blob: 95689491badfa91d78c91a35c30a6d6810274e62 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package daemonreap_test
import (
func TestReapRestartsDaemonMode(t *testing.T) {
cleanup, ctx, sh, envelope, root, helperPath, _ := utiltest.StartupHelper(t)
defer cleanup()
// Start a device manager.
// (Since it will be restarted, use the VeyronCredentials environment
// to maintain the same set of credentials across runs)
dmCreds := utiltest.CreatePrincipal(t, sh)
dm := utiltest.DeviceManagerCmd(sh, utiltest.DeviceManager, "dm", root, helperPath, "unused_app_repo_name", "unused_curr_link")
dm.Vars[ref.EnvCredentials] = dmCreds
utiltest.ClaimDevice(t, ctx, "claimable", "dm", "mydevice", utiltest.NoPairingToken)
// Create the local server that the app uses to let us know it's ready.
pingCh, cleanup := utiltest.SetupPingServer(t, ctx)
defer cleanup()
utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "pingserver", 1, true)
// Create an envelope for a daemon app.
*envelope = utiltest.EnvelopeFromShell(sh, nil, nil, utiltest.App, "google naps", 10, time.Hour, "appV1")
// Install the app.
appID := utiltest.InstallApp(t, ctx)
instance1 := utiltest.LaunchApp(t, ctx, appID)
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "default", "")
// Get pid of first instance.
pid := utiltest.GetPid(t, ctx, appID, instance1)
// Shutdown the first device manager.
dm.S.Expect("dm terminated")
utiltest.ResolveExpectNotFound(t, ctx, "dm", false) // Ensure a clean slate.
// Kill instance[0] and wait until it exits before proceeding.
syscall.Kill(pid, 9)
utiltest.PollingWait(t, int(pid))
// Run another device manager to replace the dead one.
dm = utiltest.DeviceManagerCmd(sh, utiltest.DeviceManager, "dm", root, helperPath, "unused_app_repo_name", "unused_curr_link")
dm.Vars[ref.EnvCredentials] = dmCreds
defer func() {
utiltest.TerminateApp(t, ctx, appID, instance1)
dm.S.Expect("dm terminated")
utiltest.Resolve(t, ctx, "dm", 1, true) // Verify the device manager has published itself.
// The app will ping us. Wait for it.
pingCh.VerifyPingArgs(t, utiltest.UserName(t), "default", "")
// By now, we've reconciled the state of the tree with which processes
// are actually alive. instance1 was not alive but since it is configured as a
// daemon, it will have been restarted.
utiltest.WaitForState(t, ctx, device.InstanceStateRunning, appID, instance1)