blob: 050e88aedd22d61ee859bb9570696f12a02d2925 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import io.v.v23.verror.VException;
class VPrincipalImpl implements VPrincipal {
private final long nativePtr;
private final VSigner signer;
private final BlessingStore store;
private final BlessingRoots roots;
private static native VPrincipalImpl nativeCreate() throws VException;
private static native VPrincipalImpl nativeCreateForSigner(VSigner signer) throws VException;
private static native VPrincipalImpl nativeCreateForAll(VSigner signer, BlessingStore store,
BlessingRoots roots) throws VException;
private static native VPrincipalImpl nativeCreatePersistent(String passphrase, String dir)
throws VException;
private static native VPrincipalImpl nativeCreatePersistentForSigner(VSigner signer, String dir)
throws VException;
static VPrincipalImpl create() throws VException {
return nativeCreate();
static VPrincipalImpl create(VSigner signer) throws VException {
return nativeCreateForSigner(signer);
static VPrincipalImpl create(VSigner signer, BlessingStore store, BlessingRoots roots)
throws VException {
return nativeCreateForAll(signer, store, roots);
static VPrincipalImpl createPersistent(String passphrase, String dir) throws VException {
return nativeCreatePersistent(passphrase, dir);
static VPrincipalImpl createPersistent(VSigner signer, String dir) throws VException {
return nativeCreatePersistentForSigner(signer, dir);
private native Blessings nativeBless(long nativePtr, ECPublicKey key, Blessings with,
String extension, Caveat caveat, Caveat[] additionalCaveats) throws VException;
private native Blessings nativeBlessSelf(long nativePtr, String name, Caveat[] caveats)
throws VException;
private native VSignature nativeSign(long nativePtr, byte[] message) throws VException;
private native ECPublicKey nativePublicKey(long nativePtr) throws VException;
private native BlessingStore nativeBlessingStore(long nativePtr) throws VException;
private native BlessingRoots nativeRoots(long nativePtr) throws VException;
private native void nativeFinalize(long nativePtr);
private VPrincipalImpl(
long nativePtr, VSigner signer, BlessingStore store, BlessingRoots roots) {
this.nativePtr = nativePtr;
this.signer = signer; = store;
this.roots = roots;
public Blessings bless(ECPublicKey key, Blessings with, String extension, Caveat caveat,
Caveat... additionalCaveats) throws VException {
return nativeBless(nativePtr, key, with, extension, caveat, additionalCaveats);
public Blessings blessSelf(String name, Caveat... caveats) throws VException {
return nativeBlessSelf(nativePtr, name, caveats);
public VSignature sign(byte[] message) throws VException {
if (this.signer != null) {
byte[] purpose = Constants.SIGNATURE_FOR_MESSAGE_SIGNING.getBytes();
return this.signer.sign(purpose, message);
return nativeSign(nativePtr, message);
public ECPublicKey publicKey() {
if (this.signer != null) {
return this.signer.publicKey();
try {
return nativePublicKey(nativePtr);
} catch (VException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get public key", e);
public BlessingStore blessingStore() {
if ( != null) {
try {
return nativeBlessingStore(nativePtr);
} catch (VException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get Blessing Store", e);
public BlessingRoots roots() {
if (this.roots != null) {
return this.roots;
try {
return nativeRoots(nativePtr);
} catch (VException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get Blessing Store", e);
private long nativePtr() { return nativePtr; }
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) return true;
if (other == null) return false;
if (this.getClass() != other.getClass()) return false;
return nativePtr == ((VPrincipalImpl) other).nativePtr;
public int hashCode() {
return Long.valueOf(nativePtr).hashCode();
protected void finalize() {