blob: c99dafb00b1502d2e98fc0b4db4c2aaa9331f834 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package golang
import (
func localIdent(data goData, file *compile.File, ident string) string {
if testingMode {
return ident
return data.Pkg(file.Package.GenPath) + ident
func nativeIdent(data goData, native vdltool.GoType) string {
ident := native.Type
for _, imp := range native.Imports {
// Translate the packages specified in the native type into local package
// identifiers. E.g. if the native type is "foo.Type" with import
// "path/foo", we need replace "foo." in the native type with the local
// package identifier for "path/foo".
pkg := data.Pkg(imp.Path)
ident = strings.Replace(ident, imp.Name+".", pkg, -1)
return ident
func packageIdent(file *compile.File, ident string) string {
if testingMode {
return ident
return file.Package.Name + "." + ident
func qualifiedIdent(file *compile.File, ident string) string {
if testingMode {
return ident
return file.Package.QualifiedName(ident)
// typeGo translates vdl.Type into a Go type.
func typeGo(data goData, t *vdl.Type) string {
if testingMode {
if t.Name() != "" {
return t.Name()
// Terminate recursion at defined types, which include both user-defined types
// (enum, struct, union) and built-in types.
if def := data.Env.FindTypeDef(t); def != nil {
switch {
case t == vdl.AnyType:
return "*" + data.Pkg("") + "Value"
case t == vdl.TypeObjectType:
return "*" + data.Pkg("") + "Type"
case def.File == compile.BuiltInFile:
// Built-in primitives just use their name.
return def.Name
pkg := def.File.Package
if native, ok := pkg.Config.Go.WireToNativeTypes[def.Name]; ok {
// There is a Go native type configured for this defined type.
return nativeIdent(data, native)
return localIdent(data, def.File, def.Name)
// Otherwise recurse through the type.
switch t.Kind() {
case vdl.Optional:
return "*" + typeGo(data, t.Elem())
case vdl.Array:
return "[" + strconv.Itoa(t.Len()) + "]" + typeGo(data, t.Elem())
case vdl.List:
return "[]" + typeGo(data, t.Elem())
case vdl.Set:
return "map[" + typeGo(data, t.Key()) + "]struct{}"
case vdl.Map:
return "map[" + typeGo(data, t.Key()) + "]" + typeGo(data, t.Elem())
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: typeGo unhandled type %v %v", t.Kind(), t))
// typeDefGo prints the type definition for a type.
func typeDefGo(data goData, def *compile.TypeDef) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%stype %s ", def.Doc, def.Name)
switch t := def.Type; t.Kind() {
case vdl.Enum:
s += fmt.Sprintf("int%s\nconst (", def.DocSuffix)
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumEnumLabel(); ix++ {
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%s%s%s", def.LabelDoc[ix], def.Name, t.EnumLabel(ix))
if ix == 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" %s = iota", def.Name)
s += def.LabelDocSuffix[ix]
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n)"+
"\n\n// %[1]sAll holds all labels for %[1]s."+
"\nvar %[1]sAll = [...]%[1]s{%[2]s}"+
"\n\n// %[1]sFromString creates a %[1]s from a string label."+
"\nfunc %[1]sFromString(label string) (x %[1]s, err error) {"+
"\n\terr = x.Set(label)"+
"\n\n// Set assigns label to x."+
"\nfunc (x *%[1]s) Set(label string) error {"+
"\n\tswitch label {",
commaEnumLabels(def.Name, t))
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumEnumLabel(); ix++ {
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tcase %[2]q, %[3]q:"+
"\n\t\t*x = %[1]s%[2]s"+
"\n\t\treturn nil", def.Name, t.EnumLabel(ix), strings.ToLower(t.EnumLabel(ix)))
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t}"+
"\n\t*x = -1"+
"\n\treturn "+data.Pkg("fmt")+"Errorf(\"unknown label %%q in %[2]s\", label)"+
"\n\n// String returns the string label of x."+
"\nfunc (x %[1]s) String() string {"+
"\n\tswitch x {", def.Name, packageIdent(def.File, def.Name))
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumEnumLabel(); ix++ {
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\tcase %[1]s%[2]s:"+
"\n\t\treturn %[2]q", def.Name, t.EnumLabel(ix))
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t}"+
"\n\treturn \"\""+
"\n\nfunc (%[1]s) __VDLReflect(struct{"+
"\n\tName string %[3]q"+
"\n\tEnum struct{ %[2]s string }"+
"\n}) {"+
def.Name, commaEnumLabels("", t), qualifiedIdent(def.File, def.Name))
return s
case vdl.Struct:
s += "struct {"
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ {
f := t.Field(ix)
s += "\n\t" + def.FieldDoc[ix] + f.Name + " "
s += typeGo(data, f.Type) + def.FieldDocSuffix[ix]
s += "\n}" + def.DocSuffix
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n"+
"\nfunc (%[1]s) __VDLReflect(struct{"+
"\n\tName string %[2]q"+
"\n}) {"+
def.Name, qualifiedIdent(def.File, def.Name))
return s
case vdl.Union:
s = fmt.Sprintf("type ("+
"\n\t// %[1]s represents any single field of the %[1]s union type."+
"\n\t%[2]s%[1]s interface {"+
"\n\t\t// Index returns the field index."+
"\n\t\tIndex() int"+
"\n\t\t// Interface returns the field value as an interface."+
"\n\t\tInterface() interface{}"+
"\n\t\t// Name returns the field name."+
"\n\t\tName() string"+
"\n\t\t// __VDLReflect describes the %[1]s union type."+
"\n\t}%[3]s", def.Name, docBreak(def.Doc), def.DocSuffix)
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ {
f := t.Field(ix)
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t// %[1]s%[2]s represents field %[2]s of the %[1]s union type."+
"\n\t%[4]s%[1]s%[2]s struct{ Value %[3]s }%[5]s",
def.Name, f.Name, typeGo(data, f.Type),
docBreak(def.FieldDoc[ix]), def.FieldDocSuffix[ix])
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t// __%[1]sReflect describes the %[1]s union type."+
"\n\t__%[1]sReflect struct {"+
"\n\t\tName string %[2]q"+
"\n\t\tType %[1]s"+
"\n\t\tUnion struct {", def.Name, qualifiedIdent(def.File, def.Name))
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ {
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\t\t%[2]s %[1]s%[2]s", def.Name, t.Field(ix).Name)
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\t}\n\t}\n)")
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ {
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n\nfunc (x %[1]s%[2]s) Index() int { return %[3]d }"+
"\nfunc (x %[1]s%[2]s) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }"+
"\nfunc (x %[1]s%[2]s) Name() string { return \"%[2]s\" }"+
"\nfunc (x %[1]s%[2]s) __VDLReflect(__%[1]sReflect) {}",
def.Name, t.Field(ix).Name, ix)
return s
s += typeGo(data, def.BaseType) + def.DocSuffix
s += fmt.Sprintf("\n"+
"\nfunc (%[1]s) __VDLReflect(struct{"+
"\n\tName string %[2]q"+
"\n}) {"+
def.Name, qualifiedIdent(def.File, def.Name))
return s
func commaEnumLabels(prefix string, t *vdl.Type) (s string) {
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumEnumLabel(); ix++ {
if ix > 0 {
s += ", "
s += prefix
s += t.EnumLabel(ix)
func embedGo(data goData, embed *compile.Interface) string {
return localIdent(data, embed.File, embed.Name)