blob: ae4a9179b07d778f65b19dc1824e3d94b041a192 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Command dmrun runs a binary on a remote VM instance using device manager.
// dmrun creates the VM instance, installs and starts device manager on it, and
// then installs and starts an app from the specified binary.
// dmrun uses the credentials it is running with in order to claim the device
// manager and provide the app with blessings. To specify credentials for
// dmrun, use the V23_CREDENTIALS environment variable instead of the
// --v23.credentials flag.
// Usage:
// dmrun [ENV=VAL ...] path/to/binary [--flag=val ...]
// All flags and environment variable settings are passed to the app.
// Usage examples:
// vcloud backend -- vcloud must be properly set up to talk to GCE:
// dmrun ${JIRI_ROOT}/release/go/bin/principal dump
// aws backend -- "aws" command must be installed and access+secret keys configured:
// dmrun --aws ${JIRI_ROOT}/release/go/bin/principal dump
// (For help setting up aws, see
// )
// ssh backend can also be invoked directly to talk to an existing VM:
// (e.g. AWS ubuntu VM set up so you can ssh with "ssh -i /tmp/key" w/o typing a password.)
// dmrun --ssh "ubuntu@" --sshoptions "-i /tmp/key" ${JIRI_ROOT}/release/go/bin/principal dump
package main
import (
var (
workDir string
vcloud string
device string
vm backend.CloudVM
cleanupOnDeath func()
var dmBins = [...]string{
const (
vcloudBin = ""
deviceBin = ""
devicexRepo = "release.go.x.ref"
devicex = "services/device/devicex"
func die(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, args...)
if cleanupOnDeath != nil {
savedCleanupFn := cleanupOnDeath
cleanupOnDeath = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Avoided recursive call to cleanup in die()\n")
func dieIfErr(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Encountered error: %v\n", err)
die(format, args...)
// getPath returns the filesystem path to a file specified by a remote and a
// repository-relative path. If multiple projects have the same remote, the
// function will die with an error.
func getPath(remote, file string) string {
env := cmdline.EnvFromOS()
jirix, err := jiri.NewX(env)
dieIfErr(err, "jiri.NewX(%v) failed: %v", env, err)
projects, err := project.LocalProjects(jirix, project.FastScan)
dieIfErr(err, "project.LocalProjects(%v, %v) failed: %v", jirix, project.FastScan, err)
path := ""
for _, p := range projects {
if p.Remote == remote {
if path != "" {
die("Projects at paths %q and %q both have remote %s", path, p.Path, remote)
path = p.Path
if path == "" {
die("Couldn't find project with remote %s", remote)
return filepath.Join(path, filepath.FromSlash(file))
// setupWorkDir creates a directory for all the local files created by this
// tool.
func setupWorkDir() {
var err error
workDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't set up work dir")
dieIfErr(os.Chmod(workDir, 0777), "Couldn't chmod work dir")
fmt.Printf("Working dir: %s\n", workDir)
// buildV23Binaries builds the specified binaries and returns the paths to the
// executables.
func buildV23Binaries(pkg ...string) []string {
fmt.Print("Building ", pkg, " ...")
defer fmt.Println("Done.")
args := append([]string{"go", "install", "-x"}, pkg...)
cmd := exec.Command("jiri", args...)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "GOBIN="+workDir)
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
dieIfErr(err, "Running build command %v failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output))
dest := make([]string, len(pkg))
for i, p := range pkg {
dest[i] = filepath.Join(workDir, path.Base(p))
return dest
// createArchive creates a zip archive from the given files.
func createArchive(files []string) string {
zipFile := filepath.Join(workDir, "")
z, err := os.OpenFile(zipFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, os.FileMode(0644))
dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't create zip archive file")
defer z.Close()
w := zip.NewWriter(z)
for _, file := range files {
info, err := os.Stat(file)
dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't stat %v", file)
fh, err := zip.FileInfoHeader(info)
dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't set up file info header")
fh.Method = zip.Deflate
fwrite, err := w.CreateHeader(fh)
dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't create writer")
fread, err := os.Open(file)
dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't creater reader")
_, err = io.Copy(fwrite, fread)
dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't write to archive")
dieIfErr(fread.Close(), "Couldn't close reader")
dieIfErr(w.Close(), "Couldn't close zip archive")
return zipFile
// setupInstance creates a new VM instance and returns its name and IP address.
func setupInstance(vmOptions interface{}) (backend.CloudVM, string, string) {
fmt.Println("Setting up instance ...")
currUser, err := user.Current()
dieIfErr(err, "Couldn't obtain current user")
instanceName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", currUser.Username, time.Now().UTC().Format("20060102-150405"))
vm, err = backend.CreateCloudVM(instanceName, vmOptions)
dieIfErr(err, "VM Instance Creation Failed: %v", err)
// Make sure nothing is using the ports we plan to give to deviced.
// TODO(caprita): Don't hardcode the ports and all that.
if output, err := vm.RunCommand("!", "netstat", "-tulpn", "2>/dev/null", "|", "grep", "'LISTEN'", "|", "grep", "-E", "':8150 |:8160 |:8151 '"); err != nil {
die("device manager ports are already in use:\n" + string(output))
instanceIP := vm.IP()
// Install unzip so we can unpack the archive.
// TODO(caprita): Use tar instead.
output, err := vm.RunCommand("sudo", "apt-get", "install", "unzip")
dieIfErr(err, "Installing unzip failed. Output:\n%v", string(output))
fmt.Println("Created VM instance", instanceName, "with IP", instanceIP)
return vm, instanceName, instanceIP
// installArchive ships the archive to the VM instance and unpacks it.
func installArchive(archive, instance string) {
err := vm.CopyFile(archive, "")
dieIfErr(err, "Copying archive failed: %v", err)
output, err := vm.RunCommand("unzip", path.Join("./", filepath.Base(archive)), "-d", "./unpacked")
dieIfErr(err, "Extracting archive failed. Output:\n%v", string(output))
// installDevice installs and starts device manager, and returns the public key
// and pairing token needed for claiming.
func installDevice(instance string) (string, string) {
fmt.Println("Installing device manager...")
defer fmt.Println("Done installing device manager.")
output, err := vm.RunCommand("V23_DEVICE_DIR=`pwd`/dm", "./unpacked/devicex", "install", "./unpacked", "--single_user", "--", "--v23.tcp.address=:8151", "--deviced-port=8150", "--proxy-port=8160", "--use-pairing-token")
dieIfErr(err, "Installing device manager failed. Output:\n%v", string(output))
output, err = vm.RunCommand("V23_DEVICE_DIR=`pwd`/dm", "./unpacked/devicex", "start")
dieIfErr(err, "Starting device manager failed. Output:\n%v", string(output))
// Grab the token and public key from the device manager log.
dieAfter := time.After(5 * time.Second)
firstIteration := true
for {
if !firstIteration {
select {
case <-dieAfter:
die("Failed to find token and public key in log: %v", string(output))
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
} else {
firstIteration = false
output, err = vm.RunCommand("cat", "./dm/dmroot/device-manager/logs/deviced.INFO")
dieIfErr(err, "Reading device manager log failed. Output:\n%v", string(output))
pairingTokenRE := regexp.MustCompile("Device manager pairing token: (.*)")
matches := pairingTokenRE.FindSubmatch(output)
if matches == nil {
pairingToken := string(matches[1])
publicKeyRE := regexp.MustCompile("public_key: (.*)")
matches = publicKeyRE.FindSubmatch(output)
if matches == nil {
publicKey := string(matches[1])
return publicKey, pairingToken
// setCredentialsEnv sets the command's environment to share the principal of
// dmrun.
func setCredentialsEnv(cmd *exec.Cmd) {
// TODO(caprita): This doesn't work with --v23.credentials.
if creds := os.Getenv(ref.EnvCredentials); len(creds) > 0 {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", ref.EnvCredentials, creds))
} else if agentCreds := os.Getenv(ref.EnvAgentPath); len(agentCreds) > 0 {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", ref.EnvAgentPath, agentCreds))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARNING: no credentials found. You'll probably have authorization issues later on.\n")
// claimDevice claims the device manager, blessing it with extension.
func claimDevice(deviceName, ip, publicKey, pairingToken, extension string) {
fmt.Println("claiming device manager ...")
cmd := exec.Command(device, "claim", deviceName, extension, pairingToken, publicKey)
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
dieIfErr(err, "Claiming device manager (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output))
cmd = exec.Command(device, "acl", "get", fmt.Sprintf("/%s:8150/device", ip))
output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
dieIfErr(err, "Getting device manager acls (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output))
fmt.Printf("Done claiming device manager. Device manager ACLs:\n%s", string(output))
// installApp installs the binary specified on the command-line and returns the
// Vanadium name for the installation object.
func installApp(deviceName, ip string) string {
args := []string{fmt.Sprintf("--v23.proxy=/%s:8160", ip), "install-local", deviceName + "/apps", "app"}
args = append(args, flag.Args()...)
cmd := exec.Command(device, args...)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("V23_NAMESPACE=/%s:8151", ip))
// During installation, there are sometimes timeout messages on stderr even when the
// installation succeeds -- so we need to capture stderr separately from stdout
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
cmd.Stderr = buf
output, err := cmd.Output()
dieIfErr(err, "Installing app (%v) failed. Output:\n%v\nStderr:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output), buf.String())
installationName := strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
fmt.Println("Installed", installationName)
return installationName
// startApp creates and launches an instance of the given installation, blessing
// it with extension. It returns the Vanadium name for the instance object.
func startApp(installationName, extension string) string {
cmd := exec.Command(device, "instantiate", installationName, extension)
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
dieIfErr(err, "Instantiating app (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output))
instanceName := strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
fmt.Println("Instantiated", instanceName)
cmd = exec.Command(device, "run", instanceName)
output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
dieIfErr(err, "Starting app (%v) failed. Output:\n%v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), string(output))
return instanceName
// check flags and produce the options used to build the backend VM
func handleFlags() (vmOpts interface{}) {
var keyDir string
flag.StringVar(&keyDir, "keydir", "/tmp", "where (on the local filesystem) to store ssh keys")
var debug bool
flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", false, "print debug messages")
// flags for ssh backend
var sshTarget, sshOptions string
flag.StringVar(&sshTarget, "ssh", "", "specify [user@]ip target for ssh")
flag.StringVar(&sshOptions, "sshoptions", "", "flags to pass to ssh, e.g. \"-i <keyfile>\"")
// flags for AWS backend
var aws bool
var awsRegion, awsImageID string
flag.BoolVar(&aws, "aws", false, "use AWS backend")
flag.StringVar(&awsRegion, "aws-region", "", "AWS region -- When specified, you also need to specify aws-image-id")
flag.StringVar(&awsImageID, "aws-image-id", "", "ID of AWS vm image to use")
if len(flag.Args()) == 0 {
die("Usage: %s [--ssh [user@]ip] [--sshoptions \"<options>\"] <app> <arguments ... >\n", os.Args[0])
binPath := flag.Args()[0]
if fi, err := os.Stat(binPath); err != nil {
die("failed to stat %v: %v", binPath, err)
} else if fi.IsDir() {
die("%v is a directory", binPath)
var dbg backend.DebugPrinter = backend.NoopDebugPrinter{}
if debug {
dbg = backend.StderrDebugPrinter{}
// Pick backend based on flags
switch {
// Vcloud backend
vcloud = buildV23Binaries(vcloudBin)[0]
vmOpts = backend.VcloudVMOptions{VcloudBinary: vcloud}
case sshTarget != "":
// Ssh backend
opts := backend.SSHVMOptions{
Dbg: dbg,
targetComponents := strings.Split(sshTarget, "@")
switch len(targetComponents) {
case 1:
opts.SSHHostIP = targetComponents[0]
case 2:
opts.SSHUser = targetComponents[0]
opts.SSHHostIP = targetComponents[1]
die("Unable to parse sshTarget: %s\n", sshTarget)
if sshOptions = strings.TrimSpace(sshOptions); sshOptions != "" {
opts.SSHOptions = strings.Split(sshOptions, " ")
vmOpts = opts
case aws:
vmOpts = backend.AWSVMOptions{
AWSBinary: "", // Assume "aws" command is on the path
Region: awsRegion,
ImageID: awsImageID,
KeyDir: keyDir,
Dbg: dbg,
return vmOpts
func main() {
cleanupOnDeath = func() {
defer os.RemoveAll(workDir)
vmOpts := handleFlags()
dmBinaries := buildV23Binaries(append([]string{deviceBin}, dmBins[:]...)...)
device, dmBinaries = dmBinaries[0], dmBinaries[1:]
archive := createArchive(append(dmBinaries, getPath(devicexRepo, devicex)))
vm, vmInstanceName, vmInstanceIP := setupInstance(vmOpts)
cleanupOnDeath = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Attempting to stop agentd/deviced ...\n")
vm.RunCommand("sudo", "killall", "-9", "agentd", "deviced") // errors are ignored
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cleaning up VM instance ...\n")
err := vm.Delete()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Removing local tmp files ...\n")
dieIfErr(err, "Cleaning up VM instance failed")
installArchive(archive, vmInstanceName)
publicKey, pairingToken := installDevice(vmInstanceName)
deviceAddr := net.JoinHostPort(vmInstanceIP, "8150")
deviceName := "/" + deviceAddr
claimDevice(deviceName, vmInstanceIP, publicKey, pairingToken, vmInstanceName)
installationName := installApp(deviceName, vmInstanceIP)
instanceName := startApp(installationName, "app")
fmt.Println("Launched app.")
fmt.Println("See its status:")
fmt.Printf("\t${JIRI_ROOT}/release/go/bin/device status %s\n", instanceName)
fmt.Println("See the logs:")
fmt.Printf("\t${JIRI_ROOT}/release/go/bin/debug glob %s/logs/*\n", instanceName)
fmt.Println("Dump e.g. the INFO log:")
fmt.Printf("\t${JIRI_ROOT}/release/go/bin/debug logs read %s/logs/app.INFO\n", instanceName)
fmt.Println("Clean up the VM instance:")
fmt.Printf("\t${JIRI_ROOT}/release/go/bin/device kill %s\n", instanceName)
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", vm.RunCommandForUser("sudo", "killall", "-9", "agentd", "deviced"))
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", vm.DeleteCommandForUser())