blob: b8411af1fd32126f569bef6cc225cd7092a85a44 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vsync
// Initiator requests deltas from a chosen peer for all the syncgroups in common
// across all databases. It then modifies the sync metadata (DAG and local log
// records) based on the deltas, detects and resolves conflicts if any, and
// suitably updates the local Databases.
import (
wire ""
// getDeltasFromPeer performs an initiation round once per database to the specified
// peer. An initiation round consists of an identification and filtering step
// and two sync rounds:
// * Sync syncgroup metadata.
// * Sync data.
// In the identification step, the initiator connects to the peer to identify it
// and obtain its list of blessings. It then uses these blessings to filter the
// list of syncgroups that are in common with the peer (learned based on the
// joiner list) to only include those syncgroups whose acl is satisfied by the
// peer's blessings. These syncgroups are included in the next two sync
// rounds. In the next two sync rounds, the initiator ensures that the peer
// identification (blessings) used in the first step has not changed.
// Note that alternately we could have used the blessings a peer uses to join
// the syncgroup to identify and validate it during sync rounds. However, this
// tight coupling prevents a peer who receives another valid blessing that
// satisfies the syncgroup acl after joining but loses the one used during join,
// from syncing.
// Each sync round involves:
// * Contacting the peer to receive all the deltas based on the local genvectors.
// * Processing those deltas to discover objects which have been updated.
// * Processing updated objects to detect and resolve any conflicts if needed.
// * Communicating relevant object updates to the Database in case of data.
// * Updating local genvectors to catch up to the received remote genvectors.
// The processing of the deltas is done one Database at a time, encompassing all
// the syncgroups common to the initiator and the responder. If a local error is
// encountered during the processing of a Database, that Database is skipped and
// the initiator continues on to the next one. If the connection to the peer
// encounters an error, this initiation round is aborted. Note that until the
// local genvectors are updated based on the received deltas (the last step in an
// initiation round), the work done by the initiator is idempotent.
// TODO(hpucha): Check the idempotence, esp in addNode in DAG.
func (s *syncService) getDeltasFromPeer(ctx *context.T, peer connInfo) error {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("sync: getDeltasFromPeer: begin: contacting peer %v", peer)
defer vlog.VI(2).Infof("sync: getDeltasFromPeer: end: contacting peer %v", peer)
var errFinal error // the last non-nil error encountered is returned to the caller.
info := s.copyMemberInfo(ctx, peer.relName)
if info == nil {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: getDeltasFromPeer: copyMemberInfo failed %v", peer)
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, peer.relName, "no member info found")
// Sync each Database that may have syncgroups common with this peer,
// one at a time.
for dbId, dbInfo := range info.db2sg {
if len(peer.mtTbls) < 1 && len(peer.addrs) < 1 {
vlog.Errorf("sync: getDeltasFromPeer: no mount tables or endpoints found to connect to peer %v", peer)
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, peer.relName, peer.addrs, "all mount tables failed")
var err error
peer, err = s.getDBDeltas(ctx, dbId, dbInfo, peer)
if verror.ErrorID(err) == interfaces.ErrConnFail.ID {
return err
if err != nil {
errFinal = err
return errFinal
// getDBDeltas performs an initiation round for the specified database.
func (s *syncService) getDBDeltas(ctx *context.T, dbId wire.Id, info sgMember, peer connInfo) (connInfo, error) {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("sync: getDBDeltas: begin: contacting peer %v for db %v", peer, dbId)
defer vlog.VI(2).Infof("sync: getDBDeltas: end: contacting peer %v for db %v", peer, dbId)
// Note that the "identify" step is done once per database for privacy
// reasons. When the app blesses Syncbase during syncgroup create/join,
// these blessings would be associated with that database, and should
// not be revealed when that database is not being synced.
// TODO(hpucha): Revisit which blessings are sent.
blessingNames := s.identifyPeer(ctx, peer)
// The initiation config is shared across the sync rounds in an
// initiation. The mount tables in the config are pruned to eliminate
// the ones that failed to reach the peer during each RPC call. This
// helps the next RPC call to use the currently successful or the
// not-yet tried mount tables to reach a peer, instead of retrying the
// already failed ones.
// TODO(hpucha): Clean up sharing of the initiationConfig.
c, err := newInitiationConfig(ctx, s, dbId, info, peer)
if err != nil {
return peer, err
// Filter the syncgroups using the peer blessings, and populate the
// syncgroup ids, the syncgroup prefixes and the remote peer blessings
// to be used in the next two rounds of sync.
if err := s.filterSyncgroups(ctx, c, blessingNames); err != nil {
return c.peer, err
// Sync syncgroup metadata.
if err = s.getDeltas(ctx, c, true); err != nil {
// If syncgroup sync fails, abort data sync as well.
return c.peer, err
// Sync data.
err = s.getDeltas(ctx, c, false)
return c.peer, err
func (s *syncService) identifyPeer(ctx *context.T, peer connInfo) []string {
conn := peer.pinned.Conn()
blessingNames, _ := security.RemoteBlessingNames(ctx, security.NewCall(&security.CallParams{
Timestamp: time.Now(),
LocalPrincipal: v23.GetPrincipal(ctx),
RemoteBlessings: conn.RemoteBlessings(),
RemoteDischarges: conn.RemoteDischarges(),
LocalEndpoint: conn.LocalEndpoint(),
RemoteEndpoint: conn.RemoteEndpoint(),
return blessingNames
// addPrefixesToMap adds to map m the prefixes of syncgroup *sg and their IDs.
func addPrefixesToMap(m map[string]sgSet, gid interfaces.GroupId, sg *interfaces.Syncgroup) {
for _, c := range sg.Spec.Collections {
pfxStr := toCollectionPrefixStr(c)
sgs, ok := m[pfxStr]
if !ok {
sgs = make(sgSet)
m[pfxStr] = sgs
sgs[gid] = struct{}{}
// filterSyncgroups uses the remote peer's blessings to obtain the set of
// syncgroups that are allowed to be synced with it based on its current
// syncgroup acls.
func (s *syncService) filterSyncgroups(ctx *context.T, c *initiationConfig, blessingNames []string) error {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("sync: filterSyncGroups: begin")
defer vlog.VI(2).Infof("sync: filterSyncGroups: end")
// Perform authorization.
if len(blessingNames) == 0 {
return verror.New(verror.ErrNoAccess, ctx)
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: filterSyncGroups: got peer names %v", blessingNames)
remSgIds := make(sgSet)
// Prepare the list of syncgroup prefixes known by this syncbase.
c.allSgPfxs = make(map[string]sgSet)
// Fetch the syncgroup data entries in the current database by scanning their
// prefix range. Use a database snapshot for the scan.
snapshot :=
defer snapshot.Abort()
forEachSyncgroup(snapshot, func(gid interfaces.GroupId, sg *interfaces.Syncgroup) bool {
addPrefixesToMap(c.allSgPfxs, gid, sg) // Add syncgroups prefixes to allSgPfxs.
return false // from forEachSyncgroup closure
// Prepare the syncgroup prefixes shared with the caller since we are going through each
// syncgroup. This is an optimization done to avoid looping and reading
// syncgroup data another time.
c.sharedSgPfxs = make(map[string]sgSet)
for gid := range c.sgIds {
var sg *interfaces.Syncgroup
sg, err := getSyncgroupByGid(ctx,, gid)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := sg.Joiners[c.peer.relName]; !ok {
// Peer is no longer part of the syncgroup.
// TODO(hpucha): Is using the Read tag to authorize the remote
// peer ok? The thinking here is that the peer uses the read tag
// on the GetDeltas RPC to authorize the initiator and this
// makes it symmetric.
if !isAuthorizedForTag(sg.Spec.Perms, access.Read, blessingNames) {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: filterSyncGroups: skipping sg %v", gid)
remSgIds[gid] = struct{}{}
addPrefixesToMap(c.sharedSgPfxs, gid, sg) // Add syncgroups prefixes to sharedSgPfxs.
c.sgIds = remSgIds
if len(c.sgIds) == 0 {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "no syncgroups found after filtering", c.peer.relName, c.dbId)
if len(c.sharedSgPfxs) == 0 {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "no syncgroup prefixes found", c.peer.relName, c.dbId)
c.auth = &namesAuthorizer{blessingNames}
return nil
// getDeltas gets the deltas from the chosen peer. If sg flag is set to true, it
// will sync syncgroup metadata. If sg flag is false, it will sync data.
func (s *syncService) getDeltas(ctxIn *context.T, c *initiationConfig, sg bool) error {
vlog.VI(2).Infof("sync: getDeltas: begin: contacting peer sg %v %v", sg, c.peer)
defer vlog.VI(2).Infof("sync: getDeltas: end: contacting peer sg %v %v", sg, c.peer)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctxIn)
// cancel() is idempotent.
defer cancel()
// Initialize initiation state for syncing this Database.
iSt := newInitiationState(ctx, c, sg)
if sg {
// Create local genvecs so that they contain knowledge about
// common syncgroups and then send the syncgroup metadata sync
// request.
if err := iSt.prepareSGDeltaReq(ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Create local genvecs so that they contain knowledge only about common
// prefixes and then send the data sync request.
if err := iSt.prepareDataDeltaReq(ctx); err != nil {
return err
op := func(ctx *context.T, peer string) (interface{}, error) {
c := interfaces.SyncClient(peer)
var err error
// The authorizer passed to the RPC ensures that the remote
// peer's blessing names are the same as obtained in the
// identification step done previously.
// We set options.ConnectionTimeout to 0 here to indicate that we only want to
// use connections that exist in the client cache. This is because we are trying
// to connect to a peer that is active as determined by the peer manager., err = c.GetDeltas(ctx, iSt.req,,
options.ServerAuthorizer{iSt.config.auth}, options.ChannelTimeout(channelTimeout),
return nil, err
// Make contact with the peer to start getting the deltas.
var err error
var runAtPeerCancel context.CancelFunc
c.peer, _, runAtPeerCancel, err = runAtPeer(ctx, c.peer, op)
defer runAtPeerCancel()
if err != nil {
return err
// Obtain deltas from the peer over the network.
if err := iSt.recvAndProcessDeltas(ctx); err != nil {
// Note, it's important to call cancel before calling Finish so that we
// don't block waiting for the rest of the stream.
// Call Finish to clean up local state even on failure.
return err
deltaFinalResp, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
if ! {
var blobsToHandoff map[wire.BlobRef]interfaces.BlobSharesBySyncgroup
// TODO(m3b): It is unclear what to do if this call returns an error. We would not wish the GetDeltas call to fail.
blobsToHandoff, _ = updateAllSyncgroupPriorities(ctx, s.bst, deltaFinalResp.SgPriorities)
if len(blobsToHandoff) > 0 {
op := func(ctx *context.T, peer string) (interface{}, error) {
c := interfaces.SyncClient(peer)
return nil, c.RequestTakeBlobs(ctx,, blobsToHandoff,
// Don't worry if the following call fails; it's a hint.
var runAtPeerCancel context.CancelFunc
c.peer, _, runAtPeerCancel, _ = runAtPeer(ctx, c.peer, op)
defer runAtPeerCancel()
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: getDeltas: got reply: %v", iSt.remote)
// Process deltas locally.
return iSt.processUpdatedObjects(ctx)
// Internal helpers for initiation config.
type sgSet map[interfaces.GroupId]struct{}
// initiationConfig is the configuration information for a Database in an
// initiation round.
type initiationConfig struct {
// Connection info of the peer to sync with. Contains mount tables that
// this peer may have registered with. The first entry in this array is
// the mount table where the peer was successfully reached the last
// time. Similarly, the first entry in the neighborhood addrs is the one
// where the peer was successfully reached the last time.
peer connInfo
sgIds sgSet // Syncgroups being requested in the initiation round.
sharedSgPfxs map[string]sgSet // Syncgroup prefixes and their ids being requested in the initiation round.
allSgPfxs map[string]sgSet // Syncgroup prefixes and their ids, for all syncgroups known to this device.
sync *syncService
dbId wire.Id
db interfaces.Database // handle to the Database.
st *watchable.Store // Store handle to the Database.
// Authorizer created during the filtering of syncgroups phase. This is
// to be used during getDeltas to authorize the peer being synced with.
auth *namesAuthorizer
// newInitiatonConfig creates new initiation config. This will be shared between
// the two sync rounds in the initiation round of a Database.
func newInitiationConfig(ctx *context.T, s *syncService, dbId wire.Id, info sgMember, peer connInfo) (*initiationConfig, error) {
c := &initiationConfig{
peer: peer,
// Note: allSgPfxs and sharedSgPfxs will be inited during syncgroup
// filtering.
sgIds: make(sgSet),
sync: s,
dbId: dbId,
for id := range info {
c.sgIds[id] = struct{}{}
if len(c.sgIds) == 0 {
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "no syncgroups found", peer.relName, dbId)
// TODO(hpucha): nil rpc.ServerCall ok?
var err error
c.db, err =, nil, dbId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = c.db.St()
return c, nil
// Internal helpers for receiving and for preliminary processing of all the log
// records over the network.
// initiationState is accumulated for a Database in each sync round in an
// initiation round.
type initiationState struct {
// Config information.
config *initiationConfig
// Accumulated sync state.
local interfaces.Knowledge // local generation vectors.
remote interfaces.Knowledge // generation vectors from the remote peer.
updLocal interfaces.Knowledge // updated local generation vectors at the end of sync round.
updObjects map[string]*objConflictState // tracks updated objects during a log replay.
dagGraft *graftMap // DAG state that tracks conflicts and common ancestors.
req interfaces.DeltaReq // GetDeltas RPC request.
stream interfaces.SyncGetDeltasClientCall // stream handle for the GetDeltas RPC.
// Flag to indicate if this is syncgroup metadata sync.
sg bool
// Transaction handle for the sync round. Used during the update
// of objects in the Database.
tx *watchable.Transaction
// objConflictState contains the conflict state for an object that is updated
// during an initiator round.
type objConflictState struct {
// In practice, isConflict and isAddedByCr cannot both be true.
isAddedByCr bool
isConflict bool
newHead string
oldHead string
ancestor string
res *conflictResolution
// TODO(jlodhia): Add perms object and version for the row keys for pickNew
// newInitiationState creates new initiation state.
func newInitiationState(ctx *context.T, c *initiationConfig, sg bool) *initiationState {
iSt := &initiationState{}
iSt.config = c
iSt.updObjects = make(map[string]*objConflictState)
iSt.dagGraft = newGraft( = sg
return iSt
// prepareDataDeltaReq creates the generation vectors with local knowledge for
// the initiator to send to the responder, and creates the request to start the
// data sync.
// TODO(hpucha): Refactor this code with computeDelta code in sync_state.go.
func (iSt *initiationState) prepareDataDeltaReq(ctx *context.T) error {
// isDbSyncable reads the in-memory syncState for this db to verify if
// it is allowed to sync or not. This state is mutated by watcher based
// on incoming pause/resume requests.
if !iSt.config.sync.isDbSyncable(ctx, iSt.config.dbId) {
// The database is offline. Skip the db till it becomes syncable again.
vlog.VI(1).Infof("sync: prepareDataDeltaReq: database not allowed to sync, skipping sync on db %v", iSt.config.dbId)
return interfaces.NewErrDbOffline(ctx, iSt.config.dbId)
local, lgen, err := iSt.config.sync.copyDbGenInfo(ctx, iSt.config.dbId, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
localPfxs := extractAndSortPrefixes(local)
sgPfxs := make([]string, len(iSt.config.sharedSgPfxs))
i := 0
for p := range iSt.config.sharedSgPfxs {
sgPfxs[i] = p
iSt.local = make(interfaces.Knowledge)
if len(sgPfxs) == 0 {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "no syncgroups for syncing")
pfx := sgPfxs[0]
for _, p := range sgPfxs {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, pfx) && p != pfx {
// Process this prefix as this is the start of a new set of
// nested prefixes.
pfx = p
var lpStart string
for _, lp := range localPfxs {
if !strings.HasPrefix(lp, pfx) && !strings.HasPrefix(pfx, lp) {
// No relationship with pfx.
if strings.HasPrefix(pfx, lp) {
lpStart = lp
} else {
iSt.local[lp] = local[lp]
// Deal with the starting point.
if lpStart == "" {
// No matching prefixes for pfx were found.
iSt.local[pfx] = make(interfaces.GenVector)
iSt.local[pfx][] = lgen
} else {
iSt.local[pfx] = local[lpStart]
// Send request.
req := interfaces.DataDeltaReq{
DbId: iSt.config.dbId,
SgIds: iSt.config.sgIds,
Gvs: iSt.local,
iSt.req = interfaces.DeltaReqData{req}
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: prepareDataDeltaReq: request: %v", req)
return nil
// prepareSGDeltaReq creates the syncgroup generation vectors with local
// knowledge for the initiator to send to the responder, and prepares the
// request to start the syncgroup sync.
func (iSt *initiationState) prepareSGDeltaReq(ctx *context.T) error {
if !iSt.config.sync.isDbSyncable(ctx, iSt.config.dbId) {
// The database is offline. Skip the db till it becomes syncable again.
vlog.VI(1).Infof("sync: prepareSGDeltaReq: database not allowed to sync, skipping sync on db %v", iSt.config.dbId)
return interfaces.NewErrDbOffline(ctx, iSt.config.dbId)
var err error
iSt.local, _, err = iSt.config.sync.copyDbGenInfo(ctx, iSt.config.dbId, iSt.config.sgIds)
if err != nil {
return err
// Send request.
req := interfaces.SgDeltaReq{
DbId: iSt.config.dbId,
Gvs: iSt.local,
iSt.req = interfaces.DeltaReqSgs{req}
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: prepareSGDeltaReq: request: %v", req)
return nil
// recvAndProcessDeltas first receives the log records and generation vectors
// from the GetDeltas RPC and puts them in the Database. It also replays the
// entire log stream as the log records arrive. These records span multiple
// generations from different devices. It does not perform any conflict
// resolution during replay. This avoids resolving conflicts that have already
// been resolved by other devices.
func (iSt *initiationState) recvAndProcessDeltas(ctx *context.T) error {
// TODO(hpucha): This works for now, but figure out a long term solution
// as this may be implementation dependent. It currently works because
// the RecvStream call is stateless, and grabbing a handle to it
// repeatedly doesn't affect what data is seen next.
rcvr :=
// TODO(hpucha): See if we can avoid committing the entire delta stream
// as one batch. Currently the dependency is between the log records and
// the batch info.
tx :=
committed := false
defer func() {
if !committed {
// Track received batches (BatchId --> BatchCount mapping).
batchMap := make(map[uint64]uint64)
for rcvr.Advance() {
resp := rcvr.Value()
switch v := resp.(type) {
case interfaces.DeltaRespGvs:
iSt.remote = v.Value
case interfaces.DeltaRespRec:
// Insert log record in Database.
// TODO(hpucha): Should we reserve more positions in a batch?
// TODO(hpucha): Handle if syncgroup is left/destroyed while sync is in progress.
var pos uint64
if {
pos = iSt.config.sync.reservePosInDbLog(ctx, iSt.config.dbId, v.Value.Metadata.ObjId, 1)
} else {
pos = iSt.config.sync.reservePosInDbLog(ctx, iSt.config.dbId, "", 1)
rec := &LocalLogRec{Metadata: v.Value.Metadata, Pos: pos}
batchId := rec.Metadata.BatchId
if batchId != NoBatchId {
if cnt, ok := batchMap[batchId]; !ok {
if iSt.config.sync.startBatch(ctx, tx, batchId) != batchId {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "failed to create batch info")
batchMap[batchId] = rec.Metadata.BatchCount
} else if cnt != rec.Metadata.BatchCount {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "inconsistent counts for tid", batchId, cnt, rec.Metadata.BatchCount)
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: recvAndProcessDeltas: processing rec %v", rec)
if err := iSt.insertRecInLogAndDag(ctx, rec, batchId, tx); err != nil {
return err
if {
// Add the syncgroup value to the Database.
if err := iSt.insertSgRecInDb(ctx, rec, v.Value.Value, tx); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iSt.insertRecInDb(ctx, rec, v.Value.Value, tx); err != nil {
return err
// Check for BlobRefs, and process them.
if err := iSt.config.sync.processBlobRefs(ctx, iSt.config.dbId, tx, iSt.config.peer.relName, false, iSt.config.allSgPfxs, iSt.config.sharedSgPfxs, &rec.Metadata, v.Value.Value); err != nil {
return err
// Mark object dirty.
iSt.updObjects[rec.Metadata.ObjId] = &objConflictState{}
if err := rcvr.Err(); err != nil {
return err
// End the started batches if any.
for bid, cnt := range batchMap {
if err := iSt.config.sync.endBatch(ctx, tx, bid, cnt); err != nil {
return err
// Commit this transaction. We do not retry this transaction since it
// should not conflict with any other keys. So if it fails, it is a
// non-retriable error.
err := tx.Commit()
if verror.ErrorID(err) == store.ErrConcurrentTransaction.ID {
// Note: This might be triggered with memstore until it handles
// transactions in a more fine-grained fashion.
vlog.Fatalf("sync: recvAndProcessDeltas: encountered concurrent transaction")
if err == nil {
committed = true
return err
// insertRecInLogAndDag adds a new log record to log and dag data structures.
func (iSt *initiationState) insertRecInLogAndDag(ctx *context.T, rec *LocalLogRec, batchId uint64, tx store.Transaction) error {
var pfx string
m := rec.Metadata
if {
pfx = m.ObjId
} else {
pfx = logDataPrefix
if err := putLogRec(ctx, tx, pfx, rec); err != nil {
return err
logKey := logRecKey(pfx, m.Id, m.Gen)
var err error
switch m.RecType {
case interfaces.NodeRec:
err = iSt.config.sync.addNode(ctx, tx, m.ObjId, m.CurVers, logKey, m.Delete, m.Parents, m.BatchId, iSt.dagGraft)
case interfaces.LinkRec:
err = iSt.config.sync.addParent(ctx, tx, m.ObjId, m.CurVers, m.Parents[0], m.BatchId, iSt.dagGraft)
err = verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "unknown log record type")
return err
// insertSgRecInDb inserts the versioned value of a syncgroup in the Database.
func (iSt *initiationState) insertSgRecInDb(ctx *context.T, rec *LocalLogRec, rawValue *vom.RawBytes, tx store.Transaction) error {
m := rec.Metadata
var sg interfaces.Syncgroup
if err := rawValue.ToValue(&sg); err != nil {
return err
return setSGDataEntryByOID(ctx, tx, m.ObjId, m.CurVers, &sg)
// insertRecInDb inserts the versioned value in the Database.
func (iSt *initiationState) insertRecInDb(ctx *context.T, rec *LocalLogRec, rawValue *vom.RawBytes, tx *watchable.Transaction) error {
m := rec.Metadata
// TODO(hpucha): Hack right now. Need to change Database's handling of
// deleted objects. Currently, the initiator needs to treat deletions
// specially since deletions do not get a version number or a special
// value in the Database.
if !rec.Metadata.Delete && rec.Metadata.RecType == interfaces.NodeRec {
var valbuf []byte
var err error
if valbuf, err = vom.Encode(rawValue); err != nil {
return err
return watchable.PutAtVersion(ctx, tx, []byte(m.ObjId), valbuf, []byte(m.CurVers))
return nil
// Internal helpers for finishing the local processing of all the log records
// received over the network.
// processUpdatedObjects processes all the updates received by the initiator,
// one object at a time. Conflict detection and resolution is carried out after
// the entire delta of log records is replayed, instead of incrementally after
// each record/batch is replayed, to avoid repeating conflict resolution already
// performed by other peers.
// For each updated object, we first check if the object has any conflicts,
// resulting in three possibilities:
// * There is no conflict, and no updates are needed to the Database
// (isConflict=false, newHead == oldHead). All changes received convey
// information that still keeps the local head as the most recent version. This
// occurs when conflicts are resolved by picking the existing local version.
// * There is no conflict, but a remote version is discovered that builds on the
// local head (isConflict=false, newHead != oldHead). In this case, we generate
// a Database update to simply update the Database to the latest value.
// * There is a conflict and we call into the app or use a well-known policy to
// resolve the conflict, resulting in three possibilities: (a) conflict was
// resolved by picking the local version. In this case, Database need not be
// updated, but a link is added to record the choice. (b) conflict was resolved
// by picking the remote version. In this case, Database is updated with the
// remote version and a link is added as well. (c) conflict was resolved by
// generating a new Database update. In this case, Database is updated with the
// new version.
// We collect all the updates to the Database in a transaction. In addition, as
// part of the same transaction, we update the log and dag state suitably (move
// the head ptr of the object in the dag to the latest version, and create a new
// log record reflecting conflict resolution if any). Finally, we update the
// sync state first on storage. This transaction's commit can fail since
// preconditions on the objects may have been violated. In this case, we wait to
// get the latest versions of objects from the Database, and recheck if the object
// has any conflicts and repeat the above steps, until the transaction commits
// successfully. Upon commit, we also update the in-memory sync state of the
// Database.
func (iSt *initiationState) processUpdatedObjects(ctx *context.T) error {
// Note that the tx handle in initiation state is cached for the scope of
// this function only as different stages in the pipeline add to the
// transaction.
committed := false
defer func() {
if !committed {
for {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: processUpdatedObjects: begin: %d objects updated", len(iSt.updObjects))
iSt.tx =
watchable.SetTransactionFromSync(iSt.tx) // for echo-suppression
if count, err := iSt.detectConflicts(ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: processUpdatedObjects: %d conflicts detected", count)
if err := iSt.resolveConflicts(ctx); err != nil {
return err
err := iSt.updateDbAndSyncSt(ctx)
if err == nil {
err = iSt.tx.Commit()
if err == nil {
committed = true
// Update in-memory genvectors since commit is successful.
if err := iSt.config.sync.putDbGenInfoRemote(ctx, iSt.config.dbId,, iSt.updLocal); err != nil {
vlog.Fatalf("sync: processUpdatedObjects: putting geninfo in memory failed for db %v, err %v", iSt.config.dbId, err)
// There is no need to wait for the new advertisement to finish so
// we just run it asynchronously in its own goroutine.
go iSt.advertiseSyncgroups(ctx)
vlog.VI(4).Info("sync: processUpdatedObjects: end: changes committed")
return nil
if verror.ErrorID(err) != store.ErrConcurrentTransaction.ID {
return err
// Either updateDbAndSyncSt() or tx.Commit() detected a
// concurrent transaction. Retry processing the remote updates.
// TODO(hpucha): Sleeping and retrying is a temporary
// solution. Next iteration will have coordination with watch
// thread to intelligently retry. Hence this value is not a
// config param.
vlog.VI(4).Info("sync: processUpdatedObjects: retry due to local mutations")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// detectConflicts iterates through all the updated objects to detect conflicts.
func (iSt *initiationState) detectConflicts(ctx *context.T) (int, error) {
count := 0
for objid, confSt := range iSt.updObjects {
// Check if object has a conflict.
var err error
confSt.isConflict, confSt.newHead, confSt.oldHead, confSt.ancestor, err = hasConflict(ctx, iSt.tx, objid, iSt.dagGraft)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if !confSt.isConflict {
if confSt.newHead == confSt.oldHead {
confSt.res = &conflictResolution{ty: pickLocal}
} else {
confSt.res = &conflictResolution{ty: pickRemote}
} else {
return count, nil
// resetConflictResolutionState resets the accumulated state from conflict
// resolution. This is done prior to retrying conflict resolution when the
// initiator fails to update the store with the received changes due to
// concurent mutations from the client.
func (iSt *initiationState) resetConflictResolutionState(ctx *context.T) {
for objid, confSt := range iSt.updObjects {
// Check if the object was added during resolution. If so,
// remove this object from the dirty objects list before
// retrying; else reset the conflict resolution state.
if confSt.isAddedByCr {
delete(iSt.updObjects, objid)
} else {
iSt.updObjects[objid] = &objConflictState{}
// updateDbAndSync updates the Database, and if that is successful, updates log,
// dag and genvectors data structures as needed.
func (iSt *initiationState) updateDbAndSyncSt(ctx *context.T) error {
// Track batches being processed (BatchId --> BatchCount mapping).
batchMap := make(map[uint64]uint64)
for objid, confSt := range iSt.updObjects {
// Always update sync state irrespective of local/remote/new
// versions being picked.
if err := iSt.updateLogAndDag(ctx, objid, batchMap); err != nil {
return err
// No need to update the store for syncgroup changes.
if {
// If the local version is picked, no further updates to the
// Database are needed, but we want to ensure that the local
// version has not changed since by entering it into the readset
// of the transaction. If the remote version is picked or if a
// new version is created, we put it in the Database.
// TODO(hpucha): Hack right now. Need to change Database's
// handling of deleted objects.
oldVersDeleted := true
if confSt.oldHead != NoVersion {
oldDagNode, err := getNode(ctx, iSt.tx, objid, confSt.oldHead)
if err != nil {
return err
oldVersDeleted = oldDagNode.Deleted
if !oldVersDeleted {
// Read current version to enter it in the readset of the transaction.
version, err := watchable.GetVersion(ctx, iSt.tx, []byte(objid))
if err != nil {
return err
if string(version) != confSt.oldHead {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: updateDbAndSyncSt: concurrent updates %s %s", version, confSt.oldHead)
return store.NewErrConcurrentTransaction(ctx)
} else {
// Ensure key doesn't exist.
if _, err := watchable.GetVersion(ctx, iSt.tx, []byte(objid)); verror.ErrorID(err) != store.ErrUnknownKey.ID {
return store.NewErrConcurrentTransaction(ctx)
if confSt.res.ty == pickLocal {
// Nothing more to do.
var newVersion string
var newVersDeleted bool
switch confSt.res.ty {
case pickRemote:
newVersion = confSt.newHead
newDagNode, err := getNode(ctx, iSt.tx, objid, newVersion)
if err != nil {
return err
newVersDeleted = newDagNode.Deleted
case createNew:
newVersion = confSt.res.rec.Metadata.CurVers
newVersDeleted = confSt.res.rec.Metadata.Delete
// Skip delete followed by a delete.
if oldVersDeleted && newVersDeleted {
if !newVersDeleted {
if confSt.res.ty == createNew {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: updateDbAndSyncSt: PutAtVersion %s %s", objid, newVersion)
if err := watchable.PutAtVersion(ctx, iSt.tx, []byte(objid), confSt.res.val, []byte(newVersion)); err != nil {
return err
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: updateDbAndSyncSt: PutVersion %s %s", objid, newVersion)
if err := watchable.PutVersion(ctx, iSt.tx, []byte(objid), []byte(newVersion)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: updateDbAndSyncSt: Deleting obj %s", objid)
if err := iSt.tx.Delete([]byte(objid)); err != nil {
return err
// End the started batches if any.
for bid, cnt := range batchMap {
if err := iSt.config.sync.endBatch(ctx, iSt.tx, bid, cnt); err != nil {
return err
return iSt.updateSyncSt(ctx)
// updateLogAndDag updates the log and dag data structures.
// Each object in the updated objects list (iSt.updObjects) is present because
// of one of the following cases:
// Case 1: The object is under conflict after the replay of the deltas, and was
// resolved by conflict resolution (isConflict = true, isAddedByCr = false).
// Case 2: The object is not under conflict after the replay of the deltas
// (isConflict = false, isAddedByCr = false). Note that even for these objects
// that are not under conflict, conflict resolution may need to modify its value
// due to its involvement in a batch.
// Case 3: The object was not received in the deltas but was added during
// conflict resolution due to its involvement in a batch (isConflict = false,
// isAddedByCr = true).
// For each object in iSt.updObjects, the following states are possible after
// conflict detection and resolution:
// pickLocal:
// ** Case 1: We need to create a link log record to remember the conflict
// resolution. This happens when conflict resolution picks the local head to be
// suitable for resolution.
// ** Case 2: Do nothing. This happens when this object was not involved in the
// resolution and only link log records are received in the deltas resulting in
// no updates to the local head.
// TODO(hpucha): confirm how this case is handled during app resolution.
// ** Case 3: Do nothing. This happens when conflict resolution picks the local
// head to be suitable for resolution.
// pickRemote: Update the dag head in all cases.
// ** Case 1: We need to create a link log record to remember the conflict
// resolution. This happens when conflict resolution picks the remote head to be
// suitable for resolution.
// ** Case 2: This happens either when this object was not involved in the
// resolution, or was involved and the remote value was suitable.
// ** Case 3: This case is not possible since the remote value is unavailable.
// createNew: Create a node log record and update the dag head in all cases.
// ** Case 1: This happens when conflict resolution resulted in a new value.
// ** Case 2: This happens either because resolution overwrote the newly
// received remote value with a new value, or the local value was chosen but
// needed to be rewritten with a new version to prevent a cycle in the dag.
// ** Case 3: This happens when conflict resolution resulted in a new value.
func (iSt *initiationState) updateLogAndDag(ctx *context.T, objid string, batchMap map[uint64]uint64) error {
confSt, ok := iSt.updObjects[objid]
if !ok {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "object state not found", objid)
var newVersion string
// Create log records and dag nodes as needed.
var rec *LocalLogRec
switch {
case confSt.res.ty == pickLocal:
if confSt.isConflict {
// Local version was picked as the conflict resolution.
rec = iSt.createLocalLinkLogRec(ctx, objid, confSt.oldHead, confSt.newHead, confSt.res.batchId, confSt.res.batchCount)
newVersion = confSt.oldHead
case confSt.res.ty == pickRemote:
if confSt.isConflict {
// Remote version was picked as the conflict resolution.
rec = iSt.createLocalLinkLogRec(ctx, objid, confSt.newHead, confSt.oldHead, confSt.res.batchId, confSt.res.batchCount)
if confSt.isAddedByCr {
vlog.Fatalf("sync: updateLogAndDag: pickRemote with obj %v added by conflict resolution, st %v, res %v", objid, confSt, confSt.res)
newVersion = confSt.newHead
case confSt.res.ty == createNew:
// New version was created to resolve the conflict. Node log
// records were created during resolution.
rec = confSt.res.rec
newVersion = confSt.res.rec.Metadata.CurVers
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "invalid conflict resolution type", confSt.res.ty)
if rec != nil {
var pfx string
if {
pfx = objid
} else {
pfx = logDataPrefix
if err := putLogRec(ctx, iSt.tx, pfx, rec); err != nil {
return err
batchId := rec.Metadata.BatchId
if batchId != NoBatchId {
if cnt, ok := batchMap[batchId]; !ok {
if iSt.config.sync.startBatch(ctx, iSt.tx, batchId) != batchId {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "failed to create batch info")
batchMap[batchId] = rec.Metadata.BatchCount
} else if cnt != rec.Metadata.BatchCount {
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "inconsistent counts for tid", batchId, cnt, rec.Metadata.BatchCount)
// Add a new DAG node.
var err error
m := rec.Metadata
switch m.RecType {
case interfaces.NodeRec:
err = iSt.config.sync.addNode(ctx, iSt.tx, objid, m.CurVers, logRecKey(pfx, m.Id, m.Gen), m.Delete, m.Parents, NoBatchId, nil)
case interfaces.LinkRec:
err = iSt.config.sync.addParent(ctx, iSt.tx, objid, m.CurVers, m.Parents[0], m.BatchId, nil)
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "unknown log record type")
if err != nil {
return err
// Move the head. This should be idempotent. We may move head to the
// local head in some cases.
return moveHead(ctx, iSt.tx, objid, newVersion)
func (iSt *initiationState) createLocalLinkLogRec(ctx *context.T, objid, vers, par string, batchId, batchCount uint64) *LocalLogRec {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: createLocalLinkLogRec: obj %s vers %s par %s", objid, vers, par)
var gen, pos uint64
if {
gen, pos = iSt.config.sync.reserveGenAndPosInDbLog(ctx, iSt.config.dbId, objid, 1)
} else {
gen, pos = iSt.config.sync.reserveGenAndPosInDbLog(ctx, iSt.config.dbId, "", 1)
rec := &LocalLogRec{
Metadata: interfaces.LogRecMetadata{
Gen: gen,
RecType: interfaces.LinkRec,
ObjId: objid,
CurVers: vers,
Parents: []string{par},
UpdTime: time.Now().UTC(),
BatchId: batchId,
BatchCount: batchCount,
Pos: pos,
return rec
// updateSyncSt updates local sync state at the end of an initiator cycle.
func (iSt *initiationState) updateSyncSt(ctx *context.T) error {
// Get the current local sync state.
dsInMem, err := iSt.config.sync.copyDbSyncStateInMem(ctx, iSt.config.dbId)
if err != nil {
return err
// Create the state to be persisted.
ds := &DbSyncState{
GenVecs: dsInMem.genvecs,
SgGenVecs: dsInMem.sggenvecs,
genvecs := ds.GenVecs
if {
genvecs = ds.SgGenVecs
// remote can be a subset of local.
for rpfx, respgv := range iSt.remote {
for lpfx, lpgv := range genvecs {
if strings.HasPrefix(lpfx, rpfx) {
mergeGenVectors(lpgv, respgv)
if _, ok := genvecs[rpfx]; !ok {
genvecs[rpfx] = respgv
if {
// Flip sync pending if needed in case of syncgroup
// syncing. See explanation for SyncPending flag in
// types.vdl.
gid, err := sgID(rpfx)
if err != nil {
return err
state, err := getSGIdEntry(ctx, iSt.tx, gid)
if err != nil {
return err
if state.SyncPending {
curgv := genvecs[rpfx]
res := curgv.Compare(state.PendingGenVec)
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: updateSyncSt: checking join pending %v, curgv %v, res %v", state.PendingGenVec, curgv, res)
if res >= 0 {
state.SyncPending = false
if err := setSGIdEntry(ctx, iSt.tx, gid, state); err != nil {
return err
iSt.updLocal = genvecs
// Clean the genvector of any local state. Note that local state is held
// in gen/ckPtGen in sync state struct.
for _, gv := range iSt.updLocal {
// TODO(hpucha): Add knowledge compaction.
// Read sync state from db within transaction to achieve atomic
// read-modify-write semantics for isolation.
dsOnDisk, err := getDbSyncState(ctx, iSt.tx)
if err != nil {
if verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
return err
dsOnDisk = &DbSyncState{}
ds.IsPaused = dsOnDisk.IsPaused
return putDbSyncState(ctx, iSt.tx, ds)
// mergeGenVectors merges responder genvector into local genvector.
func mergeGenVectors(lpgv, respgv interfaces.GenVector) {
for devid, rgen := range respgv {
gen, ok := lpgv[devid]
if !ok || gen < rgen {
lpgv[devid] = rgen
func (iSt *initiationState) advertiseSyncgroups(ctx *context.T) error {
if ! {
return nil
// For all the syncgroup changes we learned, see if the latest acl makes
// this node an admin or removes it from its admin role, and if so,
// advertise the syncgroup or cancel the existing advertisement over the
// neighborhood as applicable.
for objid := range iSt.updObjects {
gid, err := sgID(objid)
if err != nil {
return err
var sg *interfaces.Syncgroup
sg, err = getSyncgroupByGid(ctx,, gid)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := iSt.config.sync.advertiseSyncgroupInNeighborhood(sg); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Internal helpers to make different RPCs needed for syncing.
// remoteOp encapsulates an RPC operation run against "peer". The returned
// interface can contain a response message (e.g. TimeResp, for GetTime) or can
// be nil (e.g. for GetDeltas stream connections).
type remoteOp func(ctx *context.T, peer string) (interface{}, error)
// runAllCancelFuncs runs the context.CancelFunc routines in cancelFuncs.
func runAllCancelFuncs(cancelFuncs []context.CancelFunc) {
for _, f := range cancelFuncs {
// runAtPeer attempts to connect to the remote peer using the neighborhood
// address when specified or the mount tables obtained from all the common
// syncgroups, and runs the specified op.
func runAtPeer(ctx *context.T, peer connInfo, op remoteOp) (connInfo, interface{}, context.CancelFunc, error) {
if len(peer.mtTbls) < 1 && len(peer.addrs) < 1 {
return peer, nil, func() {}, verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, "no mount tables or endpoints found", peer)
updPeer := peer
var cancelFuncs []context.CancelFunc
if peer.addrs != nil {
for i, addr := range peer.addrs {
absName := naming.Join(addr, common.SyncbaseSuffix)
resp, cancel, err := runRemoteOp(ctx, absName, op)
cancelFuncs = append(cancelFuncs, cancel)
if verror.ErrorID(err) != interfaces.ErrConnFail.ID {
updPeer.addrs = updPeer.addrs[i:]
return updPeer, resp, func() { runAllCancelFuncs(cancelFuncs) }, err
updPeer.addrs = nil
} else {
for i, mt := range peer.mtTbls {
absName := naming.Join(mt, peer.relName, common.SyncbaseSuffix)
resp, cancel, err := runRemoteOp(ctx, absName, op)
if verror.ErrorID(err) != interfaces.ErrConnFail.ID {
cancelFuncs = append(cancelFuncs, cancel)
updPeer.mtTbls = updPeer.mtTbls[i:]
return updPeer, resp, func() { runAllCancelFuncs(cancelFuncs) }, err
cancelFuncs = append(cancelFuncs, cancel)
updPeer.mtTbls = nil
return updPeer, nil, func() { runAllCancelFuncs(cancelFuncs) },
verror.New(interfaces.ErrConnFail, ctx, "couldn't connect to peer", updPeer.relName, updPeer.addrs)
// runRemoteOp runs the remoteOp on the server specified by absName.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call the returned context.CancelFunc
// if this call returns a nil error value.
func runRemoteOp(ctxIn *context.T, absName string, op remoteOp) (interface{}, context.CancelFunc, error) {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: runRemoteOp: begin for %v", absName)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctxIn)
resp, err := op(ctx, absName)
if err == nil {
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: runRemoteOp: end op established for %s", absName)
// Responsibility for calling cancel() is passed to caller.
return resp, cancel, nil
vlog.VI(4).Infof("sync: runRemoteOp: end for %s, err %v", absName, err)
// TODO(hpucha): Fix error handling so that we do not assume that any error
// that is not ErrNoAccess or ErrGetTimeFailed is a connection error. Need to
// chat with m3b, mattr, et al to figure out how applications should
// distinguish RPC errors from application errors in general.
if verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoAccess.ID && verror.ErrorID(err) != interfaces.ErrGetTimeFailed.ID {
err = verror.New(interfaces.ErrConnFail, ctx, "couldn't connect to peer", absName)
return nil, func() {}, err