blob: dd8cb1d0f1612adf09a57ba00ada5cd882053745 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package compile implements the VDL compiler, converting a parse tree into
// compiled results. The CompilePackage function is the main entry point.
package compile
// The job of the compiler is to take parse results as input, and output
// compiled results. The concepts between the parser and compiler are very
// similar, thus the naming of parse/compile results is also similar.
// E.g. parse.File represents a parsed file, while compile.File represents a
// compiled file.
// The flow of the compiler is contained in the Compile function below, and
// basically defines one concept across all files in the package before moving
// onto the next concept. E.g. we define all types in the package before
// defining all consts in the package.
// The logic for simple concepts (e.g. imports) is contained directly in this
// file, while more complicated concepts (types, consts and interfaces) each get
// their own file.
import (
// CompilePackage compiles a list of parse.Files into a Package. Updates env
// with the compiled package and returns it on success, or returns nil and
// guarantees !env.Errors.IsEmpty(). All imports that the parsed package depend
// on must already have been compiled and populated into env.
func CompilePackage(pkgpath, genpath string, pfiles []*parse.File, config vdltool.Config, env *Env) *Package {
if pkgpath == "" {
env.Errors.Errorf("Compile called with empty pkgpath")
return nil
if env.pkgs[pkgpath] != nil {
env.Errors.Errorf("%q invalid recompile (already exists in env)", pkgpath)
return nil
pkg := compile(pkgpath, genpath, pfiles, config, env)
if pkg == nil {
return nil
if computeDeps(pkg, env); !env.Errors.IsEmpty() {
return nil
env.pkgs[pkg.Path] = pkg
return pkg
// CompileConfig compiles a parse.Config into a value. Returns the compiled
// value on success, or returns nil and guarantees !env.Errors.IsEmpty(). All
// imports that the parsed config depend on must already have been compiled and
// populated into env. If t is non-nil, the returned value will be of that
// type.
func CompileConfig(t *vdl.Type, pconfig *parse.Config, env *Env) *vdl.Value {
if pconfig == nil || env == nil {
env.Errors.Errorf("CompileConfig called with nil config or env")
return nil
// Since the concepts are so similar between config files and vdl files, we
// just compile it as a single-file vdl package, and compile the exported
// config const to retrieve the final exported config value.
pfile := &parse.File{
BaseName: filepath.Base(pconfig.FileName),
PackageDef: pconfig.ConfigDef,
Imports: pconfig.Imports,
ConstDefs: pconfig.ConstDefs,
pkgpath := filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Dir(pconfig.FileName))
pkg := compile(pkgpath, pkgpath, []*parse.File{pfile}, vdltool.Config{}, env)
if pkg == nil {
return nil
config := compileConst("config", t, pconfig.Config, pkg.Files[0], env)
// Wait to compute deps after we've compiled the config const expression,
// since it might include the only usage of some of the imports.
if computeDeps(pkg, env); !env.Errors.IsEmpty() {
return nil
return config
// CompileExpr compiles expr into a value. Returns the compiled value on
// success, or returns nil and guarantees !env.Errors.IsEmpty(). All imports
// that expr depends on must already have been compiled and populated into env.
// If t is non-nil, the returned value will be of that type.
func CompileExpr(t *vdl.Type, expr parse.ConstExpr, env *Env) *vdl.Value {
// Set up a dummy file and compile expr into a value.
file := &File{
BaseName: "_expr.vdl",
Package: newPackage("_expr", "_expr", "_expr", vdltool.Config{}),
return compileConst("expression", t, expr, file, env)
func compile(pkgpath, genpath string, pfiles []*parse.File, config vdltool.Config, env *Env) *Package {
if len(pfiles) == 0 {
env.Errors.Errorf("%q compile called with no files", pkgpath)
return nil
// Initialize each file and put it in pkg.
pkgName := parse.InferPackageName(pfiles, env.Errors)
if _, err := validIdent(pkgName, reservedNormal); err != nil {
env.Errors.Errorf("package %s invalid name (%s)", pkgName, err.Error())
return nil
pkg := newPackage(pkgName, pkgpath, genpath, config)
for _, pfile := range pfiles {
pkg.Files = append(pkg.Files, &File{
BaseName: pfile.BaseName,
PackageDef: NamePos(pfile.PackageDef),
Package: pkg,
imports: make(map[string]*importPath),
// Compile our various structures. The order of these operations matters;
// e.g. we must compile types before consts, since consts may use a type
// defined in this package.
if compileFileDoc(pkg, pfiles, env); !env.Errors.IsEmpty() {
return nil
if compileImports(pkg, pfiles, env); !env.Errors.IsEmpty() {
return nil
if compileTypeDefs(pkg, pfiles, env); !env.Errors.IsEmpty() {
return nil
if compileErrorDefs(pkg, pfiles, env); !env.Errors.IsEmpty() {
return nil
if compileConstDefs(pkg, pfiles, env); !env.Errors.IsEmpty() {
return nil
if compileInterfaces(pkg, pfiles, env); !env.Errors.IsEmpty() {
return nil
return pkg
func compileFileDoc(pkg *Package, pfiles []*parse.File, env *Env) {
for index := range pfiles {
file, pfile := pkg.Files[index], pfiles[index]
if index == 0 {
pkg.FileDoc = pfile.Doc
} else if pkg.FileDoc != pfile.Doc {
// We force all file-doc to be the same, since *.vdl files aren't 1-to-1
// with the generated files in each language, e.g. Java creates one file
// per class, while Javascript creates a single file for the entire
// package. For the common-case where we use file-doc for copyright
// headers, it also prevents the user from accidentally adding copyright
// headers to one file but not another, in the same package.
env.Errorf(file, parse.Pos{1, 1}, "all files in a package must have the same file doc (the comment on the first line of each *.vdl file that isn't package doc)")
func compileImports(pkg *Package, pfiles []*parse.File, env *Env) {
for index := range pfiles {
file, pfile := pkg.Files[index], pfiles[index]
for _, pimp := range pfile.Imports {
if dep := env.ResolvePackage(pimp.Path); dep == nil {
env.Errorf(file, pimp.Pos, "import path %q not found", pimp.Path)
local := pimp.LocalName()
if dup := file.imports[local]; dup != nil {
env.Errorf(file, pimp.Pos, "import %s reused (previous at %s)", local, dup.pos)
file.imports[local] = &importPath{pimp.Path, pimp.Pos, false}
// TODO(toddw): Remove this function and all helpers, after all code generators
// have been updated to compute their own dependencies. The only code that will
// remain below this point is the loop checking for unused imports.
func computeDeps(pkg *Package, env *Env) {
// Check for unused user-supplied imports.
for _, file := range pkg.Files {
for _, imp := range file.imports {
if !imp.used {
env.Errorf(file, imp.pos, "import path %q unused", imp.path)
// Compute type and package dependencies per-file, based on the types and
// interfaces that are actually used. We ignore const dependencies, since
// we've already evaluated the const expressions.
for _, file := range pkg.Files {
tdeps := make(map[*vdl.Type]bool)
pdeps := make(map[*Package]bool)
// TypeDef.Type is always defined in our package; start with sub types.
for _, def := range file.TypeDefs {
addSubTypeDeps(def.Type, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
// Consts contribute their value types.
for _, def := range file.ConstDefs {
addValueTypeDeps(def.Value, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
// Interfaces contribute their arg types and tag values, as well as embedded
// interfaces.
for _, iface := range file.Interfaces {
for _, embed := range iface.TransitiveEmbeds() {
pdeps[embed.File.Package] = true
for _, method := range iface.Methods {
for _, arg := range method.InArgs {
addTypeDeps(arg.Type, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
for _, arg := range method.OutArgs {
addTypeDeps(arg.Type, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
if stream := method.InStream; stream != nil {
addTypeDeps(stream, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
if stream := method.OutStream; stream != nil {
addTypeDeps(stream, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
for _, tag := range method.Tags {
addValueTypeDeps(tag, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
// Errors contribute their param types.
for _, def := range file.ErrorDefs {
for _, param := range def.Params {
addTypeDeps(param.Type, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
file.TypeDeps = tdeps
// Now remove self and built-in package dependencies. Every package can use
// itself and the built-in package, so we don't need to record this.
delete(pdeps, pkg)
delete(pdeps, BuiltInPackage)
// Finally populate PackageDeps and sort by package path.
file.PackageDeps = make([]*Package, 0, len(pdeps))
for pdep, _ := range pdeps {
file.PackageDeps = append(file.PackageDeps, pdep)
// Add immediate package deps for t and subtypes of t.
func addTypeDeps(t *vdl.Type, pkg *Package, env *Env, tdeps map[*vdl.Type]bool, pdeps map[*Package]bool) {
if def := env.typeDefs[t]; def != nil {
// We don't track transitive dependencies, only immediate dependencies.
tdeps[t] = true
pdeps[def.File.Package] = true
if t == vdl.TypeObjectType {
// Special-case: usage of typeobject implies usage of any, since the zero
// value for typeobject is any.
addTypeDeps(vdl.AnyType, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
// Not all types have TypeDefs; e.g. unnamed lists have no corresponding
// TypeDef, so we need to traverse those recursively.
addSubTypeDeps(t, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
// Add immediate package deps for subtypes of t.
func addSubTypeDeps(t *vdl.Type, pkg *Package, env *Env, tdeps map[*vdl.Type]bool, pdeps map[*Package]bool) {
switch t.Kind() {
case vdl.Array, vdl.List:
addTypeDeps(t.Elem(), pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
case vdl.Set:
addTypeDeps(t.Key(), pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
case vdl.Map:
addTypeDeps(t.Key(), pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
addTypeDeps(t.Elem(), pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
case vdl.Struct, vdl.Union:
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ {
addTypeDeps(t.Field(ix).Type, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
// Add immediate package deps for v.Type(), and subvalues. We must traverse the
// value to know which types are actually used; e.g. an empty struct doesn't
// have a dependency on its field types.
// The purpose of this method is to identify the package and type dependencies
// for const or tag values.
func addValueTypeDeps(v *vdl.Value, pkg *Package, env *Env, tdeps map[*vdl.Type]bool, pdeps map[*Package]bool) {
t := v.Type()
if def := env.typeDefs[t]; def != nil {
tdeps[t] = true
pdeps[def.File.Package] = true
// Fall through to track transitive dependencies, based on the subvalues.
// Traverse subvalues recursively.
switch t.Kind() {
case vdl.Array, vdl.List:
for ix := 0; ix < v.Len(); ix++ {
addValueTypeDeps(v.Index(ix), pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
case vdl.Set, vdl.Map:
for _, key := range v.Keys() {
addValueTypeDeps(key, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
if t.Kind() == vdl.Map {
addValueTypeDeps(v.MapIndex(key), pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
case vdl.Struct:
// There are no subvalues to track if the value is 0.
if v.IsZero() {
for ix := 0; ix < t.NumField(); ix++ {
addValueTypeDeps(v.StructField(ix), pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
case vdl.Union:
_, field := v.UnionField()
addValueTypeDeps(field, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
case vdl.Any, vdl.Optional:
if elem := v.Elem(); elem != nil {
addValueTypeDeps(elem, pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
case vdl.TypeObject:
// TypeObject has dependencies on everything its zero value depends on.
addValueTypeDeps(vdl.ZeroValue(v.TypeObject()), pkg, env, tdeps, pdeps)
// pkgSorter implements sort.Interface, sorting by package path.
type pkgSorter []*Package
func (s pkgSorter) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s pkgSorter) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s pkgSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Path < s[j].Path }