blob: 766383a6660931a8604bfaf028ace63abaa38af3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package agentlib provides ways to create Principals that are backed by the
// security agent. It implements a client for communicating with an agent
// process holding the private key for a Principal. It also provides a way to
// start an agent for a Principal serialized to disk.
package agentlib
import (
const (
pkgPath = ""
defaultConnectTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// Errors
var (
errInvalidProtocol = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errInvalidProtocol",
verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} invalid agent protocol {3}")
type client struct {
caller caller
key security.PublicKey
// TODO(mattr): At some point we should remove this backward
// compatibility mechanism, once all users are updated.
noCacheTimes bool
type caller interface {
call(name string, results []interface{}, args ...interface{}) error
type ipcCaller struct {
conn *ipc.IPCConn
flush func()
mu sync.Mutex
func (i *ipcCaller) call(name string, results []interface{}, args ...interface{}) error {
return i.conn.Call(name, args, results...)
func (i *ipcCaller) Close() error {
return nil
func (i *ipcCaller) FlushAllCaches() error {
var flush func()
flush = i.flush
if flush != nil {
return nil
func results(inputs ...interface{}) []interface{} {
return inputs
func newUncachedPrincipalX(path string, timeout time.Duration) (*client, error) {
caller := new(ipcCaller)
i := ipc.NewIPC()
conn, err := i.Connect(path, timeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
caller.conn = conn
agent := &client{caller: caller}
if err := agent.fetchPublicKey(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var dis security.Discharge
var cacheTime time.Time
if err :="BlessingStoreDischarge2", results(&dis, &cacheTime), security.Caveat{}, security.DischargeImpetus{}); err != nil {
// If we can't fetch a discharge with two results, then we should fall back
// to the old one result version.
agent.noCacheTimes = true
return agent, nil
// NewAgentPrincipal returns a security.Pricipal using the PrivateKey held in a
// remote agent process.
// 'path' is the path to the agent socket, typically obtained from
// os.GetEnv(envvar.AgentAddress).
// 'timeout' specifies how long to retry connecting to the socket if it's not
// ready.
// The caller should call Close on the returned Principal once it's no longer
// used, in order to free up resources.
func NewAgentPrincipal(path string, timeout time.Duration) (agent.Principal, error) {
p, err := newUncachedPrincipalX(path, timeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cached, flush, err := cache.NewCachedPrincipalX(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
caller := p.caller.(*ipcCaller)
caller.flush = flush
return cached, nil
// TODO(caprita): Deprecate.
// NewAgentPrincipalX returns a security.Pricipal using the PrivateKey held in a
// remote agent process.
// 'path' is the path to the agent socket, typically obtained from
// os.GetEnv(envvar.AgentAddress). If the socket is not ready,
// NewAgentPrincipalX retries for a minute before giving up.
// The caller should call Close on the returned Principal once it's no longer
// used, in order to free up resources.
func NewAgentPrincipalX(path string) (agent.Principal, error) {
return NewAgentPrincipal(path, defaultConnectTimeout)
func (c *client) Close() error {
return c.caller.Close()
func (c *client) fetchPublicKey() (err error) {
var b []byte
if err ="PublicKey", results(&b)); err != nil {
c.key, err = security.UnmarshalPublicKey(b)
func (c *client) Bless(key security.PublicKey, with security.Blessings, extension string, caveat security.Caveat, additionalCaveats (security.Blessings, error) {
var blessings security.Blessings
marshalledKey, err := key.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return security.Blessings{}, err
err ="Bless", results(&blessings), marshalledKey, with, extension, caveat, additionalCaveats)
return blessings, err
func (c *client) BlessSelf(name string, caveats (security.Blessings, error) {
var blessings security.Blessings
err :="BlessSelf", results(&blessings), name, caveats)
return blessings, err
func (c *client) Sign(message []byte) (sig security.Signature, err error) {
err ="Sign", results(&sig), message)
func (c *client) MintDischarge(forCaveat, caveatOnDischarge security.Caveat, additionalCaveatsOnDischarge (security.Discharge, error) {
var discharge security.Discharge
if err :="MintDischarge", results(&discharge), forCaveat, caveatOnDischarge, additionalCaveatsOnDischarge); err != nil {
return security.Discharge{}, err
return discharge, nil
func (c *client) PublicKey() security.PublicKey {
return c.key
func (c *client) BlessingStore() security.BlessingStore {
closedCh := make(chan struct{})
return &blessingStore{caller: c.caller, key: c.key, noCacheTimes: c.noCacheTimes, closedCh: closedCh}
func (c *client) Roots() security.BlessingRoots {
return &blessingRoots{c.caller}
type blessingStore struct {
caller caller
key security.PublicKey
noCacheTimes bool
closedCh chan struct{}
func (b *blessingStore) Set(blessings security.Blessings, forPeers security.BlessingPattern) (security.Blessings, error) {
var previous security.Blessings
err :="BlessingStoreSet", results(&previous), blessings, forPeers)
return previous, err
func (b *blessingStore) ForPeer(peerBlessings ...string) security.Blessings {
var blessings security.Blessings
if err :="BlessingStoreForPeer", results(&blessings), peerBlessings); err != nil {
logger.Global().Infof("error calling BlessingStorePeerBlessings: %v", err)
return blessings
func (b *blessingStore) SetDefault(blessings security.Blessings) error {
return"BlessingStoreSetDefault", results(), blessings)
func (b *blessingStore) Default() (security.Blessings, <-chan struct{}) {
var blessings security.Blessings
err :="BlessingStoreDefault", results(&blessings))
if err != nil {
logger.Global().Infof("error calling BlessingStoreDefault: %v", err)
return security.Blessings{}, b.closedCh
// In practice, this agent based blessing store is always cached and
// thus this retuned channel isn't used. However, in order to be
// conservative, return closed channel in the hopes that anyone relying
// on this being accurate will find this out more easily (for example,
// constantly refreshing the Default because the returned channel is
// closed) that if we silently hid the notifications by returning a
// channel that would never be closed.
return blessings, b.closedCh
func (b *blessingStore) PublicKey() security.PublicKey {
return b.key
func (b *blessingStore) PeerBlessings() map[security.BlessingPattern]security.Blessings {
var bmap map[security.BlessingPattern]security.Blessings
err :="BlessingStorePeerBlessings", results(&bmap))
if err != nil {
logger.Global().Infof("error calling BlessingStorePeerBlessings: %v", err)
return nil
return bmap
func (b *blessingStore) DebugString() (s string) {
err :="BlessingStoreDebugString", results(&s))
if err != nil {
s = fmt.Sprintf("error calling BlessingStoreDebugString: %v", err)
func (b *blessingStore) CacheDischarge(d security.Discharge, c security.Caveat, i security.DischargeImpetus) {
err :="BlessingStoreCacheDischarge", results(), d, c, i)
if err != nil {
logger.Global().Infof("error calling BlessingStoreCacheDischarge: %v", err)
func (b *blessingStore) ClearDischarges(discharges {
err :="BlessingStoreClearDischarges", results(), discharges)
if err != nil {
logger.Global().Infof("error calling BlessingStoreClearDischarges: %v", err)
func (b *blessingStore) Discharge(caveat security.Caveat, impetus security.DischargeImpetus) (out security.Discharge, cacheTime time.Time) {
res := []interface{}{&out}
method := "BlessingStoreDischarge"
if !b.noCacheTimes {
res = append(res, &cacheTime)
method = "BlessingStoreDischarge2"
err :=, res, caveat, impetus)
if err != nil {
logger.Global().Infof("error calling BlessingStoreDischarge: %v", err)
type blessingRoots struct {
caller caller
func (b *blessingRoots) Add(root []byte, pattern security.BlessingPattern) error {
return"BlessingRootsAdd", results(), root, pattern)
func (b *blessingRoots) Recognized(root []byte, blessing string) error {
return"BlessingRootsRecognized", results(), root, blessing)
func (b *blessingRoots) Dump() map[security.BlessingPattern][]security.PublicKey {
var marshaledRoots map[security.BlessingPattern][][]byte
if err :="BlessingRootsDump", results(&marshaledRoots)); err != nil {
logger.Global().Infof("error calling BlessingRootsDump: %v", err)
return nil
ret := make(map[security.BlessingPattern][]security.PublicKey)
for p, marshaledKeys := range marshaledRoots {
for _, marshaledKey := range marshaledKeys {
key, err := security.UnmarshalPublicKey(marshaledKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Global().Infof("security.UnmarshalPublicKey(%v) returned error: %v", marshaledKey, err)
ret[p] = append(ret[p], key)
return ret
func (b *blessingRoots) DebugString() (s string) {
err :="BlessingRootsDebugString", results(&s))
if err != nil {
s = fmt.Sprintf("error calling BlessingRootsDebugString: %v", err)