blob: 0772d4ebda938a2139ae325e96a84226c7532776 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package concurrency
import (
// globalT stores a pointer to the global instance of the tester.
var (
globalT *Tester = nil
// T returns the global instance of the tester.
func T() *Tester {
return globalT
// Setup sets up a new instance of the tester.
func Init(setup, body, cleanup func()) *Tester {
tree := newState(nil, 0)
tree.visited = true
seeds := &stack{}
tree.seeded = true
globalT = &Tester{
tree: tree,
seeds: seeds,
setup: setup,
body: body,
cleanup: cleanup,
return globalT
// Cleanup destroys the existing instance of the tester.
func Finish() {
globalT = nil
// Tester represents an instance of the systematic test.
type Tester struct {
// enabled records whether the tester is to be used or not.
enabled bool
// execution represents the currently explored execution.
execution *execution
// tree represents the current state of the exploration of the space
// of all possible interleavings of concurrent transitions.
tree *state
// seeds is records the collection of scheduling alternatives to be
// explored in the future.
seeds *stack
// setup is a function that is executed before an instance of the
// test is started. It is assumed to always produce the same initial
// state.
setup func()
// body is a function that implements the body of the test.
body func()
// cleanup is a function that is executed after an instance of a
// test instance terminates.
cleanup func()
// Explore explores the space of possible test schedules until the
// state space is fully exhausted.
func (t *Tester) Explore() (int, error) {
return t.explore(0, 0)
// ExploreFor explores the space of possible test schedules until the
// state space is fully exhausted or the given duration elapses,
// whichever occurs first.
func (t *Tester) ExploreFor(d time.Duration) (int, error) {
return t.explore(0, d)
// ExploreN explores the space of possible test schedules until the
// state space is fully exhausted or the given number of schedules is
// explored, whichever occurs first.
func (t *Tester) ExploreN(n int) (int, error) {
return t.explore(n, 0)
// MutexLock implements the logic related to modeling and scheduling
// an execution of "m.Lock()".
func (t *Tester) MutexLock(m *sync.Mutex) {
if t.enabled {
done := make(chan struct{})
request := mutexLockRequest{defaultRequest{done: done}, m}
t.execution.requests <- request
} else {
// MutexUnlock implements the logic related to modeling and scheduling
// an execution of "m.Unlock()".
func (t *Tester) MutexUnlock(m *sync.Mutex) {
if t.enabled {
done := make(chan struct{})
request := mutexUnlockRequest{defaultRequest{done: done}, m}
t.execution.requests <- request
} else {
// RWMutexLock implements the logic related to modeling and scheduling
// an execution of "rw.Lock()".
func (t *Tester) RWMutexLock(rw *sync.RWMutex) {
if t.enabled {
done := make(chan struct{})
request := rwMutexLockRequest{defaultRequest{done: done}, false, rw}
t.execution.requests <- request
} else {
// RWMutexRLock implements the logic related to modeling and
// scheduling an execution of "rw.RLock()".
func (t *Tester) RWMutexRLock(rw *sync.RWMutex) {
if t.enabled {
done := make(chan struct{})
request := rwMutexLockRequest{defaultRequest{done: done}, true, rw}
t.execution.requests <- request
} else {
// RWMutexRUnlock implements the logic related to modeling and
// scheduling an execution of "rw.RUnlock()".
func (t *Tester) RWMutexRUnlock(rw *sync.RWMutex) {
if t.enabled {
done := make(chan struct{})
request := rwMutexUnlockRequest{defaultRequest{done: done}, true, rw}
t.execution.requests <- request
} else {
// RWMutexUnlock implements the logic related to modeling and
// scheduling an execution of "rw.Unlock()".
func (t *Tester) RWMutexUnlock(rw *sync.RWMutex) {
if t.enabled {
done := make(chan struct{})
request := rwMutexUnlockRequest{defaultRequest{done: done}, false, rw}
t.execution.requests <- request
} else {
// Start implements the logic related to modeling and scheduling an
// execution of "go fn()".
func Start(fn func()) {
t := globalT
if t != nil && t.enabled {
done1 := make(chan struct{})
reply := make(chan TID)
request1 := goRequest{defaultRequest{done: done1}, reply}
t.execution.requests <- request1
tid := <-reply
go t.startHelper(tid, fn)
done2 := make(chan struct{})
request2 := goParentRequest{defaultRequest{done: done2}}
t.execution.requests <- request2
} else {
// Exit implements the logic related to modeling and scheduling thread
// termination.
func Exit() {
t := globalT
if t != nil && t.enabled {
done := make(chan struct{})
request := goExitRequest{defaultRequest{done: done}}
t.execution.requests <- request
// startHelper is a wrapper used by the implementation of Start() to
// make sure the child thread is registered with the correct
// identifier.
func (t *Tester) startHelper(tid TID, fn func()) {
done := make(chan struct{})
request := goChildRequest{defaultRequest{done: done}, tid}
t.execution.requests <- request
func (t *Tester) explore(n int, d time.Duration) (int, error) {
niterations := 0
start := time.Now()
for !t.seeds.Empty() &&
(n == 0 || niterations < n) &&
(d == 0 || time.Since(start) < d) {
seed, err := t.seeds.Pop()
if err != nil {
panic("Corrupted stack.\n")
strategy := seed.generateStrategy()
t.execution = newExecution(strategy)
t.enabled = true
if err := t.tree.addBranch(t.execution.Run(t.body), t.seeds); err != nil {
t.enabled = false
return niterations, err
t.enabled = false
// Sort the seeds because dynamic partial order reduction might
// have added elements that violate the depth-first ordering of
// seeds. The depth-first ordering is used for space-efficient
// (O(d) where d is the depth of the execution tree) exploration
// of the execution tree.
return niterations, nil