blob: 9dea36aae1e6de2db1f40619122ea31bb5a8e9ff [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package discovery
import (
wire ""
const (
visibilityKey = "vis"
appNameKey = "appName"
blessingsKey = "blessings"
nhDiscoveryKey = iota
// Discovery implements for syncbase based
// applications.
// TODO(mattr): Actually this is not syncbase specific. At some
// point we should just replace the result of v23.NewDiscovery
// with this.
type Discovery struct {
nhDiscovery discovery.T
globalDiscovery discovery.T
// NewDiscovery creates a new syncbase discovery object.
// globalDiscoveryPath is the path in the namespace where global disovery
// advertisements will be mounted.
// If globalDiscoveryPath is empty, no global discovery service will be created.
// globalScanInterval is the interval at which global discovery will be refreshed.
// If globalScanInterval is 0, the defaultScanInterval of global discovery will
// be used.
func NewDiscovery(ctx *context.T, globalDiscoveryPath string, globalScanInterval time.Duration) (discovery.T, error) {
d := &Discovery{}
var err error
if d.nhDiscovery, err = v23.NewDiscovery(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if globalDiscoveryPath != "" {
if d.globalDiscovery, err = global.NewWithTTL(ctx, globalDiscoveryPath, 0, globalScanInterval); err != nil {
return nil, err
return d, nil
// Scan implements
func (d *Discovery) Scan(ctx *context.T, query string) (<-chan discovery.Update, error) {
nhCtx, nhCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
nhUpdates, err := d.nhDiscovery.Scan(nhCtx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var globalUpdates <-chan discovery.Update
if d.globalDiscovery != nil {
if globalUpdates, err = d.globalDiscovery.Scan(ctx, query); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Currently setting visibility on the neighborhood discovery
// service turns IBE encryption on. We currently don't have the
// infrastructure support for IBE, so that would make our advertisements
// unreadable by everyone.
// Instead we add the visibility list to the attributes of the advertisement
// and filter on the client side. This is a temporary measure until
// IBE is set up. See
updates := make(chan discovery.Update)
go func() {
defer nhCancel()
defer close(updates)
seen := make(map[discovery.AdId]*updateRef)
for {
var u discovery.Update
var src uint // key of the source discovery service where the update came from
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case u = <-nhUpdates:
src = nhDiscoveryKey
case u = <-globalUpdates:
src = globalDiscoveryKey
d.handleUpdate(ctx, u, src, seen, updates)
return updates, nil
func (d *Discovery) handleUpdate(ctx *context.T, u discovery.Update, src uint, seen map[discovery.AdId]*updateRef, updates chan discovery.Update) {
if u == nil {
patterns := splitPatterns(u.Attribute(visibilityKey))
if len(patterns) > 0 && !matchesPatterns(ctx, patterns) {
id := u.Id()
prev := seen[id]
if u.IsLost() {
// Only send the lost noitification if a found event was previously seen,
// and all discovery services that found it have lost it.
if prev == nil || !prev.unset(src) {
delete(seen, id)
updates <- update{Update: u, lost: true}
if prev == nil {
// Always send updates for updates that we have never seen before.
ref := &updateRef{update: u}
seen[id] = ref
updates <- update{Update: u}
if differ := updatesDiffer(prev.update, u); (differ && u.Timestamp().After(prev.update.Timestamp())) ||
(!differ && src == nhDiscoveryKey && len(u.Advertisement().Attachments) > 0) {
// If the updates differ and the newly found update has a later time than
// previously found one, lose prev and find new.
// Or, if the update doesn't differ, but is from neighborhood discovery, it
// could have more information since we don't yet encode attachements in
// global discovery.
updates <- update{Update: prev.update, lost: true}
ref := &updateRef{update: u}
seen[id] = ref
updates <- update{Update: u}
// Advertise implements
func (d *Discovery) Advertise(ctx *context.T, ad *discovery.Advertisement, visibility []security.BlessingPattern) (<-chan struct{}, error) {
// Currently setting visibility on the neighborhood discovery
// service turns IBE encryption on. We currently don't have the
// infrastructure support for IBE, so that would make our advertisements
// unreadable by everyone.
// Instead we add the visibility list to the attributes of the advertisement
// and filter on the client side. This is a temporary measure until
// IBE is set up. See
adCopy := *ad
if len(visibility) > 0 {
adCopy.Attributes = make(discovery.Attributes, len(ad.Attributes)+1)
for k, v := range ad.Attributes {
adCopy.Attributes[k] = v
patterns := joinPatterns(visibility)
adCopy.Attributes[visibilityKey] = patterns
stopped := make(chan struct{})
nhCtx, nhCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
nhStopped, err := d.nhDiscovery.Advertise(nhCtx, &adCopy, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var globalStopped <-chan struct{}
if d.globalDiscovery != nil {
if globalStopped, err = d.globalDiscovery.Advertise(ctx, &adCopy, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
go func() {
if d.globalDiscovery != nil {
ad.Id = adCopy.Id
return stopped, nil
func updatesDiffer(a, b discovery.Update) bool {
if !sortedStringsEqual(a.Addresses(), b.Addresses()) {
return true
if !mapsEqual(a.Advertisement().Attributes, b.Advertisement().Attributes) {
return true
return false
func mapsEqual(a, b map[string]string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for ka, va := range a {
if vb, ok := b[ka]; !ok || va != vb {
return false
return true
func sortedStringsEqual(a, b []string) bool {
// We want to make a nil and an empty slices equal to avoid unnecessary inequality by that.
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i, v := range a {
if v != b[i] {
return false
return true
func matchesPatterns(ctx *context.T, patterns []security.BlessingPattern) bool {
p := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
blessings := p.BlessingStore().PeerBlessings()
for _, b := range blessings {
names := security.BlessingNames(p, b)
for _, pattern := range patterns {
if pattern.MatchedBy(names...) {
return true
return false
type updateRef struct {
update discovery.Update
nhRef bool
globalRef bool
func (r *updateRef) set(d uint) {
switch d {
case nhDiscoveryKey:
r.nhRef = true
case globalDiscoveryKey:
r.globalRef = true
func (r *updateRef) unset(d uint) bool {
switch d {
case nhDiscoveryKey:
r.nhRef = false
case globalDiscoveryKey:
r.globalRef = false
return !r.nhRef && !r.globalRef
// update wraps the discovery.Update to remove the visibility attribute which we add
// and allows us to mark the update as lost.
type update struct {
lost bool
func (u update) IsLost() bool { return u.lost }
func (u update) Attribute(name string) string {
if name == visibilityKey {
return ""
return u.Update.Attribute(name)
func (u update) Advertisement() discovery.Advertisement {
cp := u.Update.Advertisement()
orig := cp.Attributes
cp.Attributes = make(discovery.Attributes, len(orig))
for k, v := range orig {
if k != visibilityKey {
cp.Attributes[k] = v
return cp
// blessingSeparator is used to join multiple blessings into a
// single string.
// Note that comma cannot appear in blessings, see:
const blessingsSeparator = ','
// joinPatterns concatenates the elements of a to create a single string.
// The string can be split again with SplitPatterns.
func joinPatterns(a []security.BlessingPattern) string {
if len(a) == 0 {
return ""
if len(a) == 1 {
return string(a[0])
n := (len(a) - 1)
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
n += len(a[i])
b := make([]byte, n)
bp := copy(b, a[0])
for _, s := range a[1:] {
b[bp] = blessingsSeparator
bp += copy(b[bp:], s)
return string(b)
// splitPatterns splits BlessingPatterns that were joined with
// JoinBlessingPattern.
func splitPatterns(patterns string) []security.BlessingPattern {
if patterns == "" {
return nil
n := strings.Count(patterns, string(blessingsSeparator)) + 1
out := make([]security.BlessingPattern, n)
last, start := 0, 0
for i, r := range patterns {
if r == blessingsSeparator {
out[last] = security.BlessingPattern(patterns[start:i])
start = i + 1
out[last] = security.BlessingPattern(patterns[start:])
return out
var state struct {
mu nsync.Mu
scans map[security.Principal]*scanState
type scanState struct {
peers *copyableQueue
appPeers map[string]*copyableQueue
dbs map[wire.Id]*copyableQueue
listeners int
cancel context.CancelFunc
func newScan(ctx *context.T) (*scanState, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithRootCancel(ctx)
scan := &scanState{
peers: nil,
appPeers: make(map[string]*copyableQueue),
dbs: make(map[wire.Id]*copyableQueue),
cancel: cancel,
// TODO(suharshs): Add globalDiscoveryPath.
d, err := NewDiscovery(ctx, "", 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query := fmt.Sprintf("v.InterfaceName=\"%s/%s\"",
interfaces.SyncDesc.PkgPath, interfaces.SyncDesc.Name)
updates, err := d.Scan(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go func() {
for u := range updates {
if invite, db, ok := makeInvite(u.Advertisement()); ok {
q := scan.dbs[db]
if u.IsLost() {
// TODO(mattr): Removing like this can result in resurfacing already
// retrieved invites. For example if the ACL of a syncgroup is
// changed to add a new member, then we might see a remove and then
// later an add. In this case we would end up moving the invite
// to the end of the queue. One way to fix this would be to
// keep removed invites for some time.
if q != nil {
if q.empty() {
delete(scan.dbs, db)
} else {
if q == nil {
q = newCopyableQueue()
scan.dbs[db] = q
} else if peer, ok := makePeer(u.Advertisement()); ok {
q := scan.peers
if u.IsLost() {
if q != nil {
if q.empty() {
scan.peers = nil
} else {
if q == nil {
q = newCopyableQueue()
scan.peers = q
} else if peer, ok := makeAppPeer(u.Advertisement()); ok {
app := peer.AppName
q := scan.appPeers[app]
if u.IsLost() {
if q != nil {
if q.empty() {
delete(scan.appPeers, app)
scan.peers = nil
} else {
if q == nil {
q = newCopyableQueue()
scan.appPeers[app] = q
return scan, nil
// ListenForInvites listens via Discovery for syncgroup invitations for the given
// database and sends the invites to the provided channel. We stop listening when
// the given context is canceled. When that happens we close the given channel.
func ListenForInvites(ctx *context.T, db wire.Id, ch chan<- Invite) error {
scan, err := prepareScannerByPrincipal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
q := scan.dbs[db]
if q == nil {
q = newCopyableQueue()
scan.dbs[db] = q
// Send the copyables into a temporary channel.
cp_ch := make(chan copyable)
go consumeCopyableQueue(ctx, q, scan, cp_ch, func() {
delete(scan.dbs, db)
// Convert these copyables into Invites.
go func() {
for {
v, ok := <-cp_ch
if !ok {
invite := v.(Invite)
if !invite.isLost() {
ch <- invite
return nil
// ListenForPeers listens via Discovery for syncgroup peers and sends them to
// the provided channel. We stop listening when the context is canceled. When
// that happens we close the given channel.
func ListenForPeers(ctx *context.T, ch chan<- Peer) error {
scan, err := prepareScannerByPrincipal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
q := scan.peers
if q == nil {
q = newCopyableQueue()
scan.peers = q
// Send the copyables into a temporary channel.
cp_ch := make(chan copyable)
go consumeCopyableQueue(ctx, q, scan, cp_ch, func() {
scan.peers = nil
// Convert these copyables into Peers.
go func() {
for {
v, ok := <-cp_ch
if !ok {
ch <- v.(Peer)
return nil
// AdvertiseApp advertises that this peer is running their app with syncbase.
func AdvertiseApp(ctx *context.T, visibility []security.BlessingPattern) (done <-chan struct{}, err error) {
d, err := NewDiscovery(ctx, "", 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
user, app, err := extractUserAndAppFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create an advertisement.
// Note: The interface name doesn't have to be syncbase's. If we change it, we
// should update the Scan query above as well.
interfaceName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", interfaces.SyncDesc.PkgPath, interfaces.SyncDesc.Name)
ad := &discovery.Advertisement{
InterfaceName: interfaceName,
Addresses: []string{""}, // Addresses are required, but we don't have any.
Attributes: discovery.Attributes{appNameKey: app, blessingsKey: user},
done, err = d.Advertise(ctx, ad, visibility)
func extractUserAndAppFromContext(ctx *context.T) (string, string, error) {
// Use a utility method to cut up the context's blessings and extract just
// the app-user blessing.
_, userPattern, err := util.AppAndUserPatternFromBlessings(security.DefaultBlessingNames(v23.GetPrincipal(ctx))...)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Obtain the app component only.
app := conventions.ParseBlessingNames(string(userPattern))[0].Application
if app == "" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("context's user blessing did not specify an application")
return string(userPattern), app, nil
// ListenForAppPeers listens via Discovery for peers that are running the
// same application as their context's blessing. Updates are sent through the
// provided channel. We stop listening and close the channel when the context
// is canceled.
func ListenForAppPeers(ctx *context.T, ch chan<- AppPeer) error {
_, app, err := extractUserAndAppFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
scan, err := prepareScannerByPrincipal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
q := scan.appPeers[app]
if q == nil {
q = newCopyableQueue()
scan.appPeers[app] = q
// Send the copyables into a temporary channel.
cp_ch := make(chan copyable)
go consumeCopyableQueue(ctx, q, scan, cp_ch, func() {
scan.appPeers[app] = nil
// Convert these copyables into AppPeers.
go func() {
for {
v, ok := <-cp_ch
if !ok {
ch <- v.(AppPeer)
return nil
func prepareScannerByPrincipal(ctx *context.T) (*scanState, error) {
p := v23.GetPrincipal(ctx)
scan := state.scans[p]
if scan == nil {
var err error
if scan, err = newScan(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if state.scans == nil {
state.scans = make(map[security.Principal]*scanState)
state.scans[p] = scan
return scan, nil
type isQueueEmptyCallback func()
// Should be called in a goroutine. Pairs with prepareScannerByPrincipal.
func consumeCopyableQueue(ctx *context.T, q *copyableQueue, scan *scanState, ch chan<- copyable, cb isQueueEmptyCallback) {
c := q.scan()
for {
next, ok :=, c)
if !ok {
select {
case ch <- next.copy():
case <-ctx.Done():
if q.empty() {
if scan.listeners == 0 {
delete(state.scans, v23.GetPrincipal(ctx))
// copyableQueue is a linked list based queue. As we get new invitations/peers,
// we add them to the queue, and when advertisements are lost we remove instead.
// Each call to scan creates a cursor on the queue that will iterate until
// the Listen is canceled. We wait when we hit the end of the queue via the
// condition variable cond.
// Note: The queue contains both "found" and "lost" elements. A removed "found"
// element is replaced with a "lost" element, which all cursors will see.
// See ielement for the garbage collection strategy for the "lost" elements.
type copyableQueue struct {
mu nsync.Mu
cond nsync.CV
elems map[string]*ielement
sentinel ielement
cursors map[int]*ielement
nextCursorId int
func (q *copyableQueue) debugLocked() string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "*%p", &q.sentinel)
for c :=; c != &q.sentinel; c = {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " %p", c)
return buf.String()
// An interface used to represent Invite and Peer that reduces code duplication.
// Typecasting is cheap, so this seems better than maintaining duplicate
// implementations of copyableQueue.
type copyable interface {
copy() copyable
id() string
isLost() bool
copyAsLost() copyable
// Keeps track of a copyable element and the next/prev ielements in a queue.
// ielements can represent both "found" and "lost" elements. Those of the "lost"
// type also set "numCanSee" and "whoCanSee" to indicate that only certain
// cursors can see the element contained in this ielement. Once all the cursors
// have seen a "lost" ielement it can be garbage collected safely.
// See "canBeSeenByCursor" and "consume".
type ielement struct {
elem copyable
prev, next *ielement
numCanSee int // If >0, this decrements. The element is removed upon hitting 0.
whoCanSee []int // The cursors that can see this ielement. Set only once.
// A cursor can see the element in this ielement if it is a "found" element or
// a "lost" element with the correct visibility.
func (i *ielement) canBeSeenByCursor(cursor int) bool {
if i.numCanSee == 0 { // Special: 0 is visible by everyone.
return true
for _, who := range i.whoCanSee {
if cursor == who {
return true
return false
// Reduce "numCanSee" and indicate whether or not this element needs to be removed
// from the queue.
func (i *ielement) consume() bool {
if i.numCanSee > 0 {
return i.numCanSee == 0
return false
func newCopyableQueue() *copyableQueue {
iq := &copyableQueue{
elems: make(map[string]*ielement),
cursors: make(map[int]*ielement),
}, iq.sentinel.prev = &iq.sentinel, &iq.sentinel
return iq
func (q *copyableQueue) empty() bool {
return len(q.elems) == 0 && len(q.cursors) == 0
func (q *copyableQueue) size() int {
return len(q.elems)
// Removes the given copyable from the queue. No-op if not present or "lost".
// Note: As described in copyableQueue, if the copyable is a "found" element,
// then a corresponding "lost" element will be appended to the queue. Only the
// cursors who have seen the "found" element can see the "lost" one.
func (q *copyableQueue) remove(i copyable) {
el, ok := q.elems[]
if !ok || el.elem.isLost() {
// Make a list of all the users who have seen this element.
whoCanSee := []int{}
for cursor, cel := range q.cursors {
// Adjust the cursor if it is pointing to the removed element.
if cel == el {
q.cursors[cursor] = cel.prev
whoCanSee = append(whoCanSee, cursor)
// Check if this cursor has gone past the removed element.
// Note: This implementation assumes a small queue and a small number of
// cursors. Otherwise, using a table is recommended over list traversal.
for ; cel != &q.sentinel; cel = cel.prev {
if cel == el {
whoCanSee = append(whoCanSee, cursor)
// "Remove" el from the queue., = el.prev,
// el is a visible lost item that needs to be added to the queue.
if len(whoCanSee) > 0 {
// Adjust the lost ielement el to include the lost data and who can see it.
el.elem = el.elem.copyAsLost()
el.numCanSee = len(whoCanSee)
el.whoCanSee = whoCanSee
// Insert the lost element before/after the sentinel and broadcast.
el.prev, = q.sentinel.prev, &q.sentinel
q.sentinel.prev, = el, el
} else {
func (q *copyableQueue) add(i copyable) {
if _, ok := q.elems[]; ok {
el := &ielement{i, q.sentinel.prev, &q.sentinel, 0, []int{}}
q.sentinel.prev, = el, el
q.elems[] = el
func (q *copyableQueue) next(ctx *context.T, cursor int) (copyable, bool) {
c, exists := q.cursors[cursor]
if !exists {
return nil, false
// Find the next available element that this cursor can see. Will block until
// somebody writes to the queue or the given context is canceled.
// Note: Some "lost" elements in the queue will not be visible to this cursor;
// these are skipped.
for {
for == &q.sentinel {
if q.cond.WaitWithDeadline(&, nsync.NoDeadline, ctx.Done()) != nsync.OK {
return nil, false
c = q.cursors[cursor]
c =
q.cursors[cursor] = c
if c.canBeSeenByCursor(cursor) {
if c.consume() {
return c.elem, true
func (q *copyableQueue) removeCursorLocked(cursor int) {
c := q.cursors[cursor]
delete(q.cursors, cursor)
// Garbage collection: Step through each remaining element and remove
// unneeded lost ielements.
for != &q.sentinel {
c = // step
if c.canBeSeenByCursor(cursor) {
if c.consume() {
func (q *copyableQueue) removeLostIElemLocked(ielem *ielement) {
// Remove the lost ielem since everyone has seen it.
delete(q.elems,, = ielem.prev,
// Adjust the cursors if their elements were on the removed element.
for id, c := range q.cursors {
if c == ielem {
q.cursors[id] = c.prev
func (q *copyableQueue) scan() int {
id := q.nextCursorId
q.cursors[id] = &q.sentinel
return id
func (q *copyableQueue) stopScan(cursor int) {
if _, exists := q.cursors[cursor]; exists {
// Invite represents an invitation to join a syncgroup as found via Discovery.
type Invite struct {
Syncgroup wire.Id // Syncgroup is the Id of the syncgroup you've been invited to.
Addresses []string // Addresses are the list of addresses of the inviting server.
BlessingNames []string // BlessingNames are the list of blessings of the inviting server.
Lost bool // If this invite is a lost invite or not.
key string // Unexported. The implementation uses this key to de-dupe ads.
func makeInvite(ad discovery.Advertisement) (Invite, wire.Id, bool) {
var dbId, sgId wire.Id
var ok bool
if dbId.Name, ok = ad.Attributes[wire.DiscoveryAttrDatabaseName]; !ok {
return Invite{}, dbId, false
if dbId.Blessing, ok = ad.Attributes[wire.DiscoveryAttrDatabaseBlessing]; !ok {
return Invite{}, dbId, false
if sgId.Name, ok = ad.Attributes[wire.DiscoveryAttrSyncgroupName]; !ok {
return Invite{}, dbId, false
if sgId.Blessing, ok = ad.Attributes[wire.DiscoveryAttrSyncgroupBlessing]; !ok {
return Invite{}, dbId, false
i := Invite{
Addresses: append([]string{}, ad.Addresses...),
BlessingNames: computeBlessingNamesFromEndpoints(ad.Addresses),
Syncgroup: sgId,
i.key = fmt.Sprintf("%v", i)
return i, dbId, true
// computeBlessingNamesFromEndpoints parses endpoints and concatenates found blessings together.
func computeBlessingNamesFromEndpoints(addresses []string) []string {
blessingsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, address := range addresses {
if e, err := naming.ParseEndpoint(address); err != nil {
for _, name := range e.BlessingNames() {
blessingsMap[name] = struct{}{}
blessingNames := make([]string, len(blessingsMap))
for blessings, _ := range blessingsMap {
blessingNames = append(blessingNames, blessings)
return blessingNames
func (i Invite) copy() copyable {
cp := i
cp.Addresses = append([]string(nil), i.Addresses...)
cp.BlessingNames = append([]string(nil), i.BlessingNames...)
return cp
func (i Invite) id() string {
return i.key
func (i Invite) isLost() bool {
return i.Lost
func (i Invite) copyAsLost() copyable {
cp := i
cp.Addresses = append([]string(nil), i.Addresses...)
cp.BlessingNames = append([]string(nil), i.BlessingNames...)
cp.Lost = true
return cp
// Peer represents a Syncbase peer found via Discovery.
type Peer struct {
Name string // Name is the name of the Syncbase peer's sync service.
Addresses []string // Addresses are the list of addresses of the peer's server.
Lost bool // If this peer is a lost peer or not.
key string // Unexported. The implementation uses this key to de-dupe ads.
// Attempts to make a Peer using its discovery attributes.
// Will return an empty Peer struct if it fails.
func makePeer(ad discovery.Advertisement) (Peer, bool) {
peerName, ok := ad.Attributes[wire.DiscoveryAttrPeer]
if !ok {
return Peer{}, false
p := Peer{
Name: peerName,
Addresses: append([]string{}, ad.Addresses...),
p.key = fmt.Sprintf("%v", p)
return p, true
func (p Peer) copy() copyable {
cp := p
cp.Addresses = append([]string(nil), p.Addresses...)
return cp
func (p Peer) id() string {
return p.key
func (p Peer) isLost() bool {
return p.Lost
func (p Peer) copyAsLost() copyable {
cp := p
cp.Addresses = append([]string(nil), p.Addresses...)
cp.Lost = true
return cp
// App Peer represents a Syncbase app peer found via Discovery.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Can we include more than this? Peer Name? Addresses?
type AppPeer struct {
AppName string // The name of the app.
Blessings string // The blessings pattern for this app peer.
Lost bool // If this peer is a lost peer or not.
key string // Unexported. The implementation uses this key to de-dupe ads.
// Attempts to make an AppPeer using its discovery attributes.
// Will return an empty AppPeer struct if it fails.
func makeAppPeer(ad discovery.Advertisement) (AppPeer, bool) {
appName, ok := ad.Attributes[appNameKey]
if !ok {
return AppPeer{}, false
blessings, ok := ad.Attributes[blessingsKey]
if !ok {
return AppPeer{}, false
p := AppPeer{
AppName: appName,
Blessings: blessings,
p.key = fmt.Sprintf("%v", p)
return p, true
func (p AppPeer) copy() copyable {
cp := p
return cp
func (p AppPeer) id() string {
return p.key
func (p AppPeer) isLost() bool {
return p.Lost
func (p AppPeer) copyAsLost() copyable {
cp := p
cp.Lost = true
return cp