blob: 96de1e6655e77704fd5ed8b2ff88ed5033b609fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.v23.vom;
import io.v.v23.vdl.Kind;
import io.v.v23.vdl.Types;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlField;
import io.v.v23.vdl.VdlType;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* TypeCompatibility provides helpers to check compatibility of VDL types.
public final class TypeCompatibility {
* Returns true iff provided types are compatible.
* Compatibility is symmetric and transitive, except for the special Any type.
* Here are the rules:
* o Any is compatible with all types.
* o Optional is ignored for all rules (e.g. ?int is treated as int).
* o Bool is only compatible with Bool.
* o TypeObject is only compatible with TypeObject.
* o Numbers are mutually compatible.
* o String, enum, []byte and [N]byte are mutually compatible.
* o Array and list are compatible if their elems are compatible.
* o Set, map and struct are compatible if all keys K* are compatible, and all fields F* are
* compatible:
* - map[string]F* is compatible with struct{_ F*; ...}
* - set[K*] is compatible with set[K*] and map[K*]bool
* - set[string] is compatible with struct{_ bool; ...}
* - Two struct types are compatible if all fields with the same name are
* compatible, and at least one field has the same name, or one of the
* types is an empty struct.
* o Two union types are compatible if all fields with the same name are
* compatible, and at least one field has the same name.
public static boolean compatible(VdlType a, VdlType b) {
Map<VdlType, Set<VdlType>> seen = new HashMap<VdlType, Set<VdlType>>();
return compatible(a, b, seen);
* Returns true iff provided types are compatible or a pair of types (a, b) was already visited.
* It is OK to return true for visited type pairs as we need to find only one type compatibility
* mismatch.
* @param seen the set of visited type pairs
private static boolean compatible(VdlType a, VdlType b, Map<VdlType, Set<VdlType>> seen) {
// Remove optional wrapper.
if (a.getKind() == Kind.OPTIONAL) {
a = a.getElem();
if (b.getKind() == Kind.OPTIONAL) {
b = b.getElem();
if (a == b) {
return true;
// Look-up in seen.
Set<VdlType> set = seen.get(a);
if (set == null) {
set = new HashSet<VdlType>();
seen.put(a, set);
if (set.contains(b)) {
return true;
// Handle Any.
if (a.getKind() == Kind.ANY || b.getKind() == Kind.ANY) {
return true;
// Handle simple scalar VDL types.
if (isNumber(a)) {
return isNumber(b);
} else if (a.getKind() == Kind.BOOL) {
return b.getKind() == Kind.BOOL;
} else if (a.getKind() == Kind.TYPEOBJECT) {
return b.getKind() == Kind.TYPEOBJECT;
// We must check if either a or b is []byte and handle it here first, to
// ensure it doesn't fall through to the standard array/list handling. This
// ensures that []byte isn't compatible with []uint16 and other lists or
// arrays of numbers.
boolean aIsBytes = isStringEnumBytes(a), bIsBytes = isStringEnumBytes(b);
if (aIsBytes|| bIsBytes) {
return aIsBytes && bIsBytes;
// Handle composite VDL.
switch (a.getKind()) {
case ARRAY:
case LIST:
if (b.getKind() == Kind.ARRAY || b.getKind() == Kind.LIST) {
return compatible(a.getElem(), b.getElem(), seen);
return false;
case MAP:
case SET:
switch (b.getKind()) {
case MAP:
case SET:
return mapsCompatible(a, b, seen);
case STRUCT:
return structAndMapCompatible(b, a, seen);
return false;
case STRUCT:
switch (b.getKind()) {
case MAP:
case SET:
return structAndMapCompatible(a, b, seen);
case STRUCT:
if (isEmptyStruct(a) || isEmptyStruct(b)) {
return true;
return fieldsCompatible(a, b, seen);
return false;
case UNION:
if (b.getKind() == Kind.UNION) {
return fieldsCompatible(a, b, seen);
return false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported VDL type " + a);
private static boolean isNumber(VdlType type) {
switch (type.getKind()) {
case BYTE:
case COMPLEX128:
case COMPLEX64:
case FLOAT32:
case FLOAT64:
case INT16:
case INT32:
case INT64:
case UINT16:
case UINT32:
case UINT64:
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isStringEnumBytes(VdlType type) {
return type.getKind() == Kind.STRING || type.getKind() == Kind.ENUM
|| BinaryUtil.isBytes(type);
private static boolean isEmptyStruct(VdlType type) {
return type.getKind() == Kind.STRUCT && type.getFields().isEmpty();
private static boolean mapsCompatible(VdlType a, VdlType b, Map<VdlType, Set<VdlType>> seen) {
if (!compatible(a.getKey(), b.getKey(), seen)) {
return false;
VdlType aElem = a.getKind() == Kind.MAP ? a.getElem() : Types.BOOL;
VdlType bElem = b.getKind() == Kind.MAP ? b.getElem() : Types.BOOL;
return compatible(aElem, bElem, seen);
private static boolean structAndMapCompatible(VdlType struct, VdlType map,
Map<VdlType, Set<VdlType>> seen) {
if (isEmptyStruct(struct) || !compatible(Types.STRING, map.getKey(), seen)) {
return false;
VdlType elem = map.getKind() == Kind.MAP ? map.getElem() : Types.BOOL;
for (VdlField field : struct.getFields()) {
if (!compatible(elem, field.getType(), seen)) {
return false;
return true;
private static boolean fieldsCompatible(VdlType a, VdlType b, Map<VdlType, Set<VdlType>> seen) {
if (a.getFields().size() > b.getFields().size()) {
return fieldsCompatible(b, a, seen);
Map<String, VdlType> aFields = new HashMap<String, VdlType>();
for (VdlField field : a.getFields()) {
aFields.put(field.getName(), field.getType());
boolean fieldMatched = false;
for (VdlField field : b.getFields()) {
VdlType type = aFields.get(field.getName());
if (type != null) {
if (!compatible(type, field.getType())) {
return false;
fieldMatched = true;
return fieldMatched;