blob: 508ad911c52cd3ef8bf1d5f22e494b386a489d6a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vsync
import (
// resolveSyncgroup performs fine-grained conflict resolution of Syncgroups.
// Immutable Fields: Id, Creator, DbId
// Fields where latest wins: none
// Custom logic: SpecVersion, Spec, Joiners, Status
// Joiners: a map of joinerSyncbaseName->SyncgroupMemberState. Each joiner is merged using latest
// wins according to the WhenUpdated field of the SyncgroupMemberState.
// Status: Running > Rejected > Pending
// Spec: if no conflict take remote or local depending on which one changed, otherwise
// perform a three-way merge of the Spec.
// SpecVersion: the version of the chosen Spec is used, and if the Spec was the result of a
// merge then the version is left as NoVersion and the caller is responsible for generating a
// new version when needed. Generally this happens when the syncgroup object is persisted.
// preferLocal This is derived from the versions of the local, remote, and ancestor and
// is true if the local is to be considered the latest, and false if the remote
// is the latest.
func resolveSyncgroup(ctx *context.T, preferLocal bool, local, remote, ancestor *interfaces.Syncgroup) (*interfaces.Syncgroup, error) {
// Validate the immutable fields.
if ancestor == nil {
ancestor = &interfaces.Syncgroup{}
} else {
if err := validateImmutableFields(ctx, ancestor, local); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := validateImmutableFields(ctx, remote, local); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a Syncgroup to hold the result of the merge.
result := &interfaces.Syncgroup{Id: local.Id, Creator: local.Creator, DbId: local.DbId}
result.Status = resolveStatus(local.Status, remote.Status, ancestor.Status)
result.Joiners = resolveJoiners(preferLocal, local.Joiners, remote.Joiners, ancestor.Joiners)
result.SpecVersion, result.Spec = resolveSpec(preferLocal,
local.SpecVersion, remote.SpecVersion, ancestor.SpecVersion,
local.Spec, remote.Spec, ancestor.Spec)
return result, nil
func validateImmutableFields(ctx *context.T, a, b *interfaces.Syncgroup) error {
if a.Id != b.Id {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadState, ctx, "illegal change to the Id")
if a.Creator != b.Creator {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadState, ctx, "illegal change to the Creator")
if a.DbId != b.DbId {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadState, ctx, "illegal change to the DbId")
if !sameCollections(a.Spec.Collections, b.Spec.Collections) {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadState, ctx, "illegal change to the Collections set")
return nil
// Spec:
// Immutable: Prefixes
// Latest Wins: Description, PublishSyncbaseName, IsPrivate
// Custom: Perms, MountTables
// Perms: standard Permissions 3-way merging
// MountTables: standard slice 3-way merging
// If the SyncgroupSpec version is NoVersion then the caller is responsible for generating a
// new one if needed.
func resolveSpec(preferLocal bool, vlocal, vremote, vancestor string, local, remote, ancestor syncbase.SyncgroupSpec) (string, syncbase.SyncgroupSpec) {
// If the versions are the same then pick any, local is fine.
// If only local or remote changed then use it.
// Otherwise merge the Spec.
if vlocal == vremote {
return vlocal, local
if vlocal == vancestor {
return vremote, remote
if vremote == vancestor {
return vlocal, local
// Both local and remote changed from the ancestor, perform a three-way merge and indicate that a new version number is needed.
vresult := NoVersion
result := syncbase.SyncgroupSpec{}
result.Collections = local.Collections
if preferLocal {
result.Description = local.Description
result.PublishSyncbaseName = local.PublishSyncbaseName
result.IsPrivate = local.IsPrivate
} else {
result.Description = remote.Description
result.PublishSyncbaseName = remote.PublishSyncbaseName
result.IsPrivate = remote.IsPrivate
result.Perms = resolvePermissions(local.Perms, remote.Perms, ancestor.Perms)
result.MountTables = resolveSlice(local.MountTables, remote.MountTables, ancestor.MountTables)
return vresult, result
// resolveStatus merges Status using the rule: Running > Rejected > Pending. If any
// of the inputs is Running then pick Running, if any are Rejected then pick Rejected,
// otherwise pick Pending.
func resolveStatus(local, remote, ancestor interfaces.SyncgroupStatus) interfaces.SyncgroupStatus {
if local == interfaces.SyncgroupStatusRunning ||
remote == interfaces.SyncgroupStatusRunning ||
ancestor == interfaces.SyncgroupStatusRunning {
return interfaces.SyncgroupStatusRunning
} else if local == interfaces.SyncgroupStatusPublishRejected ||
remote == interfaces.SyncgroupStatusPublishRejected ||
ancestor == interfaces.SyncgroupStatusPublishRejected {
return interfaces.SyncgroupStatusPublishRejected
} else {
return interfaces.SyncgroupStatusPublishPending
// resolveJoiners performs a granular merge of the members of a syncgroup, choosing the
// local or remote version of the syncgroup information based on latest wins.
// The new set of members is the union of those in the local and remote sets.
// Each member is then individually merged preferring the one with the later WhenUpdated timestamp.
// TODO(fredq): we need to garbage collect the members after they have left the group for a while.
func resolveJoiners(preferLocal bool, local, remote, ancestor map[string]interfaces.SyncgroupMemberState) (result map[string]interfaces.SyncgroupMemberState) {
result = make(map[string]interfaces.SyncgroupMemberState)
newMembers := map[string]bool{}
for member, _ := range local {
newMembers[member] = true
for member, _ := range remote {
newMembers[member] = true
for key, _ := range newMembers {
_, inL := local[key]
_, inR := remote[key]
if !inL {
result[key] = remote[key]
} else if !inR {
result[key] = local[key]
} else if local[key].WhenUpdated == remote[key].WhenUpdated {
// The member is in both remote and local and the update times are the same,
// choose one based on the value of preferLocal. The MemberInfo should
// be the same in this case.
if preferLocal {
result[key] = local[key]
} else {
result[key] = remote[key]
} else {
// The member is in both remote and local but the update times are
// different, choose the one with the later update time.
if local[key].WhenUpdated > remote[key].WhenUpdated {
result[key] = local[key]
} else {
result[key] = remote[key]