blob: 53dc329c9b2d2f3aeb794d886e0a5d6941758ffb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.v23.syncbase.nosql;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import io.v.v23.context.VContext;
import io.v.v23.verror.VException;
* Interface for a database table, i.e., a collection of {@link Row}s.
public interface Table {
* Returns the relative name of this table.
String name();
* Returns the full (i.e., object) name of this table.
String fullName();
* Creates this table.
* <p>
* Must not be called from within a batch.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param perms table permissions; if {@code null}, {@link Database}'s
* permissions are used
* @throws VException if the table couldn't be created
void create(VContext ctx, Permissions perms) throws VException;
* Destroys this table, permanently removing all of its data.
* Destroy must not be called from within a batch.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @throws VException if the table couldn't be deleted
void destroy(VContext ctx) throws VException;
* Returns {@code true} iff this table exists and the caller has sufficient permissions
* to access it.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @throws VException if the table's existence couldn't be determined
boolean exists(VContext ctx) throws VException;
* Returns the current permissions for the table.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @return table permissions
* @throws VException if the table permissions couldn't be retrieved
Permissions getPermissions(VContext ctx) throws VException;
* Replaces the current permissions for the table.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param perms new permissions for the table
* @throws VException if the table permissions couldn't be updated
void setPermissions(VContext ctx, Permissions perms) throws VException;
* Returns the row with the given primary key.
* @param key primary key of the row
Row getRow(String key);
* Returns the value for the given primary key.
* <p>
* Throws a {@link VException} if the row doesn't exist.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param key the primary key for a row
* @param type type of the value to be returned (needed for de-serialization)
* @throws VException if the value couldn't be retrieved or if its type doesn't match the
* provided type
Object get(VContext ctx, String key, Type type) throws VException;
* Writes the value to the table under the provided primary key.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param key primary key under which the value is to be written
* @param type type of the value to be returned (needed for serialization)
* @param value value to be written
* @throws VException if the value couldn't be written
void put(VContext ctx, String key, Object value, Type type) throws VException;
* Deletes the value for the given primary key.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param key primary key for the row to be deleted
* @throws VException if the row couldn't be deleted
void delete(VContext ctx, String key) throws VException;
* Deletes all rows in the given half-open range {@code [start, limit)}. If {@code limit} is
* {@code ""}, all rows with keys &ge; {@code start} are deleted.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param range range of rows to be deleted
* @throws VException if the rows couldn't be deleted
void deleteRange(VContext ctx, RowRange range) throws VException;
* Returns all rows in the given half-open range {@code [start, limit)}. If {@code limit}
* is {@code ""}, all rows with keys &ge; {@code start} are included.
* <p>
* It is legal to perform writes concurrently with {@link #scan scan()}. The returned stream
* reads from a consistent snapshot taken at the time of the method and will not reflect
* subsequent writes to keys not yet reached by the stream.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param range range of rows to be read
* @return a stream used for iterating over the snapshot of the provided rows
* @throws VException if the scan stream couldn't be created
Stream<KeyValue> scan(VContext ctx, RowRange range) throws VException;
* Returns an array of {@link PrefixPermissions} (i.e., {@code (prefix, perms)} pairs) for
* the row with the given key.
* <p>
* The array is sorted from longest prefix to shortest, so element zero is the one that
* applies to the row with the given key. The last element is always the prefix {@code ""}
* which represents the table's permissions -- the array will always have at least one element.
* <p>
* TODO(spetrovic): Make a change to VDL so that PrefixPermissions.prefix decodes into a
* PrefixRange.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param key key of the row whose permission prefixes are to be retrieved
* @return an array of prefix permissions for the given row
* @throws VException if the prefix permissions couldn't be retrieved
PrefixPermissions[] getPrefixPermissions(VContext ctx, String key) throws VException;
* Sets the permissions for all current and future rows with the given prefix. If the prefix
* overlaps with an existing prefix, the longest prefix that matches a row applies.
* For example:
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* setPrefixPermissions(ctx, NoSql.prefix("a/b"), perms1);
* setPrefixPermissions(ctx, NoSql.prefix("a/b/c"), perms2);
* </pre></blockquote><p>
* The permissions for row {@code "a/b/1"} are {@code perms1}, and the permissions for row
* {@code "a/b/c/1"} are {@code perms2}.
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param prefix prefix to which to apply the new permissions
* @param perms permissions to apply
* @throws VException if the permissions couldn't be applied
void setPrefixPermissions(VContext ctx, PrefixRange prefix, Permissions perms) throws VException;
* Deletes permissions for the specified prefix. Any rows covered by this prefix will use the
* next longest prefix's permissions. (See the array returned by
* {@link #getPrefixPermissions getPrefixPermissions()}).
* @param ctx Vanadium context
* @param prefix prefix for which the permissions are to be deleted
* @throws VException if the permissions couldn't be deleted
void deletePrefixPermissions(VContext ctx, PrefixRange prefix) throws VException;