blob: c6fedf82f9cc3905c94d0a43dfd8aec87531ab8d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package conn
import (
var encryptionCache = encCache{m: make(map[encCacheKey]bcrypter.WireCiphertext)}
// Maximum no of elements in the cache is 64. This makes the size of
// the cache = (160 + 16 + 32)*64 + (total size of the 64 plaintexts).
// Assume that the average plaintext size is upperbounded by 1KB,
// the size of the cache is upperbound by 77KB.
const encCacheMaxSize = 1 << 6
type encCacheKey struct {
pattern security.BlessingPattern
plaintextHash [sha256.Size]byte
type encCache struct {
m map[encCacheKey]bcrypter.WireCiphertext
func (c *encCache) evictIfNeededLocked() {
// Randomly evict an entry. Fortunately, map iteration is in random key order
// (see "Iteration Order" in
toEvict := len(c.m) - encCacheMaxSize
if toEvict <= 0 {
n := 0
for key, _ := range c.m {
delete(c.m, key)
if n >= toEvict {
func (c *encCache) cache(pattern security.BlessingPattern, plaintext []byte, ctxt bcrypter.WireCiphertext) {
key := encCacheKey{pattern: pattern, plaintextHash: sha256.Sum256(plaintext)}
defer c.Unlock()
c.m[key] = ctxt
func (c *encCache) ciphertext(pattern security.BlessingPattern, plaintext []byte) (bcrypter.WireCiphertext, bool) {
key := encCacheKey{pattern: pattern, plaintextHash: sha256.Sum256(plaintext)}
defer c.RUnlock()
ctxt, b := c.m[key]
return ctxt, b
func encrypt(ctx *context.T, patterns []security.BlessingPattern, v interface{}) ([]bcrypter.WireCiphertext, error) {
crypter := bcrypter.GetCrypter(ctx)
if crypter == nil {
return nil, NewErrNoCrypter(ctx)
b, err := vom.Encode(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ciphertexts := make([]bcrypter.WireCiphertext, len(patterns))
for i, p := range patterns {
if ctxt, exists := encryptionCache.ciphertext(p, b); exists {
ciphertexts[i] = ctxt
ctxt, err := crypter.Encrypt(ctx, p, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
encryptionCache.cache(p, b, ciphertexts[i])
return ciphertexts, nil
func decrypt(ctx *context.T, ciphertexts []bcrypter.WireCiphertext, v interface{}) error {
crypter := bcrypter.GetCrypter(ctx)
if crypter == nil {
return NewErrNoCrypter(ctx)
var ctxt bcrypter.Ciphertext
for _, c := range ciphertexts {
if data, err := crypter.Decrypt(ctx, &ctxt); err != nil {
} else if err := vom.Decode(data, v); err != nil {
// Since we use a CCA-2 secure IBE scheme, the ciphertext
// is not malleable. Therefore if decryption succeeds it
// ought to be that this crypter has the appropriate private
// key. Any errors in vom decoding the decrypted plaintext
// are system errors and must be returned.
return err
} else {
return nil
return NewErrNoPrivateKey(ctx)