blob: 4296d00bfe50bb68e56454580d3bc5f51ae9ffc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.v23.vom;
import io.v.v23.vdl.Kind;
import io.v.v23.vdl.NativeTypes;
import io.v.v23.vdl.Types;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlAny;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlArray;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlBool;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlByte;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlComplex128;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlComplex64;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlEnum;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlField;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlFloat32;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlFloat64;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlInt16;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlInt32;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlInt64;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlInt8;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlList;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlOptional;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlString;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlStruct;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlType;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlTypeObject;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlUint16;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlUint32;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlUint64;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlUnion;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlValue;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* BinaryEncoder writes VDL values to {@code OutputStream} in binary VOM format.
public class BinaryEncoder {
private final EncodingStream valueBuffer;
private final EncodingStream typeBuffer;
private final OutputStream out;
private final Map<VdlType, TypeId> visitedTypes;
private TypeId nextTypeId;
private boolean binaryMagicByteWritten;
private Version version;
private List<Long> typeIds;
private List<Long> anyLens;
public BinaryEncoder(OutputStream out) {
this(out, Version.DEFAULT_VERSION);
public BinaryEncoder(OutputStream out, Version version) {
this.valueBuffer = new EncodingStream();
this.typeBuffer = new EncodingStream();
this.out = out;
this.visitedTypes = new HashMap<VdlType, TypeId>();
this.nextTypeId = Constants.WIRE_ID_FIRST_USER_TYPE;
this.binaryMagicByteWritten = false;
this.version = version;
* Encodes a value into binary VOM format.
* @param type runtime VDL type of the value
* @param value the value to encode
* @throws IOException
public void encodeValue(VdlType type, Object value) throws IOException {
if (!binaryMagicByteWritten) {
binaryMagicByteWritten = true;
typeIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
anyLens = new ArrayList<Long>();
TypeId typeId = getType(type);
writeValue(valueBuffer, value, type);
writeMessage(valueBuffer, BinaryUtil.hasAny(type), BinaryUtil.hasTypeObject(type),
false, typeId.getValue(), BinaryUtil.hasBinaryMsgLen(type));
* Encodes a value into binary VOM format.
* @param type runtime {@code java.lang.reflectType} of the value
* @param value the value to encode
* @throws IOException
public void encodeValue(Type type, Object value) throws IOException {
encodeValue(Types.getVdlTypeFromReflect(type), value);
* Encodes a VDL value into binary VOM format.
* @param value the value to encode
* @throws IOException
public void encodeValue(VdlValue value) throws IOException {
encodeValue(value.vdlType(), value);
private void writeMessage(ByteArrayOutputStream buffer, boolean hasAny, boolean hasTypeObject,
boolean typeIncomplete, long messageId, boolean encodeLength)
throws IOException {
if (version != Version.Version80 && typeIncomplete) {
BinaryUtil.encodeInt(out, messageId);
if (version != Version.Version80 && (hasAny || hasTypeObject) && messageId > 0) {
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, typeIds.size());
for (Long id : typeIds) {
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, id);
typeIds = null;
if (version != Version.Version80 && hasAny && messageId > 0) {
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, anyLens.size());
for (Long len : anyLens) {
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, len);
anyLens = null;
if (encodeLength) {
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, buffer.size());
private TypeId getType(VdlType type) throws IOException {
return getTypeInternal(type, new HashSet<VdlType>());
private TypeId getTypeInternal(VdlType type, Set<VdlType> pending) throws IOException {
TypeId typeId = BootstrapType.getBootstrapTypeId(type);
if (typeId != null) {
return typeId;
} else if (visitedTypes.containsKey(type)) {
return visitedTypes.get(type);
} else {
return encodeType(type, pending);
private TypeId encodeType(VdlType type, Set<VdlType> pending) throws IOException {
TypeId typeId = nextTypeId;
nextTypeId = new TypeId(nextTypeId.getValue() + 1);
visitedTypes.put(type, typeId);
WireType wireType = convertToWireType(type, pending);
boolean incomplete = typeIncomplete(type, pending, new HashSet<VdlType>());
writeValue(typeBuffer, wireType, wireType.vdlType());
writeMessage(typeBuffer, BinaryUtil.hasAny(type), BinaryUtil.hasTypeObject(type),
incomplete, -typeId.getValue(), true);
return typeId;
private WireType convertToWireType(VdlType type, Set<VdlType> pending) throws IOException {
switch (type.getKind()) {
case INT8:
if (version == Version.Version80) {
throw new RuntimeException("int8 not supported in VOM version 80");
// fallthrough
case BOOL:
case BYTE:
case UINT16:
case UINT32:
case UINT64:
case INT16:
case INT32:
case INT64:
case FLOAT32:
case FLOAT64:
case COMPLEX64:
case COMPLEX128:
case STRING:
return new WireType.NamedT(new WireNamed(
type.getName(), getTypeInternal(Types.primitiveTypeFromKind(type.getKind()), pending)));
case ARRAY:
return new WireType.ArrayT(new WireArray(
type.getName(), getTypeInternal(type.getElem(), pending), new VdlUint64(type.getLength())));
case ENUM:
return new WireType.EnumT(new WireEnum(type.getName(), type.getLabels()));
case LIST:
return new WireType.ListT(new WireList(type.getName(), getTypeInternal(type.getElem(), pending)));
case MAP:
return new WireType.MapT(new WireMap(
type.getName(), getTypeInternal(type.getKey(),pending),
getTypeInternal(type.getElem(), pending)));
case STRUCT:
case UNION:
List<WireField> wireFields = new ArrayList<WireField>();
for (VdlField field : type.getFields()) {
wireFields.add(new WireField(field.getName(), getTypeInternal(field.getType(), pending)));
if (type.getKind() == Kind.UNION) {
return new WireType.UnionT(new WireUnion(type.getName(), wireFields));
} else {
return new WireType.StructT(new WireStruct(type.getName(), wireFields));
case SET:
return new WireType.SetT(new WireSet(type.getName(), getTypeInternal(type.getKey(), pending)));
return new WireType.OptionalT(new WireOptional(
type.getName(), getTypeInternal(type.getElem(), pending)));
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown wiretype for kind: " + type.getKind());
private boolean typeIncomplete(VdlType type, Set<VdlType> pending, Set<VdlType> seen) {
if (seen.contains(type)) {
return false;
if (pending.contains(type)) {
return true;
switch (type.getKind()) {
case ARRAY:
case LIST:
return typeIncomplete(type.getElem(), pending, seen);
case SET:
return typeIncomplete(type.getKey(), pending, seen);
case MAP:
return typeIncomplete(type.getKey(), pending, seen) ||
typeIncomplete(type.getElem(), pending, seen);
case STRUCT:
case UNION:
for (VdlField field : type.getFields()) {
if (typeIncomplete(field.getType(), pending, seen)) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Writes a value to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
* The returned value can be used skip encoding of zero fields in structs.
private boolean writeValue(EncodingStream out, Object value, VdlType type) throws IOException {
if (value == null) {
value = VdlValue.zeroValue(type);
// Convert native value.
NativeTypes.Converter converter = Types.getNativeTypeConverter(value.getClass());
if (converter != null) {
VdlValue vdlValue = converter.vdlValueFromNative(value);
return writeValue(out, vdlValue, type);
switch (type.getKind()) {
case ANY:
return writeVdlAny(out, value);
case ARRAY:
if (type.getElem().getKind() == Kind.BYTE) {
return writeVdlBytes(out, value, type);
} else {
return writeVdlArray(out, value);
case BOOL:
return writeVdlBool(out, value);
case COMPLEX64:
case COMPLEX128:
return writeVdlComplex(out, value);
case ENUM:
return writeVdlEnum(out, value);
case FLOAT32:
case FLOAT64:
return writeVdlFloat(out, value);
case INT8:
case INT16:
case INT32:
case INT64:
if (type.getKind() == Kind.INT8 && version == Version.Version80) {
throw new RuntimeException("int8 not supported in VOM version 80");
return writeVdlInt(out, value);
case LIST:
if (type.getElem().getKind() == Kind.BYTE) {
return writeVdlBytes(out, value, type);
} else {
return writeVdlList(out, value, type);
case MAP:
return writeVdlMap(out, value, type);
case UNION:
return writeVdlUnion(out, value);
return writeVdlOptional(out, value);
case SET:
return writeVdlSet(out, value, type);
case STRING:
return writeVdlString(out, value);
case STRUCT:
return writeVdlStruct(out, value, type);
case BYTE:
case UINT16:
case UINT32:
case UINT64:
return writeVdlUint(out, value);
return writeVdlTypeObject(out, value);
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown kind: " + type.getKind());
* Writes a VDL any to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlAny(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
expectClass(Kind.ANY, value, VdlAny.class);
VdlAny anyValue = (VdlAny) value;
Object elem = anyValue.getElem();
if (elem != null) {
long id = getType(anyValue.getElemType()).getValue();
writeTypeId(out, id);
int anyLenIndex = -1;
long startPos = -1;
if (version != Version.Version80) {
anyLenIndex = anyLens.size();
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, anyLenIndex);
startPos = out.getCount();
writeValue(out, elem, anyValue.getElemType());
if (version != Version.Version80) {
long endPos = out.getCount();
anyLens.set(anyLenIndex, endPos - startPos);
return true;
} else {
writeVdlControlByte(out, Constants.WIRE_CTRL_NIL);
return false;
* Writes the type id in a format suitable for the current VOM version.
public void writeTypeId(OutputStream out, long id) throws IOException {
if (version == Version.Version80) {
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, id);
} else {
int index = typeIds.indexOf(id);
if (index == -1) {
index = typeIds.size();
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, index);
* Writes a VDL array to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlArray(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
expectClass(Kind.ARRAY, value, VdlArray.class);
VdlArray<?> arrayValue = (VdlArray<?>) value;
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, 0);
for (Object elem : arrayValue) {
writeValue(out, elem, arrayValue.vdlType().getElem());
return arrayValue.size() != 0;
* Writes a VDL bool to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlBool(OutputStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
boolean val;
if (value instanceof VdlBool) {
val = ((VdlBool) value).getValue();
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
val = (Boolean) value;
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL bool value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
int boolAsInt = 0;
if (val) {
boolAsInt = 1;
if (version == Version.Version80) {
} else {
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, boolAsInt);
return val;
* Writes a VDL byte to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
* In version 0x80, bytes are written directly as bytes to the stream.
* In later versions, they are written as vdl uints.
private boolean writeVdlByte(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
byte byteValue;
if (value instanceof VdlByte) {
byteValue = ((VdlByte) value).getValue();
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
byteValue = (Byte) value;
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL byte value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
if (version == Version.Version80) {
} else {
int fullValue = byteValue;
if (fullValue < 0) {
fullValue += 0x100;
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, fullValue);
return byteValue != 0;
* Writes a VDL byte to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
* Control bytes are always written to the wire directly as bytes.
private boolean writeVdlControlByte(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
byte byteValue;
if (value instanceof VdlByte) {
byteValue = ((VdlByte) value).getValue();
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
byteValue = (Byte) value;
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL control byte value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
return byteValue != 0;
* Writes a VDL complex to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlComplex(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
if (value instanceof VdlComplex64) {
boolean isNonZero = BinaryUtil.encodeDouble(out, ((VdlComplex64) value).getReal());
isNonZero |= BinaryUtil.encodeDouble(out, ((VdlComplex64) value).getImag());
return isNonZero;
} else if (value instanceof VdlComplex128) {
boolean isNonZero = BinaryUtil.encodeDouble(out, ((VdlComplex128) value).getReal());
isNonZero |= BinaryUtil.encodeDouble(out, ((VdlComplex128) value).getImag());
return isNonZero;
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL complex value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
* Writes a VDL enum to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlEnum(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
expectClass(Kind.ENUM, value, VdlEnum.class);
int ordinal = ((VdlEnum) value).ordinal();
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, ordinal);
return ordinal != 0;
* Writes a VDL float to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlFloat(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
if (value instanceof VdlFloat32) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeDouble(out, ((VdlFloat32) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof VdlFloat64) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeDouble(out, ((VdlFloat64) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeDouble(out, (Float) value);
} else if (value instanceof Double){
return BinaryUtil.encodeDouble(out, (Double) value);
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL float value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
* Writes a VDL int to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlInt(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
if (value instanceof VdlInt8) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeInt(out, ((VdlInt8) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof VdlInt16) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeInt(out, ((VdlInt16) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof VdlInt32) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeInt(out, ((VdlInt32) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof VdlInt64) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeInt(out, ((VdlInt64) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof Short){
return BinaryUtil.encodeInt(out, (Short) value);
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeInt(out, (Integer) value);
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeInt(out, (Long) value);
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL int value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
* Write a byte as a byte (as opposed to as a uint, as is done in version >= 0x81).
* Returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlRawByte(EncodingStream out, Object value) {
byte b;
if (value instanceof VdlByte) {
b = ((VdlByte)value).getValue();
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
b = (Byte)value;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unknown raw byte value " + value);
return b != 0;
* Writes a VDL byte array to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlBytes(EncodingStream out, Object value, VdlType type)
throws IOException {
if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
Object arrayValue = value;
int len = Array.getLength(arrayValue);
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, len);
boolean nonZero = false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
nonZero = writeVdlRawByte(out, Array.getByte(arrayValue, i)) || nonZero;
return nonZero;
Collection<?> collection;
int size;
if (value instanceof VdlArray) {
collection = (VdlArray<?>) value;
size = 0;
} else if (value instanceof VdlList) {
VdlList<?> listValue = (VdlList<?>) value;
collection = listValue;
size = listValue.size();
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL list value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, size);
boolean nonZero = false;
for (Object elem : collection) {
nonZero = writeVdlRawByte(out, elem) || nonZero;
return nonZero;
* Writes a VDL list to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlList(EncodingStream out, Object value, VdlType type)
throws IOException {
if (value instanceof List) {
List<?> listValue = (List<?>) value;
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, listValue.size());
for (Object elem : listValue) {
writeValue(out, elem, type.getElem());
return listValue.size() != 0;
} else if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
Object arrayValue = value;
int len = Array.getLength(arrayValue);
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
writeValue(out, Array.get(arrayValue, i), type.getElem());
return len != 0;
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL list value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
* Writes a VDL map to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlMap(EncodingStream out, Object value, VdlType type) throws IOException {
expectClass(Kind.MAP, value, Map.class);
Map<?, ?> mapValue = (Map<?, ?>) value;
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, mapValue.size());
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : mapValue.entrySet()) {
writeValue(out, entry.getKey(), type.getKey());
writeValue(out, entry.getValue(), type.getElem());
return mapValue.size() != 0;
* Writes a VDL union to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlUnion(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
expectClass(Kind.UNION, value, VdlUnion.class);
VdlUnion unionValue = (VdlUnion) value;
Object elem = unionValue.getElem();
int index = unionValue.getIndex();
VdlType elemType = unionValue.vdlType().getFields().get(index).getType();
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, index);
boolean isNonZero = index != 0;
isNonZero |= writeValue(out, elem, elemType);
return isNonZero;
* Writes a VDL optional to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlOptional(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
expectClass(Kind.OPTIONAL, value, VdlOptional.class);
VdlOptional<?> optionalValue = (VdlOptional<?>) value;
if (optionalValue.isNull()) {
writeVdlControlByte(out, Constants.WIRE_CTRL_NIL);
return false;
} else {
writeValue(out, optionalValue.getElem(), optionalValue.vdlType().getElem());
return true;
* Writes a VDL set to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlSet(EncodingStream out, Object value, VdlType type) throws IOException {
expectClass(Kind.SET, value, Set.class);
Set<?> setValue = (Set<?>) value;
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, setValue.size());
for (Object key : setValue) {
writeValue(out, key, type.getKey());
return setValue.size() != 0;
* Writes a VDL string to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlString(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
String stringValue;
if (value instanceof VdlString) {
stringValue = ((VdlString) value).getValue();
} else if (value instanceof String ){
stringValue = (String) value;
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL string value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
BinaryUtil.encodeBytes(out, BinaryUtil.getBytes(stringValue));
return stringValue.length() != 0;
* Writes a VDL struct to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlStruct(EncodingStream out, Object value, VdlType type) throws IOException {
List<VdlField> fields = type.getFields();
boolean hasNonZeroField = false;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
VdlField field = fields.get(i);
Object fieldValue = null;
if (value instanceof VdlStruct) {
fieldValue = ((VdlStruct) value).getField(field.getName());
} else {
try {
Field f = value.getClass().getDeclaredField(
fieldValue = f.get(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL struct value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")", e);
int prevCount = out.getCount();
int prevTypeIdCount = typeIds.size();
BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, i);
if (writeValue(out, fieldValue, field.getType())) {
hasNonZeroField = true;
} else {
// Roll back writing of a zero value.
for (;typeIds.size() > prevTypeIdCount;) {
typeIds.remove(typeIds.size() - 1);
writeVdlControlByte(out, Constants.WIRE_CTRL_END);
return hasNonZeroField;
* Writes a VDL uint to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlUint(EncodingStream out, Object value) throws IOException {
if (value instanceof VdlByte || value instanceof Byte) {
return writeVdlByte(out, value);
} else if (value instanceof VdlUint16) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, ((VdlUint16) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof VdlUint32) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, ((VdlUint32) value).getValue());
} else if (value instanceof VdlUint64) {
return BinaryUtil.encodeUint(out, ((VdlUint64) value).getValue());
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL uint value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");
* Writes a VDL typeObject to output stream and returns true iff the value is non-zero.
private boolean writeVdlTypeObject(EncodingStream out, Object object) throws IOException {
expectClass(Kind.TYPEOBJECT, object, VdlTypeObject.class);
VdlTypeObject value = (VdlTypeObject) object;
long id = getType(value.getTypeObject()).getValue();
writeTypeId(out, id);
return value.getTypeObject() != Types.ANY;
private void expectClass(Kind kind, Object value, Class<?> klass) throws IOException {
if (!klass.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
throw new IOException("Unsupported VDL " + kind + " value (type " + value.getClass()
+ ", value " + value + ")");