java: Add a unit test for the Syncbase internal API

This change also updates the build.gradle to build the libsyncbase for
the native platform. The building of all the libs is now triggered
after the preBuild task.

The added unit test can be run using the following command:

  ./gradlew testDebug --tests=io.v.syncbase.internal.InitTest

Change-Id: I4bf365a67b4f844628b7e2be49f85bb8c40d989e
diff --git a/syncbase/build.gradle b/syncbase/build.gradle
index ec0a3fd..bcfa006 100644
--- a/syncbase/build.gradle
+++ b/syncbase/build.gradle
@@ -34,9 +34,16 @@
             proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
     lintOptions {
         abortOnError false
+    testOptions {
+        unitTests.all {
+            systemProperty 'java.library.path', 'build/libs'
+        }
+    }
 dependencies {
@@ -50,7 +57,8 @@
 task clean(type: Delete) {
     delete rootProject.buildDir
-    delete "src/main/jniLibs/"
+    delete 'src/main/jniLibs/'
+    delete 'build/libs/'
 class VanadiumEnvironment {
@@ -60,9 +68,9 @@
         VanadiumEnvironment result = new VanadiumEnvironment()
         if (!System.getenv().containsKey('JIRI_ROOT')) {
-            throw new InvalidUserDataException("JIRI_ROOT is not set. "
-                    + "Please follow the Vanadium installation instructions at "
-                    + "")
+            throw new InvalidUserDataException('JIRI_ROOT is not set. '
+                    + 'Please follow the Vanadium installation instructions at '
+                    + '')
         result.jiriRoot = new File(System.getenv()['JIRI_ROOT'])
@@ -71,52 +79,74 @@
 def addSyncbaseLib(Map args) {
-    def abiName = args.abiName
-    def goArch = args.goArch
-    def jiriRoot = ""
+    def nameSuffix = args.nameSuffix
+    def profile = args.profile
+    def tags = args.tags
+    def srcDir = args.srcDir
+    def targetDir = args.targetDir
+    def targetArg = ( != null) ? "--target=${}" : ''
+    def libName = args.libName
+    def jiriRoot = ''
     try {
         jiriRoot = VanadiumEnvironment.getVanadiumEnvironment().jiriRoot.getAbsolutePath()
     } catch (InvalidUserDataException e) {
-    def check = task("checkVanadiumAndroidEnvironment-${goArch}", type: Exec) {
-        commandLine 'jiri', 'profile', 'list',
-                '--info=Target.InstallationDir',
-                "--target=${goArch}-android", 'v23:android'
+    def check = task("checkVanadiumEnvironment-${nameSuffix}", type: Exec) {
+        if (targetArg != '') {
+            commandLine 'jiri', 'profile', 'list', targetArg, profile
+        } else {
+            commandLine 'jiri', 'profile', 'list', profile
+        }
         standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
         doLast {
-            def androidOutputDir = new File(standardOutput.toString().trim())
-            if (!androidOutputDir.exists() || !androidOutputDir.isDirectory()) {
+            if (standardOutput.toString() == '') {
                 throw new InvalidUserDataException(
-                        androidOutputDir.toString() + " does not exist or is not a directory. "
-                                + "The android base profile is probably missing. Try running\n\n"
-                                + "jiri profile install --target=${goArch}-android v23:android\n\n"
-                                + "and then building again."
+                        "A necessary profile/target is missing. Try running\n\n"
+                        + "  jiri profile install ${targetArg} ${profile}\n\n"
+                        + "and then building again."
-    def goBuild = task("buildSyncbaseLib-${goArch}", type: Exec, dependsOn: check) {
-        environment 'GOOS', 'android'
-        environment 'GOARCH', goArch
-        commandLine 'jiri', 'go', "--target=${goArch}-android", 'install',
-                '-buildmode=c-shared', '-v', '-tags', 'android',
-                ''
+    def goBuild = task("buildSyncbaseLib-${nameSuffix}", type: Exec, dependsOn: check) {
+        if (targetArg != '') {
+            commandLine 'jiri', 'go', targetArg, 'install', '-buildmode=c-shared', '-v', '-tags',
+                    tags, ''
+        } else {
+            commandLine 'jiri', 'go', "--profiles=${profile}", 'install', '-buildmode=c-shared',
+                    '-v', '-tags', tags, ''
+        }
     // Copy the shared library to its ultimate destination.
-    def copyLib = task("copySyncbaseLib-${goArch}", type: Copy, dependsOn: goBuild) {
-        from jiriRoot + "/release/go/pkg/android_${goArch}_shared/"
-        into "src/main/jniLibs/${abiName}"
-        include 'cgo.a'
-        rename 'cgo.a', ''
+    def copyLib = task("copySyncbaseLib-${nameSuffix}", type: Copy, dependsOn: goBuild) {
+        from "${jiriRoot}/release/go/pkg/${srcDir}/"
+        into targetDir
+        rename 'cgo.a', libName
-addSyncbaseLib abiName: 'x86_64', goArch: 'amd64'
-addSyncbaseLib abiName: 'armeabi-v7a', goArch: 'arm'
+addSyncbaseLib nameSuffix: 'android-amd64', target: 'amd64-android', profile: 'v23:android',
+        tags: 'android', srcDir: 'android_amd64_shared', targetDir: 'src/main/jniLibs/x86_64',
+        libName: ''
+addSyncbaseLib nameSuffix: 'android-arm', target: 'arm-android', profile: 'v23:android',
+        tags: 'android', srcDir: 'android_arm_shared', targetDir: 'src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a',
+        libName: ''
+def os =[''].toLowerCase()
+def arch =['os.arch'].toLowerCase()
+if (arch.contains('x86_64') || arch.contains('amd64')) {
+    if (os.contains('linux')) {
+        addSyncbaseLib nameSuffix: 'native', profile: 'v23:java', tags: 'java',
+                srcDir: 'linux_amd64_shared', targetDir: 'build/libs', libName: ''
+    } else if (os.contains('os x')) {
+        addSyncbaseLib nameSuffix: 'native', profile: 'v23:java', tags: 'java',
+                srcDir: 'darwin_amd64', targetDir: 'build/libs', libName: 'libsyncbase.dylib'
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/syncbase/src/test/java/io/v/syncbase/internal/ b/syncbase/src/test/java/io/v/syncbase/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9caa49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syncbase/src/test/java/io/v/syncbase/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package io.v.syncbase.internal;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class InitTest {
+    @Test
+    public void init() {
+        System.loadLibrary("syncbase");
+    }