blob: 0c9da46923ede1f340e404b9acdb512cfd2f53c2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package impl
import (
libstats ""
s_device ""
// internalState wraps state shared between different device manager
// invocations.
type internalState struct {
callback *callbackState
updating *updatingState
principalMgr principalManager
restartHandler func()
stats *stats
testMode bool
// runner is responsible for running app instances.
runner *appRunner
// tidying is the automatic state tidying subsystem.
tidying chan<- tidyRequests
// dispatcher holds the state of the device manager dispatcher.
type dispatcher struct {
// internal holds the state that persists across RPC method invocations.
internal *internalState
// config holds the device manager's (immutable) configuration state.
config *config.State
// dispatcherMutex is a lock for coordinating concurrent access to some
// dispatcher methods.
mu sync.RWMutex
// TODO(rjkroege): Consider moving this inside internal.
uat BlessingSystemAssociationStore
permsStore *pathperms.PathStore
// Namespace
mtAddress string // The address of the local mounttable.
var _ rpc.Dispatcher = (*dispatcher)(nil)
const (
appsSuffix = "apps"
deviceSuffix = "device"
configSuffix = "cfg"
// TODO(caprita): the value of pkgPath corresponds to the previous
// package where the error ids were defined. Updating error ids needs
// to be carefully coordinated between clients and servers, so we should
// do it when we settle on the final location for these error
// definitions.
pkgPath = ""
var (
errInvalidConfig = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errInvalidConfig", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} invalid config {3}{:_}")
errCantCreateAccountStore = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errCantCreateAccountStore", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} cannot create persistent store for identity to system account associations{:_}")
errCantCreateAppWatcher = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errCantCreateAppWatcher", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} cannot create app status watcher{:_}")
errNewAgentFailed = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNewAgentFailed", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} NewAgent() failed{:_}")
errStoppedWithErrors = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errStoppedWithErrors", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} instance killed uncleanly{:_}")
errStopFailed = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errStopFailed", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} instance couldn't be killed{:_}")
// NewDispatcher is the device manager dispatcher factory. It returns a new
// dispatcher as well as a shutdown function, to be called when the dispatcher
// is no longer needed.
func NewDispatcher(ctx *context.T, config *config.State, mtAddress string, testMode bool, restartHandler func(), permStore *pathperms.PathStore) (rpc.Dispatcher, func(), error) {
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errInvalidConfig, ctx, config, err)
uat, err := NewBlessingSystemAssociationStore(config.Root)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errCantCreateAccountStore, ctx, err)
InitSuidHelper(ctx, config.Helper)
d := &dispatcher{
internal: &internalState{
callback: newCallbackState(config.Name),
updating: newUpdatingState(),
restartHandler: restartHandler,
stats: newStats("device-manager"),
testMode: testMode,
tidying: newTidyingDaemon(ctx, config.Root),
principalMgr: newPrincipalManager(),
config: config,
uat: uat,
permsStore: permStore,
mtAddress: mtAddress,
runner := &appRunner{
callback: d.internal.callback,
principalMgr: d.internal.principalMgr,
appServiceName: naming.Join(d.config.Name, appsSuffix),
mtAddress: d.mtAddress,
stats: d.internal.stats,
d.internal.runner = runner
reap, err := newReaper(ctx, config.Root, runner)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errCantCreateAppWatcher, ctx, err)
runner.reap = reap
if testMode {
return &testModeDispatcher{d}, reap.shutdown, nil
return d, reap.shutdown, nil
// Logging invoker that logs any error messages before returning.
func newLoggingInvoker(ctx *context.T, obj interface{}) (rpc.Invoker, error) {
if invoker, ok := obj.(rpc.Invoker); ok {
return &loggingInvoker{invoker: invoker}, nil
invoker, err := rpc.ReflectInvoker(obj)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("rpc.ReflectInvoker returned error: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &loggingInvoker{invoker: invoker}, nil
type loggingInvoker struct {
invoker rpc.Invoker
func (l *loggingInvoker) Prepare(ctx *context.T, method string, numArgs int) (argptrs []interface{}, tags []*vdl.Value, err error) {
argptrs, tags, err = l.invoker.Prepare(ctx, method, numArgs)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("Prepare(%s %d) returned error: %v", method, numArgs, err)
func (l *loggingInvoker) Invoke(ctx *context.T, call rpc.StreamServerCall, method string, argptrs []interface{}) (results []interface{}, err error) {
results, err = l.invoker.Invoke(ctx, call, method, argptrs)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("Invoke(method:%s argptrs:%v) returned error: %v", method, argptrs, err)
func (l *loggingInvoker) Signature(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) ([]signature.Interface, error) {
sig, err := l.invoker.Signature(ctx, call)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("Signature returned error: %v", err)
return sig, err
func (l *loggingInvoker) MethodSignature(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, method string) (signature.Method, error) {
methodSig, err := l.invoker.MethodSignature(ctx, call, method)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("MethodSignature(%s) returned error: %v", method, err)
return methodSig, err
func (l *loggingInvoker) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
return l.invoker.Globber()
func (d *dispatcher) Lookup(ctx *context.T, suffix string) (interface{}, security.Authorizer, error) {
invoker, auth, err := d.internalLookup(suffix)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
loggingInvoker, err := newLoggingInvoker(ctx, invoker)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return loggingInvoker, auth, nil
func newTestableHierarchicalAuth(testMode bool, rootDir, childDir string, get pathperms.PermsGetter) (security.Authorizer, error) {
if testMode {
// In test mode, the device manager will not be able to read the
// Permissions, because they were signed with the key of the real device
// manager. It's not a problem because the testModeDispatcher overrides the
// authorizer anyway.
return nil, nil
return pathperms.NewHierarchicalAuthorizer(rootDir, childDir, get)
func (d *dispatcher) internalLookup(suffix string) (interface{}, security.Authorizer, error) {
components := strings.Split(suffix, "/")
for i := 0; i < len(components); i++ {
if len(components[i]) == 0 {
components = append(components[:i], components[i+1:]...)
// TODO(rjkroege): Permit the root Permissions to diverge for the device and
// app sub-namespaces of the device manager after claiming.
auth, err := newTestableHierarchicalAuth(d.internal.testMode, PermsDir(d.config), PermsDir(d.config), d.permsStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(components) == 0 {
return rpc.ChildrenGlobberInvoker(deviceSuffix, appsSuffix), auth, nil
// The implementation of the device manager is split up into several
// invokers, which are instantiated depending on the receiver name
// prefix.
switch components[0] {
case deviceSuffix:
receiver := device.DeviceServer(&deviceService{
callback: d.internal.callback,
updating: d.internal.updating,
restartHandler: d.internal.restartHandler,
config: d.config,
disp: d,
uat: d.uat,
principalMgr: d.internal.principalMgr,
tidying: d.internal.tidying,
return receiver, auth, nil
case appsSuffix:
// Requests to apps/*/*/*/logs are handled locally by LogFileService.
// Requests to apps/*/*/*/pprof are proxied to the apps' __debug/pprof object.
// Requests to apps/*/*/*/stats are proxied to the apps' __debug/stats object.
// Everything else is handled by the Application server.
if len(components) >= 5 {
appInstanceDir, err := instanceDir(d.config.Root, components[1:4])
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
switch kind := components[4]; kind {
case "logs":
logsDir := filepath.Join(appInstanceDir, "logs")
suffix := naming.Join(components[5:]...)
appSpecificAuthorizer, err := newAppSpecificAuthorizer(auth, d.config, components[1:], d.permsStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return logreaderlib.NewLogFileService(logsDir, suffix), appSpecificAuthorizer, nil
case "pprof", "stats":
info, err := loadInstanceInfo(nil, appInstanceDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if !instanceStateIs(appInstanceDir, device.InstanceStateRunning) {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidSuffix, nil)
var desc []rpc.InterfaceDesc
switch kind {
case "pprof":
desc = pprof.PProfServer(nil).Describe__()
case "stats":
desc = libstats.StatsServer(nil).Describe__()
suffix := naming.Join("__debug", naming.Join(components[4:]...))
remote := naming.JoinAddressName(info.AppCycleMgrName, suffix)
// Use hierarchical auth with debugacls under debug access.
appSpecificAuthorizer, err := newAppSpecificAuthorizer(auth, d.config, components[1:], d.permsStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return newProxyInvoker(remote, access.Debug, desc), appSpecificAuthorizer, nil
receiver := device.ApplicationServer(&appService{
config: d.config,
suffix: components[1:],
uat: d.uat,
permsStore: d.permsStore,
runner: d.internal.runner,
stats: d.internal.stats,
appSpecificAuthorizer, err := newAppSpecificAuthorizer(auth, d.config, components[1:], d.permsStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return receiver, appSpecificAuthorizer, nil
case configSuffix:
if len(components) != 2 {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidSuffix, nil)
receiver := s_device.ConfigServer(&configService{
callback: d.internal.callback,
suffix: components[1],
// The nil authorizer ensures that only principals blessed by
// the device manager can talk back to it. All apps started by
// the device manager should fall in that category.
// TODO(caprita,rjkroege): We should further refine this, by
// only allowing the app to update state referring to itself
// (and not other apps).
return receiver, nil, nil
return nil, nil, verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidSuffix, nil)
// testModeDispatcher is a wrapper around the real dispatcher. It returns the
// exact same object as the real dispatcher, but the authorizer only allows
// calls to "device".Delete().
type testModeDispatcher struct {
realDispatcher rpc.Dispatcher
func (d *testModeDispatcher) Lookup(ctx *context.T, suffix string) (interface{}, security.Authorizer, error) {
obj, _, err := d.realDispatcher.Lookup(ctx, suffix)
return obj, d, err
func (testModeDispatcher) Authorize(ctx *context.T, call security.Call) error {
if call.Suffix() == deviceSuffix && call.Method() == "Delete" {
ctx.Infof("testModeDispatcher.Authorize: Allow %q.%s()", call.Suffix(), call.Method())
return nil
ctx.Infof("testModeDispatcher.Authorize: Reject %q.%s()", call.Suffix(), call.Method())
return verror.New(errors.ErrInvalidSuffix, nil)
func newAppSpecificAuthorizer(sec security.Authorizer, config *config.State, suffix []string, getter pathperms.PermsGetter) (security.Authorizer, error) {
// TODO(rjkroege): This does not support <appname>.Start() to start all
// instances. Correct this.
// If we are attempting a method invocation against "apps/", we use the root
// Permissions.
if len(suffix) == 0 || len(suffix) == 1 {
return sec, nil
// Otherwise, we require a per-installation and per-instance Permissions file.
if len(suffix) == 2 {
p, err := installationDirCore(suffix, config.Root)
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(errors.ErrOperationFailed, nil, fmt.Sprintf("newAppSpecificAuthorizer failed: %v", err))
return pathperms.NewHierarchicalAuthorizer(PermsDir(config), path.Join(p, "acls"), getter)
// Use the special debugacls for instance/logs, instance/pprof, instance/stats.
if len(suffix) > 3 && (suffix[3] == "logs" || suffix[3] == "pprof" || suffix[3] == "stats") {
p, err := instanceDir(config.Root, suffix[0:3])
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(errors.ErrOperationFailed, nil, fmt.Sprintf("newAppSpecificAuthorizer failed: %v", err))
return pathperms.NewHierarchicalAuthorizer(PermsDir(config), path.Join(p, "debugacls"), getter)
p, err := instanceDir(config.Root, suffix[0:3])
if err != nil {
return nil, verror.New(errors.ErrOperationFailed, nil, fmt.Sprintf("newAppSpecificAuthorizer failed: %v", err))
return pathperms.NewHierarchicalAuthorizer(PermsDir(config), path.Join(p, "acls"), getter)