blob: 0548c5f6f0447036eafe6c1229328b3e1c67fb8d [file] [log] [blame]
The Baku Android Toolkit includes software components facilitating the development of
applications with distributed user interfaces. It is available from JCenter and Maven Central. The
available versions are listed
<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. To use the Baku
Toolkit from an Android Java project, ensure that the {@code build.gradle} has either
{@code jcenter()} or {@code mavenCentral()} in its repositories, add
{@code 'io.v:baku-toolkit:version'} as a {@code compile} dependency, and bind an
<a href="" target="_blank">SLF4J</a> logger as an APK dependency, like
{@code apk ('org.slf4j:slf4j-android:1.7.12')}.
For common usage, see the {@link io.v.baku.toolkit} package docs.