() // TODO(toddw): cancel context instead?
// failedTryCall performs asynchronous cleanup for tryCall, and returns an
// appropriate error from the responses we've already received. All parallel
// calls in tryCall failed or we timed out if we get here.
func (c *xclient) failedTryCall(ctx *context.T, name, method string, responses []*xserverStatus, ch chan *xserverStatus) (rpc.ClientCall, verror.ActionCode, bool, error) {
go xcleanupTryCall(nil, responses, ch)
c.ns.FlushCacheEntry(ctx, name)
suberrs := []verror.SubErr{}
topLevelError := verror.ErrNoServers
topLevelAction := verror.RetryRefetch
onlyErrNetwork := true
for _, r := range responses {
if r != nil && r.serverErr != nil && r.serverErr.Err != nil {
switch verror.ErrorID(r.serverErr.Err) {
case /*stream.ErrNotTrusted.ID,*/ verror.ErrNotTrusted.ID, errPeerAuthorizeFailed.ID:
topLevelError = verror.ErrNotTrusted
topLevelAction = verror.NoRetry
onlyErrNetwork = false
/*case stream.ErrAborted.ID, stream.ErrNetwork.ID:*/
// do nothing
onlyErrNetwork = false
suberrs = append(suberrs, *r.serverErr)
if onlyErrNetwork {
// If we only encountered network errors, then report ErrBadProtocol.
topLevelError = verror.ErrBadProtocol
// TODO(cnicolaou): we get system errors for things like dialing using
// the 'ws' protocol which can never succeed even if we retry the connection,
// hence we return RetryRefetch below except for the case where the servers
// are not trusted, in case there's no point in retrying at all.
// TODO(cnicolaou): implementing at-most-once rpc semantics in the future
// will require thinking through all of the cases where the RPC can
// be retried by the client whilst it's actually being executed on the
// server.
return nil, topLevelAction, false, verror.AddSubErrs(verror.New(topLevelError, ctx), ctx, suberrs...)
func (c *xclient) Close() {
func (c *xclient) Closed() <-chan struct{} {
return c.closed
// flowXClient implements the RPC client-side protocol for a single RPC, over a
// flow that's already connected to the server.
type flowXClient struct {
ctx *context.T // context to annotate with call details
flow flow.Flow // the underlying flow
dec *vom.Decoder // to decode responses and results from the server
enc *vom.Encoder // to encode requests and args to the server
response rpc.Response // each decoded response message is kept here
remoteBNames []string
sendClosedMu sync.Mutex
sendClosed bool // is the send side already closed? GUARDED_BY(sendClosedMu)
finished bool // has Finish() already been called?
var _ rpc.ClientCall = (*flowXClient)(nil)
var _ rpc.Stream = (*flowXClient)(nil)
func newFlowXClient(ctx *context.T, flow flow.Flow, typeEnc *vom.TypeEncoder, typeDec *vom.TypeDecoder) (*flowXClient, error) {
if _, err := flow.Write([]byte{dataFlow}); err != nil {
return nil, err
fc := &flowXClient{
ctx: ctx,
flow: flow,
dec: vom.NewDecoderWithTypeDecoder(flow, typeDec),
enc: vom.NewEncoderWithTypeEncoder(flow, typeEnc),
return fc, nil
// close determines the appropriate error to return, in particular,
// if a timeout or cancelation has occured then any error
// is turned into a timeout or cancelation as appropriate.
// Cancelation takes precedence over timeout. This is needed because
// a timeout can lead to any other number of errors due to the underlying
// network connection being shutdown abruptly.
func (fc *flowXClient) close(err error) error {
subErr := verror.SubErr{Err: err, Options: verror.Print}
subErr.Name = "remote=" + fc.flow.RemoteEndpoint().String()
// TODO(toddw): cancel context instead?
if _, cerr := fc.flow.WriteMsgAndClose(); cerr != nil && err == nil {
// TODO(mattr): The context is often already canceled here, in
// which case we'll get an error. Not clear what to do.
//return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, fc.ctx, subErr)
if err == nil {
return nil
switch verror.ErrorID(err) {
case verror.ErrCanceled.ID:
return err
case verror.ErrTimeout.ID:
// Canceled trumps timeout.
if fc.ctx.Err() == context.Canceled {
return verror.AddSubErrs(verror.New(verror.ErrCanceled, fc.ctx), fc.ctx, subErr)
return err
switch fc.ctx.Err() {
case context.DeadlineExceeded:
timeout := verror.New(verror.ErrTimeout, fc.ctx)
err := verror.AddSubErrs(timeout, fc.ctx, subErr)
return err
case context.Canceled:
canceled := verror.New(verror.ErrCanceled, fc.ctx)
err := verror.AddSubErrs(canceled, fc.ctx, subErr)
return err
switch verror.ErrorID(err) {
case errRequestEncoding.ID, errArgEncoding.ID, errResponseDecoding.ID:
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadProtocol, fc.ctx, err)
return err
func (fc *flowXClient) start(suffix, method string, args []interface{}, deadline time.Time, opts []rpc.CallOpt) error {
grantedB, err := fc.initSecurity(fc.ctx, method, suffix, opts)
if err != nil {
berr := verror.New(verror.ErrNotTrusted, fc.ctx, err)
return fc.close(berr)
req := rpc.Request{
Suffix: suffix,
Method: method,
NumPosArgs: uint64(len(args)),
Deadline: vtime.Deadline{Time: deadline},
GrantedBlessings: grantedB,
TraceRequest: vtrace.GetRequest(fc.ctx),
Language: string(i18n.GetLangID(fc.ctx)),
if err := fc.enc.Encode(req); err != nil {
berr := verror.New(verror.ErrBadProtocol, fc.ctx, verror.New(errRequestEncoding, fc.ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", req), err))
return fc.close(berr)
for ix, arg := range args {
if err := fc.enc.Encode(arg); err != nil {
berr := verror.New(errArgEncoding, fc.ctx, ix, err)
return fc.close(berr)
return nil
func (fc *flowXClient) initSecurity(ctx *context.T, method, suffix string, opts []rpc.CallOpt) (security.Blessings, error) {
call := security.NewCall(&security.CallParams{
LocalPrincipal: v23.GetPrincipal(ctx),
LocalBlessings: fc.flow.LocalBlessings(),
RemoteBlessings: fc.flow.RemoteBlessings(),
LocalEndpoint: fc.flow.LocalEndpoint(),
RemoteEndpoint: fc.flow.RemoteEndpoint(),
LocalDischarges: fc.flow.LocalDischarges(),
RemoteDischarges: fc.flow.RemoteDischarges(),
Method: method,
Suffix: suffix,
// TODO(suharshs): Its unfortunate that we compute these here and also in the
// peerAuthorizer struct. Find a way to only do this once.
fc.remoteBNames, _ = security.RemoteBlessingNames(ctx, call)
var grantedB security.Blessings
for _, o := range opts {
switch v := o.(type) {
case rpc.Granter:
if b, err := v.Grant(ctx, call); err != nil {
return grantedB, verror.New(errBlessingGrant, fc.ctx, err)
} else if grantedB, err = security.UnionOfBlessings(grantedB, b); err != nil {
return grantedB, verror.New(errBlessingAdd, fc.ctx, err)
return grantedB, nil
func (fc *flowXClient) Send(item interface{}) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "item=")(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
if fc.sendClosed {
return verror.New(verror.ErrAborted, fc.ctx)
// The empty request header indicates what follows is a streaming arg.
if err := fc.enc.Encode(rpc.Request{}); err != nil {
berr := verror.New(errRequestEncoding, fc.ctx, rpc.Request{}, err)
return fc.close(berr)
if err := fc.enc.Encode(item); err != nil {
berr := verror.New(errArgEncoding, fc.ctx, -1, err)
return fc.close(berr)
return nil
func (fc *flowXClient) Recv(itemptr interface{}) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "itemptr=")(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
switch {
case fc.response.Error != nil:
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadProtocol, fc.ctx, fc.response.Error)
case fc.response.EndStreamResults:
return io.EOF
// Decode the response header and handle errors and EOF.
if err := fc.dec.Decode(&fc.response); err != nil {
id, verr := decodeNetError(fc.ctx, err)
berr := verror.New(id, fc.ctx, verror.New(errResponseDecoding, fc.ctx, verr))
return fc.close(berr)
if fc.response.Error != nil {
return fc.response.Error
if fc.response.EndStreamResults {
// Return EOF to indicate to the caller that there are no more stream
// results. Any error sent by the server is kept in fc.response.Error, and
// returned to the user in Finish.
return io.EOF
// Decode the streaming result.
if err := fc.dec.Decode(itemptr); err != nil {
id, verr := decodeNetError(fc.ctx, err)
berr := verror.New(id, fc.ctx, verror.New(errResponseDecoding, fc.ctx, verr))
// TODO(cnicolaou): should we be caching this?
fc.response.Error = berr
return fc.close(berr)
return nil
func (fc *flowXClient) CloseSend() error {
defer apilog.LogCall(nil)(nil) // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
return fc.closeSend()
func (fc *flowXClient) closeSend() error {
defer fc.sendClosedMu.Unlock()
if fc.sendClosed {
return nil
if err := fc.enc.Encode(rpc.Request{EndStreamArgs: true}); err != nil {
// TODO(caprita): Indiscriminately closing the flow below causes
// a race as described in:
// There should be a finer grained way to fix this (for example,
// encoding errors should probably still result in closing the
// flow); on the flip side, there may exist other instances
// where we are closing the flow but should not.
// For now, commenting out the line below removes the flakiness
// from our existing unit tests, but this needs to be revisited
// and fixed correctly.
// return fc.close(verror.ErrBadProtocolf("rpc: end stream args encoding failed: %v", err))
fc.sendClosed = true
return nil
// TODO(toddw): Should we require Finish to be called, even if send or recv
// return an error?
func (fc *flowXClient) Finish(resultptrs ...interface{}) error {
defer apilog.LogCallf(nil, "resultptrs...=%v", resultptrs)(nil, "") // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
defer vtrace.GetSpan(fc.ctx).Finish()
if fc.finished {
err := verror.New(errClientFinishAlreadyCalled, fc.ctx)
return fc.close(verror.New(verror.ErrBadState, fc.ctx, err))
fc.finished = true
// Call closeSend implicitly, if the user hasn't already called it. There are
// three cases:
// 1) Server is blocked on Recv waiting for the final request message.
// 2) Server has already finished processing, the final response message and
// out args are queued up on the client, and the flow is closed.
// 3) Between 1 and 2: the server isn't blocked on Recv, but the final
// response and args aren't queued up yet, and the flow isn't closed.
// We must call closeSend to handle case (1) and unblock the server; otherwise
// we'll deadlock with both client and server waiting for each other. We must
// ignore the error (if any) to handle case (2). In that case the flow is
// closed, meaning writes will fail and reads will succeed, and closeSend will
// always return an error. But this isn't a "real" error; the client should
// read the rest of the results and succeed.
_ = fc.closeSend()
// Decode the response header, if it hasn't already been decoded by Recv.
if fc.response.Error == nil && !fc.response.EndStreamResults {
if err := fc.dec.Decode(&fc.response); err != nil {
id, verr := decodeNetError(fc.ctx, err)
berr := verror.New(id, fc.ctx, verror.New(errResponseDecoding, fc.ctx, verr))
return fc.close(berr)
// The response header must indicate the streaming results have ended.
if fc.response.Error == nil && !fc.response.EndStreamResults {
berr := verror.New(errRemainingStreamResults, fc.ctx)
return fc.close(berr)
// Incorporate any VTrace info that was returned.
if fc.response.Error != nil {
id := verror.ErrorID(fc.response.Error)
if id == verror.ErrNoAccess.ID {
// In case the error was caused by a bad discharge, we do not want to get stuck
// with retrying again and again with this discharge. As there is no direct way
// to detect it, we conservatively flush all discharges we used from the cache.
// TODO(ataly,andreser): add verror.BadDischarge and handle it explicitly?
l := len(fc.flow.LocalDischarges())
dis := make([]security.Discharge, 0, l)
for _, d := range fc.flow.LocalDischarges() {
dis = append(dis, d)
fc.ctx.VI(3).Infof("Discarding %d discharges as RPC failed with %v", l, fc.response.Error)
if id == errBadNumInputArgs.ID || id == errBadInputArg.ID {
return fc.close(verror.New(verror.ErrBadProtocol, fc.ctx, fc.response.Error))
return fc.close(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, fc.ctx, fc.response.Error))
if got, want := fc.response.NumPosResults, uint64(len(resultptrs)); got != want {
berr := verror.New(verror.ErrBadProtocol, fc.ctx, verror.New(errMismatchedResults, fc.ctx, got, want))
return fc.close(berr)
for ix, r := range resultptrs {
if err := fc.dec.Decode(r); err != nil {
id, verr := decodeNetError(fc.ctx, err)
berr := verror.New(id, fc.ctx, verror.New(errResultDecoding, fc.ctx, ix, verr))
return fc.close(berr)
return fc.close(nil)
func (fc *flowXClient) RemoteBlessings() ([]string, security.Blessings) {
defer apilog.LogCall(nil)(nil) // gologcop: DO NOT EDIT, MUST BE FIRST STATEMENT
return fc.remoteBNames, fc.flow.RemoteBlessings()