blob: 166d35c749539d37dc03205e6e96e8008fa9ff57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.v23.vom;
import io.v.v23.vdl.Kind;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlArray;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlByte;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlEnum;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlString;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlValue;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* ConvertUtil provides helpers to convert VDL values.
final class ConvertUtil {
// IEEE 754 represents float64 using 52 bits to represent the mantissa, with
// an extra implied leading bit. That gives us 53 bits to store integers
// without overflow - i.e. [0, (2^53)-1]. And since 2^53 is a small power of
// two, it can also be stored without loss via mantissa=1 exponent=53. Thus
// we have our max and min values. Ditto for float32, which uses 23 bits
// with
// an extra implied leading bit.
private static long DOUBLE_MAX_LOSSLESS_INTEGER = (1L << 53);
private static long DOUBLE_MIN_LOSSLESS_INTEGER = -(1L << 53);
private static long FLOAT_MAX_LOSSLESS_INTEGER = (1L << 24);
private static long FLOAT_MIN_LOSSLESS_INTEGER = -(1L << 24);
static boolean hasOverflowUint(long x, long bitlen) {
long shift = 64 - bitlen;
return x != (x << shift) >>> shift;
static boolean hasOverflowInt(long x, long bitlen) {
long shift = 64 - bitlen;
return x != (x << shift) >> shift;
static boolean canConvertUintToInt(long x, long bitlen) {
return x >= 0 && !hasOverflowInt(x, bitlen);
static boolean canConvertIntToUint(long x, long bitlen) {
return x >= 0 && !hasOverflowUint(x, bitlen);
static boolean canConvertUintToFloat(long x, long bitlen) {
if (x < 0)
return false; // These values are too large for either type.
switch ((int) bitlen) {
case 32:
static boolean canConvertIntToFloat(long x, long bitlen) {
switch ((int) bitlen) {
case 32:
static long explicitConvertFloatToUint(double x) {
return (long) x;
} else {
return ((long) (x / 2)) << 1;
static boolean canConvertFloatToUint(double x, long bitlen) {
if (x < 0) {
return false;
return canConvertFloatToInt(x, bitlen);
} else {
return canConvertFloatToInt(x / 2, bitlen);
static boolean canConvertFloatToInt(double x, long bitlen) {
long intPart = (long) x;
double fracPart = x - intPart;
return fracPart == 0 && x >= Long.MIN_VALUE
&& x <= Long.MAX_VALUE
&& !hasOverflowInt(intPart, bitlen);
* Converts uint values to uint, int, float or complex values only.
* This is used to check O(n) conversion rules instead of O(n^2) for n numeric types.
private static Object convertUint(long value, ConversionTarget target)
throws ConversionException {
switch (target.getKind()) {
case BYTE:
if (!hasOverflowUint(value, 8)) {
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, (byte) value, Byte.TYPE);
case UINT16:
if (!hasOverflowUint(value, 16)) {
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, (short) value, Short.TYPE);
case UINT32:
if (!hasOverflowUint(value, 32)) {
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, (int) value, Integer.TYPE);
case UINT64:
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, value, Long.TYPE);
if (ConvertUtil.canConvertUintToInt(value, 64)) {
return convertInt(value, target);
throw new ConversionException("Can't convert " + value + " to " + target.getTargetType());
* Converts int values to int, float or complex values only.
* This is used to check O(n) conversion rules instead of O(n^2) for n numeric types.
private static Object convertInt(long value, ConversionTarget target)
throws ConversionException {
switch (target.getKind()) {
case INT8:
if (!hasOverflowInt(value, 8)) {
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, (byte) value, Byte.TYPE);
case INT16:
if (!hasOverflowInt(value, 16)) {
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, (short) value, Short.TYPE);
case INT32:
if (!hasOverflowInt(value, 32)) {
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, (int) value, Integer.TYPE);
case INT64:
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, value, Long.TYPE);
case FLOAT32:
case COMPLEX64:
if (ConvertUtil.canConvertIntToFloat(value, 32)) {
return convertDouble(value, target);
if (ConvertUtil.canConvertIntToFloat(value, 64)) {
return convertDouble(value, target);
throw new ConversionException("Can't convert " + value + " to " + target.getTargetType());
* Converts float values to float or complex values only.
* This is used to check O(n) conversion rules instead of O(n^2) for n numeric types.
private static Object convertDouble(double value, ConversionTarget target)
throws ConversionException {
switch (target.getKind()) {
case FLOAT32:
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, (float) value, Float.TYPE);
case FLOAT64:
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, value, Double.TYPE);
return convertComplex(value, 0, target);
* Converts complex values to complex values only.
* This is used to check O(n) conversion rules instead of O(n^2) for n numeric types.
private static Object convertComplex(double real, double imag, ConversionTarget target)
throws ConversionException {
return ReflectUtil.createComplex(target, real, imag);
* Converts from uint to number, one of uint, int, float or complex.
static Object convertFromUint(long value, ConversionTarget target) throws ConversionException {
return convertUint(value, target);
* Converts from byte to number, one of uint, int, float or complex.
static Object convertFromByte(byte value, ConversionTarget target) throws ConversionException {
return convertUint(value & 0xffL, target);
* Converts from int to number, one of uint, int, float or complex.
static Object convertFromInt(long value, ConversionTarget target) throws ConversionException {
if (canConvertIntToUint(value, 64)) {
return convertFromUint(value, target);
} else {
return convertInt(value, target);
* Converts from float to number, one of uint, int, float or complex.
static Object convertFromDouble(double value, ConversionTarget target)
throws ConversionException {
switch (target.getKind()) {
case UINT64:
if (canConvertFloatToUint(value, 64)) {
return convertFromUint(explicitConvertFloatToUint(value), target);
case FLOAT32:
case FLOAT64:
case COMPLEX128:
case COMPLEX64:
if (canConvertFloatToInt(value, 64)) {
return convertFromInt((long) value, target);
return convertDouble(value, target);
* Converts from complex to number, one of uint, int, float or complex.
static Object convertFromComplex(double real, double imag, ConversionTarget target)
throws ConversionException {
if (imag == 0) {
return convertFromDouble(real, target);
} else {
return convertComplex(real, imag, target);
* Converts from []byte to []number, [N]number, string or enum.
static Object convertFromBytes(byte[] bytes, ConversionTarget target)
throws ConversionException {
Class<?> targetClass = target.getTargetClass();
if (targetClass.equals(byte[].class)) {
return bytes;
if (targetClass == String.class || VdlString.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)) {
return ReflectUtil.createPrimitive(target, new String(bytes), String.class);
if (VdlEnum.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)) {
return ReflectUtil.createEnum(target, new String(bytes));
int len = bytes.length;
if (target.getKind() == Kind.ARRAY) {
if (bytes.length > target.getVdlType().getLength()) {
throw new ConversionException(bytes, target.getTargetType(),
"target array is too short");
len = target.getVdlType().getLength();
Type elemType = ReflectUtil.getElementType(target.getTargetType(), 0);
if (elemType == VdlValue.class) {
elemType = VdlByte.class;
ConversionTarget element = new ConversionTarget(elemType);
if (targetClass.isArray() || VdlArray.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)) {
Object data = Array.newInstance(element.getTargetClass(), len);
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
ReflectUtil.setArrayValue(data, i, convertFromByte(bytes[i], element),
return ReflectUtil.createGeneric(target, data);
} else {
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
list.add(convertFromByte(bytes[i], element));
return ReflectUtil.createGeneric(target, list);