blob: 2970d40f03d23fb31b4acf598fed296945cf81cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package compile_test
import (
func testConstPackage(t *testing.T, name string, tpkg constPkg, env *compile.Env) *compile.Package {
// Compile the package with a single file, and adding the "package foo"
// prefix to the source data automatically.
files := map[string]string{
tpkg.Name + ".vdl": "package " + tpkg.Name + "\n" + tpkg.Data,
pkgPath := "" + tpkg.Name // use dots in pkgpath to test tricky cases
buildPkg := vdltest.FakeBuildPackage(tpkg.Name, pkgPath, files)
pkg := build.BuildPackage(buildPkg, env)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, env.Errors, name, tpkg.ErrRE)
if pkg == nil || tpkg.ErrRE != "" {
return nil
matchConstRes(t, name, tpkg, pkg.Files[0].ConstDefs)
return pkg
func matchConstRes(t *testing.T, tname string, tpkg constPkg, cdefs []*compile.ConstDef) {
if tpkg.ExpectRes == nil {
// Look for a ConstDef called "Res" to compare our expected results.
for _, cdef := range cdefs {
if cdef.Name == "Res" {
if got, want := cdef.Value, tpkg.ExpectRes; !vdl.EqualValue(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s value got %s, want %s", tname, got, want)
t.Errorf("%s couldn't find Res in package %s", tname, tpkg.Name)
func testConfigFile(t *testing.T, name string, tpkg constPkg, env *compile.Env) {
// Take advantage of the fact that vdl files and config files have very
// similar syntax. Just prefix the data with "config Res\n" rather than
// "package a\n" and we have a valid config file.
fname := tpkg.Name + ".config"
data := "config = Res\n" + tpkg.Data
config := build.BuildConfig(fname, strings.NewReader(data), nil, nil, env)
vdltest.ExpectResult(t, env.Errors, name, tpkg.ErrRE)
if config == nil || tpkg.ErrRE != "" {
if got, want := config, tpkg.ExpectRes; !vdl.EqualValue(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%s value got %s, want %s", name, got, want)
func TestConst(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range constTests {
env := compile.NewEnv(-1)
for _, tpkg := range test.Pkgs {
testConstPackage(t, test.Name, tpkg, env)
func TestConfig(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range constTests {
env := compile.NewEnv(-1)
// Compile all but the last tpkg as regular packages.
for _, tpkg := range test.Pkgs[:len(test.Pkgs)-1] {
testConstPackage(t, test.Name, tpkg, env)
// Compile the last tpkg as a regular package to see if it defines anything
// other than consts.
last := test.Pkgs[len(test.Pkgs)-1]
pkg := testConstPackage(t, test.Name, last, env)
if pkg == nil ||
len(pkg.Files[0].ErrorDefs) > 0 ||
len(pkg.Files[0].TypeDefs) > 0 ||
len(pkg.Files[0].Interfaces) > 0 {
continue // has non-const stuff, can't be a valid config file
// Finally compile the config file.
testConfigFile(t, test.Name, last, env)
func namedZero(name string, base *vdl.Type) *vdl.Value {
return vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.NamedType(name, base))
func makeIntList(vals ...int64) *vdl.Value {
listv := vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.ListType(vdl.Int64Type)).AssignLen(len(vals))
for index, v := range vals {
return listv
func makeIntArray(name string, vals ...int64) *vdl.Value {
arrayv := vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.NamedType(name, vdl.ArrayType(len(vals), vdl.Int64Type)))
for index, v := range vals {
return arrayv
func makeByteList(vals ...byte) *vdl.Value {
arrayv := vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.ListType(vdl.ByteType)).AssignLen(len(vals))
for index, v := range vals {
return arrayv
func makeByteArray(name string, vals ...byte) *vdl.Value {
arrayv := vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.NamedType(name, vdl.ArrayType(len(vals), vdl.ByteType)))
for index, v := range vals {
return arrayv
func makeStringSet(keys ...string) *vdl.Value {
setv := vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.SetType(vdl.StringType))
for _, k := range keys {
return setv
func makeStringIntMap(m map[string]int64) *vdl.Value {
mapv := vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.MapType(vdl.StringType, vdl.Int64Type))
for k, v := range m {
mapv.AssignMapIndex(vdl.StringValue(k), vdl.Int64Value(v))
return mapv
func makeStructType(name string) *vdl.Type {
return vdl.NamedType(name, vdl.StructType([]vdl.Field{
{"X", vdl.Int64Type}, {"Y", vdl.StringType}, {"Z", vdl.BoolType},
func makeStruct(name string, x int64, y string, z bool) *vdl.Value {
structv := vdl.ZeroValue(makeStructType(name))
return structv
func makeUnionType(name string) *vdl.Type {
return vdl.NamedType(name, vdl.UnionType([]vdl.Field{
{"X", vdl.Int64Type}, {"Y", vdl.StringType}, {"Z", vdl.BoolType},
func makeUnion(name string, val interface{}) *vdl.Value {
unionv := vdl.ZeroValue(makeUnionType(name))
switch tval := val.(type) {
case int64:
unionv.AssignUnionField(0, vdl.Int64Value(tval))
case string:
unionv.AssignUnionField(1, vdl.StringValue(tval))
case bool:
unionv.AssignUnionField(2, vdl.BoolValue(tval))
panic(fmt.Errorf("makeUnion unhandled %T %v", val, val))
return unionv
func makeStructTypeObjectType(name string) *vdl.Type {
return vdl.NamedType(name, vdl.StructType(vdl.Field{
Name: "T",
Type: vdl.TypeObjectType,
func makeStructTypeObject(name string, t *vdl.Type) *vdl.Value {
structv := vdl.ZeroValue(makeStructTypeObjectType(name))
return structv
func makeABStruct() *vdl.Value {
tA := vdl.NamedType("", vdl.StructType([]vdl.Field{
{"X", vdl.Int64Type}, {"Y", vdl.StringType},
tB := vdl.NamedType("", vdl.StructType(vdl.Field{
Name: "Z",
Type: vdl.ListType(tA),
res := vdl.ZeroValue(tB)
listv := res.StructField(0).AssignLen(2)
return res
func makeEnumXYZ(name, label string) *vdl.Value {
t := vdl.NamedType(name, vdl.EnumType("X", "Y", "Z"))
return vdl.ZeroValue(t).AssignEnumLabel(label)
func makeInnerEnum(label string) *vdl.Value {
tA := vdl.NamedType("", vdl.EnumType("X", "Y", "Z"))
tB := vdl.NamedType("", vdl.StructType(vdl.Field{
Name: "A",
Type: tA,
res := vdl.ZeroValue(tB)
return res
func makeCyclicStructType() *vdl.Type {
// type A struct {X string;Z ?A}
var builder vdl.TypeBuilder
a := builder.Struct().AppendField("X", vdl.StringType)
n := builder.Named("").AssignBase(a)
a.AppendField("Z", builder.Optional().AssignElem(n))
ty, err := n.Built()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Builder failed: %v", err))
return ty
func makeCyclicStruct(x string, z *vdl.Value) *vdl.Value {
ty := makeCyclicStructType()
ret := vdl.ZeroValue(ty)
if z != nil {
return ret
type constPkg struct {
Name string
Data string
ExpectRes *vdl.Value
ErrRE string
type cp []constPkg
var constTests = []struct {
Name string
Pkgs cp
// Test literals.
cp{{"a", `const Res = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = "abc"`, vdl.StringValue("abc"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 123`, nil,
`invalid const \(123 must be assigned a type\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1.5`, nil,
`invalid const \(1\.5 must be assigned a type\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 3.4+9.8i`, nil,
`invalid const \(3\.4\+9\.8i must be assigned a type\)`}}},
// Test list literals.
cp{{"a", `const Res = []int64{0,1,2}`, makeIntList(0, 1, 2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = []int64{1:1, 2:2, 0:0}`, makeIntList(0, 1, 2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = []int64{1:1, 2, 0:0}`, makeIntList(0, 1, 2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = []int64{2:2, 1:1, 0}`, nil, "duplicate index 2"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = []int64{"a":2, 1:1, 2:2}`, nil, `can't convert "a" to uint64`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = []int64{0,1,"c"}`, nil, "invalid list value"}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = []int64{3,4,2}; const Res=A[1]`, vdl.Int64Value(4), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = []int64{3,4,2}[1]`, nil, "cannot apply index operator to unnamed constant"}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = []int64{3,4,2}; const Res = A[int16(1)]`, vdl.Int64Value(4), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = []int64{3,4,2}; const Res = A[-1]`, nil, `\(const -1 overflows uint64\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = []int64{3,4,2}; const Res = A[10]`, nil, "index 10 out of range"}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = []int64{3,4,2}; const Res = A["ok"]`, nil, "invalid list index"}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{}; const B = A{}; const Res = B["ok"]`, nil, "illegal use of index operator with unsupported type"}}},
// Test array literals.
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{0,1,2}`, makeIntArray("", 0, 1, 2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{0,1}`, makeIntArray("", 0, 1, 0), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{0,1,2,3}`, nil, "index 3 out of range"}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{1:1, 2:2, 0:0}`, makeIntArray("", 0, 1, 2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{1:1, 2, 0:0}`, makeIntArray("", 0, 1, 2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{2:2, 1:1, 0}`, nil, "duplicate index 2"}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{"a":2, 1:1, 2:2}`, nil, `can't convert "a" to uint64`}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{0,1,"c"}`, nil, "invalid array value"}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const A = T{3,4,2}; const Res=A[1]`, vdl.Int64Value(4), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = T{3,4,2}[1]`, nil, "cannot apply index operator to unnamed constant"}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const A = T{3,4,2}; const Res = A[int16(1)]`, vdl.Int64Value(4), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const A = T{3,4,2}; const Res = A[-1]`, nil, `\(const -1 overflows uint64\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const A = T{3,4,2}; const Res = A[10]`, nil, "index 10 out of range"}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const A = T{3,4,2}; const Res = A["ok"]`, nil, "invalid array index"}}},
// Test byte list literals.
cp{{"a", `const Res = []byte{0,1,2}`, makeByteList(0, 1, 2), ""}}},
// Test byte array literals.
cp{{"a", `type T [3]byte; const Res = T{0,1,2}`, makeByteArray("", 0, 1, 2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]byte; const Res = T{0,1}`, makeByteArray("", 0, 1, 0), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]byte; const Res = T{0,1,2,3}`, nil, "index 3 out of range"}}},
// Test set literals.
cp{{"a", `const Res = set[string]{"a","b","c"}`, makeStringSet("a", "b", "c"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = set[string]{"a","b","c":3}`, nil, "invalid index"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = set[string]{"a","b","b"}`, nil, "duplicate key"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = set[string]{"a","b",3}`, nil, "invalid set key"}}},
// Test map literals.
cp{{"a", `const Res = map[string]int64{"a":1, "b":2, "c":3}`, makeStringIntMap(map[string]int64{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = map[string]int64{"a":1, "b":2, 3}`, nil, "missing key"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = map[string]int64{"a":1, "b":2, "a":3}`, nil, "duplicate key"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = map[string]int64{"a":1, "b":2, 3:3}`, nil, "invalid map key"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = map[string]int64{"a":1, "b":2, "c":"c"}`, nil, "invalid map value"}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = map[int64]int64{1:4}; const Res=A[1]`, vdl.Int64Value(4), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = map[int64]int64{1:4}[1]`, nil, "cannot apply index operator to unnamed constant"}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = map[int64]int64{1:4}; const Res = A[int64(1)]`, vdl.Int64Value(4), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = map[int64]int64{1:4};const Res = A[int16(1)]`, nil, `invalid map key \(int64 not assignable from int16\(1\)\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const A = map[int64]int64{1:4}; const Res = A[0]`, nil, `map key int64\(0\) not found in map`}}},
// Test struct literals.
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{1,"b",true}`, makeStruct("", 1, "b", true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{X:1,Y:"b",Z:true}`, makeStruct("", 1, "b", true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{Y:"b"}`, makeStruct("", 0, "b", false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{X:1,"b",Z:true}`, nil, "mixed key:value and value"}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{1+1:1}`, nil, `invalid field name`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{ZZZ:1}`, nil, `unknown field "ZZZ"`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{X:1,X:2}`, nil, `duplicate field "X"`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{1,"b",true,4}`, nil, `too many fields`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{1,"b"}`, nil, `too few fields`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{Y:1}`, nil, "invalid struct field"}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string}; type B struct{Z []A}; const Res = B{{{1, "a"}, A{X:2,Y:"b"}}}`, makeABStruct(), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string}; const x = A{2,"b"}; const Res = x.Y`, vdl.StringValue("b"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y B}; type B struct{Z bool}; const x = A{2,B{true}}; const Res = x.Y.Z`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string}; const x = A{2,"b"}; const Res = x.Z`, nil, "invalid field name"}}},
cp{{"a", `type A []int32; const x = A{2}; const Res = x.Z`, nil, "invalid selector on const of kind: list"}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string}; const Res = A{2,"b"}.Y`, nil, "cannot apply selector operator to unnamed constant"}}},
// Test union literals.
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{X: 123}`, makeUnion("", int64(123)), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{Y: "abc"}`, makeUnion("", "abc"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{Z: true}`, makeUnion("", true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{1+1: true}`, nil, `invalid field name`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{ZZZ: true}`, nil, `unknown field "ZZZ"`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{X: 123, Y: "abc"}`, nil, `must have exactly one entry`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{}`, nil, `must have exactly one entry`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{Y: 1}`, nil, `invalid union field`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A union{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A{Y}`, nil, `must have explicit key and value`}}},
// Test optional and nil.
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = ?A(nil)`, vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.OptionalType(makeStructType(""))), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = ?A{1,"b",true}`, vdl.OptionalValue(makeStruct("", 1, "b", true)), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X string;Z ?A}; const Res = A{"a",nil}`, makeCyclicStruct("a", nil), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X string;Z ?A}; const Res = A{"a",{"b",{"c",nil}}}`, makeCyclicStruct("a", makeCyclicStruct("b", makeCyclicStruct("c", nil))), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X string;Z ?A}; const Res = A{"a",?A{"b",?A{"c",nil}}}`, makeCyclicStruct("a", makeCyclicStruct("b", makeCyclicStruct("c", nil))), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X string;Z ?A}; const Res = A{"a","b"}`, nil, `can't convert "b" to \?`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X string;Z ?A}; const Res = A{"a",A{}}`, nil, `not assignable from`}}},
// Test enums.
cp{{"a", `type A enum{X;Y;Z}; const Res = A.X`, makeEnumXYZ("", "X"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A enum{X;Y;Z}; const Res = A`, nil, "A is a type"}}},
cp{{"a", `type A enum{X;Y;Z}; type B struct{A A}; const Res = B{A: A.Y}`, makeInnerEnum("Y"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A enum{X;Y;Z}; type B struct{A A}; const Res = B{A: Z}`, makeInnerEnum("Z"), ""}}},
// Test explicit primitive type conversions.
cp{{"a", `const Res = bool(false)`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = string("abc")`, vdl.StringValue("abc"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(123)`, vdl.Int32Value(123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(1.5)`, vdl.Float32Value(1.5), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = complex64(2+1.5i)`, vdl.Complex64Value(2 + 1.5i), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = bool(1)`, nil,
"can't convert 1 to bool"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = string(1)`, nil,
"can't convert 1 to string"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(true)`, nil,
`can't convert true to int32`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(true)`, nil,
`can't convert true to float32`}}},
// Test explicit user type conversions.
cp{{"a", `type TypedBool bool;const Res = TypedBool(true)`, namedZero("", vdl.BoolType).AssignBool(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedStr string;const Res = TypedStr("abc")`, namedZero("", vdl.StringType).AssignString("abc"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedInt int32;const Res = TypedInt(123)`, namedZero("", vdl.Int32Type).AssignInt(123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedFlt float32;const Res = TypedFlt(1.5)`, namedZero("", vdl.Float32Type).AssignFloat(1.5), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedCpx complex64;const Res = TypedCpx(1.5+2i)`, namedZero("", vdl.Complex64Type).AssignComplex(1.5 + 2i), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedBool bool;const Res = TypedBool(1)`, nil,
`invalid type conversion \(can't convert 1 to bool\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedStr string;const Res = TypedStr(1)`, nil,
`invalid type conversion \(can't convert 1 to string\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedInt int32;const Res = TypedInt(true)`, nil,
`can't convert true to int32`}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedFlt float32;const Res = TypedFlt(true)`, nil,
`can't convert true to float32`}}},
// Test typeobject consts.
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject(bool)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.BoolType), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = bool`, nil, "bool is a type"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject(string)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.StringType), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = string`, nil, "string is a type"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject(int32)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.Int32Type), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32`, nil, "int32 is a type"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject(float32)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.Float32Type), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32`, nil, "float32 is a type"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject(complex64)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.Complex64Type), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = complex64`, nil, "complex64 is a type"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject(typeobject)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.TypeObjectType), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject`, nil, "syntax error"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject([]string)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.ListType(vdl.StringType)), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = []string`, nil, `syntax error`}}},
cp{{"a", `type T [3]int64; const Res = typeobject(T)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.NamedType("", vdl.ArrayType(3, vdl.Int64Type))), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = [3]int64`, nil, `syntax error`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject(set[string])`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.SetType(vdl.StringType)), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = set[string]`, nil, `syntax error`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = typeobject(map[string]int32)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.MapType(vdl.StringType, vdl.Int32Type)), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = map[string]int32`, nil, `syntax error`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = typeobject(A)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(makeStructType("")), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{X int64;Y string;Z bool}; const Res = A`, nil, `A is a type`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{T typeobject}; const Res = A{typeobject(bool)}`, makeStructTypeObject("", vdl.BoolType), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A struct{T typeobject}; const Res = A{bool}`, nil, `bool is a type`}}},
cp{{"a", `type A enum{X;Y;Z}; const Res = typeobject(A)`, vdl.TypeObjectValue(vdl.NamedType("", vdl.EnumType("X", "Y", "Z"))), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type A enum{X;Y;Z}; const Res = A`, nil, `A is a type`}}},
// Test named consts.
cp{{"a", `const foo = true;const Res = foo`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const foo = "abc";const Res = foo`, vdl.StringValue("abc"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const foo = int32(123);const Res = foo`, vdl.Int32Value(123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const foo = float32(1.5);const Res = foo`, vdl.Float32Value(1.5), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const foo = complex64(3+2i);const Res = foo`, vdl.Complex64Value(3 + 2i), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedBool bool;const foo = TypedBool(true);const Res = foo`,
namedZero("", vdl.BoolType).AssignBool(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedStr string;const foo = TypedStr("abc");const Res = foo`,
namedZero("", vdl.StringType).AssignString("abc"), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedInt int32;const foo = TypedInt(123);const Res = foo`,
namedZero("", vdl.Int32Type).AssignInt(123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedFlt float32;const foo = TypedFlt(1.5);const Res = foo`,
namedZero("", vdl.Float32Type).AssignFloat(1.5), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const I = true;const Res = I`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
// Test unary ops.
cp{{"a", `const Res = !true`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(+123)`, vdl.Int32Value(123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(-123)`, vdl.Int32Value(-123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(^1)`, vdl.Int32Value(-2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedBool bool;const Res = !TypedBool(true)`, namedZero("", vdl.BoolType), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedInt int32;const Res = TypedInt(+123)`, namedZero("", vdl.Int32Type).AssignInt(123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedInt int32;const Res = TypedInt(-123)`, namedZero("", vdl.Int32Type).AssignInt(-123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `type TypedInt int32;const Res = TypedInt(^1)`, namedZero("", vdl.Int32Type).AssignInt(-2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const foo = bool(true);const Res = !foo`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const foo = int32(123);const Res = +foo`, vdl.Int32Value(123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const foo = int32(123);const Res = -foo`, vdl.Int32Value(-123), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const foo = int32(1);const Res = ^foo`, vdl.Int32Value(-2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = !1`, nil, `unary \! invalid \(untyped integer not supported\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = +"abc"`, nil, `unary \+ invalid \(untyped string not supported\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = -false`, nil, `unary \- invalid \(untyped boolean not supported\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = ^1.5`, nil, `unary \^ invalid \(converting untyped rational 1.5 to integer loses precision\)`}}},
// Test logical and comparison ops.
cp{{"a", `const Res = true || false`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = true && false`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 < 1`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 < 2`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 2 < 1`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 > 1`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 > 2`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 2 > 1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 <= 1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 <= 2`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 2 <= 1`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 >= 1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 >= 2`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 2 >= 1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 != 1`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 != 2`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 2 != 1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 == 1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 1 == 2`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 2 == 1`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
// Test arithmetic ops.
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(1) + 1`, vdl.Int32Value(2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(2) - 1`, vdl.Int32Value(1), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(3) * 2`, vdl.Int32Value(6), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(5) / 2`, vdl.Int32Value(2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(1) + 1`, vdl.Float32Value(2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(2) - 1`, vdl.Float32Value(1), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(3) * 2`, vdl.Float32Value(6), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(5) / 2`, vdl.Float32Value(2.5), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = 3i + complex64(1+2i) + 1`, vdl.Complex64Value(2 + 5i), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = complex64(1+2i) -4 -1i`, vdl.Complex64Value(-3 + 1i), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = complex64(1+3i) * (5+1i)`, vdl.Complex64Value(2 + 16i), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = complex64(2+16i) / (5+1i)`, vdl.Complex64Value(1 + 3i), ""}}},
// Test integer arithmetic ops.
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8) % 3`, vdl.Int32Value(2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8) | 7`, vdl.Int32Value(15), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8) & 15`, vdl.Int32Value(8), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8) ^ 5`, vdl.Int32Value(13), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8.0 % 3.0)`, vdl.Int32Value(2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8.0 | 7.0)`, vdl.Int32Value(15), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8.0 & 15.0)`, vdl.Int32Value(8), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8.0 ^ 5.0)`, vdl.Int32Value(13), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(float32(8.0) % 3.0)`, nil,
`binary % invalid \(can't convert typed float32 to integer\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(float32(8.0) | 7.0)`, nil,
`binary | invalid \(can't convert typed float32 to integer\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(float32(8.0) & 15.0)`, nil,
`binary & invalid \(can't convert typed float32 to integer\)`}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(float32(8.0) ^ 5.0)`, nil,
`binary \^ invalid \(can't convert typed float32 to integer\)`}}},
// Test shift ops.
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8) << 2`, vdl.Int32Value(32), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8) >> 2`, vdl.Int32Value(2), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8.0 << 2.0)`, vdl.Int32Value(32), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(8.0 >> 2.0)`, vdl.Int32Value(2), ""}}},
// Test mixed ops.
cp{{"a", `const F = "f";const Res = "f" == F && (1+2) == 3`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(1+2*3-4)`, vdl.Int32Value(3), ""}}},
// Test uint conversion.
cp{{"a", `const Res = uint32(4294967295)`, vdl.Uint32Value(4294967295), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = uint64(18446744073709551615)`,
vdl.Uint64Value(18446744073709551615), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = uint32(4294967296)`, nil,
"const 4294967296 overflows uint32"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = uint64(18446744073709551616)`, nil,
"const 18446744073709551616 overflows uint64"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = uint32(-3)`, nil,
"const -3 overflows uint32"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = uint64(-4)`, nil,
"const -4 overflows uint64"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = uint32(0)`, vdl.Uint32Value(0), ""}}},
// Test int conversion.
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(-2147483648)`, vdl.Int32Value(-2147483648), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int64(-9223372036854775808)`,
vdl.Int64Value(-9223372036854775808), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(-2147483649)`, nil,
"const -2147483649 overflows int32"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int64(-9223372036854775809)`, nil,
"const -9223372036854775809 overflows int64"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(2147483647)`,
vdl.Int32Value(2147483647), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int64(9223372036854775807)`,
vdl.Int64Value(9223372036854775807), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(2147483648)`, nil,
"const 2147483648 overflows int32"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int64(9223372036854775808)`, nil,
"const 9223372036854775808 overflows int64"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(0)`, vdl.Int32Value(0), ""}}},
// Test float conversion.
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(1.401298464324817070923729583289916131281e-45)`,
vdl.Float32Value(1.401298464324817070923729583289916131281e-45), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float64(4.940656458412465441765687928682213723651e-324)`,
vdl.Float64Value(4.940656458412465441765687928682213723651e-324), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38)`,
vdl.Float32Value(3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float64(1.797693134862315708145274237317043567980e+308)`,
vdl.Float64Value(1.797693134862315708145274237317043567980e+308), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(1.401298464324817070923729583289916131280e-45)`,
nil, "underflows float32"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float64(4.940656458412465441765687928682213723650e-324)`,
nil, "underflows float64"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(3.40282346638528859811704183484516925441e+38)`,
nil, "overflows float32"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float64(1.797693134862315708145274237317043567981e+308)`,
nil, "overflows float64"}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(0)`, vdl.Float32Value(0), ""}}},
// Test complex conversion.
cp{{"a", `const Res = float64(1+0i)`, vdl.Float64Value(1), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = int32(1+0i)`, vdl.Int32Value(1), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = complex64(1.5)`, vdl.Complex64Value(1.5), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = complex64(2)`, vdl.Complex64Value(2), ""}}},
// Test float rounding - note that 1.1 incurs loss of precision.
cp{{"a", `const Res = float32(1.1) == 1.1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float64(1.1) == 1.1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
cp{{"a", `const Res = float64(float32(1.1)) != 1.1`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
// Test multi-package consts
{"MultiPkgSameConstName", cp{
{"a", `const Res = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""},
{"b", `const Res = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""}}},
{"MultiPkgDep", cp{
{"a", `const Res = x;const x = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""},
{"b", `import "";const Res = a.Res && false`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
{"MultiPkgDepQualifiedPath", cp{
{"a", `const Res = x;const x = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""},
{"b", `import "";const Res = "".Res && false`, vdl.BoolValue(false), ""}}},
{"MultiPkgUnexportedConst", cp{
{"a", `const Res = x;const x = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""},
{"b", `import "";const Res = a.x && false`, nil, "a.x undefined"}}},
{"MultiPkgSamePkgName", cp{
{"a", `const Res = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""},
{"a", `const Res = true`, nil, "invalid recompile"}}},
{"MultiPkgUnimportedPkg", cp{
{"a", `const Res = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""},
{"b", `const Res = a.Res && false`, nil, "a.Res undefined"}}},
{"RedefinitionOfImportedName", cp{
{"a", `const Res = true`, vdl.BoolValue(true), ""},
{"b", `import ""; const a = "test"; const Res = a`, nil, "const a name conflict"}}},