blob: 1ce3d11c09643c2ff7380ae9ecaf9d3224867091 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import io.v.v23.verror.VException;
class BlessingStoreImpl implements BlessingStore {
private final long nativeRef;
private native Blessings nativeSet(
long nativeRef, Blessings blessings, BlessingPattern forPeers) throws VException;
private native Blessings nativeForPeer(long nativeRef, String[] peerBlessings)
throws VException;
private native void nativeSetDefaultBlessings(long nativeRef, Blessings blessings)
throws VException;
private native Blessings nativeDefaultBlessings(long nativeRef) throws VException;
private native ECPublicKey nativePublicKey(long nativeRef) throws VException;
private native Map<BlessingPattern, Blessings> nativePeerBlessings(long nativeRef)
throws VException;
private native void nativeCacheDischarge(long nativeRef, Discharge discharge, Caveat caveat,
DischargeImpetus impetus);
private native void nativeClearDischarges(long nativeRef, Object[] discharges);
private native Discharge nativeDischarge(long nativeRef, Caveat caveat,
DischargeImpetus impetus);
private native String nativeDebugString(long nativeRef);
private native String nativeToString(long nativeRef);
private native void nativeFinalize(long nativeRef);
private BlessingStoreImpl(long nativeRef) {
this.nativeRef = nativeRef;
public Blessings set(Blessings blessings, BlessingPattern forPeers) throws VException {
return nativeSet(this.nativeRef, blessings, forPeers);
public Blessings forPeer(String... peerBlessings) {
try {
return nativeForPeer(this.nativeRef, peerBlessings);
} catch (VException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get blessings for peers", e);
public void setDefaultBlessings(Blessings blessings) throws VException {
nativeSetDefaultBlessings(this.nativeRef, blessings);
public Blessings defaultBlessings() {
try {
return nativeDefaultBlessings(this.nativeRef);
} catch (VException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get default blessings", e);
public ECPublicKey publicKey() {
try {
return nativePublicKey(this.nativeRef);
} catch (VException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get public key", e);
public Map<BlessingPattern, Blessings> peerBlessings() {
try {
return nativePeerBlessings(this.nativeRef);
} catch (VException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get peer blessings", e);
public void cacheDischarge(Discharge discharge, Caveat caveat, DischargeImpetus impetus) {
nativeCacheDischarge(nativeRef, discharge, caveat, impetus);
public void clearDischarges(List<Discharge> discharges) {
nativeClearDischarges(nativeRef, discharges.toArray());
public Discharge discharge(Caveat caveat, DischargeImpetus impetus) {
return nativeDischarge(nativeRef, caveat, impetus);
public String debugString() {
return nativeDebugString(this.nativeRef);
public String toString() {
return nativeToString(this.nativeRef);
protected void finalize() {