blob: 0a6f65a434773cd044fcd8aa2ad5503c47935333 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build darwin
package discovery
import (
sutil ""
scontext ""
#include <stdlib.h>
#import "../../types.h"
static void CallAdvertisingCallback(SwiftAsyncSuccessCallback callback, AsyncCallbackIdentifier asyncId) {
static void CallScanCallback(SwiftAsyncJsonCallback callback, AsyncCallbackIdentifier asyncId, SwiftByteArray data) {
callback(asyncId, data);
import "C"
//export swift_io_v_v23_discovery_new
func swift_io_v_v23_discovery_new(ctxHandle C.GoContextHandle, errOut *C.SwiftVError) C.GoDiscoveryHandle {
ctx := scontext.GoContext(uint64(ctxHandle))
d, err := v23.NewDiscovery(ctx)
if err != nil {
sutil.ThrowSwiftError(ctx, err, unsafe.Pointer(errOut))
return C.GoDiscoveryHandle(0)
return C.GoDiscoveryHandle(sutil.GoNewRef(&d))
//export swift_io_v_v23_discovery_finalize
func swift_io_v_v23_discovery_finalize(discoveryHandle C.GoDiscoveryHandle) {
// Exports the discovery advertise API to CGO using JSON to marshal ads
//export swift_io_v_v23_discovery_advertise
func swift_io_v_v23_discovery_advertise(ctxHandle C.GoContextHandle, discoveryHandle C.GoDiscoveryHandle, adJson C.SwiftByteArray, visibilityArray C.SwiftCStringArray, asyncId C.AsyncCallbackIdentifier, doneCallback C.SwiftAsyncSuccessCallback, errOut *C.SwiftVError) bool {
ctx := scontext.GoContext(uint64(ctxHandle))
d := GoDiscoveryT(uint64(discoveryHandle))
ad := discovery.Advertisement{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(sutil.GoBytesNoCopy(unsafe.Pointer(&adJson)), &ad); err != nil {
sutil.ThrowSwiftError(ctx, err, unsafe.Pointer(errOut))
return false
var visibility []security.BlessingPattern
for _, v := range visibilityArray.toStrings() {
visibility = append(visibility, security.BlessingPattern(v))
doneChan, err := d.Advertise(ctx, &ad, visibility)
if err != nil {
sutil.ThrowSwiftError(ctx, err, unsafe.Pointer(errOut))
return false
go func() {
C.CallAdvertisingCallback(doneCallback, asyncId)
return true
// Exports the discovery scan API to CGO using JSON to marshal ads
//export swift_io_v_v23_discovery_scan
func swift_io_v_v23_discovery_scan(ctxHandle C.GoContextHandle, discoveryHandle C.GoDiscoveryHandle, query C.SwiftCString, asyncId C.AsyncCallbackIdentifier, callbackBlock C.SwiftAsyncJsonCallback, errOut *C.SwiftVError) bool {
ctx := scontext.GoContext(uint64(ctxHandle))
d := GoDiscoveryT(uint64(discoveryHandle))
goQuery := sutil.GoString(unsafe.Pointer(&query), false)
ch, err := d.Scan(ctx, goQuery)
if err != nil {
sutil.ThrowSwiftError(ctx, err, unsafe.Pointer(errOut))
return false
go func() {
for update := range ch {
data := struct {
IsLost bool
Ad discovery.Advertisement
IsLost: update.IsLost(),
Ad: update.Advertisement(),
b, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatal("Unable to JSON serialize discovery update: ", err)
ba := swiftBytesCopy(b)
C.CallScanCallback(callbackBlock, asyncId, ba)
C.CallScanCallback(callbackBlock, asyncId, emptySwiftByteArray())
return true