blob: 2b53af6fac4f6bb08cfd567e1ad563e5a71dcb10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package compile
import (
// ErrorDef represents a user-defined error definition in the compiled results.
type ErrorDef struct {
NamePos // name, parse position and docs
Exported bool // is this error definition exported?
ID string // error ID
RetryCode vdl.WireRetryCode // retry action to be performed by client
Params []*Field // list of positional parameter names and types
Formats []LangFmt // list of language / format pairs
English string // English format text from Formats
// LangFmt represents a language / format string pair.
type LangFmt struct {
Lang i18n.LangID // IETF language tag
Fmt string // i18n format string in the given language.
func (x *ErrorDef) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", *x)
// compileErrorDefs fills in pkg with compiled error definitions.
func compileErrorDefs(pkg *Package, pfiles []*parse.File, env *Env) {
for index := range pkg.Files {
file, pfile := pkg.Files[index], pfiles[index]
for _, ped := range pfile.ErrorDefs {
name, detail := ped.Name, identDetail("error", file, ped.Pos)
export, err := validIdent(name, reservedNormal)
if err != nil {
env.prefixErrorf(file, ped.Pos, err, "error %s invalid name", name)
if err := file.DeclareIdent(name, detail); err != nil {
env.prefixErrorf(file, ped.Pos, err, "error %s name conflict", name)
// NOTE(spetrovic): Java depends on error id being package path
// followed by name, so don't change this before talking to
id := pkg.Path + "." + name
ed := &ErrorDef{NamePos: NamePos(ped.NamePos), Exported: export, ID: id}
defineErrorActions(ed, name, ped.Actions, file, env)
ed.Params = defineErrorParams(name, ped.Params, file, env)
ed.Formats = defineErrorFormats(name, ped.Formats, ed.Params, file, env)
// We require the "en" base language for at least one of the Formats, and
// favor "en-US" if it exists. This requirement is an attempt to ensure
// there is at least one common language across all errors.
for _, lf := range ed.Formats {
if lf.Lang == i18n.LangID("en-US") {
ed.English = lf.Fmt
if ed.English == "" && i18n.BaseLangID(lf.Lang) == i18n.LangID("en") {
ed.English = lf.Fmt
if ed.English == "" {
env.Errorf(file, ed.Pos, "error %s invalid (must define at least one English format)", name)
file.ErrorDefs = append(file.ErrorDefs, ed)
func defineErrorActions(ed *ErrorDef, name string, pactions []parse.StringPos, file *File, env *Env) {
// We allow multiple actions to be specified in the parser, so that it's easy
// to add new actions in the future.
seenRetry := false
for _, pact := range pactions {
if retry, err := vdl.WireRetryCodeFromString(pact.String); err == nil {
if seenRetry {
env.Errorf(file, pact.Pos, "error %s action %s invalid (retry action specified multiple times)", name, pact.String)
seenRetry = true
ed.RetryCode = retry
env.Errorf(file, pact.Pos, "error %s action %s invalid (unknown action)", name, pact.String)
func defineErrorParams(name string, pparams []*parse.Field, file *File, env *Env) []*Field {
var params []*Field
seen := make(map[string]*parse.Field)
for _, pparam := range pparams {
pname, pos := pparam.Name, pparam.Pos
if pname == "" {
env.Errorf(file, pos, "error %s invalid (parameters must be named)", name)
return nil
if dup := seen[pname]; dup != nil {
env.Errorf(file, pos, "error %s param %s duplicate name (previous at %s)", name, pname, dup.Pos)
seen[pname] = pparam
if _, err := validIdent(pname, reservedFirstRuneLower); err != nil {
env.prefixErrorf(file, pos, err, "error %s param %s invalid", name, pname)
param := &Field{NamePos(pparam.NamePos), compileType(pparam.Type, file, env)}
params = append(params, param)
return params
func defineErrorFormats(name string, plfs []parse.LangFmt, params []*Field, file *File, env *Env) []LangFmt {
var lfs []LangFmt
seen := make(map[i18n.LangID]parse.LangFmt)
for _, plf := range plfs {
pos, lang, fmt := plf.Pos(), i18n.LangID(plf.Lang.String), plf.Fmt.String
if lang == "" {
env.Errorf(file, pos, "error %s has empty language identifier", name)
if dup, ok := seen[lang]; ok {
env.Errorf(file, pos, "error %s duplicate language %s (previous at %s)", name, lang, dup.Pos())
seen[lang] = plf
xfmt, err := xlateErrorFormat(fmt, params)
if err != nil {
env.prefixErrorf(file, pos, err, "error %s language %s format invalid", name, lang)
lfs = append(lfs, LangFmt{lang, xfmt})
return lfs
// xlateErrorFormat translates the user-supplied format into the format
// expected by i18n, mainly translating parameter names into numeric indexes.
func xlateErrorFormat(format string, params []*Field) (string, error) {
const prefix = "{1:}{2:}"
if format == "" {
return prefix, nil
// Create a map from param name to index. The index numbering starts at 3,
// since the first two params are the component and op name, and i18n formats
// use 1-based indices.
pmap := make(map[string]string)
for ix, param := range params {
pmap[param.Name] = strconv.Itoa(ix + 3)
tagRE, err := regexp.Compile(`\{\:?([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)\:?\}`)
if err != nil {
return "", err
result, pos := prefix+" ", 0
for _, match := range tagRE.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(format, -1) {
// The tag submatch indices are available as match[2], match[3]
if len(match) != 4 || match[2] < pos || match[2] > match[3] {
return "", fmt.Errorf("internal error: bad regexp indices %v", match)
beg, end := match[2], match[3]
tag := format[beg:end]
if tag == "_" {
continue // Skip underscore tags.
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(tag); err == nil {
continue // Skip number tags.
xtag, ok := pmap[tag]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown param %q", tag)
// Replace tag with xtag in the result.
result += format[pos:beg]
result += xtag
pos = end
if end := len(format); pos < end {
result += format[pos:end]
return result, nil