blob: 7d5a23278adf066b154d8faf43b163caced001ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.baku.toolkit.bind;
import java.util.Comparator;
import io.v.rx.syncbase.RangeWatchBatch;
import io.v.rx.syncbase.RxTable;
import java8.util.function.Consumer;
import rx.Observable;
* This variant of {@link PrefixListAccumulator} notifies
* {@link}s of granular data changes. For now, this
* implementation does not treat batches any differently, and derives reordering directly from
* one-by-one sorts. TODO(rosswang): Do we need to optimize this?
public class PrefixListDeltaAccumulator<T> extends PrefixListAccumulator<T>
implements ListDeltaAccumulator<RxTable.Row<T>> {
private Consumer<RecyclerView.Adapter> mDeltas;
private final NumericIdMapper mIds = new NumericIdMapper();
public PrefixListDeltaAccumulator(final Comparator<? super RxTable.Row<T>> ordering) {
public Observable<? extends PrefixListDeltaAccumulator<T>> scanFrom(
final Observable<RangeWatchBatch<T>> watch) {
return (Observable<? extends PrefixListDeltaAccumulator<T>>)super.scanFrom(watch);
protected void remove(final int index) {
mDeltas = a -> a.notifyItemRemoved(index);
protected void insert(final int index, final RxTable.Row<T> entry) {
super.insert(index, entry);
mDeltas = a -> a.notifyItemInserted(index);
protected void move(final int from, final int to, final RxTable.Row<T> entry) {
super.move(from, to, entry);
mDeltas = a -> a.notifyItemMoved(from, to);
protected void change(final int index, final RxTable.Row<T> entry) {
super.change(index, entry);
// TODO(rosswang): Can we do anything with passing the optional payload here?
mDeltas = a -> a.notifyItemChanged(index);
public void notifyDeltas(final RecyclerView.Adapter<?> rva) {
if (mDeltas != null) {
public long getItemId(final int position) {
return mIds.getNumericId(getRowAt(position).getRowName());