blob: 06e9d8c21bb8db068bd72c2a3a04aa6020236051 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.baku.toolkit.bind;
import java.util.Comparator;
import io.v.rx.syncbase.RangeWatchBatch;
import io.v.rx.syncbase.RxTable;
import io.v.v23.syncbase.nosql.PrefixRange;
import io.v.v23.syncbase.nosql.RowRange;
import rx.Observable;
import rx.functions.Func1;
* Builder class for data bindings to collections derived from rows with names matching a key
* prefix, optionally with additional filter criteria. Ordering is data driven. This type of
* collection binding is advantageous in its simplicity, at the cost of being less flexible than
* other collection bindings. Internally, the ordering always includes a secondary ordering on key
* to remove ambiguity.
* <p>
* If {@code T} is {@link Comparable}, the default row ordering is natural ordering on row values.
* Otherwise, the default is natural ordering on row names.
* @see io.v.baku.toolkit.bind.CollectionBinding.Builder#onPrefix(String)
* @see io.v.baku.toolkit.bind.CollectionBinding.Builder#onPrefix(PrefixRange)
public class PrefixBindingBuilder<T, A extends RangeAdapter>
extends CollectionAdapterBuilder<PrefixBindingBuilder<T, A>, RxTable.Row<T>, A> {
private Class<T> mType;
private PrefixRange mPrefix;
private Comparator<? super RxTable.Row<T>> mOrdering;
private Func1<String, Boolean> mKeyFilter;
public PrefixBindingBuilder(final CollectionBinding.Builder base) {
public PrefixBindingBuilder<T, A> prefix(final PrefixRange prefix) {
mPrefix = prefix;
return this;
public PrefixBindingBuilder<T, A> prefix(final String prefix) {
return prefix(RowRange.prefix(prefix));
* The element type for the collection, i.e. the value type for rows matching the prefix and key
* filter.
* <p>
* This setter is minimally typesafe; after setting the {@code type}, clients should
* probably also update {@code ordering} and {@code viewAdapter}.
public <U> PrefixBindingBuilder<U, A> type(final Class<U> type) {
final PrefixBindingBuilder<U, A> casted = (PrefixBindingBuilder<U, A>) this;
casted.mType = type;
return casted;
public PrefixBindingBuilder<T, A> ordering(
final Ordering<? super RxTable.Row<? extends T>> ordering) {
mOrdering = ordering;
return this;
public PrefixBindingBuilder<T, A> valueOrdering(final Ordering<? super T> ordering) {
return ordering(ordering.onResultOf(RxTable.Row::getValue));
public PrefixBindingBuilder<T, A> valueAdapter(final ViewAdapter<? super T, ?> viewAdapter) {
return viewAdapter(new TransformingViewAdapter<>(viewAdapter, RxTable.Row::getValue));
protected ViewAdapter<RxTable.Row<T>, ?> getDefaultViewAdapter() {
return new TextViewAdapter(mBase.getDefaultViewAdapterContext()).map(RxTable.Row::getValue);
private Class<T> getType() {
if (mType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing required type property");
return mType;
* For comparable {@code T}, default to natural ordering on values. Otherwise, default to
* natural ordering on row names.
private Ordering<? super RxTable.Row<? extends T>> getDefaultOrdering() {
if (mOrdering == null && Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom(getType())) {
return Ordering.natural().onResultOf(r -> (Comparable) r.getValue());
} else {
return Ordering.natural().onResultOf(RxTable.Row::getRowName);
public PrefixBindingBuilder<T, A> keyFilter(final Func1<String, Boolean> keyFilter) {
mKeyFilter = keyFilter;
return this;
public Observable<RangeWatchBatch<T>> buildPrefixWatch() {
return == null? RowRange.prefix("") : mPrefix,
mKeyFilter, getType());
private Comparator<? super RxTable.Row<T>> getOrdering() {
return mOrdering == null ? getDefaultOrdering() : mOrdering;
public Observable<? extends PrefixListAccumulator<T>> buildListAccumulator() {
return new PrefixListAccumulator<>(getOrdering())
public Observable<? extends PrefixListDeltaAccumulator<T>> buildListDeltaAccumulator() {
return new PrefixListDeltaAccumulator<>(getOrdering())