blob: a2fae33bf3a6435f3b19d8636f37e7e3a2089195 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import io.v.v23.VIterable;
import io.v.v23.rpc.Callback;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import io.v.v23.Options;
import io.v.v23.context.VContext;
import io.v.v23.namespace.Namespace;
import io.v.v23.naming.GlobReply;
import io.v.v23.naming.MountEntry;
import io.v.v23.verror.VException;
* An implementation of {@link Namespace} that calls to native code for most of its
* functionalities.
public class NamespaceImpl implements Namespace {
private final long nativePtr;
private static native VIterable<GlobReply> nativeGlob(
long nativePtr, VContext context, String pattern, Options options) throws VException;
private static native void nativeGlobAsync(long nativePtr, VContext context, String pattern,
Options options, Callback<VIterable<GlobReply>>
callback) throws VException;
private static native void nativeMount(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
String server, Duration ttl, Options options)
throws VException;
private static native void nativeMountAsync(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
String server, Duration ttl, Options options,
Callback<Void> callback) throws VException;
private static native void nativeUnmount(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
String server, Options options) throws VException;
private static native void nativeUnmountAsync(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
String server, Options options, Callback<Void>
callback) throws VException;
private static native void nativeDelete(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
boolean deleteSubtree, Options options)
throws VException;
private static native void nativeDeleteAsync(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
boolean deleteSubtree, Options options,
Callback<Void> callback) throws VException;
private static native MountEntry nativeResolveToMountTable(long nativePtr, VContext context,
String name, Options options)
throws VException;
private static native void nativeResolveToMountTableAsync(long nativePtr, VContext context,
String name, Options options,
Callback<MountEntry> callback)
throws VException;
private static native MountEntry nativeResolve(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
Options options) throws VException;
private static native void nativeResolveAsync(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
Options options, Callback<MountEntry> callback)
throws VException;
private static native boolean nativeFlushCacheEntry(long nativePtr, VContext context,
String name);
private static native void nativeSetRoots(long nativePtr, List<String> roots) throws VException;
private static native void nativeSetPermissions(long nativePtr, VContext context, String name,
Permissions permissions, String version,
Options options) throws VException;
private static native void nativeSetPermissionsAsync(long nativePtr, VContext context, String
name, Permissions permissions, String version, Options options, Callback<Void>
callback) throws VException;
private static native Map<String, Permissions> nativeGetPermissions(long nativePtr,
VContext context,
String name,
Options options)
throws VException;
private static native void nativeGetPermissionsAsync(long nativePtr, VContext context, String
name, Options options, Callback<Map<String, Permissions>> callback) throws VException;
private native void nativeFinalize(long nativePtr);
private NamespaceImpl(long nativePtr) {
this.nativePtr = nativePtr;
public void mount(VContext context, String name, String server, Duration ttl)
throws VException {
mount(context, name, server, ttl, (Options) null);
public void mount(VContext context, String name, String server, Duration ttl, Options options)
throws VException {
nativeMount(nativePtr, context, name, server, ttl, options);
public void mount(VContext context, String name, String server, Duration ttl, Callback<Void>
callback) throws VException {
mount(context, name, server, ttl, null, callback);
public void mount(VContext context, String name, String server, Duration ttl, Options
options, Callback<Void> callback) throws VException {
nativeMountAsync(nativePtr, context, name, server, ttl, options, callback);
public void unmount(VContext context, String name, String server) throws VException {
unmount(context, name, server, (Options) null);
public void unmount(VContext context, String name, String server, Options options)
throws VException {
nativeUnmount(nativePtr, context, name, server, options);
public void unmount(VContext context, String name, String server, Callback<Void> callback)
throws VException {
unmount(context, name, server, null, callback);
public void unmount(VContext context, String name, String server, Options options,
Callback<Void> callback) throws VException {
nativeUnmountAsync(nativePtr, context, name, server, options, callback);
public void delete(VContext context, String name, boolean deleteSubtree) throws VException {
delete(context, name, deleteSubtree, (Options) null);
public void delete(VContext context, String name, boolean deleteSubtree, Options options)
throws VException {
nativeDelete(nativePtr, context, name, deleteSubtree, options);
public void delete(VContext context, String name, boolean deleteSubtree, Callback<Void>
callback) throws VException {
delete(context, name, deleteSubtree, null, callback);
public void delete(VContext context, String name, boolean deleteSubtree, Options options,
Callback<Void> callback) throws VException {
nativeDeleteAsync(nativePtr, context, name, deleteSubtree, options, callback);
public MountEntry resolve(VContext context, String name) throws VException {
return resolve(context, name, (Options) null);
public MountEntry resolve(VContext context, String name, Options options) throws VException {
return nativeResolve(nativePtr, context, name, options);
public void resolve(VContext context, String name, Callback<MountEntry> callback) throws
VException {
resolve(context, name, null, callback);
public void resolve(VContext context, String name, Options options, Callback<MountEntry>
callback) throws VException {
nativeResolveAsync(nativePtr, context, name, options, callback);
public MountEntry resolveToMountTable(VContext context, String name) throws VException {
return resolveToMountTable(context, name, (Options) null);
public MountEntry resolveToMountTable(VContext context, String name, Options options)
throws VException {
return nativeResolveToMountTable(nativePtr, context, name, options);
public void resolveToMountTable(VContext context, String name, Callback<MountEntry> callback)
throws VException {
resolveToMountTable(context, name, null, callback);
public void resolveToMountTable(VContext context, String name, Options options,
Callback<MountEntry> callback)
throws VException {
nativeResolveToMountTableAsync(nativePtr, context, name, options, callback);
public boolean flushCacheEntry(VContext context, String name) {
return nativeFlushCacheEntry(nativePtr, context, name);
public VIterable<GlobReply> glob(VContext context, String pattern) throws VException {
return glob(context, pattern, (Options) null);
public VIterable<GlobReply> glob(VContext context, String pattern, Options options)
throws VException {
return nativeGlob(nativePtr, context, pattern, options);
public void glob(VContext context, String pattern, Callback<VIterable<GlobReply>> callback)
throws VException {
glob(context, pattern, null, callback);
public void glob(VContext context, String pattern, Options options,
Callback<VIterable<GlobReply>> callback) throws VException {
nativeGlobAsync(nativePtr, context, pattern, options, callback);
public void setRoots(List<String> roots) throws VException {
nativeSetRoots(nativePtr, roots);
public void setPermissions(VContext context, String name, Permissions permissions,
String version) throws VException {
setPermissions(context, name, permissions, version, (Options) null);
public void setPermissions(VContext context, String name, Permissions permissions,
String version, Options options) throws VException {
nativeSetPermissions(nativePtr, context, name, permissions, version, options);
public void setPermissions(VContext context, String name, Permissions permissions,
String version, Callback<Void> callback) throws VException {
setPermissions(context, name, permissions, version, null, callback);
public void setPermissions(VContext context, String name, Permissions permissions, String
version, Options options, Callback<Void> callback) throws VException {
nativeSetPermissionsAsync(nativePtr, context, name, permissions, version, options,
public Map<String, Permissions> getPermissions(VContext context, String name)
throws VException {
return getPermissions(context, name, (Options) null);
public Map<String, Permissions> getPermissions(VContext context, String name, Options options)
throws VException {
return nativeGetPermissions(nativePtr, context, name, options);
public void getPermissions(VContext context, String name, Callback<Map<String, Permissions>>
callback) throws VException {
getPermissions(context, name, null, callback);
public void getPermissions(VContext context, String name, Options options,
Callback<Map<String, Permissions>> callback)
throws VException {
nativeGetPermissionsAsync(nativePtr, context, name, options, callback);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (other == null) {
return false;
if (this.getClass() != other.getClass()) {
return false;
return this.nativePtr == ((NamespaceImpl) other).nativePtr;
public int hashCode() {
return Long.valueOf(this.nativePtr).hashCode();
protected void finalize() {